e-rewards: it is trustworthy/worthwhile!

I got a few that were like $12-15 but I DQ'd and got partial credit of like $0.35 :X !

Was a dumbass and just answered truthfully and DQ'd on $3.00 for $0.10.
Let's see... I haven't seen a new survey in two weeks, and the four surveys before that about magazines and computers/consumers I hustled a whole 3 bucks out of.

Not looking good for a Q1 gs GC.
Well after months, I finally get an e-mail from Gamestop about joining the e-rewards which I already had an account for (Minus the gamestop rewards feature). So, now I am set, already have $4.25 in the account...yay :roll:
Q2 starts on 4/1
Q3 starts on 7/1
Q4 starts on 10/1

I'm up to $100 on my main account. :( Wish I could redeem more than 1 per quarter. I had a $25 survey fail on me near the end (Wouldn't accept my answers). When I contacted them, they were quick to credit my account for the trouble. Customer service here is great.
[quote name='jling84']Anyone know of another trustworthy program like e-rewards? Maybe something that gives Amazon credit?[/QUOTE]

You can try Mypoints
[quote name='Jabrim']You can try Mypoints[/QUOTE]

Zoom panel. My Survey. Opinion Outpost. Valued Opinions.

I have personally bagged about $500 in Ammy credit from Zoom Panel since 10/2010 when I joined. Just a warning, not everyone gets in on the same rewards options. Most of the referrals I made has bout a 50/50 shot of getting Ammy credit as an option.

Opinion Outpost even lets you cash out Ammy credit in $5 increments. You get about four surveys a day and if you dont have much going on you can earn $5 to $10 a day there.

Survey master out.
[quote name='Jabrim']Well after months, I finally get an e-mail from Gamestop about joining the e-rewards which I already had an account for (Minus the gamestop rewards feature). So, now I am set, already have $4.25 in the account...yay :roll:[/QUOTE]
I got another email as well, I think they sent out another batch of them.
Just fyi, you should get about $10 in the first week from the startup surveys.
[quote name='ROB64']I got another email as well, I think they sent out another batch of them.
Just fyi, you should get about $10 in the first week from the startup surveys.[/QUOTE]

I did all of the start-up stuff, only ended up with $4.25 unless I get hit with more stuff.
[quote name='vrblknch']Zoom panel. My Survey. Opinion Outpost. Valued Opinions.

I have personally bagged about $500 in Ammy credit from Zoom Panel since 10/2010 when I joined. Just a warning, not everyone gets in on the same rewards options. Most of the referrals I made has bout a 50/50 shot of getting Ammy credit as an option.

Opinion Outpost even lets you cash out Ammy credit in $5 increments. You get about four surveys a day and if you dont have much going on you can earn $5 to $10 a day there.

Survey master out.[/QUOTE]

The Opinion Outpost surveys always tell me that I don't qualify after I answer some questions. I haven't qualified for about 8 surveys, which is all they've given me since I joined. If you want a referrel for Zoom Panel, PM me.
My day was going pretty good till I just got the "This survey has expired" message.

The kicker? This:
e-Rewards to me show details 1:11 PM (3 minutes ago)

In my email, within 3 minutes and it expired? :wall:
[quote name='themaster20000']Finally redeemed my card after joining 4 months ago. For people who got cards before,how long does it usually take for them to show up?[/QUOTE]

A few days.
My Account Balance
For Reward Redemption

:D Finally got over the $50 threshold. I initially DQ'd on a $7 survey and then went all the way through a very painful survey about Tracfone and Net 10 that was supposedly 25 minutes long but took over an hour.
Hmm, I took a survey earlier and didn't qualify, then when I clicked next at the bottom it took me to another survey, but had someone else's name at the top.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Been almost two weeks since I've seen surveys of any kind. Really feels like it's drying up.[/QUOTE]

try going to account settings, request more/less emails, and reclicking the 10 or more per week. whenever i don't get any for a while i do that and usually get another survey within a day.
Would really like to get back up to $50 so that I can get my card for this quarter. Last one I got was back in November so I'm right at the beginning of my next cycle. But it seems as though I don't get many chances any more, and the ones I do get, I don't qualify! Need $6!!
[quote name='y2jasper']try going to account settings, request more/less emails, and reclicking the 10 or more per week. whenever i don't get any for a while i do that and usually get another survey within a day.[/QUOTE]
Started seeing a few again. I don't know if it's coincidence, or if this really worked, but thanks! :D
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Started seeing a few again. I don't know if it's coincidence, or if this really worked, but thanks! :D[/QUOTE]

lol i always feel the same way. i make the change, and then a day later get a survey, no matter how long of a dry period i had before, and then i wonder if it really helped or if its just a coincidence every time.
[quote name='y2jasper']the next cycle begins april 1st right?[/QUOTE]

Yes sir. I can't wait. I have a Gamestop gift card awaiting me on my account, and my wife has one awaiting on her account. Plus we both have almost enough for July (provided we get asked to continue like usual when our accounts are about to expire). E-rewards is pretty much paying for my NGP!!!
I just got bumped over $50 and it said it would take 9-11 weeks when I redeemed, but it says within 30 days on the page before you redeem.

About how long has it taken for you guys to get the gift cards?
Anyone else experience just a complete stop in the incoming surveys. I believe it's been about 3 weeks since I received my last survey and I'm sitting at $45!! I've gone in and redone all the questionnaires, set surveys to 10+ per week and I'm getting nothing!
Go to the request more/less surveys page, select 1-3 per week and hit submit, then go back and change it to 10 or more per week and submit. I don't know if it's coincidence, but this seems to work (worked for me.)
I only have $10 so far. Hopefully it won't take as long this time, I had a four week dry spell with no surveys during the last quarter.
Ordered card #3 on Friday. I already have $10 towards my next card. I got lazy and ignored alot of surveys in Feb but I received a decent amount of good surveys in the last half of March.
I stopped messing with Utalkback for about a year after getting 2 $25 Gamestop giftcards cus I lost interest. Thanks to this thread not only am I back to that site but also like 7 other survey sites. InboxDollars kinda sucks, have to earn $30 to cash out and I only have like $6 cus they never have surveys and pretty much just wanna pay you for joining other sites. Wish I wouldve known about MyPoints before I bought anything online, if you download the toolbar you earn points for buying just about anywhere. Couldve had like 10s of thousands of points for giftcards LOL
[quote name='ROB64']I only have $10 so far. Hopefully it won't take as long this time, I had a four week dry spell with no surveys during the last quarter.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Since beginning of Feb until now, I still haven't broke $20. Doubt I'll be able to redeem this quarter either.
Just redeemed for GameStop card #5. That puts my total at $125 worth of GCs from them...and I only have to get two dollars worth of surveys before next quarter for card #6. :) Very satisfied with e-Rewards.
o man i hadnt got any surveys in a few days so i forgot to redeem my git card until today. already $15.51 towards the next!
Finally got enough to get my $50. Unfortunately, there was a period of about a month and a half when I got absolutely no surveys. And of course, I missed out on the 1st quarter reward of this year by one week.
I just redeemed my fake internet money for a real $25 GS gift card! I think this is my 6th one overall - definitely worth it for a few minutes of aggravation every now and then.
dont you hate when youre 10 mins into a survey and you answer "wrong" and get like 1/5 of the total credit??? so annoying. I need to stop being so honest and start answering like I think they want.
[quote name='juangrande386']dont you hate when youre 10 mins into a survey and you answer "wrong" and get like 1/5 of the total credit??? so annoying. I need to stop being so honest and start answering like I think they want.[/QUOTE]

1/5th would be nice. I hate giving the wrong answer on a survey worth ten bucks and only getting 20 cents.
Anyone else not getting any surveys this month from E-rewards or Utalkback??? I checked my surveys from March and earned like $19 for E-rewards and 66 points for Utalkback but havent had 1 survey in April. Another month like March and I can haz 2 $25 Gamestop cards or a Target giftcard since those are the only 2 stores I like from those prizes. Ive tried the changing the amount of email trick and updating both profiles btw.
I've checked and only got 3 survey emails from e-Rewards for April so far. It's only been a week and a half into the month though, so more chances are sure to come up.

Also, I got my GameStop gift card on Saturday - only took 5 days to get here! :)
bread's done