e-rewards: it is trustworthy/worthwhile!

Grr, got a $7 survey today. Took me 45 minutes to do what was supposed to be a 20 minute survey.

Get all the way to the last page and what's it do? It says I've already done the survey. Of course, I haven't, but that really pisses me off.
[quote name='Sanges99']Oh man, how young IS everyone here????! I've had several companies send me emails to sign-up for e-rewards (including GS and Pizza Hut), but since I was over "20+X" years when I signed up, they kick me over to the e-Rewards program for mature, addled, adults I'm guessing.

The ONLY good reward worth getting was a $15 credit at Borders, everything else that's available to purchase are things like, coin off of Omaha Steaks, frequent flyer miles, or hotel points at super-fancy hotels... oh and terrible magazines.

I'm really envious right now. I've had over $200 worth of credit just SITTING THERE for months at times waiting for something--ANYTHING to cash-in on worthwhile.


I'm 29 and have no idea what you are talking about. I see Gamestop, Pizza Hut, Borders, and everything else...
[quote name='FadeToOne']I'm 29 and have no idea what you are talking about. I see Gamestop, Pizza Hut, Borders, and everything else...[/QUOTE]

Odd. I'm 29 and I'm out of guesses then. You signed up under your real age, AND they registered you under the actual "e-rewards" program and not the u.talk (or whatever its called, blanking) and you're seeing these rewards?

When I first got the invite I was 25 or 26 and it prompted me to sign-up under the eponymous survey site (ie. it wouldn't let ME, personally, onto the u.talk site to register).

And even a couple of years ago when I got yet another invite to sign-up (under a different email address), I saw how much more the redemptions on the other site were actually worth taking surveys for and wrote to e-Rewards to see about adding other companies to my list--specifically like PHut and GS, since they were my sponsors for the invites--and was pretty much told, 'tough titties' and that these companies opt their wares for certain demographics, ie. not moi.

*Charlie Brown walk of defeat* :whistle2:|
[quote name='Sanges99']Odd. I'm 29 and I'm out of guesses then. You signed up under your real age, AND they registered you under the actual "e-rewards" program and not the u.talk (or whatever its called, blanking) and you're seeing these rewards?

When I first got the invite I was 25 or 26 and it prompted me to sign-up under the eponymous survey site (ie. it wouldn't let ME, personally, onto the u.talk site to register).

And even a couple of years ago when I got yet another invite to sign-up (under a different email address), I saw how much more the redemptions on the other site were actually worth taking surveys for and wrote to e-Rewards to see about adding other companies to my list--specifically like PHut and GS, since they were my sponsors for the invites--and was pretty much told, 'tough titties' and that these companies opt their wares for certain demographics, ie. not moi.

*Charlie Brown walk of defeat* :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

I have no idea. I've been getting the invites for a while but only recently signed up about 2 weeks ago. Bout halfway to a GS card.
I apparently have both a u.talk.back. and e-rewards accounts, because suddenly out of the blue a few weeks ago I started getting UTB surveys emailed to me, even though I'm pretty sure my account should be inactive by now.
I am finally at $48.85, took me about 3 months. It seems very time they send me a $5+ survey I get halfway through it and then get a message about not qualifying for the survey anymore and only get the 25 cents. However free money is free money so if I get one $25 Gamestop card its worth it.
[quote name='COLDblood']I am finally at $48.85, took me about 3 months. It seems very time they send me a $5+ survey I get halfway through it and then get a message about not qualifying for the survey anymore and only get the 25 cents. However free money is free money so if I get one $25 Gamestop card its worth it.[/QUOTE]

This is pretty much how you have to look at it. I basically think I'm climbing to $50 $0.25 at a time and if I actually qualify for a full survey amount it's a bonus.

I'm up to $13.XX going for my 5th GameStop $25 GC.
Ugh, I'm pretty annoyed. I redeemed a GC over a week ago, and usually they come pretty quick. But the other day I got an e-mail saying my request was rejected because of a problem with my address--the exact same address I had entered last time they sent me one. So I had to reply to that e-mail, and yesterday they told me my GC would be processed and sent out. So who knows when I'll actually get it. This wouldn't bug me as much if I didn't want to get in on that 10 dollars off used consoles deal before it goes away.
I emailed them about adding other gaming rewards (Xbox, psn, wii points) and they said they'd look into it. That was about a year ago. :( gs cards are still pretty good though.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I haven't gotten any surveys in like a week. And I only have $5 to go. Dammit.[/QUOTE]

Haha I've got like 12 (to go). Ugh one survey I got I did it on one of the school computers and the page got messed up so it screwed me out of a chance to complete the survey. Also I've been getting most recent ones at indecent times and just not enough in general.
I'm up over $33 again, which isn't saying much since I was at $20 after cashing out.

I'm debating putting in for some Border's Bucks or something once I get above $50.
I'm up to $24 but the surveys have really slowed down lately. I've only received one survey in the past 10 days (completed for $5). I'm not in a hurry, though. I already redeemed a GS gift card this quarter and the Border Bucks reward can only be redeemed once a year.
I keep getting more and more surveys as time goes by (I got 3 today, a four dollar, five dollar, and one dollar one). I'm halfway towards getting the gamestop card and I just joined a few weeks ago. Loving this site so far.[quote name='AndrewCP']Haha I've got like 12 (to go). Ugh one survey I got I did it on one of the school computers and the page got messed up so it screwed me out of a chance to complete the survey.[/QUOTE]
I've had two surveys do that to me so far (one went through the entire thing then 404'd at the end, the other one 404'd at he beginning, so I couldn't even take it.
[quote name='aptanor']I don't see gamestop gift card anywhere on the list of rewards fU:[/QUOTE]

Same, I was going to sign up but checked the rewards and see no GS gift cards :bomb:.

Appantly I read from some other forums, You have to sign up for Erewards.com through the Gamestop e-mail to qualify for the Gamestop gift cards or something like that? Verify, please.
[quote name='ROB64']If it's on there, it should be under the $50 rewards.
I see it, and I signed up through the Gamestop link.[/QUOTE]
Nothing under $50 rewards for me :cry:

Any reason someone couldn't post the gamestop link, or are they personalized?
I've gotten my 8th $25 Gamestop gift card recently and have already built up $30 again (I had an hour long survey that gave me $20). It sucks that even if you get to $50 again pretty fast, you have to wait 3 months between gift card redemptions.
Just got a $10 survey. Luckily I qualified for it. Now the long $20 grind for the card...
[quote name='addicted2games']I've gotten my 8th $25 Gamestop gift card recently and have already built up $30 again (I had an hour long survey that gave me $20). It sucks that even if you get to $50 again pretty fast, you have to wait 3 months between gift card redemptions.[/QUOTE]How do you get so much for one survey?? Have you been a member for a long time, or is it just random luck?
I'm at $19 and missed the most recent survey's sucks could have been half way near the $25 mark. I'm saving up for a $50 gamestop card so i can reserve Dark souls and pay it off for $10 out my pocket. Will be the only new game i buy all 2011 and even then not paying full price.
[quote name='ROB64']How do you get so much for one survey?? Have you been a member for a long time, or is it just random luck?[/QUOTE]
I signed up over 2 years ago, but I think its just random luck getting the better paying surveys. It was a survey about health care and I swear it was over a 100 questions with tons of those rate this situation with 1 being totally disagree to 7 being totally agree. You have to be careful as sometimes they throw in a question that just says mark number 5 to see if you are really reading the questions and paying attention.
It's random about the larger surveys. I once got like a $20-25 survey on rating music. It took like 2 1/2 hours because I had to rate like 800 songs. Plus, the people behind that survey also do other music surveys- worth Amazon credit.

I've also gotten the $15-20 Healthcare/Health Insurance survey, which was funny since literally the day before that I was discussing with my parents whether it made more sense for me to drop from their coverage and get on the FSU plan or stay on theirs. I thought it was creepy.
just did a $10 survey today puts me around $25.

and guys, when you don't get any surveys for a while, go into your account, "request more or less emails", and then reselect 10 or emails a week and click change.

even though i always have it set to 10 or more, i've found that i usually start getting surveys the next day again, whereas i may not have gotten any for 2+ weeks before.

or it may be completely coincidental every time, but what do you have to lose?
[quote name='ROB64']How do you get so much for one survey?? Have you been a member for a long time, or is it just random luck?[/QUOTE]

It depends on your profile and which surveys they send you. I usually have around $100 in my account waiting for redemption at any given time. IT Management profile tends to get a lot of $10+ surveys.
I DQ'd yesterday on a $10 survey about automobiles.

Still not sure why. Maybe since I said I was looking to buy one in the next 6-12 months and not within the next like 2 weeks?
I've redeemed 3 Gamestop GC's since I joined last April. Don't mind the wait between surveys since you can only redeem 1 per quarter. Up to $38 again and I've gotten a slew of $.25 credits the last month or so since I redeemed my last GC.
I just checked an old email address and found the GS link, Signed up and all I see are $0.25-$1.00 surveys, where are all these $10.00+ ones you are all talking about?! Do they come after a while of service?

EDIT: LOL! Did a survey that was one question. I answered "I do not have a cell phone" $1 has been added to your account!
Starting to get worried, at the start of the month I had two months to get $13 so I could get my next card. Two weeks later and now I need $11. Surveys aren't coming as often as they used to.
[quote name='FadeToOne']Yeah, I got the damn cell phone survey yesterday. It was atrociously long for $4.[/QUOTE]

All I see are $1 surveys, I'd kill for a $4! lol.
Argh, the last two surveys I've had (and qualified for) have 404'd on the page that says "Submit result". Damnit. I'm only $10 away from a gift card now though, so it shouldn't take too long.
At least this is the first site I've seen of it's kind where you get credited immediately. Instead of "reviewing" For fucking ages. -.-

Anyone know how long until new surveys pop? I just did the starter ones for $4.25 yesterday.
bread's done