Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories-- Numero Quatro!

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I see those machines quite often. Used them quite a bit too, but I usually prefer to handwrite the check [gasp!] because I use duplicate checks, and it's a lot easier to sync my bank's website with Quicken when every transaction has an individual ID number [check number].
Of course, I don't think it really speeds it up all *that* much, since you have to sign the check, give it to them, let them run it through, then verify it. And more than once I've been behind a dumbass who doesn't take out his or her credit/debit card until everything is rung up and bagged and s/he's given the total. Great time saving there.
Toting around the archaic checkbook has helped out twice, though. Twice when I was at Lowe's Foods there was a storm and the neighbourhood's power went out, so they were running on emergency generators, enough to light the store and keep the coolers running. No registers, no card machines. The two people with cash paid and left, I wrote a check and left, the five people who only had plastic had to wait another 30 minutes for power to come back, or leave without their groceries.
That said, I sometimes have cash, and usually have a checkbook, debit card, and credit card. I use different methods in different scenarios, but as I said, I like the trackability of the checkbook.

I saw this the other day--I was at a fast food place, wendy's or mcd's or something. First, who isnt' at least somewhat familiar with their menu? Anyway, there was a bit of a line, 3 or 4 people in each line, though it was moving fast. So the guy in the line beside me...*waits* until he gets to the register to start looking at the menu and deciding what he wants. Hello, you're allowed to look at that huge menu on the wall before you get up there.

Eating or drinking while working: Especially in retail I understand it, as long as the person puts the job first--don't ignore me because you're eating, and don't get pizza sauce on my stuff. When I managed a C-store, I was the only one in the store from 7 am till about 3 PM, so I ate two "meals" [usually consisting of caffeine, chocolate, and chips] behind the counter, unless someone brought me some drive-thru which was eaten behind the counter as well.

At the call center I work at now, we've had people milk the clock; they'd just stay clocked in and keep working, without it being needed or approved. The supervisors didn't pay very close attention; once they did, that stopped real quick [and the people are no longer with us].
hopefully i will have some good stories soon. i am going back to the electronic and customer service at the big red O on november 12th. just in time for the PS3 and Wii and xmas. see you soon.
[quote name='yukine']I'm pretty sure they do sell a dance game that connects directly to the TV. Of course, it's a clone of DDR. But perhaps that is what she saw?[/QUOTE]

True. But she asked for DDR by name and was in total shock when I explained to her that all we have is the new one that just came out for the PS2.

As far as CVS I haven't seen any of them at the one I frequent. I have seen the usual Intellivision plug and play units tho.
I work for a store call Bealls Outlet(it like Marshall but the prices compete with thrift store prices) as a supervisor. The company sometime send me to another of thier location when they have a lack of supervisor. One day the company had me go to an out of town location and I saw one our familiar costumer who think she can beat the system. The following conversation took place while I wasn't in my main store location.

Her: I saw this shirt at another location for 80%.
Me: I'll scan it and see if it on clearance.
(scan item and show it regular price)
Me: Sorry but it's not on sale.
Her: Can you price match it?
Me: I can't, different location get different stock.
Her: We'll the guy in your store beside the closed down publix say that you can.
Me: Really?
Her: Yes
Me: Just to be straight on this, the store on the west side of town?
Her: Yes
Me; I'm sure he didn't say that.
Her: Stop stalling and just price match it, I know he said.
Me: Let me guess, he the only male that works in that location, right?
Her: Yes but that doesn't mean anything.
Me: Sorry mam but i can't price match that. I know that guy didn't approve that because I AM that guy from that store. This store need some extra help and that why I'm here and not at my store.
Her: Nevermind.

She alway been a regular to all the location in that side of the county. She more known as the 50 year old that'll find something on clearance outside then find something like it inside the store for regular price. Then she'll rip the regular price tag off and tell the cashier she found this shirt with no tag but she took the time to find something just like it (which happen to be on the 60/80 % off rack). She prove some good moment for effort. I got far more stranger stories then this.
Wassup guys I have been trolling here the past few days while bored at work. This will be my first post, I have many stupid customer stories. Reading through these kinda triggered some of the repressed memories.

Stupid Customer #1
I used to work in a convenience store as a cashier, not a bad job except for the drunks (who were occasionally funny) and other tards that lack a basic sentience.

Guy brings up a 6pk of beer (well one is missing, it is a frequent occurence of people coming in and just buying 1 bottle, we have a single price for each brand we sell.)

Me: hey you are missing one.
SC: well there aren't any more in the cooler
Me: well I can go check and see if more are in the back
SC: alright
(I run off in the cooler, sure 'nuff no more)
Me: well those are the last we got until next delivery
SC: man this store never has what I need
Me: Sorry bout that but we don't usually order alot of those because we sell less than a case (4 6pks) a week.
SC: Well you should have stock for us working folks too!
Me: :???: WTF?!
Me: Um well I could could charge you the singles price for those 5 since it isnt a full 6pk
(This guy get -the look- you know the one were they are about to blow)
Me: :wall::wall::wall: No sir what I was saying is that it is cheaper FOR YOU to pay the singles price for those beers. A 6pk costs 7$, whereas those 5 would be about 5$
SC: This is a bunch of shit! I always have trouble with you people when I come here!!
SC: You can keep this fucking shit!
( he pushes the beer to me on the counter and walks out the door)

I just stare dumbfounded at the next customer who is staring dumbfounded right back at me.

Stupid Customer #2
All the cashiers in the store where I work have to have a liquor license to sell alcoholic beverages. When a person goes to the "class" for the license it is explained to us in detail that we are under no circumstances to sell alcohol to someone who is obviously intoxicated. The store and you could get a heft fine for it and possibly be sued by the person you sell to. We take this very seriously at my store because something like this happened before I started working there.

So I am working my shift, cleaning up a bit around the coffee pots when in walks what is quite possibly the most drunk person I have ever seen. You know the walk a REALLY drunk person has, well this guy walks in trips over the mat by the front door, nearly goes down but manages to catch himself on the newspaper stand. He proceeds to walk to the beer cooler and grabs a suitcase of 12oz buds. I look over to my stock guy and we both laugh, I make my way over to the counter, waiting for el drunko (yes he was mexican, not being racist but we have many that come to the store in this condition).

He stumbles up, takes 3 tried to get the suitcase on the counter, pulls out his wallet....

ED: Smookkeeee, smookee malbovo lifts
Me: (getting drunk from his breath) say what?
ED: points mabovo litsss, smookieee
Me: (grabs smokes, takes suitcase putting it behind the register) The smokes are 3.25 but I cannot sell you the beer.
ED: (stares at the counter for a full 10 seconds, stumbles a bit and grabs the counter before falling over) huh? whyyyy not?
Me: You are obviously drunk and I cannot sell you the beer, the smokes are 3.25

Repeat 4 times.... :wall:

About this time a cop pulls into the parking lot, we have large glass windows and I can see this easily. He gets out and looks right at me, I wave him to come inside with the quickness. He comes in and nod to El drunko. He smiles at me and gets in line behind him.

Me: As I have said for the now 4 times already, I cannot sell you this suitcase because you drunk! If you want the smokes they are 3.25.
ED: (still doesn't notice the cop behind him) youuu shhell ma beer nooww, i getss vato (yes he said vato) outs bann we's messes youuu uppz!
Me: (looks at cop, motions to him no way I am selling him beer) Well I hope you enjoy your stay tonite, courtesy of the Ascension Parish Sheriff's department.
Cop: (grabs ED and cuffs him quick-like, escorts him to his unit)
Me: :bow::bow:

I look over at the stock guy who is red as an apple trying not to laugh. The funniest thing, the deputy came in about 3 hours later and said he was an illegal and after he served his time for DUI would be deported! \\:D/
Not so much as a bad customer, as a "Holy shit look at you" type.

Near the end of my shift today, an older woman came in... lets just say she had the treatment. And by that, I mean botox, boob job, the works.

One of the other employees did a double take when he greeted her and thankfully I was able to stay calm.

She looked like a plastic doll that got hit with a flamethrower.

She also had the claw like fingernails. She could claw my face off if I said something.
I used to work at Borders Books and Music and you'd be suprised how many times a customer would come in and not know exactly what they were looking for. They'd say something like, "You had a book on sale awhile back...it was on that table over there...from what I remember it had a red cover...Do you know if you have any in stock now?"
[quote name='cheshcatalyst']I used to work at Borders Books and Music and you'd be suprised how many times a customer would come in and not know exactly what they were looking for. They'd say something like, "You had a book on sale awhile back...it was on that table over there...from what I remember it had a red cover...Do you know if you have any in stock now?"[/QUOTE]

It's enough to make you think reading is bad for you.
I'm not a Wal-Mart employee, but I saw an exchange the other day that made me wish I had a video camera

Hick woman: I'm lookin' fer that adapter that will let you play Playstashun 2 games on tha Gamecube.
Old employee: Hmm. I'm not too knowledgeable about this stuff, so let me get one of the younger guys.

*a minute later*
Hick: I KNOW ya'll have it, 'cos I seen it when I bought my Gamecube! I seen it then, but thought I would buy it later.
Young guy: Uhhh... I haven't seen one of those.

I almost wanted to yell at her something like "THE DAMN THING DOESN'T EXIST!" but instead decided to silently pity the employee.

I think *maybe* she was getting confused with the GBA player, but she's only slightly less out of luck there since it's OOP now.
Some lady called me today and wanted to know when people would start lining up for the PS3. I told her as soon as the first person gets there. She didn't get the hint and asked me when that would be. I don't know!:bomb:
[quote name='neocisco']Some lady called me today and wanted to know when people would start lining up for the PS3. I told her as soon as the first person gets there. She didn't get the hint and asked me when that would be. I don't know!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

You shouldve told her that the line starts tomorrow XD
[quote name='neocisco']Some lady called me today and wanted to know when people would start lining up for the PS3. I told her as soon as the first person gets there. She didn't get the hint and asked me when that would be. I don't know!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

That's right up there with the crazy call I had asking if we are giving out rainchecks in case we run out. Might as well be asking for it to be sunny and 85 come January here in Minnesota while at it since it just ain't happening.
I can't wait to hear the black friday stories. Don't forget to post them.

Last year at walmart Two guys got in a fist-fight over something
Two grandmas got into a tugging match over a $300 laptop.
[quote name='CitizenB']I can't wait to hear the black friday stories. Don't forget to post them.

Last year at walmart Two guys got in a fist-fight over something
Two grandmas got into a tugging match over a $300 laptop.[/quote]

Haha, what's funny is those laptops are usually really crappy. And they can probably be had for the same price any other time of the year.
Today I just glazed over, but there was one person whom I had to share.

We had closed the entrance door and the only door we had open was the exit door, so the customers remaining in the store could exit. Of course, I'm there so that people don't force their way in and start shopping when we have the forklifts running around.

This car stops outside the store and the back window rolls down and the lady starts screaming at me. I loathe people who do this by the way. Anyway, I cup my ear to show her I couldn't hear and she asks if we're closed. I said yes, I'm sorry, we're closed and I can't let anyone in. She asks if she can get just one item. Of course I say no. I then turn my back to help a customer trying to leave and the lady in the car yells at me trying to find out if we're open tomorrow when I'm standing next to a huge sign showing that we'll be closed on Thanksgiving. When I tell her that we would be closed she starts pleading with me, around 40 feet away from her car, to let her get one item. I just turn around, ignore her and help the customers trying to get out of the store and she leaves.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Today I just glazed over, but there was one person whom I had to share.

We had closed the entrance door and the only door we had open was the exit door, so the customers remaining in the store could exit. Of course, I'm there so that people don't force their way in and start shopping when we have the forklifts running around.

This car stops outside the store and the back window rolls down and the lady starts screaming at me. I loathe people who do this by the way. Anyway, I cup my ear to show her I couldn't hear and she asks if we're closed. I said yes, I'm sorry, we're closed and I can't let anyone in. She asks if she can get just one item. Of course I say no. I then turn my back to help a customer trying to leave and the lady in the car yells at me trying to find out if we're open tomorrow when I'm standing next to a huge sign showing that we'll be closed on Thanksgiving. When I tell her that we would be closed she starts pleading with me, around 40 feet away from her car, to let her get one item. I just turn around, ignore her and help the customers trying to get out of the store and she leaves.[/quote]

Wow that is sad.

I am too tired ATM to come up with a story, but I have a couple for you guys when I am more awake.
I found this amusing: I was at Target about to check out the new DVD releases when I walked by the snack section. A lady with a smoker's raspy voice and a (please don't find offense to this, but there's no other way to describe her) white trash air about her. She's looking at a large can of peanuts on sale for $7.99 when she feels the need to announce to no one in particular in a booming voice, "I want nuts, but not $8 nuts. I'm hungry, but that's too expensive for nuts."
The registers at Toys R Us do let the person just sign the check and have the printer fill it out, but I was never trained on how to use this and people rarely ask me to so I never get a chance to learn how to use it and not mess it up.
Cant wait for the black friday stories.

I have one from kmart, we were in kmart buying a watch and some lady threw earrings at the cashier, why i do not know.

I remember in 2004 there were fights here for the DS and a lot of people kicking the glass on the electronics cases.
[quote name='Jibbajaba']No BF stories yet????


Guess everyone's still recovering.

[quote name='SteveMcQ']] I found this amusing: I was at Target about to check out the new DVD releases when I walked by the snack section. A lady with a smoker's raspy voice and a (please don't find offense to this, but there's no other way to describe her) white trash air about her. She's looking at a large can of peanuts on sale for $7.99 when she feels the need to announce to no one in particular in a booming voice, "I want nuts, but not $8 nuts. I'm hungry, but that's too expensive for nuts."[/quote]

alright, it wasn't quite Black Friday sort of crazy shoppers, just... disgusting. Anyway, I'm checking customers receipts like normal and then a rather rotund guy in short shorts drives past in one of his motorized carts. After I got a lull in the crowd, I saw that he needed help and turned around looking down to see where I could help him. Instead, I'm greeted by him hanging out his shorts.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Funny thing today is that I had a woman came in who swore she saw "somewhere" a DDR game that does not require a game system. :lol:[/quote]

There is a DDR game that doesn't require a system... quite a few of them actually. It's not actually ddr but the same idea.
Black Friday (the venting)

well. i got up at 5 in the morning and got ready to head to target for a heavenly 5:45-3:00 shift. well i get to target and see about a hundred people outside the store, and im thinking that this is going to be bad. at least target doesnt do the 6-8 dorrbuster crap. well people rush in at six, we are totally not prepared in the electronics dept (all the 98dollar kodak cameras are still in the back, the lcd tv's are on flats on thier way to the front, and there is a bunch of $hit out in tubs on the floor. not cool. so, ive got a key and i am the only one getting video games\consoles. im getting the crap kicked out of me because people cant stand in a line and my store manager is an idiot and decided to "work" in electronics and this means i cant raise my voice and tell everyone to calm down and line up like i did last year.

at about 9:00 or 9:30 the people who went to other stores first start getting to target and they are holding me personally responsible for the fact that we dont have enough of an item for them to waltz in 3 hours after opening and get one. the conversations went like this

customer: do you have any of the tv left?
me: no we sold out
C: when?
Me: at about 6:45
C: well, you should have enough for everyone who wants one
Me (thinking): yea. next year we'll just stock 2,500 tv's
C: can you look up another store
Me: no
C: are you sure
Me: yes.
then they would ask about something else.

this went on for hours and hours as we had pretty much sold out of everything by 10:00.

it sucked. oh yeah, everyone wanted rainchecks and they couldnt understand why i wouldnt give them one. they also (as usual) could'nt understand why i wouldnt go in the back and eveball everyshelf looking for a copy of smackdown vs raw 2007 (yes, someone actually asked me to do this, while i was surrounded by about 25 other people trying to get a game)
lastly, today (sunday) i still had people coning in trying to get the sale price on items from the fri-sat sale. those conversations were good too.

me: can i help you find something?
cust: im looking for the (fill-in-the-blank)
me: that ad is expired. it was good on friday and saturday.
then i got one of a few responses:
well...why is it only a two day ad?
can you change the price anyways?
and my facorite: but im looking at the ad (as if the ad self destructs after the sale is over)

anyways im done venting. im going to bed. :drool:
I never have any good happenings over BF weekend- we get kind of overlooked amongst all the other stuff out there. The worst I got was a lady who brought up a dozen glass votive holders, let me scan them, individually wrap them, and bag them before she decided she didn't want them. :bomb:

The best sotry I got isn't even a bad customer story... I had a guy pay with a check, and this is the converation:

Him: I bet you need ID for this.
Me: Yes.
Him: That means you get to see my Pride and Joy...

And he flips out his wallet and holds up the picture holder side, containing a photo of... a bottle of Pride furniture polish and Joy dishwashing liquid. Best joke I ever got from a customer. :D
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Him: I bet you need ID for this.
Me: Yes.
Him: That means you get to see my Pride and Joy...

And he flips out his wallet and holds up the picture holder side, containing a photo of... a bottle of Pride furniture polish and Joy dishwashing liquid. Best joke I ever got from a customer. :D[/quote]

Funny customers are the best.

Here's a story that'll throw you for a loop. Not a BF story, happened two or three days prior, but still.

My coworker was talking to one of the customers and he and I were also exchanging useless banter and he mentioned that he was so thirsty and he found an unopened diet coke in the (broken) fridge and that he'll drink that. He went to go get it. When he came back out, there was a coke waiting for him. That nice customer went and bought him one.

A very, very small gesture, but it speaks volumes.. I was shocked.
[quote name='Scorch']Funny customers are the best.

Here's a story that'll throw you for a loop. Not a BF story, happened two or three days prior, but still.

My coworker was talking to one of the customers and he and I were also exchanging useless banter and he mentioned that he was so thirsty and he found an unopened diet coke in the (broken) fridge and that he'll drink that. He went to go get it. When he came back out, there was a coke waiting for him. That nice customer went and bought him one.

A very, very small gesture, but it speaks volumes.. I was shocked.[/QUOTE]

That is awesome, I remember this one customer buying me a six pack of beer after we were talking about business, and I was saying it was hectic that day and I was gonna need a drink when I get home. He went to liquor store next door and came back with a six pack of bud. I was shocked.
Here are some (I can't remember if these were black friday or the day after due to the fact that they mesh in my mind).

1) Customer comes to my register with two leap frog spelling things (each the same item). I ring them up and I get an error saying that we don't have any in stock. Question marks apear over my head and I do an inventory check and appearently we have three for pick up (meaning some one ordered it on line)

me: I am sorry ma'am but it appears that someone has ordered it online
and I can't sell it
her: why not? some one it out to me when I asked for it
me: I am sorry but the system won't allow me to ring it up
her: these were out on the floor, I should be allowed to buy it
me: still the system won't allow me to sell it
her: I want to talk to a manager

I hand her over to the manager at the front of the store. She explains to them the same thing she told me and they explain the same thing I told her. I come back five minutes later because i needed to get into the storage area and she is still giving the same arguements she gave five minutes ago and the now two managers are responding with the same answers that were said before.

2) This isn't exactly stupid customer but more innocent child.

I saw this little girl pick up Beatlejuice on dvd and ran to her mother saying "I don't like this movie" two or three times. The mother responds "But, it is a funny movie." The girl repeats again "I don't like this movie." The girl realizing that she won't get any sympathy from her mother proclaims, "I will see it later," and puts the movie back on the shelf.

3) This is the most interesting experience I have ever had in retail. In this particular story it is important to note that I work at Circuit City.

I am ringing up a few customers in line and there is a customer in line complaining about something. Not in the "Man! Life sucks but will get over it" tone. She had the tone of voice that said "Damn it!!! I am pissed off and I will not let anyone leave my sight until they feel my pain!"

So she is about third in line with a Circuit City employee in front of her and she says "God I hate Circuit City" and I responded "yeah, I know what you mean." Both the employee and I were enjoying the sarcasm but I wasn't sure if she heard me.

I finished ringing up the customers in front of her and she brings up two DVDs. Her daughter picks out a DVD from the shelf wanting her mom to buy it and before the daughter could say anything the customer says, "that movie is horrible put it back." The daughter obays without hesitation. The customer sets the two DVDs on the counter saying, "I don't know why I come here." I didn't respond. I ring up the DVD's and she gives me a gift card and I go to swipe it in the card reader. Nothing is happening. She tells me that the people at the front counter couldn't ring it up either. I tell her that I couldn't manually type it in and told her that we would have to go up front to ring it up. She snaps back, "HERE IS $34 AND THIS IS $5," slams another card on the counter, "I AM GOING TO SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE!" She storms off with her kids on tow.

The next customer comes up, "what a bitch." I respond after a couple of seconds with a smile, "yeah, but she gave me these cards. I want her to come back." For the rest of the day, that smile stuck.
[quote name='dommi']
1) Customer comes to my register with two leap frog spelling things (each the same item). I ring them up and I get an error saying that we don't have any in stock. Question marks apear over my head and I do an inventory check and appearently we have three for pick up (meaning some one ordered it on line)

me: I am sorry ma'am but it appears that someone has ordered it online
and I can't sell it
her: why not? some one it out to me when I asked for it
me: I am sorry but the system won't allow me to ring it up
her: these were out on the floor, I should be allowed to buy it
me: still the system won't allow me to sell it
her: I want to talk to a manager

I hand her over to the manager at the front of the store. She explains to them the same thing she told me and they explain the same thing I told her. I come back five minutes later because i needed to get into the storage area and she is still giving the same arguements she gave five minutes ago and the now two managers are responding with the same answers that were said before.[/quote]
normally, i don't side with the customer, but in this case, i have to agree with them. the manager should have done an override on the Leapfrogs. while it's understandable that someone already bought them online and is expecting them, the fact remains that the customer in the store has them "in hand" and deserves to buy them, regardless. what should have happened was, the in-store customer buys them, the online customer gets assed-out (through no fault of their own), and is given a gift card as compensation. even if an employee unknowingly retrieved them from the stockroom/hold area and gave them to the customer, the employee or store should be held accountable. the store needs to be responsible for pulling items from the sales floor immediately upon receipt of online orders, and if they can't get there in time (for whatever reason), it is up to the store to bear the brunt of frustation resulting from any mistakes incurred.
This is interesting, i am guessing they were holding them for the online sales because they know the online shoppers will be more likely to complain if their item is not in stock in their store than the lady at the counter who will just go to the next store and never be heard from again.

Yes, the store should have gotten the product off the floor as soon as possible for the online order so this doesnt happen but if they are being lazy and not keeping up (because of whatever reason) then they should take the blame in some form or fashion with either customer because either way they screwed up. It is up to the store to decide who gets the item though, it seems the system is pointing to the fact that the online sale gets the item though.
After BF, but still. I was in a So. FL EB yesterday. It's the buy 2 used get one free. Kid mustve been around 10 or 11. Picks up a $5 game, an $11 game and a $13 game. Brings them up to his dad who's talking to an employee. Kid goes: Daddy I want these three. The $13 game is free!

Yung n00bs. :p
[quote name='allyourblood']normally, i don't side with the customer, but in this case, i have to agree with them. the manager should have done an override on the Leapfrogs. while it's understandable that someone already bought them online and is expecting them, the fact remains that the customer in the store has them "in hand" and deserves to buy them, regardless. what should have happened was, the in-store customer buys them, the online customer gets assed-out (through no fault of their own), and is given a gift card as compensation. even if an employee unknowingly retrieved them from the stockroom/hold area and gave them to the customer, the employee or store should be held accountable. the store needs to be responsible for pulling items from the sales floor immediately upon receipt of online orders, and if they can't get there in time (for whatever reason), it is up to the store to bear the brunt of frustation resulting from any mistakes incurred.[/quote]

I think that you are right. Maybe we should have done things differently. Most likely the storage area employees need to tell someone that we don't have a certain item, because only they have any knowledge of any online orders. The main problem is when it is that busy and you can't find an item where could it be? A customer could have it some where in the store or it could have been just laid down at a random place.

I would agree with you that giving her a gift card would be a good idea if the day was not black friday. If we give out gift cards to anyone that complains for what ever reason of why they deserve an item our store would be out of business.
[quote name='SaraAB']This is interesting, i am guessing they were holding them for the online sales because they know the online shoppers will be more likely to complain if their item is not in stock in their store than the lady at the counter who will just go to the next store and never be heard from again.

Yes, the store should have gotten the product off the floor as soon as possible for the online order so this doesnt happen but if they are being lazy and not keeping up (because of whatever reason) then they should take the blame in some form or fashion with either customer because either way they screwed up. It is up to the store to decide who gets the item though, it seems the system is pointing to the fact that the online sale gets the item though.[/quote]

As far as I know they tried to get the item as fast as they could. I found out later that they couldn't find the items in question. (maybe they should have asked the person that pointed the items to the customer :) )

Basically how our system works is the item goes to who ever bought it first, which in this case goes to the person online.
[quote name='allyourblood']normally, i don't side with the customer, but in this case, i have to agree with them. the manager should have done an override on the Leapfrogs. while it's understandable that someone already bought them online and is expecting them, the fact remains that the customer in the store has them "in hand" and deserves to buy them, regardless. what should have happened was, the in-store customer buys them, the online customer gets assed-out (through no fault of their own), and is given a gift card as compensation. even if an employee unknowingly retrieved them from the stockroom/hold area and gave them to the customer, the employee or store should be held accountable. the store needs to be responsible for pulling items from the sales floor immediately upon receipt of online orders, and if they can't get there in time (for whatever reason), it is up to the store to bear the brunt of frustation resulting from any mistakes incurred.[/quote]


[quote name='SaraAB']This is interesting, i am guessing they were holding them for the online sales because they know the online shoppers will be more likely to complain if their item is not in stock in their store than the lady at the counter who will just go to the next store and never be heard from again.

Yes, the store should have gotten the product off the floor as soon as possible for the online order so this doesnt happen but if they are being lazy and not keeping up (because of whatever reason) then they should take the blame in some form or fashion with either customer because either way they screwed up. It is up to the store to decide who gets the item though, it seems the system is pointing to the fact that the online sale gets the item though.[/quote]

[quote name='neocisco']Wrong.

i think most people would side with me in thinking that the customer that has the item in their hands is going home with it. the other one may have ordered and paid, but they've snoozed. and lost.
Not bothering to read the whole thing, but if I ordered something online, paid online, went to pick it up in the store, and that was their policy/process, and they didn't have it, I'd be pissed.

Heard today at a tech support call center:
"Did you reboot the machine?"
"No, but I turned it off and on again."
[quote name='dtcarson']Not bothering to read the whole thing, but if I ordered something online, paid online, went to pick it up in the store, and that was their policy/process, and they didn't have it, I'd be pissed.[/quote]

agreed. and just from what i've read on CAG, this happens at CC a lot.
[quote name='allyourblood']normally, i don't side with the customer, but in this case, i have to agree with them. the manager should have done an override on the Leapfrogs. while it's understandable that someone already bought them online and is expecting them, the fact remains that the customer in the store has them "in hand" and deserves to buy them, regardless. what should have happened was, the in-store customer buys them, the online customer gets assed-out (through no fault of their own), and is given a gift card as compensation. even if an employee unknowingly retrieved them from the stockroom/hold area and gave them to the customer, the employee or store should be held accountable. the store needs to be responsible for pulling items from the sales floor immediately upon receipt of online orders, and if they can't get there in time (for whatever reason), it is up to the store to bear the brunt of frustation resulting from any mistakes incurred.[/QUOTE]

What you might not realize tho is that the online order could of taken place even seconds before the in store customer attempted to purchase the said product. So its not like as if the warehouse folks who grab the online orders are lazy in this case (and that's what the whole 24 guarantee is about btw - its about getting the product from the floor when someone orders it online).

Of course it doesn't help when its Black Friday and the warehouse staff is extremely busy loading TVs and what not. Trust me... I know first hand about that.
[quote name='Demolition Man']What you might not realize tho is that the online order could of taken place even seconds before the in store customer attempted to purchase the said product. So its not like as if the warehouse folks who grab the online orders are lazy in this case (and that's what the whole 24 guarantee is about btw - its about getting the product from the floor when someone orders it online).

Of course it doesn't help when its Black Friday and the warehouse staff is extremely busy loading TVs and what not. Trust me... I know first hand about that.[/quote]
i agree with everything you've said. it's a sticky situation that stores can find themselves in when they make all sorts of promises and procedures. i'm not complaining, since the buy-online-pick-up-in-store idea is kinda handy, but CC needs to be ready to suck it up and spend some cash to mend difficult situations like the one described (this goes for every store that does their instore pickup the same way). and Black Friday.... heck, they ought not offer the in-store pickup on BF! that's just one hassle too many on an already assy day.
[quote name='allyourblood']i agree with everything you've said. it's a sticky situation that stores can find themselves in when they make all sorts of promises and procedures. i'm not complaining, since the buy-online-pick-up-in-store idea is kinda handy, but CC (and more stores like them) needs to be ready to suck it up and spend some cash to mend difficult situations like the one described. and Black Friday.... heck, they ought not offer the in-store pickup on BF! that's just one hassle too many on an already assy day.[/QUOTE]

Most ad items were not available for in store pickup. Keyword is most since some were still available. Also this is why music and movies is not available for in store pickup since it would be nearly impossible to keep up with web orders then.

Also CC does offer the $24 giftcard if the item is not ready to be picked up after 24 minutes of the web order.
The person that paid for the item and then drove to the store to pick it up deserves it more than someone that just picked it up off the floor. That second customer has the right to be pissed off, but they sure as hell don't have a right to the item.
[quote name='waterboy100']
at about 9:00 or 9:30 the people who went to other stores first start getting to target and they are holding me personally responsible for the fact that we don’t have enough of an item for them to waltz in 3 hours after opening and get one. the conversations went like this

customer: do you have any of the tv left?
me: no we sold out
C: when?
Me: at about 6:45
C: well, you should have enough for everyone who wants one
Me (thinking): yea. next year we'll just stock 2,500 tv's
C: can you look up another store
Me: no
C: are you sure
Me: yes.
then they would ask about something else.

this went on for hours and hours as we had pretty much sold out of everything by 10:00.

it sucked. oh yeah, everyone wanted rainchecks and they couldnt understand why i wouldnt give them one. they also (as usual) could'nt understand why i wouldnt go in the back and eveball everyshelf looking for a copy of smackdown vs raw 2007 (yes, someone actually asked me to do this, while i was surrounded by about 25 other people trying to get a game)[/QUOTE]
Two Day Ad blows. Why can't people understand that the half-price TV that everyone wants sold out a couple of hours after we opened? And why can't people understand that we still don't have them on the second day of the ad?

About that TV, I had a crazy lady that wanted one. This occurred on Saturday, some 24 hours after we had run out.

Crazy lady: "I want this TV"
She's holding the ad sign we had in front of the display.
Me: Oh, that one. I'm sorry, we ran out of that early yesterday.
She thinks...
CL: I want the TV.
Me: I'm sorry, we don't have any.
CL: Get me the TV. You have a sign up, I want it. Get me the TV.
Does she think she's a Jedi?
Me: Ma'am, I cannot get you the TV, since we don't have it. That's how the black Friday Ad items are.
One of my fellow employees joins in, explaining to her... pretty much what I explained to her. She was less stern than I was, but it didn't help. CL wants a raincheck, but we're not giving her one. We show her where it says "No rainchecks" in the ad. But she's not holding the ad, she's holding a sign.
Us: No rainchecks
She goes into a diatribe about how it's false advertising to have a sign up if we're out of the product. We should have taken down the sign. I think about telling her all about the definition of false advertising and the logistics of putting up and taking down signs on Black freaking Friday, and that people still need to see the marker for where the TV would be if we had it, but what's the point? I explain it's policy to leave them up.

Now a man has been waiting patiently for a few minutes at the electronics booth, I turn my attention to him, and she stomps off.

Then she comes back.

CL: You have a TV on display. Give it to me.
Me: No Ma'am, we don't sell displays.
CL: You have to give me the TV. Give it to me, I want it.
Me, raising my voice: NO MA'AM.

She storms off towards the front.

Now, this story has a sad ending. I found out later that she found an assistant manager and started crying to him. Some where in here, someone returned one of the TVs. So she got one. Of all the kind, understanding people that didn’t get one of these TVs, the crazy banshee whined her way into one.

As much as I appreciate not setting three ads in a week, Target really should either have a door-buster, a one day ad, or ship more product for the second day. As it is, Saturday only leads to a bunch of angry people and worn out employees.
[quote name='CokeCola']The person that paid for the item and then drove to the store to pick it up deserves it more than someone that just picked it up off the floor. That second customer has the right to be pissed off, but they sure as hell don't have a right to the item.[/quote]
well, before they "just picked it up off the floor", they drove to the store and shopped. they've completed the leg-work portion of the sale before the other customer, and i think that that, combined with the fact that they have it in their hands means they should receive it instead of the online customer. if you work retail, you know what i mean. with luck, you can call the online customer and discuss with them that the item is out of stock, and how their order will be adjusted. in these situations, that's a much less volatile conversation, compared to the one you're going to have with a customer face-to-face. most likely, the person who ordered online is going to be disappointed, but they're not out much time beyond that spent placing the order. even if they arrive before they can be contacted, it's a lot easier to dissuade someone from buying something if you literally do not posess it, versus having to take the item away from a customer who is currently holding it and expecting to pay and walk out the door with it.
[quote name='CokeCola']The person that paid for the item and then drove to the store to pick it up deserves it more than someone that just picked it up off the floor. That second customer has the right to be pissed off, but they sure as hell don't have a right to the item.

Two Day Ad blows. Why can't people understand that the half-price TV that everyone wants sold out a couple of hours after we opened? And why can't people understand that we still don't have them on the second day of the ad?

About that TV, I had a crazy lady that wanted one. This occurred on Saturday, some 24 hours after we had run out.

Crazy lady: "I want this TV"
She's holding the ad sign we had in front of the display.
Me: Oh, that one. I'm sorry, we ran out of that early yesterday.
She thinks...
CL: I want the TV.
Me: I'm sorry, we don't have any.
CL: Get me the TV. You have a sign up, I want it. Get me the TV.
Does she think she's a Jedi?
Me: Ma'am, I cannot get you the TV, since we don't have it. That's how the black Friday Ad items are.
One of my fellow employees joins in, explaining to her... pretty much what I explained to her. She was less stern than I was, but it didn't help. CL wants a raincheck, but we're not giving her one. We show her where it says "No rainchecks" in the ad. But she's not holding the ad, she's holding a sign.
Us: No rainchecks
She goes into a diatribe about how it's false advertising to have a sign up if we're out of the product. We should have taken down the sign. I think about telling her all about the definition of false advertising and the logistics of putting up and taking down signs on Black freaking Friday, and that people still need to see the marker for where the TV would be if we had it, but what's the point? I explain it's policy to leave them up.

Now a man has been waiting patiently for a few minutes at the electronics booth, I turn my attention to him, and she stomps off.

Then she comes back.

CL: You have a TV on display. Give it to me.
Me: No Ma'am, we don't sell displays.
CL: You have to give me the TV. Give it to me, I want it.
Me, raising my voice: NO MA'AM.

She storms off towards the front.

Now, this story has a sad ending. I found out later that she found an assistant manager and started crying to him. Some where in here, someone returned one of the TVs. So she got one. Of all the kind, understanding people that didn’t get one of these TVs, the crazy banshee whined her way into one.

As much as I appreciate not setting three ads in a week, Target really should either have a door-buster, a one day ad, or ship more product for the second day. As it is, Saturday only leads to a bunch of angry people and worn out employees.[/quote]

Man, you have a lot more patience than I would in a situation like that. Guess thats why I never ever want to work any type of customer service job.
[quote name='allyourblood']well, before they "just picked it up off the floor", they drove to the store and shopped. they've completed the leg-work portion of the sale before the other customer, and i think that that, combined with the fact that they have it in their hands means they should receive it instead of the online customer. if you work retail, you know what i mean. with luck, you can call the online customer and discuss with them that the item is out of stock, and how their order will be adjusted. in these situations, that's a much less volatile conversation, compared to the one you're going to have with a customer face-to-face. most likely, the person who ordered online is going to be disappointed, but they're not out much time beyond that spent placing the order. even if they arrive before they can be contacted, it's a lot easier to dissuade someone from buying something if you literally do not posess it, versus having to take the item away from a customer who is currently holding it and expecting to pay and walk out the door with it.[/QUOTE]
But the person that was just in store was in the store anyway. If there wasn't a screw-up, if the item wasn't on the shelf, they would have shrugged it off - they didn't come to the store for no reason; they came to shop. But you've made a contract with that person that ordered online. You've promised them the item and taken their money. You owe that person, not the person walking around the store.

Beyond this whole debt thing, I like to side with the person in the building. If there are people in the store and people on the phone, the people in the store come first. It makes me glad I work somewhere that doesn't have those sort of issues (at least, not to that degree).
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