Fanatical Thread

Stronghold 3 is really, really, really bad. Like wolves climbing ladders bad. Although they did at least patch that eventually, but still. Really? Do you not play your own game before you ship it?
At the very least it is still getting patched, seeing as they just added a bunch of new maps recently. But yeah, I'd rather get it for dirt cheap than the insane $30 they're asking for it.

At first I thought "Does he mean like poor AI/pathing that allows wolves to use ladders? Or does he mean, as bad as actually hiding from a wolf in an attic and finding out it could climb ladders?"

Then I figured it was bad either way. But I like the second one better.
When I first read it, I thought he meant "Stronghold 3 is as terrible at being a game as wolves are at climbing ladders". I have no idea why this seemed like the most logical explanation for that statement.

As much as my previous assumption has been corrected, I remain convinced that Motoki is some kind of authority on wolves, and their ladder-climbing skill, or lack-thereof.

When I first read it, I thought he meant "Stronghold 3 is as terrible at being a game as wolves are at climbing ladders". I have no idea why this seemed like the most logical explanation for that statement.

As much as my previous assumption has been corrected, I remain convinced that Motoki is some kind of authority on wolves, and their ladder-climbing skill, or lack-thereof.
I think it harkens back to his extensive experience with Winter Wolves.

Hmm.  Own none of the games, 4 have cards, but the only one I'm actually interested in (Dungeon of Elements) has terrible reviews.  Have to see if I'll gilby this one.

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There are some pretty decent games here, but many have been bundled or ~$1 on sale or on IGS, so I pretty much have everything I'm interested in, but if you don't have any of them, it's pretty solid. 

Puzzler World 1 was in the IG Limited bundle.

Puzzler World 2 has been a weekly on several occasions (most recently 2/2) at $0.49.

Lexica was in the Humble MergeGames bundle.

ReignMaker was in the Humble Gamepedia bundle.

Dungeon of Elements has been whored out almost as much as Nancy: Groupees Casual 2, Humble joystiq, IR Nutcracker.

Millie was in the IG Monday 16.

Looks like I'm missing Millie and IGT Slots.  Not worth it just for those two.

On the other hand, just about everything else looks like games my wife would like.  Might be good to stock her account.  I have two weeks to think about it.

I tried getting my girlfriend a bunch of different games I thought she might like (puzzle games, HOGs, VNs, point and click adventures, etc) but the only games she plays are prison architect and bejeweled.
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I tried getting my girlfriend a bunch of different games I thought she might like (puzzle games, HOGs, VNs, point and click adventures, etc) but the only games she plays are prison architect and bejeweled.
I've generally just gone with types that she's already played and liked. Tower Defense is the big one. I also try to grab an extra copy of stuff that will work for multiplayer.

School Bus Fun actually looks pretty decent.

I like puzzle games a lot, but there's just not enough new here for me. I'm also not sure how fun it would be to play virtual slot machines. Sounds more like a button pushing simulator.

School Bus Fun actually looks pretty decent.

I like puzzle games a lot, but there's just not enough new here for me. I'm also not sure how fun it would be to play virtual slot machines. Sounds more like a button pushing simulator.
There's really little difference doing it on your computer or trekking out to the casino to do. Except you probably are better off at home not losing any money.

I think the only two I have is Puzzler World 1 and Dungeon of Elements, so I'm probably in for this one. BundleStars has kind of been on fire lately for me.

I think the only two I have is Puzzler World 1 and Dungeon of Elements, so I'm probably in for this one. BundleStars has kind of been on fire lately for me.
Yeah, me too. I actually bought three bundles from them in the last month, not counting this one if I do decide to go in on it. It's that $2.49 price tag. They hit the sweet spot.

I think the only two I have is Puzzler World 1 and Dungeon of Elements, so I'm probably in for this one. BundleStars has kind of been on fire lately for me.
I guess you have to be a Bobby for them to be good for you. For me they suck and shovel overpriced repeats 99% of the time.

I have better luck Daily Indie Game, and hell today even Bubdle Bandits, than I do with Bundle Stars.
The Puzzler World games are great and have a ton of content.  The 2012 and 2013 versions are even better, but for whatever reason, they're not on Steam.  BigFish Games has the 2013 version and both are available for 3DS.

Ending tomorrow:
Insert Coin Bundle - $2.49 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Avoid - Sensory Overload
  • BiT Evolution
  • DogFighter
  • Drive to Hell
  • Just Get Through
  • PixelJunk Eden
  • Retro/Grade
  • Super Lemonade Factory
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Is that rpg bundle worth it?
I like Two Worlds. They're cheesy and kind of B movie campy but they look halfway decent and run well on not so high end machines even.

The Pirate expansion I thought was decent for what it was, fairly linear but not a bad plot. The Main TWII the story is eh but the world is sort of ES sandboxy and I think it does a good job of that for a budget game.

Septerra Core is a classic. Sort of a Western Final Fantasy from way back.

Haven't played Gorky or Enclave yet. I think you may still be able to get Enclave free for registering at

These games have been bundled a lot so that being the case $5 seems a little high my cheapass mind and you might be able to get some of them cheap on the cess pool or where ever if you feel like spending time hunting them down.

Ending 2/27
The Art of War Bundle - $2.99 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • American Conquest
  • American Conquest: Fight Back
  • Cossacks: Art of War
  • Cossacks: Back to War
  • Cossacks: Campaign Expansion
  • Cossacks: European Wars
  • Cossacks II: Battle for Europe
  • Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars
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Shameless post time:

If anyone grabs the Art of War bundle and for some reason doesn't need the Campaign Expansion DLC, I can pay/trade for it. Thanks.

Is that rpg bundle worth it?
Haven't played Gorky or Enclave yet. I think you may still be able to get Enclave free for registering at
I played Enclave last year for a little while. It's a pretty stock ARPG -- go along, mash buttons to kills orcs -- with some seriously dated production values. That game play itself wasn't insulting bad (nor was it good enough to say anyone should play it) but it was a pretty ugly, blotchy, low-res mess.

I like Two Worlds. They're cheesy and kind of B movie campy but they look halfway decent and run well on not so high end machines even.

The Pirate expansion I thought was decent for what it was, fairly linear but not a bad plot. The Main TWII the story is eh but the world is sort of ES sandboxy and I think it does a good job of that for a budget game.
Well, be forewarned that you may need to pray to the Elder Gods during the solstice while crossing your fingers behind your back, throwing salt over your left shoulder, and sacrificing a virgin chicken in order to get Two Worlds I to run on your computer. It's buggy as hell and lots of people couldn't get it to run for more than five consecutive minutes without crashing to desktop without going through all kinds of shenanigans.

On the plus side, the sequel is much more stable.

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Ending 3/3
Trinity Bundle - $2.49 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Eradicator
  • iO
  • Legends of Aethereus
  • Nam
  • Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon
  • Revenge of the Titans
  • Sentinel
  • Shiny the Firefly
  • Stronghold 3 Gold
  • Terrain Saga
Well, be forewarned that you may need to pray to the Elder Gods during the solstice while crossing your fingers behind your back, throwing salt over your left shoulder, and sacrificing a virgin chicken in order to get Two Worlds I to run on your computer. It's buggy as hell and lots of people couldn't get it to run for more than five consecutive minutes without crashing to desktop without going through all kinds of shenanigans.

On the plus side, the sequel is much more stable.
is it worth playing though? Two World was bad and I heard that Two World 2 is more stable .. but overall, the franchise is a bland generic RPG experience compared to Divinity and Dragon Age

is it worth playing though? Two World was bad and I heard that Two World 2 is more stable .. but overall, the franchise is a bland generic RPG experience compared to Divinity and Dragon Age
I think it depends on what you want out of it. For a Sandbox game Two Worlds II is perfectly fine as a poor man's Skyrim. Those sorts of games are more about wandering around and exploring and just doing random stuff etc than story anyhow. Plus it has this sort of cheesy self aware camp quality that kind of works for it.

The expansion on the other hand is really a whole separate game. There's much more of a story in that and it's not total generic cliche either. It's maybe not Bioware level but I thought it was good, much better than the base game story with the trade off that it's more linear and there's not a lot of sandbox wandering. It's also short which makes it a decent choice if you want to play a story RPG but don't want to commit to 100+ hours.

By the way, you can play Pirates of the Flying Fortress without ever playing the base game.

Also, I think Two Worlds II does a few things well where other games don't. It looks relatively decent and doesn't run like ass even on older machines, it has controller support where some others kept refusing to add it (looking at you Bioware), and for me it has one of the best inventory management systems of any RPG I've ever played. You're able to break down weapons and armor you won't be using into parts without having to go back to town and then use them to upgrade your existing weapons and armor.

It's really nice to finally play an RPG where you don't run back to town every 5 minutes or feel like running out of space in your inventory is always an issue (looking at you again Bioware).

I'm by no means saying they it is Best RPG EVAR, but I think for what it is Two Worlds 2 does a decent job at both sandbox (base) and story (expansion) RPG, especially at bundle pricing.

I actually bought and played Two Worlds II and PotFF before they were in bundles and enjoyed them for what they were. There's very few bundle games I can say that about.

the foremost important thing for me when playing RPG is

1. story

2. gameplay

so how the quality of writing in Two World 2?  How's the character development? Am I involved enough to care and push toward the end?

p.s. have anyone tried Divinity 2 and can compare it to Two World 2?  Try to scratch my RPG itch lately and need to pick one to play

edit: apparently, Two World 2 run at 20fps with GTX 970? :(

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so how the quality of writing in Two World 2? How's the character development? Am I involved enough to care and push toward the end?
It's certainly better than Two Worlds 1. Though, don't expect the voice-acting, story development + character development to be anywhere in the leagues of anything from BioWare or Obsidian.

2W2's is like Skyrim - it gives you just enough information to get you moving onto your next task. 2W2's still not even really in Skyrim's league of voice-acting, story dev, and character dev either.

More so than anything - 2W2's addictive crafting system is what will keep you playing. Breaking, assembling, and combining your equipment to make more + better equipment is just insanely addictive.

I haven't played PoTFF yet, even though I do have it. Can't speak on that.

Divinity 2 DKS / DC is overall a much better game than 2W2 - more well-rounded. No comparison, really. Div 2 does a much better job w/ storytelling, character development, voice-acting, serious stuff, in-game jokes, and things of that nature.

Well like I said above the PotfF expansion, which is pretty much a wholly separate game, I cared enough about the story to keep with it for the sake of the story and the campaign. And it's short which for these days is a plus (not that I don't get sucked into long ass games occasionally like Dragon Age but still).

The base Two Worlds II story is generic and forgettable. There's some stuff in the very beginning about the orcs that seems like it might get interesting but then they pretty much forget about it and you're just running around doing random stuff Skyrim style. It is what it is and either you love that style of play or hate it. For me I have to be in the mood for it but when I am I enjoy it and don't need some grand sweeping epic.

And there's no way in hell that game should get 20 FPS on a 970. It ran well on my old ass computer years ago with a single core cpu and some raggedy old AMD video card from back when they were still called ATI.

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I couldn't get more than a few hours into 2W2 before I uninstalled.  It's like an extremely crappy, low budget, and generic version of Skyrim.  The character system isn't interesting, quests aren't interesting, the world isn't interesting, itemization isn't interesting, and the dungeons are terrible.

It's basically a B Movie Skyrim (or Oblivion I guess given the time frame it was released in), which I was okay with.

And I lurve their item system. I wish I could frame it and put it up on my wall. I know it's not realistic to be able to break down weapons and armor into parts and then fuse it onto your existing weapons and armor to upgrade it while you're just walking around and not next to some big blacksmith contraption but I really don't give a crap. It made item management 1000X easier and greatly reduced all the back and forth trips back to town that like every other RPG ever since the 80s does.

It's realistic for your character to have to go to the bathroom to but that doesn't mean it's fun or that I want to play that. Unless it's The Sims. :p

It's basically a B Movie Skyrim (or Oblivion I guess given the time frame it was released in), which I was okay with.

And I lurve their item system. I wish I could frame it and put it up on my wall. I know it's not realistic to be able to break down weapons and armor into parts and then fuse it onto your existing weapons and armor to upgrade it while you're just walking around and not next to some big blacksmith contraption but I really don't give a crap. It made item management 1000X easier and greatly reduced all the back and forth trips back to town that like every other RPG ever since the 80s does.

It's realistic for your character to have to go to the bathroom to but that doesn't mean it's fun or that I want to play that. Unless it's The Sims. :p
That's a great idea. The next Elder Scrolls game. Elder Scrolls: Sims.

That's a great idea. The next Elder Scrolls game. Elder Scrolls: Sims.
They kinda sorta have that now. I mean, in Skyrim you could get married, have a house built, adopt a kid etc.

All they need is an out house, but that's what mods are for.

And I won't link it, but LoversLab apparently has a mod with such features as:

  • The Dovakiin has a bladder now and needs to urinate once in a while.
  • Fully animated with animations from ZAZ's Animation pack
  • Negative effects are applied when bladder gets too full.
  • Player undresses armor or clothing when urinating.
  • MCM integration with adjustable options
  • Wetting yourself in combat
  • Privacy
  • Outhouses from Strotis Outdoor Toilet Resource
  • Number 2
  • Realistic Needs and Diseases integration
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bread's done