Fanatical Thread

Ending 3/5
The Game Factory Bundle - Special Edition - $9.99 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Axis Game Factory Premium
  • Battlemat Multi-Player DLC New
  • Zombie FPS Player DLC
  • Fantasy Side Scroller Player DLC
Ending 3/7
Puzzle Bundle - $2.49 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Dungeon of Elements
  • IGT Slots Paradise Garden
  • Lexica
  • Millie
  • Puzzler World
  • Puzzler World 2
  • ReignMaker
  • School Bus Fun
The expansion on the other hand is really a whole separate game. There's much more of a story in that and it's not total generic cliche either. It's maybe not Bioware level but I thought it was good, much better than the base game story with the trade off that it's more linear and there's not a lot of sandbox wandering. It's also short which makes it a decent choice if you want to play a story RPG but don't want to commit to 100+ hours.

By the way, you can play Pirates of the Flying Fortress without ever playing the base game.

Also, I think Two Worlds II does a few things well where other games don't. It looks relatively decent and doesn't run like ass even on older machines, it has controller support where some others kept refusing to add it (looking at you Bioware), and for me it has one of the best inventory management systems of any RPG I've ever played. You're able to break down weapons and armor you won't be using into parts without having to go back to town and then use them to upgrade your existing weapons and armor.

It's really nice to finally play an RPG where you don't run back to town every 5 minutes or feel like running out of space in your inventory is always an issue (looking at you again Bioware).

I'm by no means saying they it is Best RPG EVAR, but I think for what it is Two Worlds 2 does a decent job at both sandbox (base) and story (expansion) RPG, especially at bundle pricing.

I actually bought and played Two Worlds II and PotFF before they were in bundles and enjoyed them for what they were. There's very few bundle games I can say that about.
It's certainly better than Two Worlds 1. Though, don't expect the voice-acting, story development + character development to be anywhere in the leagues of anything from BioWare or Obsidian.

More so than anything - 2W2's addictive crafting system is what will keep you playing. Breaking, assembling, and combining your equipment to make more + better equipment is just insanely addictive.
I'm going to disagree with both of you about the item enhancement system in TW2. Unlike many aspects of the sequel, this was a step down from the original game. TW2's system may have been comparable to other games in terms of complexity, but that's what I disliked about it. In TW1, to enhance your weapons or armor, all you had to do was find another one similar to it and put it on top of the other one--presto, change-o, you have a new and improved item! In making the sequel, they could easily have just layered a gem socket mechanic on top of that and it would have been fine. Instead they cluttered everything up with six (hell, I think it was six, I don't even remember now) separate crafting skills, dozens of components like wood, fabric, cloth, steel, iron, essence of death, et cetera, and three different kinds of gems. The worst part is that the game does a very poor job of explaining how any of it works. Armor pieces can only socket certain types of gems and the same goes for weapons but which ones? Well, you have to experiment to find out. Maybe you haven't levelled that piece of equipment enough to unlock that socket-type. Or maybe it just doesn't have one of those sockets at all.

Look, if you like futzing around with this kind of crap in MMOs and Diablo, you'll love it here. To me, it's just a nuisance. Two or three times I found myself swapping out a weapon or armor set for something that proved to be substantially worse and once you've invested all of those raw materials in something, you can't ever recover them because even if you dumped 60 pieces of wood into upgrading that bow, you'll only get two or three back when you break it down.

As far as the games themselves go, motoki and the toaster are right and so is Mooby. They're not great and they'd never be GOTY candidates at even the most European of magazines or websites, but they're fun. I enjoyed the first one in part because it was so goofy and buggy. Everyone in that game spoke in a kind of faux-middle-English laden with "thee"s and "thou"s and "forsooth"s. The plot was fairly straightforward: a wizard kidnapped your twin sister so he could force you to find a whatzit for him that would give him ABSOLUTE POWER! Once you got the hang of it, combat was pretty fun. The second game was much bigger and much less likely to CTD. The story got a bit convoluted in that one and it was more or less divided into three chapters. The first part has you running around as a ten-pound weakling, getting the lay of the land in some small settlements and solving problems for the locals. You build your character up until you're effectively a serious badass in this area and then you shift scenes to the second chapter where things get challenging again. Unfortunately, this is the way things go for the rest of the game. You spend a certain amount of time exploring a university and the surrounding arcane wasteland before being teleported to the third area of the game where you have to defeat a witch (or so it seems) in order to secure your escape. Then it's back to the final confrontation. There's a weird twist at the end that the game telegraphs well in advance.

As motoki said, Pirates is essentially standalone. You load the game from a separate menu and you can either import a TW2 character or create a new one that will be levelled to close to where it should be (I believe around the mid- to upper 30s). This is a tale about a notorious pirate seeking to win back his love and also an enigmatic treasure that isn't what anyone thinks it is. It adds about 20-30 hours to the original game, IIRC.

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Could they have at least burned themselves out on a high note? That 10 day/bundle thing was awful.
They had a bunch of bundles after BundleFest at least, like the Havoc and Apocalypse bundles. With those, I don't think they ended on such a bad note.

Killer Bundle 2.0 - $4.99 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • 10 Years After
  • Blitzkrieg Anthology
  • Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
  • Boid
  • Enemy Front
  • Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar
  • Redline
  • Reprisal Universe
  • Samudai
  • Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
More like negligent homicide bundle.

I'd probably still buy it though if it were a bit cheaper.

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Killer Bundle 2.0 - $4.99 [customspoiler=Includes]

  • 10 Years After
  • Blitzkrieg Anthology
  • Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
  • Boid
  • Enemy Front
  • Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar
  • Redline
  • Reprisal Universe
  • Samudai
  • Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
Reprisal is the only repeat for me. Space Rangers HD is really tempting. Boid looks really interesting. Some of the others are tempting. Not tempting enough for an immediate buy, though. For now it's a candidate for gilbying.

I only own Space Rangers HD (yes I bought it in a Steam sale...made the sacrifice!) and don't believe I have any  of them. Do I want to play them......maybe the Blitkreig games and Reprisal...but otherwise not sure. Not a must buy right off the back but lots of +1s. Also Redline looks bad ass!

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Already have Blitzkrieg on GOG. But this is a good bundle. Always wanted to replay Redline and Space Rangers HD looks good enough.
Reprisal is the only repeat for me. Space Rangers HD is really tempting. Boid looks really interesting. Some of the others are tempting. Not tempting enough for an immediate buy, though. For now it's a candidate for gilbying.
What bundle was Reprisal in? ITAD doesn't list any.

Well the only repeat for me:


Hegemony, actually got it through our russian friends I believe. From the first couple missions I played its also pretty good if you like your historical rts type games

Actually had some of these wishlisted, and when you can grab a wishlisted game in a bundle that makes it a no-brainer for me

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Well the only repeat for me:


Hegemony, actually got it through our russian friends I believe. From the first couple missions I played its also pretty good if you like your historical rts type games

Actually had some of these wishlisted, and when you can grab a wishlisted game in a bundle that makes it a no-brainer for me
Gone already. Neuro lied, Steam still hangs for me even when I click "Activate A Product on Steam"

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Always wanted to replay Redline and Space Rangers HD looks good enough.
Those are the 2 I want most, but I don't have much interest in the rest.

I've been waiting for Redline to be bundled.. but it ended up in a bundle that's not very appealing to me.
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Oh! Only one repeat for me. Space Rangers HD is even on my wishlist. Definitely buying this one.

When, for whatever reason, you only own one or two of the games in the bundle, BundleStars really comes through on value. 

Might get that for Enemy Front alone and sell off the other crap for Amazon credit.  No promises but send me a PM if you want something from it and I'll see what the interest is like.

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Crap. I just accidentally bought two Killer Bundles like a dumbass. If anyone wants to buy a bundle from me for Amazon credit or 2 TF2 keys shoot me a PM.

Taken Bacon.

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10 Years After was free on Desura for a day last December and then they later handed out Steam keys in January. I think I was one of like 6 people on the planet that actually grabbed it when I was free. Even Spoder didn't, which has to be causing a paradox for the space-time continuum.

Anyway, I had 10 Years After, Reprisal (from Groupees) and Boid (I think from signing up for the beta) but even with 3 that's almost unheard of for me and Bundlestars. So while $5 for a bundle still seems exorbitant to me :p, I did actually want Space Rangers, Hegemony Rome and Samudai so I went for it.

A very rare instance where I buy Bundlestars. I'm sure it won't happen again for many months until the Stars align just so.

I'm willing to split a bundle I would want both Blitzkreig games, Redline and Boid. I'm willing to negoiate to another game as well for a fair 50/50 split but am willing to just take those games. Please pm me if interested....I'm cheap and I feel $4.99 is too much even for a bunch of +1s....

...damn it, I've been avoiding buying most bundles for months now specifically so that I can buy repeat-filled bundles like this and feel like I'm getting something like a deal out of it, but I can't buy this BECAUSE THERE ARE TOO MANY GAMES IN IT I ALREADY OWN.
...damn it, I've been avoiding buying most bundles for months now specifically so that I can buy repeat-filled bundles like this and feel like I'm getting something like a deal out of it, but I can't buy this BECAUSE THERE ARE TOO MANY GAMES IN IT I ALREADY OWN.

Only interested in Urja and Violett since I have the rest. Will trade keys for those. I have 199X and Synonymy for trade.


It's funny these last two bundles i've had to really think about. While I am getting a decent amount of +1s if I buy....I'm not really excited about playing any of them so still pondering if I want to buy them.

There's a F1 Race Stars Bundle available now. Not sure when it launched. But since it hasn't been mentioned here yet, it's either pretty new, or everyone collectively decided it wasn't worth mentioning.

$4.99 gets you the game and all the DLC.

EDIT: It looks like Neuro was all over this already. Added it to the first post and put it in the title and everything. So I guess people just didn't give a fuck.

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There's a F1 Race Stars Bundle available now. Not sure when it launched. But since it hasn't been mentioned here yet, it's either pretty new, or everyone collectively decided it wasn't worth mentioning.

$4.99 gets you the game and all the DLC.

EDIT: It looks like Neuro was all over this already. Added it to the first post and put it in the title and everything. So I guess people just didn't give a fuck.
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There's a F1 Race Stars Bundle available now. Not sure when it launched. But since it hasn't been mentioned here yet, it's either pretty new, or everyone collectively decided it wasn't worth mentioning.

$4.99 gets you the game and all the DLC.

EDIT: It looks like Neuro was all over this already. Added it to the first post and put it in the title and everything. So I guess people just didn't give a fuck.
For me, it's just a $5 DLC bundle. I assume others are in the same boat.

On that note, does anyone know ithe DLC for the game is worthwhile?

bread's done