Fighting Game Thread 6 is dedicated in memory of Chac*

[quote name='Esper']GGs to everyone I played here and cagfight. Had lots of fun getting my ass whooped![/QUOTE]

Good games, you've got a pretty nasty Viper.
[quote name='jer7583']Also, T-Hawk has some absurd range on his grabs, not to mention priority. He grabbed my out of an EX Legs that was already going.. he's going to be a dangerous one.[/QUOTE]For real, I had some fun with T.Hawk last night and I was consistently surprised by the Typhoons I managed to hit. Lots of pleasant "oh REALLY, that connected?" moments lol. Condore Spire throws a lot of people off... in these early days where people aren't familiar with the move yet, it's easy to get in close with the spire and Typhoon their ass when you hit the ground. I'll try to abuse this until the early oversaturated player base catches on. :D
[quote name='BustaUppa']For real, I had some fun with T.Hawk last night and I was consistently surprised by the Typhoons I managed to hit. Lots of pleasant "oh REALLY, that connected?" moments lol. Condore Spire throws a lot of people off... in these early days where people aren't familiar with the move yet, it's easy to get in close with the spire and Typhoon their ass when you hit the ground. I'll try to abuse this until the early oversaturated player base catches on. :D[/QUOTE]

I did stomp a few thawks and learn some things today.

Like Chun's DF LK is beastly anti-air now. Even stuffs or trades with hawk's diagonal downward dive move. I love how it floats them in the air afterwards too. Really enjoying chun's buffs and changes. Seems like she's more agile, more useful now. Also, Chun U2 is awesome for characters like Thawk or Adon or Juri that have those dive kicks.. they may as well not do them if chun has revenge meter.

I want to learn makoto a lot, but she looks tough. Very slow, very different from chun.

I'm stuck on the Chun Trial where it's jump in HK, 3 ducking jabs, a standing jab, into a standing fierce. I can get everything but the last fierce pretty consistently. It's just too slow, tough timing!
[quote name='PhrostByte']So.. I got my 10 win streak achievement. Only lost once tonight. I gotta admit I'm already getting somewhat bored with the game. :[

No unlockables = the game feels somewhat too staticy to me.[/QUOTE]

Don't you quite on me soldier! UPS say I will have the game tomorrow and I am sure I will stay up way past when you get home.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Good news:

I graduated today and celebrated with family and SSFIV

Bad news:

Graduation after party ended up with me mostly naked but with my ipod touch soaked >)_
Did I add you for PSN, hank? Wish I could check that shit online from a PC. :/

Anyone add me. I'm near impossible to find online, but if you do happen to be on at an ungodly hour of the evening/early early morning, then hit me up for some easy wins in SSIV. :p
hate to be that guy who complains that a character sucks when in reality, he just doesn't know how to use them properly, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Makoto sucks.
[quote name='PhrostByte']So.. I got my 10 win streak achievement. Only lost once tonight. I gotta admit I'm already getting somewhat bored with the game. :[

No unlockables = the game feels somewhat too staticy to me.[/QUOTE]

For SFIV and SSFIV, I gotta say the game is only boring if you don't have anyone to session against offline daily or weekly.

Not having to unlock all that crap through Time Trials where my life bar vanishes is a god send.

Congrats Rolento on graduating.
Any of you guys want to play an Endless match on 360? I thought it might be cool to keep it CAG exclusive. Only so we can rip on each other latter in the forums. I'll be online if anyone's interested.
[quote name='LostRoad']Don't you quite on me soldier! UPS say I will have the game tomorrow and I am sure I will stay up way past when you get home.[/QUOTE]

No way am I giving up. We're gonna play for sure. I'm just a little disappointed that there isn't much to unlock. Not even a movie mode, so weird...

Saddest part: The thing I'm most excited about is trying out the new costumes. I'm such a fgt. :oops:

Also, Rodimus, if you wanna play late at night (after midnight EST), I'll be on.
[quote name='ninja dog']hate to be that guy who complains that a character sucks when in reality, he just doesn't know how to use them properly, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Makoto sucks.[/QUOTE]

option actually has a pretty good Makoto, you should play his, but he only has a PS3 and I think you mentioned you don't =\
Last nights FGT PS3 SSF4 room was awesome. Looking forward for more tonight. I got my Chimp installed into my TE yesterday, so im finally ready to get serious with Tony Hawk.
Yo Guile, GG. I was cheering you on in your matches against the other guy. Your Guile is great.

Any other CAG up for some?
GGs to Guile, ZeroTypeX and Rodimus tonight in SSF4.

Son of a Beep, I was going to invite you after being in that team battle room with you but for some reason you weren't on my friends list anymore. I guess maybe you were running out of space or something. Feel free to add me if you wanna get in on some rooms in the future.
[quote name='Rodimus']Yo Guile, GG. I was cheering you on in your matches against the other guy. Your Guile is great.

Any other CAG up for some?[/QUOTE]

Hey we should try going for those team battle cheevos soon. When it's not an absurdly good Dhalsim in the room. fuck that guy!

Jimbo - I added you, yeah I did have my list full and probably played SF4 with you a year ago or something. I need to get rid of some now from Halo ODST, come to think of it.

I like playing Chun SO much better now. I'm not the best, but i feel like i'm at least getting good at footsies and using them to break people's rhythm.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']GGs to Guile, ZeroTypeX and Rodimus tonight in SSF4.

Son of a Beep, I was going to invite you after being in that team battle room with you but for some reason you weren't on my friends list anymore. I guess maybe you were running out of space or something. Feel free to add me if you wanna get in on some rooms in the future.[/QUOTE]

GGs to you also and GuilewasNK and Rodimus. Sorry I was gone in like the beginning when Jimbo started the room.

Rodimus, your Hakan was giving me a bit of trouble if I wasn't using a shoto character. Need to play against Hakan more.
This translated conversation from KOF XIII just made me laugh.

King vs Athena
Athena: Wow, it must be so cool to be in a team of girls!
King: Hey, wanna trade members? It'd be great to have an under-age! Mai and Yuri are plain crazy when they're drunk!
Athena: Oh, kinda like the way my master fights with pandas?
Guile, ZeroType, jer, & Jimbo awesome games. Jimbo pretty much owned the night, but I had a few good matches in there with Hakan. He's tough to use and you guys gave me some good practice with him. I saved a few of our replays. I love that feature.

I'd be down for some team matches. That Dhalsim player was so good that it wasn't any fun. A guy like that needs to be playing ranked instead of showing off in team matches. His teammate got a free ride off him.
Team battle is such a disappointment. It's hard to actually find other teams to play against rather than an assortment of scrubs. If they had a lobby or playlist where you can actually join team battles as an actual team it'd be more convienent. It's also slow in between matches compared to endless battle.
Can you post/upload the vids Rodimus? I'm curious how to start playing Hakan.

I can't wait to oil up!

Damn that just sounds so wrong...
[quote name='Rodimus']Guile, ZeroType, jer, & Jimbo awesome games. Jimbo pretty much owned the night, but I had a few good matches in there with Hakan. He's tough to use and you guys gave me some good practice with him. I saved a few of our replays. I love that feature.

I'd be down for some team matches. That Dhalsim player was so good that it wasn't any fun. A guy like that needs to be playing ranked instead of showing off in team matches. His teammate got a free ride off him.[/QUOTE]

lol. his teammate was me.

he was pretty decent, i would've liked a crack at him with my boxer.
That's right it was you. I forgot :lol: Did you get an invite or did you magically stumble into the room? Not that beating him would've made a difference cause you would've destroyed me.

Not sure how to posts vids. I have a couple Hakan fights saved on my 360. Is there a way for people to view my replays? I will say I'm not very good with him, I lose most of the time so my technique probably shouldn't be one to mimic. But he's fun to use and I did win a few matches with him so there's potential.
GGs earlier Jimbo. Awesome Guy, I'd definitely keep working with him. Rodimus - I had to leave before you got back but I'm sure we'll catch up soon. I really wanna get some matches in against a good Hakan.

PS: Endless battle is sooooooo good.
SSFIV is fun as hell. I really regret not playing SF4 pretty much at all since last April though... I play like a stank ass ho.
I am shitty at SSFIV but I have more fun with it than SFIV... I can actually play more characters now >_<

But i need alot of practice. barely have had time to play since this week has been really crazy.
Got almost all of Makoto's trials done.

I have a really tough time with her jab uppercut -FADC jab uppercut juggle one.

I just never had to really learn using the EX focus attack dash cause I only played chun and you don't really need it for her in vanilla. It makes my brain hurt, moving that fast. I really like using her air kicks, they seem like good mindgame tools.
GG's to Trajin, Suko, Arikado, Hank, Valkyrie and anyone else I forgot tonight.

Arikado, I was mad salty about Dudley's counter. I need to figure that out. With Gouken's, Seth's headstomp shenanigans ate up counter (since at the very least the hitbox on Gouken's high counter is up to his neck), doesn't seem the same with Dudley's.

Suko.....Abel's U2? LOLz!!
[quote name='asianxcore']Arikado, I was mad salty about Dudley's counter. I need to figure that out. With Gouken's, Seth's headstomp shenanigans ate up counter (since at the very least the hitbox on Gouken's high counter is up to his neck), doesn't seem the same with Dudley's.[/QUOTE]

Well the counter was really the only answer I had for Seth. I can see that being a tough matchup for Dudley because of all the of damage he's going to take getting in or cross countering.

I want to play your Seth more with my Zangief. I still think U1 is the way to go, but U2 might have some uses in that matchup.
[quote name='asianxcore']GG's to Trajin, Suko, Arikado, Hank, Valkyrie and anyone else I forgot tonight.

Arikado, I was mad salty about Dudley's counter. I need to figure that out. With Gouken's, Seth's headstomp shenanigans ate up counter (since at the very least the hitbox on Gouken's high counter is up to his neck), doesn't seem the same with Dudley's.

Suko.....Abel's U2? LOLz!![/QUOTE]

Yeah, GG guys, even though I was destroyed by everyone. :(

I had a fun time though. ;)
I want to get in on some more Super fights. I've been fighting Option with Oil, but the bastard keeps tossing fire on me.
GGs to everyone last night.

Edit: About the rose vs. ryu match.
Damn you suko and your Ryu! Good stuff though. *Saves it into my replay list* for 'OMG WTF' purposes. I made too many mistakes. When I had the life lead, I should have backed away and used ultra II. Why I didn't use it? I had a mental block in the 3rd round, lol.
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[quote name='Esper']GGs to everyone last night.[/QUOTE]Same.

LOL at the last hit of Sagat ultra1 that whiffed in one of the matches.
bread's done