Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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Why did I buy that HD DVD player?

From Netflix today:

You're receiving this email because you have asked to receive high-definition movies in the HD DVD format. As you may have heard, most of the major movie studios have recently decided to release their high-definition movies exclusively in the Blu-ray format. In order to provide the best selection of high-definition titles for our members, we have decided to go exclusively with Blu-ray as well.

While we will continue to make our current selection of HD DVD titles available to you for the next several months, we will not be adding additional HD DVD titles or reordering replacements.

Toward the end of February, HD DVDs in your Saved Queue will automatically be changed to standard definition DVDs. Then toward the end of this year, all HD DVDs in your Queue will be changed to standard definition DVDs. Don't worry, we will contact you before this happens.

You can click here to change your format preferences.

We're sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call us at 1 (888) 638-3549.

-The Netflix Team
[quote name='dallow']I don't know myke.

Most people's news on what's what in electronics comes from "what Best Buy told me".

I think it's big.
It's also a catalyist for other retailers to start doing the same.[/QUOTE]

Definitely true. As HDM moves more into the mainstream market, the more influence stores like Best Buy and how they market the product will have on it's success.

Most people are not informed consumers and lean pretty heavily on what the sales reps tell them. Especially older folks who were used to going to stores and actually getting knowledgeable salesmen who actually new their products rather than just spouting the latest company lines.
[quote name='mykevermin']doubledown, it's interesting to see that they'll start switching your queue to SD DVD beginning this month, then winding down HD DVD by the end of the year. How can those two things be compatible? If your queue will only have SD videos by March, how could you rent an HD DVD in August? I'm just confused by that, but since I'm not a netflix member, perhaps there's a way around it.[/quote]

I'm guessing they're expecting some movies to stop being available (all existing copies being lost, stolen, or damaged) starting in march, and titles will be switched back to SD DVD on that basis until the end of the year, when they drop the format completely.
[quote name='mykevermin']
doubledown, it's interesting to see that they'll start switching your queue to SD DVD beginning this month, then winding down HD DVD by the end of the year. How can those two things be compatible? If your queue will only have SD videos by March, how could you rent an HD DVD in August? I'm just confused by that, but since I'm not a netflix member, perhaps there's a way around it.[/QUOTE]

Saved List and Queue are different things.

By the end of the month they'll start switching stuff from your saved list, which is where you can add upcoming releases to store them, and they then get moved to your Queue when close to release date. i.e. a lot of big movies will be available to add to your saved list while they're still in theaters. So if you don't get to see something that interests you you can through it on your saved list before you forget.

They're changing those to SD-DVD as they aren't buying any more new releases in HD-DVD, so they won't be getting any upcoming things on peoples saved lists in HD-DVD period.

Then the e-mail says that later in the year they'll change things in people's Queue's to SD-DVD, with prior notification.
I'll wait till I hear it from another source. EGM has a history of practical jokes and April Fool's Pranks (yes I know this is the March issue). And to boot, the article is very poorly written and contains several other mistakes.

Additionally, in order to make print for distribution this week, that information would have had to be available nearly a month ago, possibly longer. A month since a bomb that huge and we haven't heard it from ANYBODY? color me skeptical.
[quote name='Maynard']Make that 3 times in one day.

Although not officially announced apparently EGM has the exclusive story

Universal is hopefully going BLU, now to just wait for some sort of press release. :)[/QUOTE]

No, they made a mistake about Universal in a mainly FUD filled article.

Here's part of it.

In January, Warner Bros, -- one of the three remaining major movie studios in the HD-DVD camp -- announced it would jump ship to support Blu-Ray, leaving Paramount and Universal to hold down the HD-DVD fort. Shortly after, the Financial Times reported that Paramount could follow, citing a clause in Paramount's contract with HD-DVD overseers Toshiba that allows the studio to dissolve the relationship specifically if Warner defects. Though Paramount quickly issued an official denial of the claim, the wording of the denial ("Paramount's current plan is to support the HD-DVD format.") left room for a future move. Meanwhile, Universal declared it was no longer exclusively supporting HD-DVD.
I think one of the main reasons I want the format war to end is so that I don't have to read the word "FUD" again for a long, long, long fuckin' time.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think one of the main reasons I want the format war to end is so that I don't have to read the word "FUD" again for a long, long, long fuckin' time.[/QUOTE]

Blah, it's the only thing I can think of that describes the situation.

What else could you call an article that's poorly written, very incorrect fact-wise and heavily bias (Revenge Of The PS3 - Reason 6 - The other guys may screw up)
Yeah, speculative is a much better word for that whole article.

It's just a take on why the PS3 may do better, largely done to seem fair after their PS3 launch slamming article last year.

Universal may not have moved to BR yet, but I think everyone know's that by the end of the year (if not by summer) there will be no HD-DVD exclusive studies remaining.
[quote name='mykevermin']Speculative?[/QUOTE]

Nope, not strong/negative enough.

Just look at the definition of FUD.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is a tactic of rhetoric used in sales, marketing and public relations. FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative (and vague) information.

Now that sums up EGM's article very nicely.
[quote name='Sporadic']
Now that sums up EGM's article very nicely.[/QUOTE]

I think that's too strong for it. It's basically just lists reasons why the PS may do better in 2008. And most of them are pretty valid. And that's coming from somone who hate's what Sony has done with the PS3, and will never buy one.

They may be wrong on Universal, but like I said, it's only a matter of time. HD-DVD is dead. There will be no exclusive studios by the end of 2008, and I'd be surprised if it had any major studio support at all by late 2009.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I think that's too strong for it. It's basically just lists reasons why the PS may do better in 2008. And most of them are pretty valid. And that's coming from somone who hate's what Sony has done with the PS3, and will never buy one.[/QUOTE]

Really? The whole article is full of rumors, misinformation and shitty reasons.

I mean, seriously, they had the balls to actually print this.


You can't get much more misleading than a line graph with no rhyme or reason listing things that may happen in the future. That's the first thing they teach third graders not to do when making a line graph.
I highly doubt that Universal would break the movie news about them dropping HD DVD exclusivity to EGM. That would negate their whole point about gamers not buying movies and in general wouldn't make sense, because it wouldn't generate the type of buzz as quickly as an internet announcement would. Plus these magazines are finished months in advance so it makes no sense that what they would print would even be close to being up to date.
[quote name='Sporadic']Really? The whole article is full of rumors, misinformation and shitty reasons.

I mean, seriously, they had the balls to actually print this.

You can't get much more misleading than a line graph with no rhyme or reason listing things that may happen in the future.[/QUOTE]

It's just speculating. Even the line graph is obvious speculation since it goes to the future! And that things are labeled such as "possible price."

Now I'm not saying it's good journalism. It's not, and that term is an oxymoron anyway as no talented journalist is going to write about games. What you get is gamers who have some writing ability.

It's just not some horrible fanboy rant either. It's just an attempt to say "hey, we bashed the hell out of the PS3 last year because it deserved it, but things are looking better in 2008."
I think the biggest part of the best buy announcement is where they said they will reduce the amount of HD DVD movies and players that they will be carrying. Thats a pretty big deal.
The story appears to be incorrect. Universal did not drop HD DVD
exclusivity, the contract simply ran out. They have not announced any
plans to support Blu-ray yet. I would not be surprised if something changes in the coming weeks, the nails in the coffin are inevitable.

thanks for dropping me the info though, hows the fam?

Senior Editor, Engadget

Well my buddy from Engadget wrote me back and he debunks it. Although he says he wouldn't be surprised.
Can probably try eFence. It's been gone for a LONG time. Probably the first title to disappear, less than two weeks after the Paramount announcement.
[quote name='Richlough']Wow , look at all of those worth owning Universal titles .[/quote]Many with poor transfers. I thought I was missing out on a lot until I read the reviews.

Hopefully more studios will delay their back catalog until they can do 2K and 4K restorations on them.
[quote name='dallow']Many with poor transfers. I thought I was missing out on a lot until I read the reviews.

Hopefully more studios will delay their back catalog until they can do 2K and 4K restorations on them.[/QUOTE]

I have not watched too many catalog titles from Universal, but the ones I have watched have all looked really good. The Deer Hunter looked amazing.
[quote name='dallow']Chill out Sporadic.

This'll cheer you up:



Wasn't that posted by some young BB employee? He took the note and taped it in the aisle. I think he works in that area too. PS3 fanboy? me thinks so. But expected that this would at least start to happen. C'est la vide
But come on hasn't BB been pushing BR over HD for a while? I mean all the BB stores I've been in seem to have more displays set up with BR and have given BR more shelf space as it is.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I have not watched too many catalog titles from Universal, but the ones I have watched have all looked really good. The Deer Hunter looked amazing.[/quote]Oh I know, a few notable ones are quite good.
[quote name='guyver2077']cant believe they put that note up... wtf[/QUOTE]

I can. You are going to see them everywhere. They put it up in the media department at the BB I work at.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I can. You are going to see them everywhere. They put it up in the media department at the BB I work at.[/QUOTE]

You're a Blueshirt ? That expalins a lot .
I think that if the notes are a widespread thing its a really weird thing for a retailer to do...its like saying..."DON'T BUY FROM THIS SECTION".
I understand that they want to enforce Blu-Ray but to neglect in stock product from consumers hurts both the retailer and the consumer.
[quote name='dallow']Many with poor transfers. I thought I was missing out on a lot until I read the reviews.

Hopefully more studios will delay their back catalog until they can do 2K and 4K restorations on them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah your right they all suck except a very select few .

They'll be the same when they get put on Blu-Ray discs too , if that ever happens , making Blu-Ray shitter to own .

Maybe they'll be sore losers about the whole thing , like you're a sore winner .

I'd rather have an old movie that's actually good [and rewatchable] than a movie that I'd be ashamed to admit that I rented on HDM .
But that's just me and that's why I chose HD DVD , not because some reviewer that gets everything free told me what to buy .

It's called free will .

They'll be on Blu anyway. And I can play them on my one machine and enjoy them soon.
I'm not foaming at the mouth to get average transfers on movies I've seen for years, many times over.
It made my patience and resistance to going neutral that much easier.

When they come, they'll come.
I have the DVDs in the meantime, waiting to be replaced.

Up next: Bonnie and Clyde.
[quote name='Richlough']You're a Blueshirt ? That expalins a lot .[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it explains that I have a decent paying part time job while I finish my last semester at school. :D
[quote name='rodeojones903']Yeah, it explains that I have a decent paying part time job while I finish my last semester at school. :D[/QUOTE]

Good for you , you're probably one of the OK ones .:applause:
breaking news:

company i do freelance work for is now going blu ray exclusive for their educational videos!!!!!!!!!

they release about 2 movies a year tho
so the war is over, eh? didn't think it would happen so soon. relieved that it did.

I wonder if this would've happened had Blu-ray not been in the PS3.
[quote name='InuFaye']Honestly who would buy any HD-DVDs now.

I mean its only a matter of time.[/QUOTE]

Who's with me that thinks if the clearances start to happen we will see a pretty biased set of weeks for HD DVD? Or do you think the saturation of Blu at that point will still outweigh the HD camp on sales ratios?

i for one will snap up some HD DVD's when the sales happen, if they happen... the only issue that has bothered me is if in a year or two my HD player breaks will I have a hard time finding a decently priced replacement?
[quote name='InuFaye']Honestly who would buy any HD-DVDs now. [/quote]
I will. My A1, laptop, and whatever player I buy on clearance in a few months (XA2, HD805, or A35) will continue to play them for a LONG time to come. My parents have a player, my father-in-law has one, and my best friend does as well, so trading/loaning isn't a problem. Plus as Snake mentioned, there will be some good prices to be had this year as things wind down--better than we'll see when those titles are eventually re-released on Blu-Ray later on. And some of the currently available titles will take years to even BE re-released, during which time I can enjoy them on HD DVD.

You act as if all existing players will suddenly explode when Paramount and Universal start selling Blu-Rays.
[quote name='InuFaye']Honestly who would buy any HD-DVDs now.

I mean its only a matter of time.[/QUOTE]

I'm buying them. There are some that I still want. I really want a BOGO on Harry Potter films.
[quote name='Snake2715']... the only issue that has bothered me is if in a year or two my HD player breaks will I have a hard time finding a decently priced replacement?[/QUOTE]

Year or two? Probably not. 5+ years? Definitely.

[quote name='geko29']
You act as if all existing players will suddenly explode when Paramount and Universal start selling Blu-Rays.[/QUOTE]

They won't right away. But you will eventually have a hard time finding a replacement when all your players crap out down the road. Be that 5 years, 10 years whatever.

So to me it would suck to build up a nice HD-DVD collection and then not be able to watch it down the road.

But then again, I guess that type of thinking is why I'll never be an early adopter. I won't buy into something until I'm sure I'll be able to use the format pretty much indefinitely.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Year or two? Probably not. 5+ years? Definitely.[/quote]

I've had my DVD player for about 8 years and its still works as good as it did when I first took it out and set it up...I don't use it parents kept it :p

I'm hoping the same goes for my HD DVD players.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Year or two? Probably not. 5+ years? Definitely.

They won't right away. But you will eventually have a hard time finding a replacement when all your players crap out down the road. Be that 5 years, 10 years whatever.

So to me it would suck to build up a nice HD-DVD collection and then not be able to watch it down the road.

But then again, I guess that type of thinking is why I'll never be an early adopter. I won't buy into something until I'm sure I'll be able to use the format pretty much indefinitely.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I figured. I doubt it will break, but things happen sometimes. I mean I had an electrical storm knock a bunch of my electronics out 6 or so years ago, even with my surge protectors.

How did laser discs hold up as far as finding and replacement costs, anyone care to chime in and shine a light in that area. It was really before I was old enough, or even concerned.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I've had my DVD player for about 8 years and its still works as good as it did when I first took it out and set it up...I don't use it parents kept it :p

I'm hoping the same goes for my HD DVD players.[/quote]

It's a total crapshoot. Even with the same models. The Toshiba (believe the model was SD2900 or something close to that) I bought in 1999 crapped out in 2004, but a friend has the same one he bought about the same time that's still going strong.

Everything breaks eventually. Be it normal wear and tear, a power surge, getting damaged in a move etc.

[quote name='Snake2715']
How did laser discs hold up as far as finding and replacement costs, anyone care to chime in and shine a light in that area. It was really before I was old enough, or even concerned.[/quote]

Keep in mind that this isn't really comparable. LaserDisc was around for quite a while as the only disc based movie format. It wasn't able to beat out VHS as the dominant format, but is was successful in it's niche as it had no competition there.

With Blu Ray winning, we'll likely see production of HD-DVD hardware fall off much quicker.

[quote name='dallow']RRoD dmaul, RRoD.

It's coming for you.[/quote]

I know. :( Though I at least have the model with the added heat sink, so maybe I'll dodge the bullet.

But at least that's got a 3 year warranty and we'll probably be close to the next console by the time my warranty expires (Oct 2010).

Consoles are also different as we don't expect them to be around more than 5-6 years before moving onto a new format.

Where as with music and movie media we expect to have those formats available long term--i.e. CDs around nearly 30 years, you can still buy record players, tape players etc.
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