Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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looking at the hd dvd release list, there's really no movies i want that i don't have already (if my 5 MIR come)

i think toshiba still has to honor it even if they drop out

but i ended up grabbing everything i wanted through bogo, ebay, and random sales in the past couple months
C'mon, man - Reuters is Blu-biased. You can see it in their logo. ;)

To be fair, it's the same Hollywood Reporter article just picked up by the wire.

Strange to think that, if this isn't true right now, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

There's a strange rumor going around that if Toshiba drops before Paramount and Universal, that the latter will "save face" by not dumping HD DVD, while Toshiba will take heat for dropping the format no matter when they do. I don't know what to think of that, as the install base for either format is far too small to worry about upsetting, IMO.
Why wouldn't toshiba just start releaseing hybrid players? Are they just really going to abandon HD-dvd tech? Doing so doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

Can we also change the name of this thread? Something like "HDM discussion"? Because the format war is over.
[quote name='Snake2715']Man two months ago I would have never believed this to happen this quickly. Or would it be three months ago already? Either way.[/quote]

I think everyone knew that if Warner went Blu there would be no shot for HD DVD. But if Warner went HD DVD then Blu-ray would start putting up a bigger fight since they had more industry support involved in the format. I think what's going on is Toshiba, Uni and Para are working out deals to go Blu.
Just a small note. I had the wife do the Blu ray training deal to get a free movie a while back. Last week they pin, card, and movie came.

Ironically she said she could wear that on her badge (Sam's Club) and it may come in handy. Also last week there was a large corporate wide meeting (year in review, etc). These are for every store manager to bring one or two people(generally assistant managers) expenses paid to.

They handed out the exact same badges at the meeting that she had just got from the Blu Ray promotional group.

Its nothing big (of course) but kind of funny now that the war is over. I am guessing people will still ask though.
[quote name='dallow']Firesale at Wal-Mart y'all as they've just announced they're going BD exclusive by June.[/QUOTE]

Eh, a somewhat indirect source that I don't know the validity of.

To be fair, there are far too many ripples in the water for this to last another week or two.

*snif* I'm gonna miss this. I did bring oranges and little hugs for after the game, though. Y'all must be worn out.
[quote name='gokou36']Wow, I saw this news a few days ago at , didn't think it would be true. With that hollywood site and now Wal-Mart going exclusive, it probably is true. Can we get a fat lady in here to sing?

Edit : Doh just saw what myke wrote, i guess the walmart is a rumor and not fact.[/QUOTE]

she's not quite ready yet...

[quote name='DarkNessBear']I really did not think we'd see a winner until at least 2009. Now, PS3 has to win and it's all good.[/QUOTE]

I think this definately is still to be decided! ...

...Which gives me a reason to go off-topic!! But I guess nothing is off-limits here, right? I've had my PS3 now for a couple of weeks and, man, the games really do suck. Well they may not suck but I just can't find anything I would really like to buy that I don't already have on 360. CML for what I own if you want. I only have Motorstorm and Warhawk and the latter is kinda cool :/ I'm a FPS type of guy that bought the PS3 for MGS4 and now, I guess, for bluray as well. I think, in regards to multiplatform FPSs, I will always purchase the 360 version (not to mention- Halo). I really like the 360 controllers for FPSs. The analog sticks seem to be better placed and a whole lot more responsive. Maybe thats just my opinion. I really felt the Sixaxis was not near as responsive for turning as I would like for the Gran Turismo demo (not to mention using X as accelleration).

I really hope the PS3 builds a great library!

Anyways; this may hold no bearing whatsoever on the format war, but it has forced me to own two different and expensive machines in order to get exactly what I want out of my home entertainment. As a 24 year old bachelor with a decent job, this rampant spending is possible but when the next console intro occurs I may not have this luxury (kids, house, savings, etc..). Hopefully the PS3 will actually have a lifespan of around 6-10 years which spells out a super library of games. I think if MS introduces a new machine (within 2-3 years) to push another halo or halo-calibur product I will have to get off of the bandwagon. Which brings up this question... Does anyone see the PS3's life overlapping into the third xbox's life?
[quote name='jughead']Does anyone see the PS3's life overlapping into the third xbox's life?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Nintendo is the leader this gen, and show that innovation is driving the industry, not better, shinier graphics. Their next move will be "upward" (graphically, system power), but also "sideways" as well (neither are better or worse, for the record). The PS3 is so powerful that it doesn't need to really move in either direction to play "catch up," and we all know that MS has a planed 5 year life span for their consoles, and we'll see the next Xbox in late 2010. Even then, I'd be surprised to see it do things so incredibly amazing that the PS3 couldn't perform a reasonable facsimile of it. Even then, lowest-common-denominator standards of third party titles will make those differences irrelevant (see third parties' general failure to use BD disc capacity in titles).
I was thinking about this as well. As much hype as the Nintendo games get (i.e. Zelda etc). I can only imagine what they will get when they truly jump to HD. It will be like this gens wow factor all over again for Nintendo fans.

Nintendo has kind of broken off and said we will not follow suit in the graphics department, with the recession looming and price becoming a bigger factor in the extra cash department, this could have been the right move at the right time.
[quote name='Snake2715']she's not quite ready yet...


Well tell her to get off of you and sing damnit!


You should really get Uncharted, i'm surprise you don't have that in your want list.

Also, there's nothing wrong with the Wii's graphics. Its the lazyass dev's that thinks the Wii should have jaggies up the ass in every game. They make the games look like PS1 games.
[quote name='gokou36']

You should really get Uncharted, i'm surprise you don't have that in your want list.

Yea, I should get that. "I'm gettin that fa sho"... I actually just took it off of my want list for some reason.
This was a triumph
I’m making a note here: huge success
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction
Blu-Ray disc association
We do what we must because we can
For the good of all of us
Except the ones who are dead
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
And the science gets done and make a blu-laser for fun
For the people who are still alive

I’m not even angry
I’m being so sincere right now
Even though you broke my heart and killed me
And tore me to pieces
And threw every piece into a fire
As they burned it hurt because
I was so happy for you
Now these points of data make a beautiful line
And we’re out of beta, we’re releasing on time
So I’m HD-DVD, I got burned, think of all the things we learned
For the people who are still alive

Go ahead and leave me
I think I’d prefer to stay inside
Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you
Maybe Warner Brothers
That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance
Anyway this cake is great
It’s so delicious and moist
Look at me still talking when there’s science to do
When I look out there it makes me glad I’m not you
I’ve experiments to run, there is research to be done
On the people who are still alive
And believe me I am still alive
I’m doing science and I’m still alive
I feel fantastic and I’m still alive
And while you’re dying I’ll be still alive
And when you’re dead I will be still alive
Still alive
Still alive
Toshiba really needs to just come out and end it. All of this news keeps making them look worse.

I wish someone besides Gizmo created these topics, that way the OP could be edited.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Toshiba really needs to just come out and end it. All of this news keeps making them look worse.

I wish someone besides Gizmo created these topics, that way the OP could be edited.[/quote]
Someone should create a new thread anyways, this has hit 2500+ posts :eek:
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Someone should create a new thread anyways, this has hit 2500+ posts :eek:[/QUOTE]

But we won't need this thread for much longer so there really is no point of a new one. :D
It was nice while it lasted...props to Sony for trumping the good product...and by that I mean its finalized and there was no need to worry about future upgrades.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']It was nice while it lasted...props to Sony for trumping the good product...and by that I mean its finalized and there was no need to worry about future upgrades.


This is seriously as official as a confirmation of HD-DVD death gets! :lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']Click it and weep, HD DVD fans.[/quote]
Time to sit back and watch Sony rape you guys up the ass.

Enjoy it, you asked for it. :applause:
[quote name='B:L']Time to sit back and watch Sony rape you guys up the ass.

Enjoy it, you asked for it. :applause:[/quote]How will they do that exactly?

Movie prices going to sky rocket an extra $20+ starting Monday?
Don't be an idiot.
[quote name='dallow']How will they do that exactly?

Movie prices going to sky rocket an extra $20+ starting Monday?
Don't be an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Same way Kirbo will?!?

[quote name='ryanbph']while i doubt prices will raise, I do not expect any major buy 2 or buy 1 and get 1 free promo anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

And I for one thing if they did do one, along with the rumored PS3 price drop it could cause a nice ushering in of more people buying, and those that have been to buy in worry of it being the last sale..
[quote name='ryanbph']while i doubt prices will raise, I do not expect any major buy 2 or buy 1 and get 1 free promo anytime soon.[/quote]Yup, that's what they said when the Warner announcement came through, and yet......

There will still be sales to encourage HDM adoption.
There will still be sales, but they will not be as good. The HDM has been chosen, but we still have yet to see the market penetration that is necessary to bring the types of returns these studios are looking for. To do that they need players and movies to come down to attract more consumers.
And that will happen, it just takes time.

Remember when these things launched?
There were NO sales, at all!

Prices will come down, it's the natural course of media.
Maybe I'm kidding myself but I'd hope now we're down to one format that people can invest in without worrying that prices will start to drop.

They better had, I'm cheap and $25 an HD movie ain't.
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