Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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[quote name='shrike4242']Looks like the A35 ends up being the top-of-the-heap for the HD-DVD player, then. Oh well. [/quote]

Actually the XA2 is the current (and apparently forever) flagship. That's why it wasn't discontinued when the G3 players came out.

[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder if future Blu-Ray discs will include firmware updates like most game discs do.[/quote]
No chance. Aside from the logistical problem--ie what happens a few years from now when there are 200+ player models in the wild--there's major liability issues to contend with as well. Every firmware update has a chance, however slight, of killing a player. No studio will be willing to put up with a barrage of complaints that one of their titles bricked a bunch of players.
[quote name='mercilessming']I think Sony may have more control than appears on Paper. So My overall point is the hypocrisy in America, that being Microsoft == Bad (Controlling OS on Desktop), (Sirus+Xm)==Bad but somehow Sony == Good (Controlling Physical Media Format).

No I do not own any HDM. And will not, if I do one day own a PS3, because somehow companies stop supporting Xbox360, I will not be buying movies to play on it, as I never play movies on Consoles. And as a very intelligent poster has already said, "one doesn't have to buy blu-ray", I will not, not because of anything technical or the Fact Sony backs it. But the Fact of How Sony handled it.[/quote]

Here's the difference, In your examples, one company controlling the market is a bad thing. MSFT charges a TON of money for their OS and then you can only use them on one computer. If they had more competition, this would not be an issue. Sirius and XM, same thing, less channels, subscription prices go up, etc etc. However, it has been proven time and time again that having two competing media format's is a bad thing. Look at SACD and DVD-A. They never took off and the fact that there is two competing formats is one of the reasons. And it was being proven again that having two competing media formats was a bad thing for the industry as a whole. People did not want to buy into either format because they were afraid theres would not last long. This is why all the companies in the past 2 months have chosen sides, it was unhealthy for the industry as it delayed mass adoption. There are few industries where a monopoly is a good thing, such as Water companies, power companies, and media is also one of those. And people aren't picking Sony, they're picking Blu-ray. A joint effort between Hitachi, Sony, Philips, Warner Bros, etc etc. Yes, Sony was the main researcher of it, but Disney controls so much of it now as well Sony isn't by themselves. And all Big Corporations are evil so I really could care less, I just want superior product. And Blu-ray is that.

And while there was some bad things to come out as far as consumers go with DVD, the fact that there was one format let to DVD player prices being affordable within 2 years and it being the fastest growing consumer media in history (or something to that effect). Will the same thing happen with Blu-ray? Of course not, but there only being one format gives them a better chance.

And If the HD-DVD add-on is any indicator, I wouldn't buy a add-on. Just wait till Blu-ray players are around 200$ and buy one. A Low-end Sharp, Philips or even Sony would suit you perfectly fine.
apparently paramount blu ray titles are already appearing in circuit city computers

must be an error, no way everything just happens that fast

i just hope some of these titles that are supposed to come out soon on HD DVD get lost and never released on either format
[quote name='dallow']Ouch! No more than $10 for an HD movie?

My limit is $20 with one exception.

I like the $15 pricepoint myself.
At $10 I tend to pick up stuff willy nilly.[/quote]
I know this was a couple pages back, but to clarify, I've spent no more than an average of $10 per HD movie (actually $5.14) A did get 5 movies for Christmas from my parents (would up average to $9.60), but I've personally spent $98 on my 19 HD-DVD/BD's; if you count the 360 add-on, it gets up to about $15 average, but I sold most of that bundle and broke pretty even. If I divide the price of each item from that up, it averages $6.50 a movie, and really the drive itself was most of that purchase. Perhaps I've just been very lucky, and need to rethink my buying strategy. DeepDiscount's $12.50 titles almost made me drop a little money simply because I didn't have to spend $20 to get 2 for $10 each.
[quote name='dallow']Please sir! May I have another![/QUOTE]

I always thought it was "Thank you sir may I have another?!".

Anyway how you been doing Kevin? ;-P
Good thing I didn't sink any more into HD DVD movies with the recent B2G1 and B1G1 sales.

Please allow me to foolishly wonder aloud if the movie studios will offer a HD-DVD buy back program to help with the red-to-blu conversion.
I really wish thrustbucket posted in here more, 'cuz his "nevergonnabuybluraynevernopenopenope" irritation, the innuendo that BDA bought their way through everything, sourness about Blu-Ray being in the PS3...hell, everything about that guy with regards to the format war is just so damned adorable on so many levels it makes me laugh my ass off.
[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder if future Blu-Ray discs will include firmware updates like most game discs do.[/quote]

Won't happen. There's too many different hardware players that would be dependent on the CEM. For gaming, it's just Sony's PS3s, 4 models so 1-4 FW versions depending on what's different.
[quote name='cuco33']Won't happen. There's too many different hardware players that would be dependent on the CEM. For gaming, it's just Sony's PS3s, 4 models so 1-4 FW versions depending on what's different.[/QUOTE]

Man that girl's ass is just nice.

Anyway anyone checked out the J-Pop concert Blu-ray discs? I was thinking of picking up the Sowelu one or one of those others. Anyone heard of a Seo Taiji Blu-Ray concert disc coming out yet?
Gah I need a Crystal Kay and m-Flo Blu-Ray, concert and m/v's. I wouldn't mind an Ayumi Hamasaki one either.
Oi...BD insider MaxPower confirmed the Blu-Ray edition of Transformers, which will be the 2-disc set, w/ AVC video encode and PCM audio.

What was the HD DVD video?
[quote name='mykevermin']I really wish thrustbucket posted in here more, 'cuz his "nevergonnabuybluraynevernopenopenope" irritation, the innuendo that BDA bought their way through everything, sourness about Blu-Ray being in the PS3...hell, everything about that guy with regards to the format war is just so damned adorable on so many levels it makes me laugh my ass off.[/quote]I keep thinking the same thing.

Everyone who says that, "never gonna buy BD, HD downloads for me".
Oh you guys!

You should see this post, probably Bucket in disguise:

Hehe, and read this great reply:

[quote name='myke']What was the HD DVD video?[/QUOTE]It was also AVC. Even if they up the bitrate, I'm sure the video looks the same. Good news about the audio though. I hope some non-biased experts do comparisons and settle it once and for all.

(if the PCM is 24bit that is, like the DD+ track)
[quote name='dallow']I keep thinking the same thing.

Everyone who says that, "never gonna buy BD, HD downloads for me".
Oh you guys!

You should see this post, probably Bucket in disguise:

Hehe, and read this great reply:

It was also AVC. Even if they up the bitrate, I'm sure the video looks the same. Good news about the audio though. I hope some non-biased experts do comparisons and settle it once and for all.

(if the PCM is 24bit that is, like the DD+ track)[/QUOTE]

Why not just use TrueHD for crying out loud?! It allows more space on the disc. It's not like you need anything more then that and a 1.5 track for those that don't have equipment that decodes it. Past that you're set. No French or Spanish audio. DIE dubs!
Dallow can you give me any info on "Metropolis" on Blu-Ray? Does it have English subs?
BB has a lot of the boxsets for HD DVD half off. I guess they are trying to get rid of high ticket items so they don't get stuck heavily reducing them.

Probably going to grab The Matrix collection for 45 bucks.
[quote name='benjamouth']Wow, do you have to practice to be this moronic or does it just roll right off naturally ?[/quote]

Interesting, a little debate actually formed over this statement at Joystiq. Yet here I just get called, "moronic".

I believe it is a valid statement. I just do not understand why somebody that has spent thousands on their TV would not want it to output the best signal it can. It's like buying a brand new sports car and not putting the best gas in it, and being happy with that. Why not just stay at a level down? (Note: I really don't know much about cars, so I hope you understand the comparison...)

That is just my thinking. I would not mind being told why I am incorrect, in language that does not sound like an Xbox Live discussion during Halo...
Some people have very nice TVs, but didn't buy them because of their HD picture. For those people, DVD (especially upscaled to their TV's native resolutuion) is more than good enough. But that doesn't mean their Kuro is a piece of shit.
I'm assuming you mean the anime Sarang?
I've no clue, I hated it so I haven't looked into the BD version.
(i'd expect there to be english subs, even some of the more obscure anime BD titles over there have them)
[quote name='Dante Devil']I am glad its almost over. I guess I can sell my HD-DVDs and my 360 player. No sense in keeping them.[/QUOTE]

well, personally i don't think a lot of catalog titles that were released on hd dvd will appear on blu ray

they got the masters already, but catalog titles sold very poorly across both formats, wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a lot of them
Oh they'll show up rsigley, eventually.

The fact that Warner is bringing out some of their worst sellers (like Forbidden Planet) tells you something.
[quote name='dallow']Oh they'll show up rsigley, eventually.

The fact that Warner is bringing out some of their worst sellers (like Forbidden Planet) tells you something.[/QUOTE]

i hope so

i figure warner would, not sure about universal

hopefully if universal does, they put some effort into it this time on some of the titles
What are the chances they'll reissue the Matrix trilogy on BD? (I'm a big fan of the trilogy, even though I'm disappointed with the way 2 and 3 were done.)
[quote name='torifile']What are the chances they'll reissue the Matrix trilogy on BD? (I'm a big fan of the trilogy, even though I'm disappointed with the way 2 and 3 were done.)[/quote]They're already prepping it, never fear.
[quote name='Sarang01']Why not just use TrueHD for crying out loud?! It allows more space on the disc. It's not like you need anything more then that and a 1.5 track for those that don't have equipment that decodes it. Past that you're set. No French or Spanish audio. DIE dubs!
Dallow can you give me any info on "Metropolis" on Blu-Ray? Does it have English subs?[/quote]

Dolby TrueHD core track is only 640kpbs, DTS-MA is the one with the 24bit lossless and 1.5. But I do agree with you, Dolby True HD is sufficient enough, but 24bit PCM is the easiest to do, and then only true uncompressed audio, but from what I hear you can't tell the difference between the three. I think he just meant any 24bit lossless audio.
[quote name='jovherye']Anychance that M$ will release a BR add on for the 360? If it's less than $200 I would definetly get one! It's cheaper than paying $400 for Sony's best BR player=PS3. I know people will argue that releasing a BR add on might be against M$'s download "Master Plan", but it might prevent people from buying a PS3. Anyone agree?[/QUOTE]

Already in the works. Also expect the next 360 to have BR built-in.
[quote name='keithp']Already in the works. Also expect the next 360 to have BR built-in.[/QUOTE]

A 360 BD player is in the works? I doubt it - after all, Sony would lose PS3 sales if such a peripheral were made, wouldn't they?

I think MS is going to rely on promoting XBLM for the remainder of the 360's lifespan.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Interesting, a little debate actually formed over this statement at Joystiq. Yet here I just get called, "moronic".

I believe it is a valid statement. I just do not understand why somebody that has spent thousands on their TV would not want it to output the best signal it can. It's like buying a brand new sports car and not putting the best gas in it, and being happy with that. Why not just stay at a level down? (Note: I really don't know much about cars, so I hope you understand the comparison...)

That is just my thinking. I would not mind being told why I am incorrect, in language that does not sound like an Xbox Live discussion during Halo...[/quote]

Oh I'm sorry I didn't actively support your trolling, I guess the folks over at Joystiq are more easily riled.

As someone who spent over 2 grand on a high def tv a few years ago I shall tell you exactly why I'm happy with DVD. The jump in quality isn't enough between DVD and HD discs for me to justify spending money on over priced HD discs for movies I probably already have or have seen.

And people can tell me all day, every day that HD-DVD/Blu-Ray is so much better than DVD, but I don't see it. Maybe I need to spend even more money, but at the end of the day I have better things to spend my money on than the hunt for slightly better picture quality.

HD does not make movies better, it just makes them look a bit better, and thats not the most important thing for me. Most of the time I just want to see the film.

The reason I called that statement moronic is because it was a gross generalisation, and an unfounded one at that.
[quote name='benjamouth']
HD does not make movies better, it just makes them look a bit better, and thats not the most important thing for me. Most of the time I just want to see the film.

That's pretty much me as well. Though I do see the difference in HDM and will get into Blu Ray eventually. As I've said repeatedly, I'm not willing to pay for it at current prices.

But unlike you, I do think it looks damn good and when players are around $200 for a decent standalone and discs are launching around $20 on release day I'll be all over it.

But I won't double dip much, I'll mainly just start buying new releases on BR when I get a player. Until then, I'm fine with DVD, because as you say it does look good enough and I'm more into the movie than how it looks on my HDTV.
[quote name='benjamouth']Oh I'm sorry I didn't actively support your trolling, I guess the folks over at Joystiq are more easily riled.

As someone who spent over 2 grand on a high def tv a few years ago I shall tell you exactly why I'm happy with DVD. The jump in quality isn't enough between DVD and HD discs for me to justify spending money on over priced HD discs for movies I probably already have or have seen.

And people can tell me all day, every day that HD-DVD/Blu-Ray is so much better than DVD, but I don't see it. Maybe I need to spend even more money, but at the end of the day I have better things to spend my money on than the hunt for slightly better picture quality.

HD does not make movies better, it just makes them look a bit better, and thats not the most important thing for me. Most of the time I just want to see the film.

The reason I called that statement moronic is because it was a gross generalisation, and an unfounded one at that.[/QUOTE]

I think you should stop spending 2 grand on tv's until you buy some glasses.
[quote name='jimbodan']I think you should stop spending 2 grand on tv's until you buy some glasses.[/quote]

:roll: Yeah thanks for that.

Anyway I'm bored of this argument so I won't be wasting my time or anyone elses with posts on it, thats all folks !
It ain't over yet, bitches!!!!

Toshiba just came out with an epic statement kicking back against the death watch rumors:

Here it is in full:

February 18, 2008

Comment on media reports on HD DVD

The media reported that Toshiba will discontinue its HD DVD business. Toshiba has not made any announcement concerning this. Although Toshiba is currently assessing its business strategies, no decision has been made at this moment.

Let the war continue!
[quote name='Scobie']It ain't over yet, bitches!!!!

Toshiba just came out with an epic statement kicking back against the death watch rumors:

Here it is in full:

Let the war continue![/quote]

As expected, everyone's jumping on the rumors as truth rather than holding out for the actual statements.

But I think they are just buying time to move software/hardware. I don't think they'll publicly drop the format but more so phase it out slowly. I think Tosh now sees that HDM won't adopt as fast as most think it will and their DVD business will continue to strive. I don't mind 2 formats, whether its HD DVD and Blu-ray or HDM and SD DVD
[quote name='cuco33']As expected, everyone's jumping on the rumors as truth rather than holding out for the actual statements.

But I think they are just buying time to move software/hardware. I don't think they'll publicly drop the format but more so phase it out slowly. I think Tosh now sees that HDM won't adopt as fast as most think it will and their DVD business will continue to strive. I don't mind 2 formats, whether its HD DVD and Blu-ray or HDM and SD DVD[/QUOTE]

I dunno. Fox announced Master and Commander (for the third time?) today, and also MRS DOUBTFIRE! for BD.

Read 'em and weep. Mrs. Doubtfire says "it's ovah!" ;)
[quote name='rsigley']What happens 6 months from now when HDM sales still suck and there's no "war" to blame it on?[/quote]You do realize that HDM adoption has been growing faster than DVD in the same time period right?

Even in Europe where HDTV penetration is way lower than here.

Don't expect HDM sales to even get close to DVD for at least 3 years.
That doesn't mean the sales sucks, it means it's growing, and it takes years.

[quote name='benja']HD does not make movies better, it just makes them look a bit better, and thats not the most important thing for me. Most of the time I just want to see the film.[/quote]I'll this about your post, movies in HD have made them more fun to watch.
I can't explain it, but I'm more wiling to watch something stupid because the picture and sound are so gorgeous.
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