Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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Pretty interesting from HDD.
How The Domino's Fell

2008-01-04: Warner announce they goes Blu-ray exclusive. Delay all their new HD-DVD releases and will stop completely with HD-DVD after May.
2008-01-04: Universals movie Lust, Caution is first announced for HD-DVD but this was a "clerical mistake" and the title should not have been announced for HD-DVD, only DVD.
2008-01-04: HD DVD Promotion Group cancel their press conference at CES.
2008-01-08: New Line goes Blu-ray exclusive. Pan's Labyrinth is the first and last HD-DVD disc from New Line.
2008-01-09: HBO goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-09: All quiet on Universal front.
2008-01-09: Microsoft announce they are neutral in format war. Amir Majidimehr quits Microsoft at 2008-01-15.
2008-01-10: Paramount delay titles.
2008-01-11: Constantin Film goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-14: Toshiba have a fire sale on their newest models just like then they sold out the A2 player. No new players announced from the only producer of HD-DVD players...
2008-01-14: Digital Playground said they might go Blu-ray exclusive during 2008.
2008-01-16: Senator Home Entertainment goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-17: Paramount announce it's complete Q1 2008 slate. One new title not announced before was included (The Kite Runner), otherwise nothing new.
2008-01-18: Universal announce it's first and only one movie after Warners announcement. The box art did emerge a week before Warners announcement and is the first new title since December 18. One title per months from Universal?
2008-01-20: R&B Films goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-21: Trans World, one retailer with more than 800 stores starts to make more room for Blu-ray
2008-01-22: Grant's Appliances, one of the top 30 electronics retailers in the US, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-24: Circuit City have a clearance sale on their last HD-DVD players. The price is now $100.04 for the Toshiba HDA3. The price was later changed by CC to standard $149.
2008-01-24: SF Film, Swedish distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-24: Scanbox, Swedish distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-28: Woolworths, one of the bigger retailers in UK with 820 shops, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-28: FS-Film, Finnish distributor, have gone Blu-ray exclusive. Confirmed by email and all HD-DVD pages taken off-line.
2008-01-29: Wal-Mart starts to have HD-DVD players labelled as clearance items.
2008-01-29: Saturn, one of the bigger German retailers, have a exchange program to replace HD-DVD with Blu-ray.
2008-01-30: National Geographic have gone Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-30: Sonic Solutions, the largest developer of professional mastering programs, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-01-31: Surround Records, former HD-DVD exclusive distributor, goes dual-support.
2008-02-01: Paramount announce Sweeney Todd, the second new movie announced by them this year and the third for Paramount/Dreamworks+Universal.
2008-02-01: Imation stops making HD-DVD-R/RW media and goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-04: BAC Films, French distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-04: Manga Films, Spanish distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-04: Onkyo drops HD-DVD support, atleast for now, in UK.
2008-02-05: Universal announce their second title after Warners announcement.
2008-02-05: OVA Films, German distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-07: Filmmax, Spanish distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-06: Microsoft drop the price on the add-on.
2008-02-08: Universal drops the re-issues of two titles, a large part of all announced titles for 2008.
2008-02-08: HiFi Klubben, Scandinavian retailer, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-11: Netflix goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-11: Best Buy recommend Blu-ray and prominently showcase Blu-ray.
2008-02-12: Tripictures, Spanish distributor, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-13: Paramount postpone Star Trek: Season 2.
2008-02-13: Wal-mart stop selling the HD-A3 and leaving the last HD-DVD player, Venturers Toshiba player at clearance.
2008-02-14: Opus Arte, former HD-DVD exclusive studio, goes neutral.
2008-02-14: Cameo, distributor in Spain, goes Blu-ray exclusive.
2008-02-15: Wal-Mart goes Blu-ray exclusive.
[quote name='rodeojones903']:rofl:[/QUOTE]

I think he meant more things will be added to the list.

I am sure its just a matter of Toshiba getting its Blu paperwork in order before their announcement.

Would it be common now to have The BD association stick it to them? Or will they be cordial and all? I am unfamilair with how the terms to these contracts are set up.
[quote name='dallow']How will they do that exactly?[/QUOTE]

Have you ever imported a Blu-Ray disc? If so, imagine that shit to stop immediately and for region codes to be used on everything if HD-DVD dies.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Now we just need amazon to do the same. :D[/quote]
That'll never happen until there's no product left to sell.
[quote name='dallow']Pretty interesting from HDD.[/quote]

The first line of that list is one of my biggest pet peeves. What is this "fell" that is owned by the domino?

Grammar FTL! All journalists should be required to take 4th grade English.

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion..... :)
[quote name='Sporadic']Have you ever imported a Blu-Ray disc? If so, imagine that shit to stop immediately and for region codes to be used on everything if HD-DVD dies.[/quote]I've only imported stuff that wasn't available in BD because Uni had it.

That won't be a problem anymore.

Anyway, I expect the same lax approach to region coding as before.
Maybe if HD DVD had region coding, they could have had support from Disney and Fox since the beginning.
[quote name='dallow']How will they do that exactly?

Movie prices going to sky rocket an extra $20+ starting Monday?
Don't be an idiot.[/QUOTE]

They'll do it by removing your rights to the content you bought. Want to back up a disc for that business trip? Well then buy a PS3 and a PSP. Because thats the only way they want you to.

Want to actually back up (in HD) your copy of Cars so when your kid inevitably leaves it lying out and your dog find something new to chew on, you're not out 40 bucks? Well simply register with sony, fill out your name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, email, photocopy three forms of ID and mail them along with a DNA sample and your dental records. In 6-8 weeks you'll receive a serial number to unlock your ability to make one copy ever, using Sony™ Corporation Official Backup Software© (internet connection required), which will only install 8 rootkits and 4 spyware applications on your computer. "Sony official managed copy, because the consumers are stupid and Sony is infallible."

What a wonderful future.
[quote name='B:L']Time to sit back and watch Sony rape you guys up the ass.

Enjoy it, you asked for it. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Of course. Because there will be no sales, all movies will rise to their $40 MSRP, and they'll still expect consumers to switch from DVD to BD.

Your sour grapes are long expired. Throw 'em out, toots.
RIP my good friend HD-DVD, all my non-dual and paramount/universal dvd's are now going on ebay/ or CAG TL. Will probally keep my player though, no sense in getting $20 for the trade in.
[quote name='TURBO']They'll do it by removing your rights to the content you bought. Want to back up a disc for that business trip? Well then buy a PS3 and a PSP. Because thats the only way they want you to.

Want to actually back up (in HD) your copy of Cars so when your kid inevitably leaves it lying out and your dog find something new to chew on, you're not out 40 bucks? Well simply register with sony, fill out your name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, email, photocopy three forms of ID and mail them along with a DNA sample and your dental records. In 6-8 weeks you'll receive a serial number to unlock your ability to make one copy ever, using Sony™ Corporation Official Backup Software© (internet connection required), which will only install 8 rootkits and 4 spyware applications on your computer. "Sony official managed copy, because the consumers are stupid and Sony is infallible."

What a wonderful future.[/quote]Yup, that's exactly it newbie.
I feel bad you spent all that time writing that up.
I know whenever anyone says that the BDA will not be lowering the price, everyone yells that that person is an idiot, but I'm going to say it anyway, but with more clarification than before. Here's how I see this happening.

Players will drop a huge amount in this next year. This is what Sony and the BDA needs to get people to adopt. They've already done it with free players w/TV purchase. It gets it in the home.

Movies will drop, but not by too much; I'm guessing we'll see BD drop from the $25-$30 area to $20-25, maybe as low as $15. But, no more B1G1 at these prices. There's no need, for a while. Consumers will get a cheap player, and then want BD media over DVD media because heck, that's why they have the player. They will pay for it and not need super low prices to get them to do so.

Maybe this doesn't seem 'outrageous' (and by no means in $15 'outrageous'), but as a CAG, I've got limits to my spending. No more than $10 for an HD movie, and so far, I've been able to hit that with the small collection I've bought. But will I be able to with just one format dominating, wanting to hit mass market adoption but at the same time wanting to get as much money as they can? I just don't see movies being $20 with a B1G1. Of course, Amazon always blows my mind with their sales, so who knows how they might pull it off. But at Best Buy? No way.

I guess we'll see in a few months what happens.
Ouch! No more than $10 for an HD movie?

Mine limit is $20 with one exception.

I like the $15 pricepoint myself.
At $10 I tend to pick up stuff willy nilly.
[quote name='KingDox']How long untill profile 2.0 comes out?[/quote]
I don't think the Panasonic DMP-BD50 has a release date yet. It will almost certainly be the first 2.0-compliant player.
[quote name='dallow']Ouch! No more than $10 for an HD movie?

Mine limit is $20 with one exception.

I like the $15 pricepoint myself.
At $10 I tend to pick up stuff willy nilly.[/quote]

Yep, $15 seems about fair, and I'll be watching out for the old "release a bare bones edition now and the special edition 6 months later" trick that DVD pulled in the early days.

Edit - I wonder if we'll get a Wicker Man HD disc, and I mean the original, not that Nic Cage abortion.
Is it just me, that sees
1) With everyone against monopolies, then why is it seen as a good thing that A Movie/Music/Electronics Company and the same company whose foot is in everything entertainment based owns the proprietary technology for physical media delivery?
2) Since it is popular to Hate Microsoft I would have loved to have seen Microsoft come out with a spec exactly technically the same but cheaper and/or better and see what excuses people would have come up with against them as opposed to the same monopoly Sony is trying for with Blu-Ray. Really ask yourself why a Company as big as Sony wants to make a media format?.
3) When someone like Wal-Mart whole heartedly backs a company be very worried, after all Wal-Mart supports slave labor of Old People.
[quote name='b3b0p']Bourne on blu-ray will be a day 1 purchase for me. Price be damned![/quote]

You probably would be better off just grabbing an A3 whenever they start to clearance them out. The current transfers of all the pictures are quite good (especially the last two). I just watched the first two earlier today and am about to watch the third one again.

Even though I was a Blu supporter early on, HD won me over and in the past little while actually became my format of choice (when almost everything you watch over the past two months has been HD exclusive I guess that means you changed sides). Kind of sad to see it go by the wayside, but there are still like 40-50 movies that I want so I have enough to fill up a library. I have no regrets buying the two players that I have, and will continue to purchase HD movies for them as long as they come out (and I will definately pick up some movies when they start to get clearanced out).
[quote name='mercilessming'] monopoly Sony is trying for with Blu-Ray. Really ask yourself why a Company as big as Sony wants to make a media format?.

The "Blu-ray Disc Founder" was founded in May 2002 by nine leading electronic companies: Matsushita, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, Samsung, and Sony.

The current 18 board members (as of January 2008) are:[4]

* Apple Inc.
* Dell Inc.
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Hitachi, Ltd.
* LG Electronics
* Mitsubishi Electric
* Panasonic (Matsushita Electric)
* Pioneer Corporation
* Royal Philips Electronics
* Samsung Electronics
* Sharp Corporation
* Sony Corporation
* Sun Microsystems
* TDK Corporation
* Thomson SA
* Twentieth Century Fox
* Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group / Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
* Warner Home Video Inc.
[quote name='mercilessming']Is it just me, that sees
1) With everyone against monopolies, then why is it seen as a good thing that A Movie/Music/Electronics Company and the same company whose foot is in everything entertainment based owns the proprietary technology for physical media delivery?
2) Since it is popular to Hate Microsoft I would have loved to have seen Microsoft come out with a spec exactly technically the same but cheaper and/or better and see what excuses people would have come up with against them as opposed to the same monopoly Sony is trying for with Blu-Ray. Really ask yourself why a Company as big as Sony wants to make a media format?.
3) When someone like Wal-Mart whole heartedly backs a company be very worried, after all Wal-Mart supports slave labor of Old People.[/QUOTE]

1) Given a choice b/w Sony and Toshiba, that's a bit redundant to ask, as there is no alternative that does not meet your criteria. Moreover, it's not really Sony/Toshiba at any rate, it's BDA/HDG, which are two groups comprised of dozens and dozens of large tech corps. If BDA makes a change to a spec (say, 1.1 or 2.0), then BDA has to vote on it - it isn't that Sony's word is the autocratic authority. Same would be the case for HDG, given that Disney even voted to approve research into 51GB discs.

2) For the same reason anybody wants to make a dominant media format. Here's a hint: "we're doin' it for the kids!" is not the right answer.

3) Wal-Mart isn't a good company. I'll agree with you. But what's your point here (and what's your overall point? Do you even own any HDM?)? Wal-Mart accounts for 1/4 of ALL consumer transactions in the US. I don't like their market dominance at all, and I perhaps shop there fewer than 6 times a year (no joke, and rarely spend more than $20 each time, unless I'm buying a game on sale). But they account for so much of consumer activity in the US that what they say goes; look at their examples of what economists call monopsony (the demand end of the supply/demand chain b/w producers and resellers, that is, having the sole negotiating power in the market): shrinking PC-game boxes, their fight with Snapper mowers, their fight with Kraft foods, their effect on manufacturing moving outside the US, etc. Wal-Mart rules the school, as much as it pains me to say it. So while they may be evil, that's immaterial to the conversation that what they offer is as important as what they DON'T offer, and how that can mean a *substantial* decline in consumer confidence in a product. There's no denying that.
For all the people worried about Sony having some sinister hold over Blu-ray, remember this simple fact, if you don't like it then don't buy them. No-one has a gun to anyones head forcing them to buy HD movies.

I don't really care who controls what, until Blu-Ray discs come down to a reasonable price I won't be buying any, thats my choice as a consumer.
[quote name='TURBO']They'll do it by removing your rights to the content you bought. Want to back up a disc for that business trip? Well then buy a PS3 and a PSP. Because thats the only way they want you to.

Want to actually back up (in HD) your copy of Cars so when your kid inevitably leaves it lying out and your dog find something new to chew on, you're not out 40 bucks? Well simply register with sony, fill out your name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, email, photocopy three forms of ID and mail them along with a DNA sample and your dental records. In 6-8 weeks you'll receive a serial number to unlock your ability to make one copy ever, using Sony™ Corporation Official Backup Software© (internet connection required), which will only install 8 rootkits and 4 spyware applications on your computer. "Sony official managed copy, because the consumers are stupid and Sony is infallible."

What a wonderful future.[/QUOTE]

If the internet has taught us anything it's that hackers will eventually crack any type of copy protection. I wouldn't worry too much about being able to back up your copies.
[quote name='mykevermin']But what's your point here (and what's your overall point? Do you even own any HDM?)? [/quote]

I think Sony may have more control than appears on Paper. So My overall point is the hypocrisy in America, that being Microsoft == Bad (Controlling OS on Desktop), (Sirus+Xm)==Bad but somehow Sony == Good (Controlling Physical Media Format).

No I do not own any HDM. And will not, if I do one day own a PS3, because somehow companies stop supporting Xbox360, I will not be buying movies to play on it, as I never play movies on Consoles. And as a very intelligent poster has already said, "one doesn't have to buy blu-ray", I will not, not because of anything technical or the Fact Sony backs it. But the Fact of How Sony handled it.
[quote name='mercilessming']I think Sony may have more control than appears on Paper. So My overall point is the hypocrisy in America, that being Microsoft == Bad (Controlling OS on Desktop), (Sirus+Xm)==Bad but somehow Sony == Good (Controlling Physical Media Format).

No I do not own any HDM. And will not, if I do one day own a PS3, because somehow companies stop supporting Xbox360, I will not be buying movies to play on it, as I never play movies on Consoles. And as a very intelligent poster has already said, "one doesn't have to buy blu-ray", I will not, not because of anything technical or the Fact Sony backs it. But the Fact of How Sony handled it.[/quote]

Sounds like someone is a sore loser.
I do not understand the Sony hate. I guess you don't buy DVD's either, seeing how they were one of the lead developers behind it. Look Sony is not the sole developer behind BR, it was a joint project with several electronic companies. Sony just has the most invested. The funny thing is some people think Microsoft is less evil than Sony. At least Sony doesn't force people to buy their products. Yet if I want to buy a new PC, I have to use windows. Can we all agree that they are both evil corporate giants that will find a way to get our money, just not as bad as the Oil giants.
If this does turn out to be true there really needs to be a warning the DVD, Blu-ray, and HD-DVD Deals section. Because its no longer just an argument but a fact that could affect buying decision.
[quote name='millrat1030']I do not understand the Sony hate. I guess you don't buy DVD's either, seeing how they were one of the lead developers behind it. Look Sony is not the sole developer behind BR, it was a joint project with several electronic companies. Sony just has the most invested. The funny thing is some people think Microsoft is less evil than Sony. At least Sony doesn't force people to buy their products. Yet if I want to buy a new PC, I have to use windows. Can we all agree that they are both evil corporate giants that will find a way to get our money, just not as bad as the Oil giants.[/quote]

I understand your point of view, I am not a sore loser, however I don't buy DVDs either. Grew tired of the double dip and the lack of DTS titles until the "collectors edition", I tend to see my movies via other means. I never intended anyone to think I thought Sony was "EVIL", I just didn't like the way they handled/forced the Blu Ray. Great percentages of people never watch movies on their console, but since PS3 has blu ray built in the hordes of Parents who buy their kids PS3s will just assume blu ray was the leading format before it was, The True MOVIE Consumer had less input on which format. But I am glad for the general public the format war was decided, so people don't end up with more useless players of a certain format, like with me and laser disc Player I own, I had a few years of a better movie format until DVD came along.

I love Oil Giants..:) I own stock in one of them and have done well with the investments in "Oil Giant" since around the 90s. I drive a fairly large truck and feel happy buying gas (around 45$ fill up), because in some small way I am paying myself to drive.... Also lets remember Oil Giants also contribute to the synthetic fibers you wear, makeup/body creams etc, rubber materials, plastics (DVD/BLU-Ray/HD-DVD/Cassetes/Xbox/Gamecube/PS3/vcrs/tvs), medical needs....things a small as Isopropyl Alcohol comes from Chemical Company arm of Exxon Mobil.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Reuters seems to confirm that Toshiba is stopping HD DVD.

See you tomorrow, kids.[/quote]

Looks like the A35 ends up being the top-of-the-heap for the HD-DVD player, then. Oh well.

[quote name='dallow']

It's been great fun guys![/quote]Check the article Myke posted, dallow. The Retuers article references NHK as their source.

In otherwords, hello Captain Repost. ;)
Anychance that M$ will release a BR add on for the 360? If it's less than $200 I would definetly get one! It's cheaper than paying $400 for Sony's best BR player=PS3. I know people will argue that releasing a BR add on might be against M$'s download "Master Plan", but it might prevent people from buying a PS3. Anyone agree?
[quote name='jovherye']Anychance that M$ will release a BR add on for the 360? If it's less than $200 I would definetly get one! It's cheaper than paying $400 for Sony's best BR player=PS3. I know people will argue that releasing a BR add on might be against M$'s download "Master Plan", but it might prevent people from buying a PS3. Anyone agree?[/QUOTE]

So...200.00 for an add on that has to be used on your 360...or an extra 200 for a bluray player and console in one that is suppose to have a very promising year.

Hmmm, yea real tough choice here.
Yeah, but for me, there are no games I want on the PS3 this year so far and I'm sure there are quite a few who would agree. I do admit though, I am a movie person. Love them movies!
[quote name='shrike4242']Looks like the A35 ends up being the top-of-the-heap for the HD-DVD player, then. Oh well.

Check the article Myke posted, dallow. The Retuers article references NHK as their source.

In otherwords, hello Captain Repost. ;)[/QUOTE]

i think its a toss up between the a-35 and the xa2

for upscaling xa2 is much better

for HD DVD playback i don't think there's any difference

a-35 is a little faster loading
[quote name='DarkNessBear']People that say, "I am content with staying with DVD's. I don't need an HD Format!"

Should just say, "I have a really crappy TV. :cry:"[/quote]

because that's completely valid.[/sarcasm]

I personally don't feel the need to upgrade to a format that isn't the standard. I'm completely content with DVD as plain as it is.
[quote name='jovherye']Anychance that M$ will release a BR add on for the 360? If it's less than $200 I would definetly get one! It's cheaper than paying $400 for Sony's best BR player=PS3. I know people will argue that releasing a BR add on might be against M$'s download "Master Plan", but it might prevent people from buying a PS3. Anyone agree?[/QUOTE]

How could anyone, knowing MS' track record, want to buy more digital media from them? You spend 80 dollars in movie downloads, and then your 360 breaks, now you have to jump through hoops to get your media to work on another console [possibly] Or what happens when we're on the xbox 720, all your media is stuck on the previous box. Buying a tangible product will never be ousted by digital media. Plus newer blu ray movies allow you to at least transfer the movie to the psp [if you own one].

Honestly, if you're going to buy blu ray for HD movies, then its better to buy it as a PS3, or a standalone player rather than an add on. Most likely blu ray is going to have a long market stay than the 360, so at least when you're buying a xbox 720, your standalone player will still be there. If you get a PS3, at least you have a gaming machine to go along w/ the player in that aspect.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']People that say, "I am content with staying with DVD's. I don't need an HD Format!"

Should just say, "I have a really crappy TV. :cry:"[/quote]

Wow, do you have to practice to be this moronic or does it just roll right off naturally ?
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