Free 1600 XBox Marketplace Points

Signed up today with 2 credit cards and 2 names to the same address.... Will cancel in 5 days and see how it goes.
got my card today...might try it again with my dad's they let you do it again with a different credit card and different account info if it's to the same address?
Signed up once on Saturday or Sunday, and I got my e-mail confirmation... used gmail and got everything. Got the confirmation that it's sent, so I tried using a different card to get one sent to my friend's house. Woot for Visa gift cards :whistle2:D
i signed up on thursday and got the automated email soon after, but haven't received a email regarding it being shipped. i hope they send it soon as i need to cancel this in a few days.
I should be receiving my points this week. It took them 10 days to actually ship them out. That was a long time. But atleast I'll be getting the points. I wish my damn bro would let borrow his credit card so I could get more free points.

has anyone tried using their card again to create a new account? I'm thinking of giving it a try.
Just got my confirmed email and canceled the account. I actually feel bad since they were so nice. I told them I met an old girlfriend again. I'll update again when it ships.
Got the email on Saturday that my card shipped. Canceled today. Girl sounded hot but dumb. Kept chatting toa co-worker about a bag and having me repeat what I said. Finally her attention was mine and she informed me that they were starting a campaign with myspace and I canceled anyway. Not too big of a hassle.
man im on day six and haven't received the confirmation that my card shipped. im still canceling today, but hopefully the card shows up. if canceling is as easy as everyone says its no biggie.
I had posted earlier on how I did the offer and had no problems. Well, I also had my mom sign up shortly after. It's been a while, so I emailed them, and their reply:


I looked into our records and you are number 66 in the shipping queue.
The good news is that we are getting a few hundred in from our
distributor Tomorrow (Wednesday) and we'll have no problem getting
yours out right away. You'll probably have it on Saturday.

I also see that we have mailed another one to you (or someone at your
address) earlier this month. So if you are worried that we won't send
two to the same address, don't be. If is okay with it and
provides us with the funds to do so (like they have in your case), we
don't have any issue with it. It's their criteria, not ours :)

You'll also get a confirmation email as it is shipped on Wednesday or

~The Support Team

:lol: Good to know about the address thing.
Just be patient guys. It took over 2 weeks to get my confirmation email. Apparently they had run out of cards and had to order more, but as popular as this deal is, it could happen again.

You'll get your card, just be patient. It's free after all
i cancelled yesterday and didn't receive any confirmation of it so i thought i'd check to see if i was still able to login. turns out i still can. did they not cancel it in an attempt to charge me for a month's service? anyone else check to see if they were in fact no longer members after calling to cancel? guess i'll be calling again today.
[quote name='ghozt']i cancelled yesterday and didn't receive any confirmation of it so i thought i'd check to see if i was still able to login. turns out i still can. did they not cancel it in an attempt to charge me for a month's service? anyone else check to see if they were in fact no longer members after calling to cancel? guess i'll be calling again today.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. I also cancelled yesterday, and I can still log in.

Question... I can cancel before I see the email that my card is being delivered.... right?
[quote name='Yoohoo1231']I got the email stating my card was shipped today. Still can't believe how well this worked.[/QUOTE]

Also just got the email saying my card shipped today, and I cannot believe either how well this worked. It's amazing how simple it was.
Just got a second one today. Two GoW shirts and two 1600 Marketplace Point cards for $20! Awesome deal!
Just adding to the confirmations here:

- Signed up on Tuesday the 24th
- Got near-immediate e-mail confirmation of signup
- Got a little spam from True, nothing that couldn't be unsubscribed to
- Got shipment confirmation from Friday 27th
- Called True (1-866-583-8783)
- Girl sounded hot and flirted a bit, but 2 minutes later it was cancelled.

Waiting for the points in the mail now. 1600 points for about 30 minutes of time across 3 days is ok in my book.
I never received any sort of email from Xboxachiever after I signed up for, no confirmation or anything, however I was using a gmail account so they may have been filtered. Anyway, today my points showed up in the mail so for those of you who have done this and not received any emails, don't give up hope!
Sweet a deal...that my wife definitely will not be happy to hear about. The CAG in me wins out, so you boys better have my back when I get caught.
Just got my confirmation email today. Tempting to sign up using my check card and have a second one shipped but this time to my apartment. This one now is going to my parents.

I'm not sure if Trues call center will be open tomorrow, so I'll call Monday and cancel...
Am I the only one getting a Problem Loading Page error when clicking on the link that is supposed to take you to sign up on True's site? I was getting it yesterday when I first tried signing up and am still getting it today.
[quote name='jrr']Am I the only one getting a Problem Loading Page error when clicking on the link that is supposed to take you to sign up on True's site? I was getting it yesterday when I first tried signing up and am still getting it today.[/QUOTE]
That can happen if you are using some type of ad-blocking software. Try disabling it then click on the link if you are running any.
[quote name='ajh2298']Has anybody noticed that after you cancel you get 5-6 e-mails a day from women who are interested in you.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Sad thing is I mark them all as spam and they still show up in my inbox. damnit.

Am I the only one that was hassled on the phone? The guy would not let up on getting me to take the month free. I had to tell him 3-4 times just to cancel it. Not quite as friendly as was let on here.
[quote name='Rig']I had posted earlier on how I did the offer and had no problems. Well, I also had my mom sign up shortly after. It's been a while, so I emailed them, and their reply:

:lol: Good to know about the address thing.[/QUOTE]

That's odd, because I coulda sworn the paper that ships with the card, says one prize per household. I didnt keep the paper so I dont know the exactly what it said.
[quote name='lupinckc']That's odd, because I coulda sworn the paper that ships with the card, says one prize per household. I didnt keep the paper so I dont know the exactly what it said.[/quote]

I noticed it too. Yeah, it says you can do one of Xbox360Achiever's programs per household, but that's the email (above) that they sent me. *shrugs* All I know is I used my same address and they knew it, and I still got both cards.
bread's done