FREE 360 Game in 10 minutes. (GHII Bundle & DDR Bundle INCLUDED!) Part 2

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[quote name='help1']so the only good offers left after stamps and GE are sleeprite and ....?[/QUOTE]

eAuction Tutor

Also, Essential Wellness is the same company as Sleep Rite I believe. You can cancel online.

Both my 4000 Marketplace points, which I completed last monday, and GHII (completed last sunday) have shipped. Hopefully I can get them tuesday or wed.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Big thanks to :li9uid

Signed up and Green. Now waiting on one more green (2 others signed up, no greens yet)

Thanks again li9uid![/quote]

Don't mention it! I picked your link 'cause it was number 9, as you can see I'm partial to that number. ;) This site is amazing, I completed Blockbuster online and sleep aid yeserday, and today I got my email confirming that myGH2 will arrive by Thursday! :cool:
Wow I only spent 1$ lol 1$ on the and 0$ ln the GE Card and now my GH2 is being proccessed !!!wooo took me a month to get around this....and it works like a steal =D if your new to this do these two first!!! I will comeback for mass effect and halo3
Guys, is it possible to rejoin this site if you got banned? Because of that fake credit card incident a while back, I got banned but now that I'll have a prepaid soon, I want to retry this site.
I have some offers that I did on another site still charging to a prepaid card. It has been charging for 6 months and keeps getting declined. It has me nervous because I don't want to pay anything, but anyways the 2 cards are closed.
Okay, I'll bite, I used one of the referals from the first page and I created mine.

My Referal #:

My Girlfriend Created one as well:

My Email is kenada23 -@-

I'd really love it if someone used either one of the two above. If you sign up under one of us, I'll......... burn Season 1,2, and 3 of Sifl and Olly on DVD (8-9 DVDs) for you! I have them on DVD... =)

Or maybe I could burn my 8 DVD collection of MAME? Let me know! Email me!
Well, it's been three weeks since I signed up for and ten days since I submitted my missing credit request. Still nothing. I just emailed them again to see what's going on.

Anyone have a missing credit take this long to resolve?
[quote name='Hostile 17']Well, it's been three weeks since I signed up for and ten days since I submitted my missing credit request. Still nothing. I just emailed them again to see what's going on.

Anyone have a missing credit take this long to resolve?[/QUOTE]

10 business days they say.

My ebay success offer i did on may 5th but sent the missing credit report without full headers. I resent on the 22nd of june and got credit on the 7th.

As for GE critics, i sent that one in on the 27th so hopefully it goes through next week. Im not in a hurry though since my account is being reviewed for my first ref method.
[quote name='Hostile 17']Well, it's been three weeks since I signed up for and ten days since I submitted my missing credit request. Still nothing. I just emailed them again to see what's going on.

Anyone have a missing credit take this long to resolve?[/quote]

I filed a missing credit request around March 25th and still nothing for gamefly..

This is my 1st referal program, and so far, I need one referal to get GH2. The other one was my GF.. =)

I just got my own 360 a week ago, help a brotha out, lol...
Hey, I know its late but yes This site works. I had gotten one offer on my own complteted, (the ultima smile one) but then couldn't fin d another. I had $1.13 on my credit card. SO I tried stamps, and it acutally got aprooved. SO I ordered gh2 and I recieved it within 4 days of ordering. AFirst site ive done, and it worked great. No scam here!
Mooky sorry bro its a conga line, no links but front page. Send a pm over to lilboo see whats up.

Besides using a points method would be alot easier for getting your game. I got my first 4 games from points method.
I registered under someone, not sure who (thought I saw it saying somwhere to post my e-mail, so my e-mail is "admin @" - incase you guys can tell by that).

Anyway, I just did Gamefly and got approved for it (oddly enough, it approved before I even got The Darkness (my rental) to my house.. lol), and I just wanted to know what offers you can cancel online, or offers that don't have much to them (basically, any where you don't have to call-up / or even ones where you have to call, but only have to stay on for a minute or so).

I looked through and saw the Sleep Rite "should" be an online cancel, but I just wanted to make sure on that first before I did it. If anyone could let me know, I'd appriciate it, thanks.
[quote name='Weedy649']Mooky sorry bro its a conga line, no links but front page. Send a pm over to lilboo see whats up.

Besides using a points method would be alot easier for getting your game. I got my first 4 games from points method.[/QUOTE]

Can you share some of the offers that you did? I want to do a few more.
Ive done

Get Rich with google
Auction Monster
Grant Search Provider
Video Professor(you gotta send something back)
Increase My Margin
Sleep Rite
Essential Living Weight Loss Patch
Ultima Weight Loss Patch
Ebay Success Kit(took long time to get credit...had to file report)

plus i got GE Critics filed as missing credit

Sure it doesnt make it as free as doing 1 free offer and getting 2 referrals...but really now. Ive gotten 5 games(1 referral 4 point mode) and each game has been like under $15 a piece. They spend $10 alone on shipping you the game(on my last two orders at least) so its not that big a deal.

Maybe lilboos idea of putting offers and how they work on OP would have worked better, but it was too much like a guide and i wouldnt want to chance a good bud getting banned over something silly(im an overcautious guy).
[quote name='Weedy649'] Video Professor(you gotta send something back)

I just signed up for the Video Professor...but it's got me a little worried. It says you have to return it within ten days to avoid being charged, but it says shipping takes 7-10 business days. Is the return within 10 days from when you receive it? And do you just have to send it back or can you email them first and let them know it is on the way back?
i would man but Ive signed up from some other site a long time ago and now will do the offers. sorry bro.

How little can I get the gift cards for?
yeh can anybody tell me which one is the best offer after GE AND STAMPS.. anything that doesnt charge u crazy also doesnt send sh@t please help..

also shnizzle66 the min is 25 dollars for the visa..
alright, cool. Ill trade my Wal Mart GC to my mom for a visa gift card.

This thing is guaranteed to work for yourfree360games right?

p.s. greatest I signed up under your refferal for that noncc site
[quote name='Kauza']I just signed up for the Video Professor...but it's got me a little worried. It says you have to return it within ten days to avoid being charged, but it says shipping takes 7-10 business days. Is the return within 10 days from when you receive it? And do you just have to send it back or can you email them first and let them know it is on the way back?[/QUOTE]

Its from when you recieve your item. It has tracking on it so thats how they know when you get it.

Also, just got my missing GE credit :) That brings my grand total of 10 offers completed! Ill do this one as refs just like i did my last one. Hmm, think 5 and 6 will be The Bigs and NCAA 08?
Just finished my 3rd offer and ordered my 2nd game. Only problem I have is that an offer got credited but it isnt counting towards anything.

May 18, 2007
1 credit

GE Critics Choice Entertainment
Jul 10, 2007
1 credit

eAuction Tutor
Jul 10, 2007
1 credit

Games ordered:

Guitar Hero II bundle + The Darkness

probably going to get NCAA Football 08 as my next and probably last game.
[quote name='Manning']Sorry if this has been asked, but what do they ship by?[/quote]

Usually, but my Guitar Hero 2 bundle came from Circuit City.
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Usually, but my Guitar Hero 2 bundle came from Circuit City.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I meant is it by UPS or Fedex or something like that, or just USPS
My second game has been in the " Your account has been submitted for review" status for a few days now.

Is that normal?? The other one went straight to "processing" and "shipped" in the same time period.
I created this useful list about 10 pages back so I figured I would post it again for any1 that missed it. Also please if just one more person would be so kind to refer under my link I would appreciate it. (free)
GE Critics Choice (2.50 but refunded after cancellation)
eBay Success Kit (2)
Grant Mentor (2)
Grant Search Provider (4)
Increase my Margin (5)
Eaction Tutor (5)
Sleep Rite (6)
Ultima Smile (7)
Blockbuster (10)
Gamefly (10)
[quote name='Manning']Sorry, I meant is it by UPS or Fedex or something like that, or just USPS[/quote]

Mines came from UPS if that helps...otheres got theres from Fedex
[quote name='sventhebruin']My second game has been in the " Your account has been submitted for review" status for a few days now.

Is that normal?? The other one went straight to "processing" and "shipped" in the same time period.

Mine is doing the same. How long does it usually take to review?
reviews take a few days. Thats why its suggested you do point method for most of your games then switch to referral. I got my first 4 from points and now they can take as long as they want since im still playing the first four!

sven, the reason its under review now is because it is a referral method. Last time you did points, and that way you go straight to ordering your product after meeting requirements.
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