FREE 360 Game in 10 minutes. (GHII Bundle & DDR Bundle INCLUDED!) Part 2

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does anyone have experience with eauction tutor? I read the terms and condidtions ad it basically says 4.95 will be charged immediately, followed by a 14 day trial, then monthly fees. just wanted to know how it was from someone who did the offer.
Answering some questions in the past few pages

Credit Instantly:
GE Critics Choice
Essential Weight Loss
Sleep Rite

Alot of people don't know about those last 2. They are VERY VERY VERY EASY. I got instant credit. They ship you a small envelope with the 7 days worth of pills. You can cancel online.

eAuction Tutor is very easy. They send you a large envelope that has a folder with some copied papers in it. No boxes or anything. You can call and cancel easily. They didn't even ask my why I wanted to cancel.
[quote name='mev1205']Thanks for signing up under me, but I don't know what the deal is with that. I already did the GE offer, so I can't check the link anymore, but I'll try it out on a different site and see what it takes me to.

Have you tried doing yet? I would recommend clearing your cookies and using IE if you do.[/quote]

I did last year. I cleared my cookies and tried GE with IE and Firefox with no luck. Its cool, no big deal
[quote name='Manning']Answering some questions in the past few pages

Credit Instantly:
GE Critics Choice
Essential Weight Loss
Sleep Rite

Alot of people don't know about those last 2. They are VERY VERY VERY EASY. I got instant credit. They ship you a small envelope with the 7 days worth of pills. You can cancel online.

eAuction Tutor is very easy. They send you a large envelope that has a folder with some copied papers in it. No boxes or anything. You can call and cancel easily. They didn't even ask my why I wanted to cancel.[/quote]
awesome thank you
[quote name='mannysgoldglove']I did last year. I cleared my cookies and tried GE with IE and Firefox with no luck. Its cool, no big deal[/quote]On both browsers it still took you to that smiley site? That's really strange, I haven't heard reports of that from anybody else. Well, thanks for trying anyways.
[quote name='mev1205']On both browsers it still took you to that smiley site? That's really strange, I haven't heard reports of that from anybody else. Well, thanks for trying anyways.[/quote]

Yeah, I closed the browsers cleared cookies tried again and still the same thing. Sorry I couldnt have helped
Johnny T....I did the eauction tutor. All they do is send like a folder with papers inside to "help" you become a better ebay seller. I junked them right away once I got my game. Easy to cancel got my conformation number right away.
[quote name='FatoonsBaby710']Johnny T....I did the eauction tutor. All they do is send like a folder with papers inside to "help" you become a better ebay seller. I junked them right away once I got my game. Easy to cancel got my conformation number right away.[/quote]

How long does the folder take to arrive?
Wait, so is it gonna work or not if I send my four copies of GHII back to amazon??

I just placed a third order and this is gonna suck if it doesn't work.
[quote name='shnizzle66']How long does the folder take to arrive?[/QUOTE]

3 to 5 business days, ironically it came the same day my game arrived.
[quote name='FatoonsBaby710']Johnny T....I did the eauction tutor. All they do is send like a folder with papers inside to "help" you become a better ebay seller. I junked them right away once I got my game. Easy to cancel got my conformation number right away.[/quote]

thank you, yep I am now just waiting as my game is being processed.
How long does that take?
[quote name='FatoonsBaby710']3 to 5 business days, ironically it came the same day my game arrived.[/quote]

Hmm....Ill keep an eye out for it, I still hasnt creditted for me.
[quote name='shnizzle66']Hmm....Ill keep an eye out for it, I still hasnt creditted for me.[/QUOTE]

Thats odd because when I did it I got credited instantly. Did you use a gift cc?
to those of you who recieved your games, did you have to sign for them, or were they dropped off at the door? I'll be out of town.

Yep my Guitar Hero was just dropped off.... and I was on vacation as well, so I was a little mad that they just left it there
[quote name='FatoonsBaby710']Thats odd because when I did it I got credited instantly. Did you use a gift cc?[/quote]

Yes. Which I wrote to Trainn about because these assholes said payment unnaporved at first and then charge me the next day!
[quote name='johnnyt129']my GHII is currently processing, so is it too early to cancel on my offers? Or should I wait until it has shipped?[/quote]

Chances are, your order will ship tomorrow. Feel free to cancel after that.
Just got a shipping email for my GH2, ordered 11th and finally shipped on the 15th as a heads up for people waiting to get processed.
Did 2 offers on Fri. Placed my order on Sat. Got my shipment confirmation today. If my last order is any indication I should have it by Tue. :cool:
Mine shipped yesterday after my doing the deal Thursday night. This has probably been answered, but is there any way to do the deal again with the same companies (as opposed to just completing other deals)?
Are you guys who do a gift return back to amazon for GHII doing multiple returns or are they going to get curious when someone gift returns the same game several times?????
[quote name='RudyPants']Mine shipped yesterday after my doing the deal Thursday night. This has probably been answered, but is there any way to do the deal again with the same companies (as opposed to just completing other deals)?[/quote]
Well you could go to a friends house and sign up there using all his info, thats the only way that I could think of doing that without commiting fraud
[quote name='wild21crazy']Well you could go to a friends house and sign up there using all his info, thats the only way that I could think of doing that without commiting fraud[/quote]
Hey bro, I was just asking a question. I saw that people on here were completing the offer 5+ times and wanted to know if there was something I was missing.

As for you being the fraud police, chill out. People are on here resetting their caches on their computers to do the offers multiple times - I just wanted to see what the story was.
[quote name='RudyPants']Hey bro, I was just asking a question. I saw that people on here were completing the offer 5+ times and wanted to know if there was something I was missing.

As for you being the fraud police, chill out. People are on here resetting their caches on their computers to do the offers multiple times - I just wanted to see what the story was.[/quote]
he's not trying to reprimand you, he's just letting you know so you won't get in trouble.
[quote name='RudyPants']Hey bro, I was just asking a question. I saw that people on here were completing the offer 5+ times and wanted to know if there was something I was missing.

As for you being the fraud police, chill out. People are on here resetting their caches on their computers to do the offers multiple times - I just wanted to see what the story was.[/quote]

Hey man I was just trying to warn you not tryin to be the fraud police. I can really care less what you do, but I was just letting you know that if you get caught you will most likely get kicked off the site because of fraud. But hey do whatever
Im debating on getting another guitar hero to send it, but dunno. I also really want a4000 point card, and a ds. I got $98 on amazon towards a ds but dunno what to do. I think ill get another gh2 send it in, get a 4000 point card and be left with 40.
[quote name='wild21crazy']Hey man I was just trying to warn you not tryin to be the fraud police. I can really care less what you do, but I was just letting you know that if you get caught you will most likely get kicked off the site because of fraud. But hey do whatever[/quote]

You post sounded very sarcastic ... that's why I responded the way I did. No worries. I'm not about to commit fraud to get a $60 game. :)
Hey uhmm, do all of these offers require a Credit Card? Will a Debit Card suffice? Also, which ones are COMPLETELY free? As in you don't get charged a cent? I've heard being thrown around.. Thanks!
[quote name='RoboPenguin']Hey uhmm, do all of these offers require a Credit Card? Will a Debit Card suffice? Also, which ones are COMPLETELY free? As in you don't get charged a cent? I've heard being thrown around.. Thanks![/quote]

A debit card will work.

As far as I know, stamps is the only completely free one. It's a shitty offer though cuz it hasn't greened for me or any of the people who tried it for me.

GE Critics Choice Entertainment and Pure Health Hoodia are two great offers that will cost you less than $10 combined.
I thought the topic title was FREE 360 game... This is costing money? Also, If i do Referral and Stamps it should be free right? How many people haven't gotten green by stamps?
My GHII bundle just shipped, and for anyone wondering, the processing took about 6-7 days for me.

There isn't a tracking number or anything though, so I dunno if it's going to get put up, or if there just simply isn't one, but once I get my copy, I'll try and take some pictures of it for everyone if I can get my old camera to work.
[quote name='RoboPenguin']I thought the topic title was FREE 360 game... This is costing money? Also, If i do Referral and Stamps it should be free right? How many people haven't gotten green by stamps?[/quote] and the GE entertainment thing are completely free if you cancel within 30 days for stamps and 7 days for GE. I think those are the only two absolutely free ones which will get you one game in about 10 minutes worth of work. The other offers are for around $6 on average so you will be getting the games for around $12 - not too shabby.
hey is the eAcution any good, also how much is it.. Also what is the besy offer after stamps and GE, i dont see essential weight loss. help!!
Thanks all! hasn't confirmed for me. Ran the program too.

Did try eaution and GE critics, and they confirmed immediatly

Bummer the sleep and diet one are down now.

Any others w/ good success rate worth doing or is it better to just wait it out for new offers?
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