FREE 360 Game in 10 minutes. (GHII Bundle & DDR Bundle INCLUDED!) Part 2

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Alright, offer went through fine!! I just need another referral, since I already have one! If somebody reading here then please sign up with my signature!!
[quote name='RoboPenguin']Alright, offer went through fine!! I just need another referral, since I already have one! If somebody reading here then please sign up with my signature!![/quote]

How long did take?
Anybody have a problem with Ebay Success Kit or Grant Service Provider? Its been a few days since I registered and still no credit for either.
[quote name='greatest']any other offers, that are cheap like 2 three dollars, that credit good.. i did stamps and ge already..[/QUOTE]

I did the same two as you and got the GH2 bundle. They both went green very fast. I'm also looking for some more easy ones.
This may sound like a dumb question, but if I use a Visa giftcard do I still have to cancel? Once the card runs out does everything stop or do I still get billed? Thanks in advance.
Crap. Been a few hours and still waiting on

Do all the games come through amazon? I just ordered All Pro 2k8 with my first 2 credits and just saw that amazon says it's available in 4-6 weeks. !?
[quote name='2&2']Crap. Been a few hours and still waiting on

Do all the games come through amazon? I just ordered All Pro 2k8 with my first 2 credits and just saw that amazon says it's available in 4-6 weeks. !?[/QUOTE]

-edit- im a dope
[quote name='becker4546']This may sound like a dumb question, but if I use a Visa giftcard do I still have to cancel? Once the card runs out does everything stop or do I still get billed? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

You get bill collection letters at home. Just cancel, not canceling ruins these sites.
I just called eauction to cancel, and at the end the guy gave me a 6-digit confirmation number. what is that for? do i have to do something else to cancel?
Man, just one more referral x.x How long do these guys usually take to ship? I'm going on vacation soon and want to get GH II before I go!

My computer crashed down so now im on my sisters. I think we all have the same IP in my house, can I still log on to the sites/do an offer?
[quote name='becker4546']It comes out August 14[/quote]

AllPro 2k8 Release date is today. It's currently shipping from EB games, etc.
[quote name='johnnyt129']I just called eauction to cancel, and at the end the guy gave me a 6-digit confirmation number. what is that for? do i have to do something else to cancel?[/quote]

First, look up the word "confirmation" in the dictionary.

Second, congratulations! You've succeeded in cancelling your membership, and also, embarassing yourself...
I've heard shipping only takes a few days, all-in-all, I think it takes about 2 weeks in total (1 week to process, and a week or so for it to arrive at your house).

Also, I'm glad I just did SleepRite.. I do find it kind of funny though, that I paided "5.95" for shipping, and the envelope I received only cost "0.80c" to ship. :p
[quote name='RoboPenguin']Oh damn.. Somebody said that they completed offers on Thursday, game shipped out on Friday and arrived Monday tho?[/quote]

I don't think that is possible, since I heard the minimum amount of time to process is about 5 days, but certain items might get shipped faster.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I don't think that is possible, since I heard the minimum amount of time to process is about 5 days, but certain items might get shipped faster.[/quote]

My first game was super fast. I think it was in each stage for less than a day. Submit for review, processing, shipped. Took 2 days to get here.

ALl in all, about 4-5 days. That was with a points account though. It takes longer to review referrals than your own points.
Does somebody have the number they used to cancel Grant Search Provider?

I called the number I found on the site (that you see when completing the offer) and she couldn't find my information.

Last name
Phone #

She then wanted to look by my credit card number, and I wasn't having that.

So...anyone? Today is the day I have to cancel.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I don't think that is possible, since I heard the minimum amount of time to process is about 5 days, but certain items might get shipped faster.[/quote]

I started processing on saturday, and it went to 'shipped' in just over 24 hours. I'm expecting my game tommorrow or wed.
Try this number- 866-207-9872 I just called up and canceled myself. Didn't realize that it was the same company that's offering the Ebay Auction Helper, so I got two cancellations with one call in that one. Btw- signed up under one of the referrals at the beginning of the thread and have my games on the way. Thanks for this thread. I'll submit my referral link when I switch it over...
[quote name='connigit']Try this number- 866-207-9872 I just called up and canceled myself. Didn't realize that it was the same company that's offering the Ebay Auction Helper, so I got two cancellations with one call in that one. Btw- signed up under one of the referrals at the beginning of the thread and have my games on the way. Thanks for this thread. I'll submit my referral link when I switch it over...[/quote]

Thank you! :D

That one worked. I got a number from somewhere off the site...but I got the wrong one, apparently.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']First, look up the word "confirmation" in the dictionary.

Second, congratulations! You've succeeded in cancelling your membership, and also, embarassing yourself...[/quote]

No, you only embarrassed yourself for being an ass. His rep. is perfectly fine.
[quote name='RoboPenguin']Oh damn.. Somebody said that they completed offers on Thursday, game shipped out on Friday and arrived Monday tho?[/quote]

i think all of my games (4!) have shipped out on the weekend thus far, though that could be coincidental. i placed the order for the last one on friday and it was marked as shipped saturday night or sunday. showed up on thursday from amazon.
[quote name='help1']No, you only embarrassed yourself for being an ass. His rep. is perfectly fine.[/quote]

Sorry help1. Did I hurt your boyfriend's feelings? My god you must have a stick up your ass. I even answered his fucking question. I was just razzing the guy a bit for asking a question that I found to be a bit comical. I'll try to remember next time how sensitive you are.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Sorry help1. Did I hurt your boyfriend's feelings? My god you must have a stick up your ass. I even answered his fucking question. I was just razzing the guy a bit for asking a question that I found to be a bit comical. I'll try to remember next time how sensitive you are.[/quote]

I wish i knew who you were so i could beat your ass. nobody here likes you dude stop being a dick.
[quote name='johnnyt129']I wish i knew who you were so i could beat your ass. nobody here likes you dude stop being a dick.[/quote]

Oh we go with the special Sorry, I'm just surprised at how thin-skinned you ladies are. It was a freaking joke. If help1 didn't have to pull the Underdog routine, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Besides, I've offered a hell of a lot of useful information about how this site works as well, so take the good with the bad. I just get bored hearing the same five questions asked over and over again.

Here, I'll offer something constructive. For those asking, 99% of the time, regardless of when you submit your order for processing, it will "ship" on Sunday night. There is no "usual" or "minimum" processing time. Trainn generally places their orders on Sunday, so the item actually ships on Monday.

Therefore, the length of time your order spends "processing" is dependent on when you submitted it. ie. those of you submitting orders today, in all likelihood, will have to wait until Sunday (6 days) for yours to ship. Those who place orders on Friday or Saturday will probably also have theirs ship Sunday (1-2 days). It's all relative folks. There. Can I get out of jail now?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Can I get out of jail now?[/quote]

That depends...


Has Bubba made you his sex slave yet? If he has I believe there is some sort of binding contract...

Did you read the

Fine Print?

[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']That depends...


Has Bubba made you his sex slave yet? If he has I believe there is some sort of binding contract...

Did you read the

Fine Print?

;) [/quote] see, I can at least respect that. Maybe I'm just dysfunctional, but do you guys not make fun of your friends? Also, fragged, thank you for sharing your wallpaper with the class..haha.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Also, fragged, thank you for sharing your wallpaper with the class..haha.[/quote]

That's not exactly what my wallpaper looks like. I'd post it but I enjoy these forums too much to get banned. To hint at what it is: think that guy, some fat beotches and some squid in the prison showers.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']That's not exactly what my wallpaper looks like. I'd post it but I enjoy these forums too much to get banned. To hint at what it is: think that guy, some fat beotches and some squid in the prison showers.[/quote]

ewwww...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit :whistle2:&
[quote name='mev1205']Is the eAuction trial 14 days?[/quote]


Just signed up for eAuction and Increase Your Margin.

Glad to see they are the same company and same cancellation number. Will make it easier when I only need to make one cancel call!
Rig how long did it take to get your Grant Search Provider credit? I still have not gotten them or Ebay Success Kit and its been 4 or 5 days
ok, earlier in the topic, someone said to just buy a $25 visa giftcard and use it, and it wouldnt cost any money. well, im just being extra careful, so i have a visa vanilla $100 credit card. ive managed to get it down to .68 cents. i could use that to sign up for the stamps and GE offers, correct?
[quote name='nikelecious91']I thought stamps charges you $1? I was never charged the $1 but I wasnt.[/quote]

They do. has a temporary authorization charge of $1. So, that one probably wouldn't work either.
I got charged the full price on stamps, which they refunded a few days later.

Still haven't gotten credit for it, two months later.

I'll do another offer one of these days.
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