FREE 360 Game in 10 minutes. (GHII Bundle & DDR Bundle INCLUDED!) Part 2

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Can someone explain to me how the Blockbuster one works? I signed up and I put a movie in my queue. Now what do I need to do? Just wait to receive my credit? Do I need to cancel within 30 days?

Thank you so much please helpe me.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']HAHAHAHAHA!!!

N8 must be bricking in his pants!!!!:bouncy:

I guess I WAS right...[/quote]

Haha...yeah, I knew you'd be around here somewhere. As I told you before, I give you guys credit for pulling it off. At the same time, I hope we can at least agree that the reason is complete How the fuck is an Xbox 360 game not compatible with your Xbox 360?? The only moronic argument I can think of is if you acted like a grandma and said "What? I thought it was for regular Xbox!"

And getting back $98! This boggles my mind. I guess this really just goes to show you how good Amazon's customer service really is. They're seriously just bending over and spreading for you. I've never seen a company be so willing to just take a hit like that.

But as I said, bravo to you fellas. You have amazed and bewildered me. And this is especially for you fragged buddy :dunce:
hi im new here but i just have a question.
I completed the stamps offer and downloaded their program like 2 hours ago and the site still says i need to complete 2 offers. does it sometimes take long?
[quote name='sventhebruin']Where is this prepaid label you speak of??[/QUOTE]

You go to and they have a return option and you say it was a gift and say it wasn't compatible with the system.

And amazon can afford to take this hit because, they are a multi billion dollar corporation. The shipping is nothing to them, why do you think they can ship something of guitar hero's weight for $3.95, cause they obviouslly get some sort of discounted rate, their entire business relies on it.

But anyways, im selling another Guitar Hero tommorow for $75 and am gonna buy a ds and maybe a 4000 point card, or use the rest for gta 4, dunno yet.
What did all of you who did the Grant Mentor offer do about getting credit for it since there was never a confirmation email?
Ordered my 2nd GH2 set yesterday. I did the Ultima Weight Loss patch and Essential Living Weight Loss offer, both credited within 20 minutes. :cool:
[quote name='Ed_']Ordered my 2nd GH2 set yesterday. I did the Ultima Weight Loss patch and Essential Living Weight Loss offer, both credited within 20 minutes. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Is the Ultima Wight Loss patch a toll free number to cancel? Somebody said is was not anymore.
[quote name='Manning']Is the Ultima Wight Loss patch a toll free number to cancel? Somebody said is was not anymore.[/quote]

No it's not toll free....good thing I hav nationwide long distance on my cell! :)
Damn, I would like to sign up forthe Ultima Weight loss and the Ultima smile, but I don't want to call a non toll free number
I am going to make a new account so anyone who wants a refferal give me your link.
My other account i did stamps and GE still no credit (supposed to be instant) so I am cancelling those and starting over. that's okay right?
oh and I cant cancel stamps online it says i have to call mon-fri i thought it could be done online?
[quote name='johnnyt129']yeah but i was never credited so wouldn't it be okay?[/quote]

No, it wouldnt. You have to wait and file a manual credit.
okay then. I'm cancelling GE just because i know they will probalby charge me soon.

but as long as I cancel within 30 days stamps wont charge me right?

OR i could just buy and use a prepaid card, use a diff email, and use a buddy's address

Forgot about my Grant Search offer. Thought I remembered it saying 14-day trial, but after looking just now, it's a 10-day trial.

Monday will be my 10th day. Guess I'm lucky I checked it out today, or I would've been out $49.99. (Closed on weekends.)

They better just get everything right on Monday!
[quote name='shnizzle66']Anyone mind giving me the cancellations #s to GE Critic's Choice and eAuction?[/quote]

GE Critic's Choice = 1-800-527-3378
[quote name='Ernest_360']GE Critic's Choice = 1-800-527-3378[/quote]

Cool, im making a list so I can be reminded of when to call to cancel and what to provide. What do they ask for, just email and stuff?
[quote name='shnizzle66']Cool, im making a list so I can be reminded of when to call to cancel and what to provide. What do they ask for, just email and stuff?[/quote]

For GE Critics they ask for your membership number, but if you don't have that your name and address will suffice. I haven't actually called to cancel myself, but I've heard around the board that it is easy enough.
Signed up a month ago and decided to give this site a try.

gona buy a $25 Visa Gift Card and do these offers for The Darkness:

2. ???

any tips? :)
DEFINETLY go for GE Critic's Choice. It will credit you instantly and can be completely free, or 2.50 if you dont demand a refund.

How did Stamps credit for you?
[quote name='shnizzle66']DEFINETLY go for GE Critic's Choice. It will credit you instantly and can be completely free, or 2.50 if you dont demand a refund.

How did Stamps credit for you?[/quote]

gona start it tomomrw so ill tell you then :)
[quote name='TheBookerMan']And amazon can afford to take this hit because, they are a multi billion dollar corporation. The shipping is nothing to them, why do you think they can ship something of guitar hero's weight for $3.95, cause they obviouslly get some sort of discounted rate, their entire business relies on it.[/quote]

Yes, yes...we all know that. I can promise you this though. The ONLY reason they're letting it slide is because it's a gift order, so you could allegedly claim that Aunt Louise thought you had an Xbox 360, when you only have a regular Xbox. Even then, it's really generous and a huge credit to Amazon to allow it. Most retailers aren't anywhere near that good to their customers, and would say "Oh well. We sent what she ordered."

Seriously though, I hope you guys don't think I'm still arguing with you about this, because more than anything, I've gained a lot of respect for Amazon because of this. I just think if it happened more frequently (ie. if everybody started returning GHIIs) they'd change their policy. It's a great find for you guys though. Enjoy it until you bleed it
How do they know when you've mad a second account? ^^^^BTW do you go to ASU?
Is it the CC? Email address? Street address?
[quote name='johnnyt129']How do they know when you've mad a second account? ^^^^BTW do you go to ASU?
Is it the CC? Email address? Street address?[/quote]

Maybe all of those aswell as IP address maybe?
Alot of people do get credited instantly for those, however some people like ME did those offers two days ago and didn't get credited jack shit.
yeah i havent got credited for stamps yet either, but i saw a post a couple pages back that said after 3 weeks he finally got his confirmation for stamp. But i just signed up for Ge and sleep rite, and GH2 is processing right now. Thanks for the help guys
[quote name='help1']Also, does sleeprite work with a visa giftcard?[/quote]

You could try but when I did it didnt accept payment.

:( , i need to go green on a lot of sites so that people will sign up under me! :/
The problem with the GH2 return is that amazon wont let you do it twice (well, they might, but it would be ackward as hell.)

I have a 25 dollar visa gift card, so im hoping to get 3 or 4 games outta this.
Im not sure, I lucked out and didnt get charged until about 5 days later. Got credit instantly, though.

If it didnt work for you im VERY surprised.
[quote name='shnizzle66']Im not sure, I lucked out and didnt get charged until about 5 days later. Got credit instantly, though.

If it didnt work for you im VERY surprised.[/quote]

well the thing is, (twice now) when i clicked the final button for the offer, i was brought to a blank page. done loading and everything. so i dont know if i even DID the offer, or what.

maybe its an internet security thing idk
Okay guys, which of these offers have people done:

NY times
eBay Success Kit
Grant Mentor
Grant Search Provider
Increase my Margin
Eauction Tutor

Which credit fastest and are easiest to cancel?
Bingo! that was the problem. using internet explorer the offer actually went through. now if only stamps would credit me......

besides those two, whats the next best offer?
[quote name='mannysgoldglove']Dont worry about it guys, I was just trying to help someone out and get them a easy refferal.[/quote]Thanks for signing up under me, but I don't know what the deal is with that. I already did the GE offer, so I can't check the link anymore, but I'll try it out on a different site and see what it takes me to.

Have you tried doing yet? I would recommend clearing your cookies and using IE if you do.
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