FREE 360 Game in 10 minutes. (GHII Bundle & DDR Bundle INCLUDED!) Part 2

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[quote name='lilboo']YAY The Bigs AND Overlord came!

Though, I didn't check the games yet.. hopefully mine aren't scratched or at least my Overlord's like Weedys[/QUOTE]

Overlord is perfect, its The Darkness that plagues me! Let me know how you like The Bigs.
*Now* I'm pissed, the Grant Mentor thing didn'tbug me too much, but I just did GE CriticsChoice and its been atleast 10-20 minutes with no credit, thats not instant and I've got a feeling it won't credit now. Gah!
[quote name='georox']*Now* I'm pissed, the Grant Mentor thing didn'tbug me too much, but I just did GE CriticsChoice and its been atleast 10-20 minutes with no credit, thats not instant and I've got a feeling it won't credit now. Gah![/QUOTE]

been two weeks for me..and i already sent a missing credit report.
nice, i think mine was 1 day shipping as well(my order says july 2nd on the amazon slip and they paid $10 a game for shipping)

but my email was sent on june 29th
[quote name='jd0110']I got my second referral! Thanks sventhebruin. Someone else's turn now![/quote]

I don't remember doing a referral for you.....
[quote name='sventhebruin']I don't remember doing a referral for you.....[/quote]

My name isn't next to my link on the first page of the thread ;)
Thanks josuealvarez01 for signing up under me, just waiting for a green. Still need one more after that. Thanks again!
[quote name='georox']*Now* I'm pissed, the Grant Mentor thing didn'tbug me too much, but I just did GE CriticsChoice and its been atleast 10-20 minutes with no credit, thats not instant and I've got a feeling it won't credit now. Gah![/quote]

Man I applied like 6 days ago, so as soon as it hits the week....I am doing the thing for missing points, ridiculous!
yes u can do the referral way unlimited times if you want, i confirmed it with the trainn- u can go to freeipodguide forums and check their section if you don't believe me...:lol:
[quote name='greatest']yes u can do the referral way unlimited times if you want, i confirmed it with the trainn- u can go to freeipodguide forums and check their section if you don't believe me...:lol:[/quote]

sweet thanks
I'm KyleSchw, but I'm doubting I will do any of the offers sorry, they all seem to be USA only, the only ones that work in Canada look to be a hassle
[quote name='Zowsky']I'm KyleSchw, but I'm doubting I will do any of the offers sorry, they all seem to be USA only, the only ones that work in Canada look to be a hassle[/quote]

oh darn well thanks anyway!
Anyone need prepaid gift cards to do offers here, I have about 10-12 $20 Valued Visa Debit Cards, that I'm selling for $24.50 each. Great deal, store's only sell $25 cards, which winds up to be $29.50.
Will Stamps and the GE Critics Choice work with the prepaid? I will do more offers with prepaid cards if I can find some more cheaper ones that don't send anything to my house. That is the main thing for me, I don't want trial stuff sent to me. If there are a few I may get some prepaid cards
Many offers work on the prepaid.. You cans squeeze about 5-6 games with a $20 prepaid card. So hit me up, $24 and it's yours. I'm not profiting off that, i'm actually losing .50.
New games are up!!! yay

Edit: games include

All Star Football 2k8
Too Human
Two Worlds
NCAA football 08
Nascar 08
Vampire Rain
Project Sylpheed

Im surprised to see Too Human on there, since it is an August release. I think that maybe its due to being a first week august release. Maybe meaning they will most likely update near second week of the month and dont want people to miss out on early month releases. You vampire rain which was out before they updated except that i hope none of you order that.
I kind of get the gist that returning a GH2 bundle back to amazon as a gift only nets you about 70 dollars in credit? Has anyone ever got the full retail price for their bundle?
[quote name='Weedy649']New games are up!!! yay

Edit: games include

All Star Football 2k8
Too Human
Two Worlds
NCAA football 08
Nascar 08
Vampire Rain
Project Sylpheed


I might get All Pro 2K8 or Two worlds now..
[quote name='georox']Still no Transformers game on the site.[/QUOTE]

Might want to let them know so that they add it next update.
Ok I need some help with this...not the site but with UPS...

As I posted before on the other thread a while back, I recieved my GH2 from UPS, but it went to my old address, not the one I live at now. Luckily, I have relatives living there now but its still a pain to drive 20 mins to pick something up thats supposedly come to my house directly. I didn't have a tracking # so I couldn't see what the problem was.

Recently, my Xbox 360 died and a box is supposed to come. It's been about 3-5 days and I was using the tracking # M$ gave me to see what was taking so long. I went to and saw that they "attempted" to ship to me, but said that I had "moved" and is now shipping to my old house. I was home all of those 3-5 days (excluding Sunday, they don't ship Sunday anyway) and not once did I even see a UPS truck pass. This is pissing me off cause now I can see that it's going to keep happening. I am thinking of calling them (after my cousin recieves the box, I don't want them to not send it and force me to wait one or more days) but I wouldn't know what to say..Either they are constantly shipping to the wrong address or they're not even trying.
Can I do more than two offers without ordering an item? For example, can I do like 6 offers now and then order 3 games later on?
[quote name='Weedy649']Might want to let them know so that they add it next update.[/quote]
Asked them about it before once already. *sigh* Anyways waiting on time to file a lost credit report for GE, and I have no email confirmation from Grant Mentor and no clue how I'd go about getting a written one.
[quote name='georox']Asked them about it before once already. *sigh* Anyways waiting on time to file a lost credit report for GE, and I have no email confirmation from Grant Mentor and no clue how I'd go about getting a written one.[/QUOTE]
I called them and they say they don't do confirmation emails anymore.
[quote name='iguss']I called them and they say they don't do confirmation emails anymore.[/quote]
They offer any sort of written one?
ok so i put in my order on the 2nd and atm its still processing should i cancel the offers or keep waiting till its confirmed?
[quote name='Nelo Ice']ok so i put in my order on the 2nd and atm its still processing should i cancel the offers or keep waiting till its confirmed?[/quote]

Wait until it's confirmed OR wait until the day before your trial ends which ever comes first.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Wait until it's confirmed OR wait until the day before your trial ends which ever comes first.[/QUOTE]

When it says its a 7 day trial, does that mean its 7 days from when you signed up. Or 7 days, starting when you have recieved the product.

Thanks for the answer.
got my credit for the ebay success kit today...damn that took to do grant mentor and get The Darkness!!!! this is gonna be my 4th game!
[quote name='Malik112099']I just did Grant long has it been taking to credit for all of you?[/QUOTE]
Never got credit, called twice for a confirmation email and no luck...
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