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Are those worthwhile if I enjoyed Sniper Elite 2?  And is it worth while to buy both or is 2 going to give me enough zombie sniping satisfaction.

No. You are Mooby so you will hate them and call them derp.


And I don't believe you enjoyed a game.

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Are those worthwhile if I enjoyed Sniper Elite 2? And is it worth while to buy both or is 2 going to give me enough zombie sniping satisfaction.
Is very different from Sniper Elite 2, It has nothing to do with stealth. The sniping mechanics are there and are great. I only played the first one, but I'm glad I bought both because I love it. There's a satisfaction in shooting zombies... and nazis... and if you have both combined... booom.

The combat in Alan Wake was what I disliked about it most.
Every time I try to replay it, the combat completely kills the experience for me after about an hour. Without the driving force of the story behind it, I have a much harder time enjoying the game. Same with the original Bioshock. It's also the reason I've neglected the DLC and American Nightmare.

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Every time I try to replay it, the combat completely kills the experience for me after about an hour. Without the driving force of the story behind it, I have a much harder time enjoying the game. Same with the original Bioshock. It's also the reason I've neglected the DLC and American Nightmare.
American Nightmare actually improves on the shooting a good bit, as well as the encounter designs. I've enjoyed what I've played of it a lot more than the original game, surprisingly, I'd recommend trying it out.

Every time I try to replay it, the combat completely kills the experience for me after about an hour. Without the driving force of the story behind it, I have a much harder time enjoying the game. Same with the original Bioshock. It's also the reason I've neglected the DLC and American Nightmare.
I did enjoy parts of AW, but I was so disappointed with the way the game dragged on, the repetitiveness of lighting up the same-looking guys over and over, and the way the ending got so silly, that I promptly uninstalled it once I was done. I have yet to touch American Nightmare and I'm not even sure a rodent-recommendation would pursuade me to give it another go.

How did you guys play it, with a keyboard and mouse or gamepad?
KB/mouse, since it involved mouse-looking and shooting. I'm much better at that style for a shooter w/ KB/mouse, as opposed to a gamepad. Plus, gamepad's analog sticks are often more flimsy-feeling and a bit much clunkier than a mouse, when aiming.

I just wasn't fond of Run and Dodge commands being stuck on the same key - which initially kept me from going much of anywhere in the game. I really don't like when HOLDS + TAPS doing different things on a KB/mouse. That works better normally in a gamepad atmosphere, since there's way less keys at your fingertips. That's more of a console design around a gamepad, as opposed to a PC-style KB/mouse design.

For me, a lot of times - I'd only want to do a short run (I'm used to holding keys to run, not doing a toggle), and Alan do a dodge - and that'd cause me to get hurt...and eventually get killed.

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How did you guys play it, with a keyboard and mouse or gamepad?
Both for me, since I played it on PS3 and PC. While I apparently enjoyed the game more than others here, I will agree, the combat was not it's strong suit. But since I like The Outer Limits/Twin Peaks style writing, I thought story was enjoyable enough to carry the game and make me want to continue. That said, I also have not touched American Nightmare.
Both for me, since I played it on PS3 and PC. While I apparently enjoyed the game more than others here, I will agree, the combat was not it's strong suit. But since I like The Outer Limits/Twin Peaks style writing, I thought story was enjoyable enough to carry the game and make me want to continue. That said, I also have not touched American Nightmare.
I thought the story was great. I'm a sucker for Stephen King type stuff, so this was right up my alley...but the combat became so repetitive, and the flashlight thing made it so tedious, that it became such a huge pain in the ass and ruined my enjoyment.

Some games just work better with a controller, despite what kb/mouse purists will say (platformers and third person action games for starters). Usually I'll opt for a controller just for comfort though, as I'd rather play sitting on the couch than a computer chair.
Some games just work better with a controller, despite what kb/mouse purists will say (platformers and third person action games for starters). Usually I'll opt for a controller just for comfort though, as I'd rather play sitting on the couch than a computer chair.
Agreed. I've been playing Dark Souls and the controls, especially attacking, would probably be a pain in the ass with a keyboard for me. I still get confused sometimes and try to attack with A, but that's more habit than anything, haha.

And I can't imagine playing Alan Wake with a pad. I suck at games where you have to aim guns with dual sticks.

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Agreed. I've been playing Dark Souls and the controls, especially attacking, would probably be a pain in the ass with a keyboard for me. I still get confused sometimes and try to attack with A, but that's more habit than anything, haha.

And I can't imagine playing Alan Wake with a pad. I suck at games where you have to aim guns with dual sticks.
Dark Souls is meant to be played with a controller. You CAN play it with kb/m, but it's pretty terrible, I've tried myself.

I play all racing, fighting, and platforming games with a controller. Some twin stick shooters are better with... twin sticks, so I've done that. Third person ARPGs like Dark Souls vary. Like with Dark Souls, totally better with a controller. Divinity 2? You need to use kb/m.

Shooters, turn based stuff, strategy, flying, just about everything else, kb/m is just superior.

Daily Deals
75% off The Cave (Steam) - $3.75

Weekly, Midweek and Weekend Deals
(End 7/17)

Up to 75% off Daedalic games:
75% off 1954 Alcatraz (Steam) - $5.00
66% off Blackguards (Steam) - $13.60
66% off Blackguards Deluxe Edition (Steam) - $20.40
75% off Deponia (DRM Free) - $5.00
66% off Deponia 2: Chaos on Deponia (DRM Free) - $6.78
75% off Gomo (DRM Free) - $2.00
75% off Goodbye Deponia (DRM Free) - $5.00
75% off Journey of a Roach (DRM Free) - $3.00

75% off Nordic games and DLC

80% off Sanctum games and DLC
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I noticed that too. I like Deadfall Adventures. It's like a cheesy Indiana Jones-y adventure game but actually looks halfway decent and you can run around in 3D so it's not so old school point and click. There's some gun play but it's not the main focus so it's not a total FPS. More like solving puzzles in tombs and such.

Oh and the Digital Deluxe is meh so I wouldn't worry about it unless you are one of those soundtrack people. Just a different pistol that functions the same but looks different in terms of what DLC you get.

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Deadfall is going to be bundled, right?  I mean it's Nordic, so it's like a requirement.  I'm just trying to find something to use my discount on.

I kind of want 1954 but I don't know that I $3.75 want it, though I might have bought it for $3 if someone told me he was going to use his coupon and asked if I wanted him to pick up an extra copy for me. :p ;)

Probably just as well though. I'm sure it will get bundled sooner or later.

Blackguards is a couple bucks cheaper in the Land of the Mother Bear as well (77% off) but I wasn't impressed enough by the reviews to bite.  My coupon expires on August 3rd so I'm sitting tight for now.

I kind of want 1954 but I don't know that I $3.75 want it, though I might have bought it for $3 if someone told me he was going to use his coupon and asked if I wanted him to pick up an extra copy for me. :p ;)

Probably just as well though. I'm sure it will get bundled sooner or later.
Doh, sorry
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