GamersGate Thread

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I've been fighting off the urge to buy Risen 2 for a year now ... I think I'm going to bite at $5 .. but I have to ask my fellow CAGs ... Risen 2 vs Sacred 2 ... I know they're different genres but I'm also intrigued by Sacred 2 and it's also $5. Is there one that's a clear winner over the other? Thanks in advance!
Two very different games.

Sacred 2 is basically an open-world break-neck paced Diablo ARPG loot-crazy, leveling-crazy, and character-maxing type of game...

...while Risen 2 is a story-based, decision-making RPG similar to Risen 1 but w/ way more emphasis on the pirates scene.

I liked 'em both quite a bit. {shrug}

Thanks for the feedback guys ... reading up on Risen 2 a bit more but I'll probably end up grabbing it tonight!

Playing the demo for Risen 2, I'm having flashbacks to Tommy Wiseau's The Room.
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The thread conversation took a turn for the weird, it became Virtual Tennis 4 verus Red Dead Redemption.  Then victory was called because gameY had steam acheives and gameX didn't.  Also in that was the wax play isn't enough for me, i like need steam burns.


The thread conversation took a turn for the weird, it became Virtual Tennis 4 verus Red Dead Redemption. Then victory was called because gameY had steam acheives and gameX didn't. Also in that was the wax play isn't enough for me, i like need steam burns.
Hey, I got Virtua Tennis 4 dirt-cheap from GMG the other day.

Ain't touched it - still caught-up in TSW.

Is VT4 any good?

And when's that Red Dead Redemption PC port coming? ;)

Hey, I got Virtua Tennis 4 dirt-cheap from GMG the other day.

Ain't touched it - still caught-up in TSW.

Is VT4 any good?

And when's that Red Dead Redemption PC port coming? ;)
I have VT4 on my Android tablet... it's surprisingly good. That said, I happy having it on my tablet, and wasn't too tempted to double dip for a PC version.

Hey, I got Virtua Tennis 4 dirt-cheap from GMG the other day.

Ain't touched it - still caught-up in TSW.

Is VT4 any good?

And when's that Red Dead Redemption PC port coming? ;)
I actually quite enjoyed VT4 as I have bad knees and a bad back as I've gotten older and no longer can actually physically play so it's nice to imagine what being a bad ass tennis pro would be like. ;)

Side note, apparently I'd be a bad ass Ponycorn hunter too.

Expect everything I do, ask, etc to be all over the place and be actually as I'm thinking it.

I usually type w/ that "stream of conscienceness" kind of thing going on.
I told it as "joke", I'm not criticizing, it has happened to me too :p ...both things, typing while thinking -and not- and buying before asking... and I feel dangerously glad about it sometimes.

Just got Risen 2 (thanks stupidproz1) because it was on my wishlist and the people recommendations here. Couldn't pass for $4 and my paypal credit.

I told it as "joke", I'm not criticizing, it has happened to me too :p ...both things, typing while thinking -and not- and buying before asking... and I feel dangerously glad about it sometimes.
Don't get me wrong - I do sometimes re-read, correct and proofread my "Stream of conscience-ness", too.

It's time to talk about Four Elements II! It's on sale today! Let's discuss it and its 50% discount.

You can get it for $4 if you have the 20% discount. No additional savings via the UK site.

Also, I started Dead Island tonight and it's... okay? The difficulty seems touch and go. Either I'm fighting one zombie and it's a yawn or I'm getting rushed by five and torn apart. Also, the game gives me a little bit of a headache or motion sickness which never happened to me with any other game, even unmodded "running on a trampoline" Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Didn't see an option to adjust FOV in the basic options, haven't looked into changing .ini files or anything yet.
You aren't the only one, Seraphym experienced motion sickness when I played with her.. I think using this might help:

It lets you adjust FOV, motion blur, etc.

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Who broke GG or is it big game sale time?!?

Edit: Seems okay and no new games up yet, hopefully it is the summer sale with glitches! I wait...

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GamersGate's Summer Sale is now live.. no notable deals so far though.
Thanks for the head's up.

It's funny, I was just coming into this thread to ask if people thought that the summer sale was gonna launch this week. Guess I have my answer.

EDIT: You're right, nothing spectacular so far. Nothing to make me want to make a dent in the $45 worth a blue coins that I've had on my account for the past 6 months.

EDIT#2: The GMG mascot > the Gamersgate mascot.

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I want to get TSW but I waited until the weekend thinking the entire sale went for two weeks. Didn't realize TSW was only like four days. Was kinda mad about that. So yea, gotta wait for a like deal. I'm hoping Steam or GG gets it.

So yea, I'll not start a load of crap on it. I just want it for $10!
I want to get TSW but I waited until the weekend thinking the entire sale went for two weeks. Didn't realize TSW was only like four days. Was kinda mad about that. So yea, gotta wait for a like deal. I'm hoping Steam or GG gets it.

So yea, I'll not start a load of crap on it. I just want it for $10!
So what pushed you over the edge on it? :)

*starts load of crap on it*

The fact TSW has zombies pushed me over the edge.  I know other MMOs have "zombies" but whatever pixelated crap they have thrown my way do not look like real zombies as I know them to be.  I also enjoyed TSW's adult themes.  I've tried playing other adult themed MMOs only to find out their ads were only ploys to get me to join. 

The fact TSW has zombies pushed me over the edge. I know other MMOs have "zombies" but whatever pixelated crap they have thrown my way do not look like real zombies as I know them to be. I also enjoyed TSW's adult themes. I've tried playing other adult themed MMOs only to find out their ads were only ploys to get me to join.
Wartune, aye?

"Your body is a party, let's get it started"

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The fact TSW has zombies pushed me over the edge. I know other MMOs have "zombies" but whatever pixelated crap they have thrown my way do not look like real zombies as I know them to be. I also enjoyed TSW's adult themes. I've tried playing other adult themed MMOs only to find out their ads were only ploys to get me to join.
Oddly the zombie-themed Kingsmouth isn't bothering me (and I'm anti-zombie). I agree I really love how they wrote it for an adult audience.

Oddly the zombie-themed Kingsmouth isn't bothering me (and I'm anti-zombie). I agree I really love how they wrote it for an adult audience.
I get tired of the zombie theme too (especially since most zombie games I play are "silly"), and yeah, they did it really well. As you progress, you'll solve a lot of the underlying mysteries and connections in Solomon Island... and it's an interesting backstory, since the storyline only brushes the surface so much. You could fly through the game and barely solve any of the mysteries, I'd say. I love the digging.

I get tired of the zombie theme too (especially since most zombie games I play are "silly"), and yeah, they did it really well. As you progress, you'll solve a lot of the underlying mysteries and connections in Solomon Island... and it's an interesting backstory, since the storyline only brushes the surface so much. You could fly through the game and barely solve any of the mysteries, I'd say. I love the digging.
/agree Especially in TSW where is draw is world/stories. It's nice to have more nuanced and layered story, WoW zone storylines tend toward children's book levels.

All this talk about TSW has made me want to play it. I'm now convinced that you lot all secretly work for Funcom. 

/agree Especially in TSW where is draw is world/stories. It's nice to have more nuanced and layered story, WoW zone storylines tend toward children's book levels.
Yeah, makes me wish there was a Dragon Age MMO > an Elder Scrolls one. Dragon Age does mature dark fantasy so much better, and the writing is top notch, varied (codex ho!), and complex. Elder Scrolls is nice, but the story has always felt extremely generic to me (which works in its advantage, sometimes).

All this talk about TSW has made me want to play it. I'm now convinced that you lot all secretly work for Funcom.
TSW is a very good game. The writing is excellent and the gameplay is exciting and fun. I'm glad I supported Funcom on such a well made experience.
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Yeah, makes me wish there was a Dragon Age MMO > an Elder Scrolls one. Dragon Age does mature dark fantasy so much better, and the writing is top notch, varied (codex ho!), and complex. Elder Scrolls is nice, but the story has always felt extremely generic to me (which works in its advantage, sometimes).

TSW is a very good game. The writing is excellent and the gameplay is exciting and fun. I'm glad I supported Funcom on such a well made experience.
You're doing nothing but fueling my suspicion at this point.

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