GamersGate Thread

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Horrible in an awesomely entertaining way? Or just horrible?
Well, I dunno. It's just a bad translation. Sometimes it's funny, while other times it's annoying. With bad translations, you really are missing a big point of the story, because it's just not coming across like it should, but at the same time, the game isn't really the model of an amazing story anyways.

I'd really only recommend it for $2.50 or so. I got it for $2 on Nuuvem.

Nice. Came out to $2.11 after the 20% discount. I bought it, but I might hold off on activating and see if anyone misses out on the deal or needs someone with a discount. I have the game on 360 and would probably rather play it on there anyway.
Yeah... it would probably be best to just play it on the 360. The port is a mess, and while it's possible to get it working, the framerate is all over the place. Unless you have a really strong system, you're only going to get 50-60 FPS sometimes, and 30 FPS most of the time. SweetFX makes the game look pretty nice, so technically you could get it looking and playing better than on console, but like I said, it's still going to be a 30 FPS game for the majority of the experience.
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Precursors is pretty good, I still have it installed. The translation is horrible, but the gameplay is actually solid.

Sames goes for Xenus 2, as well.

And make sure you guys gets the unofficial patches from Wesp for Precursors and Xenus 2: White Gold - War In Paradise.

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Sames goes for Xenus 2, as well.

And make sure you guys gets the unofficial patches from Wesp for Precursors and Xenus 2: White Gold - War In Paradise.
wtf, Wesp made patches for those obscure games? The same Wesp that patched Vampire?

Hope you enjoy Dead Island GOTY. :D
I sure as hell did.

Also, once you get the gameplay down w/ KB/mouse...
...if you have a controller - check out Analog Mode (for combat).
It's kinda cool.
Eh, I wouldn't recommend playing the game with a mouse. It's got some port issues, and mouse-look is odd and choppy. Kinda makes it looks like your FPS is stuttering when it's not. The game plays flawlessly with a controller, and that was kinda how it was supposed to be played.
wtf, Wesp made patches for those obscure games? The same Wesp that patched Vampire?
Yes, *that* Wesp sure did. :D

Wesp's Unofficial Patch 1.7 for Precursors:

Wesp's Unofficial Patch 1.7 for Xenus 2:


The RPG Watch forums for those old Deep Shadows are really helpful w/ fixing the hell out and modding those games:

You'll definitely want to read the forums and follow instructions on how to fix sound issues w/ games on that engine, too. GG is nice enough to give us those files, more or less - make sure you implement them correctly.

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Eh, I wouldn't recommend playing the game with a mouse. It's got some port issues, and mouse-look is odd and choppy. Kinda makes it looks like your FPS is stuttering when it's not. The game plays flawlessly with a controller, and that was kinda how it was supposed to be played.
To counterpoint, I play with a KB&M and have no issues at all while on foot. Driving, however, I definitely prefer a controller. The analog combat with the controller is a different feel and I switch to it every now and then just to change things up, but my default setup is KB&M.

I like both styles for Dead Island.

I'm used to the KB/mouse set-up - but the analog mode w/ a control-pad must be tried. It's damn cool.

To counterpoint, I play with a KB&M and have no issues at all while on foot. Driving, however, I definitely prefer a controller. The analog combat with the controller is a different feel and I switch to it every now and then just to change things up, but my default setup is KB&M.
Agree with this, I had no issues with KB/M, game plays fine with it.

I'll offer a counterpoint by saying that playing it in coop is much better than playing solo. Playing the game in coop with other people will help to alleviate some of the tedium of the repetitive fetch quests. Once you get to a certain point the survival aspect very much disappears as you become a powerhouse of zombie slaying.

And anyone who doesn't play as Sam B is doing it wrong.
And I agree with this too, most people say that the game is better suited for multiplayer. Not sure anyone would play it singleplayer..
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Agree with this, I had no issues with KB/M, game plays fine with it.

And I agree with this too, most people say that the game is better suited for multiplayer. Not sure anyone would play it singleplayer..
I played Dead Island GOTY all by myself, solo style - and had a blast w/ it.

I dunno... maybe my eyes are pickier about stuttering. Everywhere I read said it's unavoidable if you use a mouse to aim. The game will look fine, you'll be getting 100+ FPS, and as soon as you're looking around via mouse, things will be a little jittery. It's not major, definitely not game breaking, but it's MUCH smoother with a controller.

But I'm really picky about FPS when other people aren't, so I'm sure that plays a part in things. As for playing solo or not... the entire feel of the game caters to being alone, scavenging, surviving, etc. By all means, games are fun co-op, but co-op in this game just ruins the feel and makes things too easy. When I get back to it, I'll be playing solo again for sure.
I dunno... maybe my eyes are pickier about stuttering. Everywhere I read said it's unavoidable if you use a mouse to aim. The game will look fine, you'll be getting 100+ FPS, and as soon as you're looking around via mouse, things will be a little jittery. It's not major, definitely not game breaking, but it's MUCH smoother with a controller.
I think that might be performance related to your computer setup (GPU, drivers, etc.). I definitely didn't notice any stutter, and I'm very sensitive to it.
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I think that might be performance related to your computer setup (GPU, drivers, etc.). I definitely didn't notice any stutter, and I'm very sensitive to it.
Well, if anyone comes across it, I couldn't find any working fix besides using a controller. Neither could this guy (good example of the issue, which even affects keyboard movement):

So if it happens to you, play with a controller. Controller lets you use the more advanced combat system anyways... so I don't know what's the big draw about using KB/M.
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Well, if anyone comes across it, I couldn't find any working fix besides using a controller. Neither could this guy (good example of the issue, which even affects keyboard movement):

So if it happens to you, play with a controller. Controller lets you use the more advanced combat system anyways... so I don't know what's the big draw about using KB/M.

Yeah, I definitely didn't notice anything like that. I won't say I'm sensitive to stutter, but I'm also not oblivious to it either. As to my own preferred control method (KB&M), it comes down to fingers vs wrist. I have fine motor issues with finger control (A.D.D. related) which is why I've gone back to PC gaming after a long stretch with consoles. Physically, I just have better control using my wrist to move a mouse for movement vs my thumbs on an analog stick. But as many have told me, I'm a "unique" individual.

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wtf, Wesp made patches for those obscure games? The same Wesp that patched Vampire?

Eh, I wouldn't recommend playing the game with a mouse. It's got some port issues, and mouse-look is odd and choppy. Kinda makes it looks like your FPS is stuttering when it's not. The game plays flawlessly with a controller, and that was kinda how it was supposed to be played.
Thanks for the heads up in case I run into that. Honestly, I'm pretty partial to using a controller (enough time hunched over the KB/M).

I like both styles for Dead Island.

I'm used to the KB/mouse set-up - but the analog mode w/ a control-pad must be tried. It's damn cool.
^_^ I'll definitely check that out.'d better be right... the FP still hasn't changed and SR2 is still on sale... ...and I wanna get to bed, sheesh, I wish GG would respect my bedtime more.
And it is now confirmed. Precursors for $4.99 or $4 with 20% off. This is the second time in a year I've seen the game on sale so it is a rare moment.

Nuuvem's version of Percursors is DRM-free... so you may be better off just waiting for that to go on sale again if you're allergic to Starforce.
Yucky Starforce DRM though!

Magicka's up for $2.49.... yeah, we've seen that price before, but now it's got Steam Trading Cards!
Yeah, GG really should remove the SF DRM.

It's not necessary.

It's not like Xenus 2 has any DRM anymore on GG. {Shrug}

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Nice. Came out to $2.11 after the 20% discount. I bought it, but I might hold off on activating and see if anyone misses out on the deal or needs someone with a discount. I have the game on 360 and would probably rather play it on there anyway.
I missed this and will take it off your hands for $2.50. Loved SR3 never played SR2.
Nuuvem's version of Percursors is DRM-free... so you may be better off just waiting for that to go on sale again if you're allergic to Starforce.
Wasn't Precursors on GG in its older version (1.0) released as DRM FREE?

I think the newer version (now up on GG), it put the DRM back in.

Can anyone who's owned Precursors forever on GG confirm or deny?

I'm disappointed Ashes. The deal flipped early today and it's a racing game and Steam!
I've been busy hemming and hawing... 1nsane 1 wasn't supposed to be fun outside lan-party multiplayer, Insane 2 seems to follow in those footsteps. This is only 50% off (60%/$4 for me) but I still feel apathy. GG MSRP is funny, currently $10, used to be $40, $20 before that, $30 before that. Steam has always been $20, bar a couple 33% sales.

I think that's my long way of saying meh.

I've been busy hemming and hawing... 1nsane 1 wasn't supposed to be fun outside lan-party multiplayer, Insane 2 seems to follow in those footsteps. This is only 50% off (60%/$4 for me) but I still feel apathy. GG MSRP is funny, currently $10, used to be $40, $20 before that, $30 before that. Steam has always been $20, bar a couple 33% sales.

I think that's my long way of saying meh.
If Steam's MSRP is $20, then $4 is more than 75% off. How could you pass this up? HOW?
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All quoted discounts must be relative to the lowest base price across legit retailers. ;)
Not really with GG. They're notorious for changing MSRP and adjusting the final price with discount percentages. For example, you'll see something for 80% off and get excited... and then realize they have the MSRP set higher than other retailers. This is probably why they have more price mistakes.

Steam is generally the most up to date place when it comes to MSRP. GG is all over the place. They probably would have had the game for 75% off... if their MSRP was correct.
Not really with GG. They're notorious for changing MSRP and adjusting the final price with discount percentages. For example, you'll see something for 80% off and get excited... and then realize they have the MSRP set higher than other retailers. This is probably why they have more price mistakes.

Steam is generally the most up to date place when it comes to MSRP. GG is all over the place. They probably would have had the game for 75% off... if their MSRP was correct.
I've definitely seen GG with jacked up base prices, but I don't think I've seen it the other way around before, outside of a couple of games which had the same base price on GMG, and one where Steam hadn't adjusted the base price in a couple of years.


IMHO, it's always good to document what's on sale for how much, even if the deal isn't that hot, is that hot, or is lukewarm.

We can always mention if we've seen better deals or not - and keep other people informed.

It's up to the gamers, if they want to buy or not. 

Ashes must be taking lessons from me on "Just don't spend low $ on [insert game], even if you really should be buying at that price." ;)
^_^ Well as I've said before I'm well stocked on racing games atm. Insane 2 (like it's predecessor) supposedly has a very dull career mode -- multiplayer is where is shines. It just didn't have me reaching for that buy button. I *might* still pick it up before the day is out... but I remain skeptical. A word cloud of all the reviews would have "bored/boring" in 72-point font.

I hate you guys!  ...I think I'm close to cracking and picking up Insane 2 just to settle the matter.

The two big themes are:

1) The AI is dumb and weak.

2) Leaving it to you vs terrain, the terrain is mentioned favorably.

Well, I cracked.  ...picked up Insane 2 for $3.80 after BC & 20%er status.  ...people say it's the closest thing to Motorstorm (PS3) on PC... I guess I can scratch one more reason to get a PS3...

Well, I cracked. ...picked up Insane 2 for $3.80 after BC & 20%er status. ...people say it's the closest thing to Motorstorm (PS3) on PC... I guess I can scratch one more reason to get a PS3...
Now, if only we can get Naughty Dog (Uncharted series + The Last of Us) & Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls) to find their way to get rid of their exclusive-ness and get their stuff not on the PC actually onto the PC...


Hey, a dude can dream...


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If you don't have any of them and really want them all... $7 isn't horrible, but even then, they've probably been cheaper. I think I got Sanctum + all the DLC for like $3 something. Awesomenauts was in a HIB. Airbuccaneers was already in a past Indiefort bundle, as well as another bundle (forget which).

So yeah, for the tiny few indie bundles GG does, they're already doing repeats. Not a very good show.

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