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I tried playing The Path yesterday... and failed the first level.
Wait, wut? The Path isn't really even "levels", you pick a character and then walk around for awhile, finding things, then you either find "the wolf" or you walk to grandma's house... then you choose the next character. It's like an interactive movie, it's all about deep meaning and personal trials and themes.
Wait, wut? The Path isn't really even "levels", you pick a character and then walk around for awhile, finding things, then you either find "the wolf" or you walk to grandma's house... then you choose the next character. It's like an interactive movie, it's all about deep meaning and personal trials and themes.
I suck at casual games.


I suck at casual games.

There's really no "failure" in the game. It just says that if you don't encounter the wolf.

Basically, just walk aimlessly through the woods till you find the wolf. Once you find it, there will be a fade out and you'll wake up in front of grandma's house.
There's really no "failure" in the game. It just says that if you don't encounter the wolf.

Basically, just walk aimlessly through the woods till you find the wolf. Once you find it, there will be a fade out and you'll wake up in front of grandma's house.
It's okay. Thanks, but you don't need to console me. I suck at it, and I can accept that.

Also... spoiler tag that ****! ;)

Edit: Also makes me wonder about the Chapter 1 label at the top of my screencap.

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The Path and the devs behind it are hilarious. I'm half sure they're parodying art games rather than making them.
I've actually enjoyed what I've played of The Path, and a LOT of people discuss the meanings and enjoy the game. It's different, but it's interesting for sure. It's just not a "game", it's an interactive experience.

Now the Graveyard and that Bentoit le... blah blah French game... Can't speak for those. The Path is good though.
Re: Sacred 2

Is it? I thought I remembered last winter sale when they gave out Sacred 2 coupons but the game had no keys a lot of people saying "Doesn't matter, game's broken and sucks anyway".

Never played it. Just carrying the memory with me.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. {shrug}

Did you like Sacred 1? If so - play this. Take Sacred 1, throw it in 3D, and you (more-or-less) get Sacred 2.

If you like the game and can get it running worth a damn - I think it's worth $4-5 easily.

I don't know if a S2: Gold Demo is out there - I'd highly doubt it, given how HUGE the game actually really is - but if there is one, give it a shot. If you like huge open-world ARPG's, S2: Gold is a pretty good one.

Just make sure you get S2: Gold (that has S2 + Expansion + newest official patch) and then most definitely add the Community Patches to FIX the game - b/c otherwise, there's A LOT of issues.


There is a Sacred 2: Fallen Angel demo (original base game) out there. I'm not sure if that'll be very reflective of the game's performance, since it's an OLD demo....and since S2: Gold + Com Patch has cleaned-up quite a bit of problems + works on Win 7 64-bit.

If you do try S2: FA Demo (or any version of this game, actually), I'd recommend you do the usual tricks for Windows Vista, 7, and 8 when running older games on those systems:

Run game in Compat Mode for an older OS these older games worked on/was designed on (Win XP SP2, in this case for S2: Gold);

Run as an Admin;

and turn-off any Aero bullcrap (check boxes for both Disable Desktop Comp + Disable Visual Themes).

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Different strokes for different folks, I guess. {shrug}
Yeah, well, I had a feeling that a lot of it was Steam apologists covering for why no one should be upset that they were given a coupon to an unavailable game. Sour grapes "The game sucks anyway" stuff. So I figured I'd get a second opinion.

Yeah, well, I had a feeling that a lot of it was Steam apologists covering for why no one should be upset that they were given a coupon to an unavailable game. Sour grapes "The game sucks anyway" stuff. So I figured I'd get a second opinion.
I'm an ARPG nut - so, my opinion of ARPG's might be different than many others. I eat these games up & spit 'em out, more or less.

Even ARPG's that some other people weren't super fond of (like say Krater, Silverfall: Complete), I've actually liked quite a bit.

So - keep that in mind, too... {shrug}

Your best bet - even though it ain't a great bet - would be to try that S2:FA Demo on your rig; try to run it; and see if you like what's there.

Sure, it might not be representative of S2: Gold entirely (since S2: Gold + Com Patch cleaned-up a lot of technical issues and has tons of content) - but it'll be FREE and at least something.

Could save you $4-5.

Or, might make you want to drop $4-5.


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When has Deep Silver ever done an Indie Bundle?

{raised eyebrow}
They haven't yet, but anything's possible. Out of all the games they published, I think Sacred 2 Gold is the most likely to get indie bundled, since Sacred Gold got bundled (although that was published by Strategy First).

They haven't yet, but anything's possible. Out of all the games they published, I think Sacred 2 Gold is the most likely to get indie bundled, since Sacred Gold got bundled (although that was published by Strategy First).
That would be cool If Deep Silver did a Humble Bundle for both DRM-FREE and Steam-Versions of S2: Gold and S1: Gold - especially before true-blue Sacred 3 rolls around.

Granted, I do already own....

S2: FA Collector's Ed from Retail; S2: Gold from Gamersgate both Securom-laced and DRM-FREE;

and own both S1 (base game) + S1: UW from Retail.

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Dead Island is a love it or hate it thing.

Personally, I've had fun with it. Playing it solo is the way to go (in my opinion) because the survival aspect is good. You're all alone creeping around, looting stuff (a la Fallout/Elder Scrolls style), and taking on zombies almost entirely through hand to hand combat. You've got to swap weapons out a lot too, because things break and get dull through use (you can repair things at workbenches, but you don't always have access to those), so it forces you to scavenge for new weapons that "get the job done" a lot of time.

Definitely worth $4.
Dead Island GOTY for $5 (steam) is the new daily.

I'm not a zombie fan, but I've heard good things about it from CAGs. I'm considering picking it up for $4.
Taking zombies out of the equation, if you like looting, crafting and melee combat, it's a very solid game IMO. For me the gameplay is highly addictive. I'm on the love it side of the fence, so take that into consideration. The questing is fair, numerous standard side fetch or escort quests. The story is cliche, but serviceable. Some people say it's buggy, but I've not once experienced as bug like losing a dropped weapon, but as always ymmv. If I could make one suggestion, if you do decide to pick it up, do not play Purna as your first character. While an interesting character and skill set in her own right, she could be frustrating for a first time player due to here special abilities involving firearms, which are not readily available in the early stages of the game (she's a very strong end game character). I liked all the characters, but my favorite is Sam B. He is probably the easiest due to his higher health, but I find his random dialogue humorous and his blunt weapons preference is satisfying once you get used to the slower swing speed versus blades. As soon as Riptide drops to my CAG price, I'll likely pick DI up and play through all the characters again.

Dead Island is a love it or hate it thing.

Personally, I've had fun with it. Playing it solo is the way to go (in my opinion) because the survival aspect is good. You're all alone creeping around, looting stuff (a la Fallout/Elder Scrolls style), and taking on zombies almost entirely through hand to hand combat. You've got to swap weapons out a lot too, because things break and get dull through use (you can repair things at workbenches, but you don't always have access to those), so it forces you to scavenge for new weapons that "get the job done" a lot of time.

Definitely worth $4.
I'll offer a counterpoint by saying that playing it in coop is much better than playing solo. Playing the game in coop with other people will help to alleviate some of the tedium of the repetitive fetch quests. Once you get to a certain point the survival aspect very much disappears as you become a powerhouse of zombie slaying.

And anyone who doesn't play as Sam B is doing it wrong.

Dead Island GOTY for $5 (steam) is the new daily.

I'm not a zombie fan, but I've heard good things about it from CAGs. I'm considering picking it up for $4.
Think of Dead Island GOTY as:

a melee-based Borderlands 1 (First-Person ARPG w/ lots of kill/fetch quests and tons of different loot);

mostly zombies are your enemies;

prepare to upgrade and repair weapons like crazy;

you're on a paradise island gone completely wrong (think like Far Cry);

and that the story and characters are on and off like a light-switch (like Borderlands 1).

I loved Dead Island.

I'll offer a counterpoint by saying that playing it in coop is much better than playing solo. Playing the game in coop with other people will help to alleviate some of the tedium of the repetitive fetch quests. Once you get to a certain point the survival aspect very much disappears as you become a powerhouse of zombie slaying.

And anyone who doesn't play as Sam B is doing it wrong.
Who Do You Voodoo?

Think of Dead Island GOTY as:

a melee-based Borderlands 1 (First-Person ARPG w/ lots of kill/fetch quests and tons of different loot);

mostly zombies are your enemies;

prepare to upgrade and repair weapons like crazy;

you're on a paradise island gone completely wrong (think like Far Cry);

and that the story and characters are on and off like a light-switch (like Borderlands 1).

I loved Dead Island.
Sold! I fuck ing love that Borderlands sh*t rasta!

I'll offer a counterpoint by saying that playing it in coop is much better than playing solo. Playing the game in coop with other people will help to alleviate some of the tedium of the repetitive fetch quests. Once you get to a certain point the survival aspect very much disappears as you become a powerhouse of zombie slaying.

And anyone who doesn't play as Sam B is doing it wrong.
I played WoW and had 5 max level toons (and geared!). The tedium of repetitive fetch or collections quests is no match for me! I collected Centaur ears in Desolace!

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I played WoW and had 5 max level toons (and geared!). The tedium of repetitive fetch or collections quests is no match for me! I collected Centaur ears in Desolace!
This is one of the first times anyone has ever been so proud of such an achievement. Did you sell them for serious bank?
This is one of the first times anyone has ever been so proud of such an achievement. Did you sell them for serious bank?
Ah, more of my level of tolerance for lather-rinse-repeat if the gameplay (or carrot) is good enough. General rule with WoW.. if you have more than two geared toons... you're bored and just don't know it.

Edit: Like any marginally sane WoW player, I've been clean and sober a few times, but I keep my toons so I can descend down that spiral again.

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Hmmm, so Precursors and Xenus 2 have seen price drops from 14.95 to 9.95:

With 20% off they would be 8 each which is close to what they were on sale for last year. I'll still wait to see if GG puts them on sale for the summer sale. $4 for each or even $2 for each would be great.
Precursors is pretty good, I still have it installed. The translation is horrible, but the gameplay is actually solid.
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