GamersGate Thread

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TDU2 has been $5 on Amazon a couple/few times in the last year. Totally worth it. A good deal at the more common $10 sale price. It's huge and open world. The physics model (with all assists off) straddles a nice line between arcade and sim and is enjoyable with both controller and wheel. The (MMO-ish) single-player online mode is nice. (It has a full offline mode as well.) Just FYI, the steam version doesn't do steam-patching or have steam achieves (kinda MMO-ish in that respect)... so imo, not much reason to prefer to the Steam version.
Do you think TDU2 would still be worth it at 5-10 if the servers go down? Since atari is gone seems like that is a good chance, but really I dont care about online racing stuff, just like a nice big open world like NFSMW, burnout, etc. From the steam forums on it though it seems like they all think thats the only good part of the game so would be good to hear a non-steam forum opinion
TDU2 is one of my favorite racers - PERIOD. It's a flawed gem.

Well, we'll need Atari to patch the Securom Internet DRM activation requirement out - since after you install, it forces that. That's so if we need to re-install the game, we can go and boot it offline; and not have to resort to looking for cracks and other madness.

Sure, I mainly played it online - but, most of the time, I was doing SP stuff.

So to answer your question - YES! Most of the time, you'll be doing the SP campaign races, exploring the game-world, doing challenges, doing side quests, buying clothes for yourself, buying houses, and all of that stuff. There's a TON to do, even w/out dealing w/ other players!

For the online MP/MMO stuff - you hit a specific spot on the map (one that's designed for MP) and that's the lobby where you all set up your MP races and whatnot. There's clubs you can set-up, but I never really used them. You can tag along w/ other online racers - and heck, even ride shotgun w/ them!


Oh, also - I play TDU2 w/ X360 controller. I usually play racers w/ a gamepad.

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You can also create your own challenges and take part in other people's challenges in a certain lobby. It's an interesting feature that's fun to play with in seeing how you stack up against other players.

TDU2 has been $5 on Amazon a couple/few times in the last year. Totally worth it. A good deal at the more common $10 sale price. It's huge and open world. The physics model (with all assists off) straddles a nice line between arcade and sim and is enjoyable with both controller and wheel. The (MMO-ish) single-player online mode is nice. (It has a full offline mode as well.) Just FYI, the steam version doesn't do steam-patching or have steam achieves (kinda MMO-ish in that respect)... so imo, not much reason to prefer to the Steam version.
Steam lists 57 achievements for Test Drive Unlimited 2. That's part of the reason why I've passed on it from Amazon and Gamersgate.

There are a bunch of new deals up, and there are some really low prices on some classic games.

Master of Orion - $.74

Master of Magic - $1.50

Total Annihilation pack - $1.49

RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe - $1.50

Jagged Alliance 1 + 2 + expansions - $3.25

They also have King's Bounty Platinum for $2.19, but this seems like it might be an error.

Anybody owns some of the older games on GG? how they hold on modern systems? I'm interested on Independence War 2 and Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare but i was thinking about buying them from GOG

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Anybody owns some of the older games on GG? how they hold on modern systems? I'm interested on Independence War 2 and Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare but i was thinking about buying them from GOG
II bought it from GOG. I don't think it will be as cheap as GG. Maybe are the same versions (as they did with d&d collection) since it's drm free.

I'm interested in the last one. I know it's not good, but it's the only game I haven't played on the alone it the dark series. The only thing that prevent me from buying it is the drm.
There are a bunch of new deals up, and there are some really low prices on some classic games.

Master of Orion - $.74

Master of Magic - $1.50

Total Annihilation pack - $1.49

RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe - $1.50

Jagged Alliance 1 + 2 + expansions - $3.25

They also have King's Bounty Platinum for $2.19, but this seems like it might be an error.
If it's an error, they're taking their sweet time in fixing it, as it's still that price AND all of the other King's Bounty games (minus WoTN) are also dirt cheap. KB: The Legend is $.63!! I know it's been bundled before, but that's still ridiculously cheap.

The daily deal seems to be DiRT 2 for $3.74. Any thoughts on the game? I was close to picking up Fuel for $2.50 yesterday, but I held off. Is DiRT 2 a better game?

This is probably a pricing mistake, but the following adventure four-pack is currently $1.30:

This includes the following games:

  • Gray Matter
  • Alter Ego
  • Black Mirror 2
  • The Rockin' Dead

There are also some other Viva Media deals:,offers&prio=price&pg=1

Edit: These are also $0.99 and register on Steam:

STORM Frontline Nation

Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops

You can get an additional 5% off with coupon (or 20% off if you have the Bethuckup discount).

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Blade Kitten is only $1.99... but no Steam. :(, it has SecuROM on GG Version.

Plz tell me Steam-version doesn't have SecuROM and only deals w/ Steam.

I hate when Steam-versions keep original layer(s) or DRM and then toss Steam DRM wrapper on top.

That's just...lazy.

Any idea what Steam-version's DRM might be for Blade Kitten?

This is probably a pricing mistake, but the following adventure four-pack is currently $1.30:

This includes the following games:

  • Gray Matter
  • Alter Ego
  • Black Mirror 2
  • The Rockin' Dead

There are also some other Viva Media deals:,offers&prio=price&pg=1

I already own those and it still was hard for me not to buy
Any idea what is the DRM on Black Mirror 2 version on GG?

This is probably a pricing mistake, but the following adventure four-pack is currently $1.30:

This includes the following games:

  • Gray Matter
  • Alter Ego
  • Black Mirror 2
  • The Rockin' Dead

There are also some other Viva Media deals:,offers&prio=price&pg=1

Edit: These are also $0.99 and register on Steam:

STORM Frontline Nation

Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops

You can get an additional 5% off with coupon (or 20% off if you have the Bethuckup discount).
I bought $50 worth of Blue coins back in January, and six months later I still had $43 worth of Blue coins. I just couldn't find anything to buy that I didn't already own.

Until now. I just picked up the adventure games 4-pack. Thanks for the head's up.

This is probably a pricing mistake, but the following adventure four-pack is currently $1.30:

This includes the following games:

  • Gray Matter
  • Alter Ego
  • Black Mirror 2
  • The Rockin' Dead

There are also some other Viva Media deals:,offers&prio=price&pg=1

Edit: These are also $0.99 and register on Steam:

STORM Frontline Nation

Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops

You can get an additional 5% off with coupon (or 20% off if you have the Bethuckup discount).
I bought $50 worth of Blue coins back in January, and six months later I still had $43 worth of Blue coins. I just couldn't find anything to buy that I didn't already own.

Until now. I just picked up the adventure games 4-pack. Thanks for the head's up.
Now it says 100% discount and no buy button. It was a mistake

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Dirt 2 is a far far better game than FUEL. In fact, it's one of the best racers in recent years.
Hmm... I'm very tempted to pick it up. I believe that this is the cheapest it's ever been, too. I bought Grid when it was on sale for the same price on GMG a few weeks ago, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Between the two, I should be set with my serious racing games for a while.

Yeah, there's a lot of racing time/action between them... quite complementary too since GRID is asphalt and Dirt 2 is well..
mostly dirt

Haha, indeed.  I like their complementary nature... I can play either, depending on for what I'm in the mood.

I might pick up Fuel, eventually.  I played the demo and enjoyed it, but there's only two tracks in it, so it's not a great overview of the entire game.  I've read reviews that complain its world is huge but mostly empty, which gives me some pause.  That said, if it's on sale again for $2.50 or cheaper, it'd be hard to pass up again.

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Copied from my latest post in the Steam Thread:

Okay, so I got sick of not being able to answer inquiries about FUEL... so I spent several hours with it yesterday...  I'm only a few hours in so this is a little provisional, but I doubt more time would change what I have to say.
Fuel is not a bad racing game.  It has a fairly standard arcade physics model.  Racing includes dirt bikes, quads, cars (and possibly more).  There are two bits that are fairly unique to Fuel.  (1) Most races are checkpoint races, but there is no set path you have to stay on, you can take any path you choose.  Which leads to (2) there seems to be three basic types of surfaces you can drive on: asphalt, trail, & wilderness.  Different vehicles are better (faster is seems) on different surfaces, driving through wilderness is definitely speed-penalized.  This means that it's up to you to choose how much to shortcut though wilderness and how much to stay on road/trail.  I like this mechanic.
Open World: Yes it seems to be huge open world (without a much variation in the areas I've been to).  However getting across the open world is slow and uninteresting.  Fortunately you don't have to, races & challenges are all menu accessible (enter and leave a race to shortcut across the map).  There seem to be discoverable stuff like liveries in the open world bit.  I however believe atm that the open world bit is best skipped, if there were vehicles/performance parts I could put up with it.  I now understand why some optional parts of the Refueled mod seem to be cheat-like discoverable unlocks... I'd be tempted... I hate cheating, but if the alternative is sh*t it's on the table.
Technically: Well it's based on some engine I've never seen before.  Technically the graphics are okay, not deplorable, not likeable.  4x MSAA doesn't help with aliasing as much as it should (but it does affect performance), I turned off in-game AA and used SweetFX to add in SMAA to my satisfaction.  I'm running at 1920x1200 on a Phenom II X3 720 BE OC'd at 3.2 GHz and an OC'd GTX 660 (overkill for any 2009 game).  While my framerate is acceptable, it sometime dips to the low 50s without being at 100% CPU or GPU load (I never seem to hit 100% CPU or GPU load in Fuel).
Other tips: You can try any Career race at three difficulty levels: LOL, Seriously?!?, and Putting up a Fight, each level rewards more fuel (currency).  "Challenges" are races in different formats that don't have a difficulty selection but aren't any more challenging... but they reward a nice amount of fuel.. don't pass them up.
TL;DR Decent arcade racer.  Avoid the open world abyss.
Edit: I'd also add that I'm tempted to try some SweetFX filters to spice up the visuals... I'm not generally a fan of such filters.. but it might give Fuel some needed visual pop.
Edit2: SecuROM + GFWL fyi.
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Thanks for the write-up!  It definitely seems like something I'll think about getting the next time it's on sale.  The SecuROM + GFWL bit (on top of Steam, no less) just makes me shake my head, but it's worth putting up with for a decent game.

Daily deal is Dominions 3: The Awakening for $7.49. I've never heard of it, but it seemed to get good reviews from GG customers.

CrimsonTribe bought it and reviewed it in this thread. He liked it. Wish the search feature worked so I could find it and link it.
Here's what I said last time. As an update, everything still applies, but it is a huge game. Even though there is not a lot of micromanagement of the nuts and bolts, it does take a lot of time to produce armies and heroes and figure out magic.

It looks interesting if you like lots of options for turn-based fantasy strategy, but it's definitely not for everyone. The game is played on a 2d map with different provinces. There's no tactical element other than setting up your squads (composition and position relative to each other) on the strategic map. Battles are all auto-generated. The economy is limited to gold and "resources" a sort of catch-all for wood, metal, etc.

The main draw seems to be the high degree of customization for the strategic elements. There are like 12 or 13 concepts for nations and three different "ages": early (high magic, low tech), middle (balanced), and late (low magic, high tech). It doesn't look like you evolve during the course of the game, but it's an interesting concept. For example the, analogue to Rome starts out relatively normal, but in the late age it's fallen to evil and wins by pumping out undead.

So, you have a ton of different nations with different play styles, and then you design your "pretender", a powerful being seeking to ascend to godhood. You can be a dragon or giant and run around kicking ass or a pool or statute and just stand there generating magic and "dominion" Dominion is kind of like religious power and belief. It can impose a different reality on provinces - for example, the lizard people prefer "hot" provinces. If their deity has dominion to increase heat, as its power expands the provinces where it holds sway will get hotter and more welcoming to lizard people. Magic is a huge focus also, there are a ton of spells and research options.

The focus is on the calculations and options, so the graphics aren't great. If you like empire building, in the sense of building armies and taking over territories, it's worth a look on sale. However, if you're looking for a fantasy Civilization, this is not it. There are only 3 basic buildings, and so far it seems that success in the game is based on having a coherent strategy ahead of time (based on your nation and pretender) and implementing it.

Are Alone in the Dark and TDU2 worth buying with the intrusive DRM -- especially now that Atari is bankrupt?

TDU2 is well worth it. Great open world racer, huge maps. ...worth it even if online gets axed.
If Atari goes away, so we can play the SP, we'll still need Securom removed b/c the game requires online activation on 1st boot-up per PC...

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DIshonored is $15ish on the UK site and even cheaper if you have the discount.  I'm all maxed out of Dishonored so I can't help anyone out, but I am sure others can.

Um, anybody want a GG gift of the Total Annihilation Commander Pack for ~$1? I picked this up on sale without realizing I already had it on GOG.

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