GameStop & EB Games Merging (GameStop buys Electronics Boutique for $1.44 billion)

[quote name='STATIC3D']If all the EB Games stores become GameStops (like Funcoland & Babbages did) I guess that means there will be no major stores that deal in used PC games any more. GameStop (at least locally) no longer does so. And, the only other major stores around to do so were EB Games. So, it looks like the used PC game market is about to take a nose dive...[/QUOTE]
I feel your pain brotha. I need my cheap PC games dammit!
[quote name='javeryh']I couldn't disagree more. Price is not the only thing that matters and you said as much in your first sentence. To the average consumer, buying a video game is a rare occurance and getting something new for $50 is a much better deal than getting something used for $45 (and probably even $40 or $35). Also, the average consumer doesn't have an edge card or know about cheapass sales, etc. We are in the minority - the average consumer pays $50 every single year for a new copy of Madden. Plus, I don't know about you but if I was buying a gift for a friend I sure as hell wouldn't buy them something used (unless it was the only way to get it) just to save a couple of bucks. The term "used" screams "don't buy me - there's something wrong" to the average consumer...[/QUOTE]

If used goods didn't sell, eBay would be a lot smaller than what it is today. Same goes for epobirs' used car example. Plus the only way you can walk into an EB or GS without knowing about the pre-owned deals is to be fully blind and deaf. And if you are blind AND deaf, how the hell do you play video games? I think that's the real question.

Uh, anyways, the Madden example is not a good one. There are (sadly) many Madden players who own a gaming system solely to play the latest Madden. This is why the last Madden outsold NFL 2K5, despite a $30 price difference. It's a phenomenon unto itself.

Admittedly, the price difference on new releases is negligble, so I can see where used games in that category won't move as much as new ones (and I tried to clarify that in later posts, but looks like I failed. Not surprising when you consider the source
... what about all those EB deals that us cags manipulated... i hope gamestop will still have some...


no more 25% with free shipping online?!
i see all these people giving the "aw shucks" because its gamestop eating EB, but perhaps you havent looked at what it is about EB that stinks.

Aside from the pre-owned titles deals (of which i wouldnt buy online anyhow without seeing the condition first) EB charged sales tax in pretty much every state after idiotically merging the store and website systems for no real customer benefit. And they also never have shipping deals unless you're buying used titles (Gamestop has freeshipper saver all the time).

i hope they keep the good of both companies and take away the rest. Have the non-taxation policy and freeshipping deals on NEW stuff from GS, and then all the stuff for used games that EB had.

-Oh and EB's website ordering system is better, GS's is just bad, having to call them up to cancel an order and enter your super mega long order code every time you need an order status.

So i'd say if they pick and choose right the merger could be good in some ways (although ultimately bad with the lack of competition)......then there's the possibility there will be no merging, it will just be a profit thing but on some lower end consumer level they'll all continue to compete.
I don't think GS will be able to go the no sales tax route much longer. I thought there was a law stating that state sales tax must be charged on orders going to states where online merchants also have a B&M presence. Which is why some states got charged sales tax while others did not. Anyone care to confirm/deny?
Gamestop sucks, their website sucks, Game Informer sucks. Unless Gamestop adopts the EB's deals I think I'm going to shop at GameCrazy for now and GameCrazy isin't that good either. I want a damn Game Rush down here already.
Saw this comin over a week ago as Gamestop was accepting EB gift certs and cards....I was now it all makes sense
I hope all gamestops turn into EB's not that all EB's turn into gamestop's which suck!!!!!
I don't like the fact that now there is only one store selling everyvideogame not cool!
Hopefully this will cause another store to pop up, as an alternative to GameStop. As it stands now, I buy most of my used games from GameFly (hell of a lot cheaper) anyways so don't really care but i'm going to miss EB in store prices (if they change prices that is).
[quote name='Daddy']Saw this comin over a week ago as Gamestop was accepting EB gift certs and cards....I was now it all makes sense[/QUOTE]

Should've bought some EB stock then. For the day, it's up over 34% as of about 15 minutes ago. GS on the other hand is up only like 9% if I remember right.
[quote name='Daddy']Saw this comin over a week ago as Gamestop was accepting EB gift certs and cards....I was now it all makes sense[/QUOTE]

Maybe I missed out on something but... really?
[quote name='spoo']Damn it CAG stop being so pessimistic![/QUOTE]

It isn't that we are being pessimistic it's just that one of the few decent stores to trade games into has been basically wiped out by the bigger Gamestop. Competition was already tight. Now, we don't have but GS, GC, and GR. Nationally to deal with.
I have been sitting on my $250+ EB store credit for months now saving up for an eventual free Xbox 2...I doubt that store credit can be taken away because it is cash that the store owes the consumer. Considering this as a merger then GS should accept the credit as if it were it's own.

I'm going to be pissed if the trade-in offers that EB have end. Too many of my games have been bought at an amazingly low cost due to the CAG trade-ins I've done. Secondly, EB has by far the better online setup. Lastly, as a majority of the user's who've posted said that EB b&m is far superior to the shabby GS selection, location, presentation, and service (for me at least...because of being such a CAG I'm now on a first name basis with the staff, not for the most friendly of reasons either)
I wish I saw this news early enough to buy stocks of EB Games this morning. Shares rose like crazy with this news. Wouldn't have predicted it, though.

Also, I'm not crazy about EB, since every EB near me is filled with douchebag employees, but they are certainly better than Gamestop. Looks like i'm sticking with CC, BB, and Target for all my gaming from now on.
[quote name='alongx']I wish I saw this news early enough to buy stocks of EB Games this morning. Shares rose like crazy with this news. Wouldn't have predicted it, though.[/QUOTE]
Dude, how do you think I feel? I've known about this since last week! Stupid insider trading...
Someone from Eb hinted this to me a while ago. Hinted as in "Eb and Gamestop are the same company just with a different name." He read the future.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I don't think GS will be able to go the no sales tax route much longer. I thought there was a law stating that state sales tax must be charged on orders going to states where online merchants also have a B&M presence. Which is why some states got charged sales tax while others did not. Anyone care to confirm/deny?[/QUOTE]

the gamestop web site is actually operated by
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I prefer a great deal more than However, I don't mind going to Gamestop B&M.[/QUOTE]

I am the same way. I have a few close friends that work at the two gamestops near my work and they do have a decent stock of games and will look out for specific titles if I give them the heads up. I also find that gamestop B&M employees are more friendly than EBs.

Now I have had a lot of bad experiences with customer service at EB B&M. The store closest to me for the longest in the local mall had just the worst employees working for them for the longest time. Now they have a group of descent people in there that youu can feel comfortable talking to.

I am also happy I found an EB opened up in a new mini-mall by work and the employees that work there are great from the moment I first walked in to today when I made a return on some games that were in not good condition. I picked them up at a store in the burbs by a friends house. They were closing and I did not get a chance to check out the discs.

The whole online service is a joke. They send out crap as games used and have a horrible customer service support for their online store.

On the other hand is my favorite site to purchase games from. They have great deals all the time and great discounts on used games online as well. Plus the guarantee of case and instructions is a real plus and seals the deal for shopping

As many logical people have said we do not know what will happen in the future and a merger such as this will take time to complete. So I say be patient and hopefully we will get the best from both stores.
i mostly shop online since i'm in vermont, but i think that any merger like this means less competitions, fewer perspectives from companies on what products to sell, more homogenous products that fit with the consolidated companies...:(
I absolutely hate this news big time right now. I hate Gamestop will all passion for charging very high prices on stuff, while EB Games usually charges good prices, although I've seen it the other way around a few times. I like being able to see slight variations in prices for used games, but I'm not forced to only have to pay one price.

The absolute biggest reason as to why I hate this merger, is that several games I get are only released at EB and Gamestop (Games by Atlus is an example). Now, I will have only one store I can get those games at (unless Atlus chooses to release their games other places now) and if I miss out on the first initial shipment, I will be screwed for a bit until Atlus next shipment.

I am just really upset right now hearing this news.
Like wow, you people really are very negative...


I opened this morning so I got to hear the prerecorded ceo message to GS managers.
my first reaction?...This is so, weird. *Totally Left Field*. bizzare. shock n awe.

then? wow, okay, this could be kind of exciting.

now? mkay, it's kinda cool.

Sure, it means that there could be less competition, which is something I don't nessasarily approve of, but it could clearly be good as well. GS is a much larger store then EB, more stores. Oddly enough, EB technically outsold GS last year for the first time, but GS was a more profitable company by something like tens of millions of dollars. millions of dollars more profitable? ~ to me that means GS's doing something right as a company that EB was lacking to have that much money dissappear.

My prediction right now is actually that since GS has been increasingly focused on DVD trade ins, and starting to open up more movie stops, my guess is some places where there's more then one store in a mall one might turn into a MovieStop. There are certain aspects of both companies that are good, but to me GS's customer service and the way the stores are run is waay better.

One weird thing for me right now is (esp in my area, I'm not sure about everywhere else) the EB's around me are filled with Gamestop's ex-employees ~ people who either were fired or quit and are non-rehirable now suddendly work for the company again. Heh, I seriously know one guy who just moved from our store to a management position at the EB in the same mall Last Week. (good proof to never burn your bridges).

I mean, it's not as if these people will be fired now, because when one company buys/merges with another it includes all the employees of both companies. BUT, there are some people that I used to work with that I Really don't ever want to be in the situation of being in the same store again...egh. But hopefully the good part about this is it will sift out all the people that were bringing both companies down.

Edit: oh, and for anyone freaking out, I don't see a reason too, they've got all these stores now but they're not going to be shutting them down or changing names too quickly, they have to at least wait until some of these stores' leases are up before anything can happen. And there are still fun-co-land's, etc, it will probably be at least a year before you start seeing a streamlined single company ensignia.
Just talked with some GS guys...asked if it was to compete with Wal-mart, they said that while Wal-mart is number one right now for game sales, a lot of video stores are going under too. Blockbuster took a huge hit and Hollywood video isn't doing so hot either. Like TaurusKatt said, GS has been getting a lot of DVDs, and they also have that weird game rental thing going on...signs point to them shooting for the top spot in game + dvd rental and retail sales.

Wow, this is big. I know it's only April, but what could possibly top this for 2005's 'Biggest CAG Shopping News' at the next Cheapy Awards?
[quote name='woobacca']Wow, this is big. I know it's only April, but what could possibly top this for 2005's 'Biggest CAG Shopping News' at the next Cheapy Awards?[/QUOTE]

"Madden 2006 game defective - Every single copy recalled!" :shock:

lol...if that happens I don't want to be working for any GS, or any other store that sold Madden, I think I'd crawl into a cave and hide and play katamari for a year, then return when it all blew over :lol:

Apossum~ yup, good point. A lot of people thought GS might buy GC since it's floundering so much, but it's tied in to blockbuster which is already having competition problems with stores like Hollywood video and online rental companies like GameFly (who seem to be teaming up with everyone these days, BB for example) I think that makes the execs wise not to touch that, where as while EB could use improvement it's still a solidly functioning company with better potential.

I just would have never realized they had that much money in their pockets~ I think something like 70% of the purchase was cash, where usually only something like 30% is required. That's some serious cojones, lol, but look what it's done to the stocks of both companies~ smart buissness amuses me. :)
[quote name='flybrione']I am the same way. I have a few close friends that work at the two gamestops near my work and they do have a decent stock of games and will look out for specific titles if I give them the heads up. I also find that gamestop B&M employees are more friendly than EBs.

Now I have had a lot of bad experiences with customer service at EB B&M. The store closest to me for the longest in the local mall had just the worst employees working for them for the longest time. Now they have a group of descent people in there that youu can feel comfortable talking to.

I am also happy I found an EB opened up in a new mini-mall by work and the employees that work there are great from the moment I first walked in to today when I made a return on some games that were in not good condition. I picked them up at a store in the burbs by a friends house. They were closing and I did not get a chance to check out the discs.

The whole online service is a joke. They send out crap as games used and have a horrible customer service support for their online store.

On the other hand is my favorite site to purchase games from. They have great deals all the time and great discounts on used games online as well. Plus the guarantee of case and instructions is a real plus and seals the deal for shopping

As many logical people have said we do not know what will happen in the future and a merger such as this will take time to complete. So I say be patient and hopefully we will get the best from both stores.[/QUOTE]

For me it is the complete opposite. Gamestop B&M workers around me tend to be total jerks, while the EB employees around here are much better. I just hope this merger means I won't be getting GS customer service when I go B&M....hell maybe I'll just not go B&M at all anymore..
[quote name='Daddy']Saw this comin over a week ago as Gamestop was accepting EB gift certs and cards....I was now it all makes sense[/QUOTE]

wait we can already use eb gift cards at gamestop!?
[quote name='Apossum']Just talked with some GS guys...asked if it was to compete with Wal-mart, they said that while Wal-mart is number one right now for game sales, a lot of video stores are going under too. Blockbuster took a huge hit and Hollywood video isn't doing so hot either. Like TaurusKatt said, GS has been getting a lot of DVDs, and they also have that weird game rental thing going on...signs point to them shooting for the top spot in game + dvd rental and retail sales.


Speaking of DVD retail sales, Gamestop has their own chain of stores now called Movie Stop. The chain is still fairly small and new, but it has some good potential. They have a much larger DVD selection than any other store in town (including Best Buy, Circuit City, Suncoast, etc.) and they sell used discs as well.
I'm curious about:
"The total transaction value is approximately $1.44 billion with consideration consisting of approximately 70% cash and 30% common stock. GameStop intends to fund the cash portion of the transaction through the issuance of $950 million in senior bonds and excess cash."

I hope that $950 is mostly "excess cash"... Otherwise, it sounds like GS is just buying EB on more borrowed money. Anyway, the stock market seemed to like the news, so I guess the consensus is that this is good for both companies!
that really sucks, gamestop hardly ever has deals and especially as good as EB's, the employees I've been through suck at life. Hell just froze over
[quote name='Slipknot9762']that really sucks, gamestop hardly ever has deals and especially as good as EB's, the employees I've been through suck at life. Hell just froze over[/QUOTE]

I hope the merger isn't bad, but I feel that it will be. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought anything from a Gamestop, and the last time I ordered something from it didn't work. :roll:
[quote name='PsyClerk']I don't think GS will be able to go the no sales tax route much longer. I thought there was a law stating that state sales tax must be charged on orders going to states where online merchants also have a B&M presence. Which is why some states got charged sales tax while others did not. Anyone care to confirm/deny?[/QUOTE]

thats what i "had" heard after EB used that as an excuse for their merger when i asked, but then i contacted gamestop and said they are not switching any time soon, leading me to beleive EB was fibbing, seeing as they had already lied once saying they merged to bring the wonderful "order online pick it up in the store" idea, which is a bit useless to sacrficice the no tax thing.

And people PEOPLE, where is all this negativity coming from? Sheesh, i mean, i suppose if all you do is buy used games online then this could be disconcerting, but otherwise EB's prices and deals are not that much better than GS, and their new stuff is pretty much garunteed to be more because of shipping (which is never free for that) and tax.

Even GS's customer service can be good, i just bought HL2 and it came and seemed open to me (it probably was because the one they resent was not packaged the same inside) and i couldnt risk the CD-key being compromised, they gave me a free fedex label to ship it in the same box back and overnighted me another copy (it almost came before i sent theirs back!).

so overall alot of these complaints are mainly about used game deals (which are much better to be doing in person anyway) and EB having a superior online ordering system.

GS is not that bad at all otherwise, thats where i've done all my shopping since the EB tax thing and aside from cancelling orders there is nothing about it that sucks.

-the only TRUE reason people should be upset is that this will indeed squelch competitive deals......and that does indeed suck......but from the looks of things it didnt feel like the two companies were trying to undercut each other most of the time anyway.
[quote name='spincut']thats what i "had" heard after EB used that as an excuse for their merger when i asked, but then i contacted gamestop and said they are not switching any time soon, leading me to beleive EB was fibbing, seeing as they had already lied once saying they merged to bring the wonderful "order online pick it up in the store" idea, which is a bit useless to sacrficice the no tax thing.

And people PEOPLE, where is all this negativity coming from? Sheesh, i mean, i suppose if all you do is buy used games online then this could be disconcerting, but otherwise EB's prices and deals are not that much better than GS, and their new stuff is pretty much garunteed to be more because of shipping (which is never free for that) and tax.

Even GS's customer service can be good, i just bought HL2 and it came and seemed open to me (it probably was because the one they resent was not packaged the same inside) and i couldnt risk the CD-key being compromised, they gave me a free fedex label to ship it in the same box back and overnighted me another copy (it almost came before i sent theirs back!).

so overall alot of these complaints are mainly about used game deals (which are much better to be doing in person anyway) and EB having a superior online ordering system.

GS is not that bad at all otherwise, thats where i've done all my shopping since the EB tax thing and aside from cancelling orders there is nothing about it that sucks.

-the only TRUE reason people should be upset is that this will indeed squelch competitive deals......and that does indeed suck......but from the looks of things it didnt feel like the two companies were trying to undercut each other most of the time anyway.[/QUOTE]
There are several reasons to be upset, including the lack of competition. But on top of that, EB's used prices are better, EB's used selection and condition is better, and EB online is far superior to GS. GS doesn't even guarantee case and manual for current generation games, and they even throw out cases and manuals to save on warehouse space and shipping costs.

And your point about the used deals at EB is not a valid one. Yes, used deals are better in person, but you can get the online price, and if it sucks, you can go to an EB B&M and exchange it, In Person, and get their copy for no additional charge.

Gamestop's customer service needs to be better, because their online store sucks in every concievable way. Your new game was opened, which is not exactly an isolated incident with them, games are often in terrible condition both used and new. But had you ordered from EB, you could have simply walked into an EB and exchanged it, again, In Person.
[quote name='dafoomie']There are several reasons to be upset, including the lack of competition. But on top of that, EB's used prices are better, EB's used selection and condition is better, and EB online is far superior to GS. GS doesn't even guarantee case and manual for current generation games, and they even throw out cases and manuals to save on warehouse space and shipping costs.

And your point about the used deals at EB is not a valid one. Yes, used deals are better in person, but you can get the online price, and if it sucks, you can go to an EB B&M and exchange it, In Person, and get their copy for no additional charge.

Gamestop's customer service needs to be better, because their online store sucks in every concievable way. Your new game was opened, which is not exactly an isolated incident with them, games are often in terrible condition both used and new. But had you ordered from EB, you could have simply walked into an EB and exchanged it, again, In Person.[/QUOTE]

it sounds like you read my post with filtered vision. I actually DID say one should be upset about lack of competition, i ALSO DID say that IF you buy all used stuff online it wouldnt be as good, but it's a shady idea in the first place to do that. I ALSO said that EB's ordering system was better than GS's in the very post you quoted.

As i said in my post it's mainly crappy if all you do is buy online used games but otherwise this disparity in prices for regular items is not there, and if there is it's generally on EB's end for shipping and tax charges. As for customer service, i've order many games from GS, most of them came fine, one was opened-ish? Sure that's lame, but did they give me a hard time? NO. My whole point was they took care of it with little inconvenience to me, no extra shipping fee and they resent another copy to me quick. That is GOOD customer service.

I never would have WANTED to go to a GS and exchange it in person, thats why i ordered it online in the first place.
Deja vu, didn't we already have the EB vs GS thread in the Deal Discussion forum a while back?

EB's online store absolutely blows away GS' offering IMO. A lot of CAGs apparently think the same (for proof, I point you to the much ballyhooed Cheapy Awards). My personal experience with EB online, both new and used games, has been nothing short of sterling. At the same time, my experience with GS has been lukewarm (only one or two used games I've got from them came with cases). Even at a GS B&M, their used game policy pales to EB.

As for new games, you technically pay the same price. If you don't pay state sales tax on an online transaction, some (many?) states legally require you to declare it on your income taxes and pay it then (though I'm pretty sure you have to bought a certain amount).

And on top of that, I have yet to see any of these deals that GS offers on new games that would make me order from them rather than EB.

Regardless, if this merger impacts EB's online operations in a negative manner, I can assure you there shall be much weeping and gnashing of teeth on CAG.
[quote name='spincut']And people PEOPLE, where is all this negativity coming from? Sheesh, i mean, i suppose if all you do is buy used games online then this could be disconcerting, but otherwise EB's prices and deals are not that much better than GS, and their new stuff is pretty much garunteed to be more because of shipping (which is never free for that) and tax.[/QUOTE]

I'd have to disagree with you there. If all you're looking for is current generation, then perhaps, but EB's selection for the older systems is MUCH better than Gamestop, as are their prices. Recently I went looking to pick up a few N64 games for my collection, and out of two Gamestops, only one had a few crappy games in a "value" bin with most of them still being $10+. Both EBs I went to netted me the 5 games I was looking for, and because I was already there, I decided to pick up an extra Gamecube sports title. In total, I got the 6 games for $16, much better than anything I could've gotten at Gamestop.
but again most of the negative cannotations to GS are used game related, i dont buy used games online anyway so to me it's always cheaper to get from GS (unless EB has some better preorder goodie i just gotta have but generally they dont). And once i am physically at a store looking in a bin it doesnt matter what the plackard on the front says, they both tax the same for the state and there is no shipping fee.

always free shipping and no tax (i dont have to declare) makes it cheaper and as a cag i go for the cheaper one, the online system is a little less appealing but not by alot, and again cag rules point me to GS almost every time (maybe if i bought used games i would think differently but i still wouldnt use it as a sole basis).

i even recall seeing a GS CAG code up recently, it snagged me a good deal too.
[quote name='javeryh']You just don't lie on a 10-K. You don't even stretch the truth on one of those things in this day and age post Sarbanes-Oxley. Jail time isn't appealing to anyone. That said, I'm not arguing that selling used games have a lesser profit margin. It's obvious that you get a bigger return selling a used game. I just find it incredibly hard to believe that the company on the whole makes a majority of its annual revenue from selling used games - especially when it is not called out in the annual report.

Plus, there is a certain stigma associated with buying a used game - Joe Consumer just doesn't do it because he only buys a few games a year. Parents and friends who buy gifts are also unlikely to buy used either. Enthusiasts like us (who are far far far in the minority) are more willing to buy used games because we want to play many more during the course of the year and it's just a matter of affordability. I'm willing to bet that even if EB has to sell 10 new copies of something to equal the profit from selling one used game, it easily does so - especially with the giant numbers games like GTA and Madden routinely get.[/QUOTE]

A lie has to be quantifiable. A statement of what you think the company is and what it should be doing is extremely hard to subject to legal analysis. The only thing that would mater is a detail breakdown of revenues by source. The blockbusters like Madden and Halo only only come along a few times a year at best. Most of those very low marging products are not doing those kinds off massive numbers. As well, you have to consider how much of the pie is being claimed by the big chains. By comparison the very, very high margins on used games are nearly untouched by the big chain stores. Best Buy has experimented with selling used games but it doesn't really fit their format.

There is a reason for the Edge card and other discounts on used games. They make people feel like they're getting a deal even thought he margins still beat the new games by orders of magnitude. Taking those steps to encourage used game purchases is only fitting for the cash cow of the business.

This applies to a new blockbuster. When they buy a used copy of Halo 2 for $25 and sell it for $45, that one sale is worth more than a dozen of the new units. They may move massive numbers of the new unit but if just 15% of those come back on trade in and get sold as used the profit on that is greater. It works just as well for units sold by Wal-mart as one from the same store.

Remember when EB and Software, Etc. were computer and game stores rather than just game stores? When EB would sell you Microsoft Office and non-game books and hardware? Those proved to be bad businesses. Not because they don't sell in general but because there were other businesses that had a distinct advantage in reaching those customers. Fry's and Best Buy, among others, were both in major expansion phases in the Southwest in the late 90's and this completely changed the landscape for many other retail businesses. So the mall and small storefront oriented businesses evolved or died, like Egghead. The purchase and sale of used games was a route to major revenues well sutied to those smaller stores and difficult to implement at the big ones.

While used games may carry a stigma that limits their appeal to the total market it is hardly limited to enthusiasts. I know plenty of parents who've come to be regular EB/GS customers for that savings. In my region, before those chains started offering used games it meant driving to North Hollywood for the only independent store that could offer anything comparable. ( ) Now there are three such stores here in town and it couldn't be more convenient.

And as for the the enthusiast crowd, is that not by their own claim the prime demographic of EB/GS?
Alright guys,

First off EBGames is staying EBGames until the merger actually finalizes (3-6 months) Nothing is going to change at EB stores until next year (2006), Both companies will be adopting policies off each other... we just dont know what they are yet. (Im an EB manager)
[quote name='CheapyD']My guess is that the main purpose of this merger is so they could finally get enough capital together to make a purchase offer on CAG ;)

Honestly, I have no idea how this will affect CAG or even if it will affect CAG at all.
I do have my own surprises up my sleeve, but they won't be revealed for a few months.[/QUOTE]

If the right advertisers could be lined up (or at least not be in deep disapproval) a CAG show on G4 would be what the world needs. EB/GS should sponsor an hour a week of underappreciated classic that go for cheap. G4 already does a bit of this from the Tallarico crowd but it could be much better. It's worthy of its own show.

It seems increasingly that more and more places are drawing on this site but not quite mentioning it by name. Anybody else notice this article on IGN?

The phrase 'cheap-ass' appears in the very first paragraph but do they ever point to the site that does the heavy lifting for cheap-asses? Noooooo!
If anyone's looking for alternatives to the EB Stop monster, look for Rhino Video Games. Not to blatantly plug my employer, but we have huge selections of classic games for everything back to the NES (Always Buy 2 Get 1 Free on all the non-current generation games).

The trade-in credit, according to our customers, averages much better than the competition, and Rhino gives lifetime warranties and seven-day exchanges on every damn game we sell.

Come to think of it, I really need to start posting our sales here. At launch, we sold PSP games at cost, for instance.

Again, I'm really not trying to plug my shop! We do have some really good deals, though :)
bread's done