GameStop & EB Games Merging (GameStop buys Electronics Boutique for $1.44 billion)

I buy used games so this news is pretty bad. The number 1 reason is that Gamestop doesn't guarantee cases or manuals and when the stores merge I think the EB stores may adopt that policy. If this happens I won't be shopping online at their sites anymore. An other thing that I liked about EB is that they would have trade _ games for a new title. This gave me the chance to get rid of games that I may never play again. I've never seen a similar deal at Gamestop.

Plus the gamestops that I've been to usually have younger kids trading in games and buying games. This definitely means more games with less manuals, etc and games in worse condition.
[quote name='epobirs']It seems increasingly that more and more places are drawing on this site but not quite mentioning it by name. Anybody else notice this article on IGN?

The phrase 'cheap-ass' appears in the very first paragraph but do they ever point to the site that does the heavy lifting for cheap-asses? Noooooo![/QUOTE]Yes, I have noticed this before. GameSpot News has done it as well. I find it quite annoying.
Would it fucking kill them to throw in a link to CAG?
[quote name='epobirs']If the right advertisers could be lined up (or at least not be in deep disapproval) a CAG show on G4 would be what the world needs. [/QUOTE]

Oh dear god, Can I be on it?? lol...

(decides to be the first to chime in and ask anyway, dispite the complete and random ass chance that it happens :D )

I'd almost expect more talk about this, but then I missed a lot earlier while at work and only had time to peak in quickly.

I do see a lot of "Eb vs GS" and Online vs. B&M...but frankly, it's all opinion and circumstance. So I guess I'll just give my own, assume that no one's reading it, and be on my way:

I had people come to my store and the trade in value of what they had was $6.50, they didn't like that, so dispite my friendly warning went down the street to the EB, after which they returned, saying that the EB would only give them $2.25. Even I couldn't figure that high of a discrepancy out. I was too curious so I called with the list after they left and after wrangling and being patient and pleading and having to, frankly, flirt with the guy on the phone to tell me the values over the phone, it really did add up to $2.25.

As for price, niether are drastically different on used, and mostly identical (as is the rest of the world) on new.
As for selection, I would assume GS has always had better selection since it has more store locations, since that would mean more places people trade in their games, more traded in games -> you can spread the more obscure/rare titles out -> better selection. More then that it probably depends on your area, so if your GS or EB has lousy selection, either the managers aren't doing their job at inventory and will be sacked, or you should move to an area where people play and trade in your type of games? I don't know, that's all my own opinion. Oh, and one last thing: even an eb&gs online merchant combination isn't going to be beating out anytime soon.

but technically the uber-gamestop created by merging both companies is like frikken bigger then wal-mart now, gwar~ Bow before GAMEZILLA, ye Wal-mart entertainment section wussies! :twisted:

( offence meant by that, just being silly! :lol: )

I had people come to my store and the trade in value of what they had was $6.50, they didn't like that, so dispite my friendly warning went down the street to the EB, after which they returned, saying that the EB would only give them $2.25. Even I couldn't figure that high of a discrepancy out. I was too curious so I called with the list after they left and after wrangling and being patient and pleading and having to, frankly, flirt with the guy on the phone to tell me the values over the phone, it really did add up to $2.25.

I immediately thought of Gord (from and how he'd probably say "Oh you're back? Only offered $2.25 huh...well now I'll give you $2 for all of it." Just to be evil. I doubt you're allowed to do that though.

As for the whole merger...I'm trying to hold back thinking that it will suck. It may turn out to be great, but we don't know really way. It seems like everyone has differing opinions on how both stores are run, which shows how varied it can be from place to place.

I doubt it will be that bad for big cities that have other places like Game Rush, Game Crazy, Fry's, etc. But for places like Spokane, we're a little bit more limited. There's a Trade-a-Game place I know of, but when someone explained their trading system to me it hurt my head.

Also, I always found it hilarious when people would go to the Software Etc. in the mall. They would try to get some nice deal, or get more money for their trade ins then they deserved. Essentially, they'd be trying to screw over the store. When the store wouldn't put up with it they would yell "FINE, I'LL JUST GO TO GAMESTOP DOWNSTAIRS" and storm out. Then we'd all have a good laugh because they're owned by the same company and GameStop has the exact same policies and prices.

So now it will be funny (and kind of sad) when people say "Fine, I'll just take my business to EB".
[quote name='spincut']it sounds like you read my post with filtered vision. I actually DID say one should be upset about lack of competition, i ALSO DID say that IF you buy all used stuff online it wouldnt be as good, but it's a shady idea in the first place to do that. I ALSO said that EB's ordering system was better than GS's in the very post you quoted.

As i said in my post it's mainly crappy if all you do is buy online used games but otherwise this disparity in prices for regular items is not there, and if there is it's generally on EB's end for shipping and tax charges. As for customer service, i've order many games from GS, most of them came fine, one was opened-ish? Sure that's lame, but did they give me a hard time? NO. My whole point was they took care of it with little inconvenience to me, no extra shipping fee and they resent another copy to me quick. That is GOOD customer service.

I never would have WANTED to go to a GS and exchange it in person, thats why i ordered it online in the first place.[/QUOTE]
I don't see why its "shady" to buy used games online.

Personally, I would rather have in-store return available to me, so I don't have to wait for shipping both ways, and get a refund immediately if necessary.

EB's selection for previous generations is vastly superior, and they also typically beat GS on price.

GS's customer service is good, but GS does things that should never, ever happen. They've sent me current generation games, disc only and broken in half. In a box. They've sent me games with deodorant all over them. The white solid kind. Has their customer service taken care of me? Yes, they absolutely have, but these things should never, ever, ever happen. Nevermind that they generally send out current generation games used disc only, which is complete crap. EB's online customer service isn't bad, they haven't bent over backwards like GS has, but they don't send me grotesquely disfigured games on a regular basis, either. And the in-store option is very convienant.

I have no problem with GS B&M, other than not having much of a selection on previous generation games. But EB online completely owns GS, and the coupons make it much cheaper to buy used games than in a B&M. I don't know why its "shady" to want to pay less money.

I'm not saying that we're screwed, but I absolutely do not want Gamestop to take over the online operations. Aside from their customer service, they are grossly incompetent.
again this is all reliant on even you buy used games, otherwise you havent said much else.

especially in relation to your personal accounts. It is not a fact that GS likes to smear crap on their discs and send them, but again you are ordering a used game over the internet. EB may have better garuntees but it's still used products over the interent, you never KNOW what you're going to get, just as GS's policy isnt to give you crap, as someone else says it's on a personal accountance basis. But as a bulk of the games i buy are indeed new it paints a very different picture on who's better to buy from overall.

personally i would rather not have taxes added on top of shipping so i could do an in store return, since i would simply have gone to the store in that case.
[quote name='spincut']again this is all reliant on even you buy used games, otherwise you havent said much else.

especially in relation to your personal accounts. It is not a fact that GS likes to smear crap on their discs and send them, but again you are ordering a used game over the internet. EB may have better garuntees but it's still used products over the interent, you never KNOW what you're going to get, just as GS's policy isnt to give you crap, as someone else says it's on a personal accountance basis. But as a bulk of the games i buy are indeed new it paints a very different picture on who's better to buy from overall.

personally i would rather not have taxes added on top of shipping so i could do an in store return, since i would simply have gone to the store in that case.[/QUOTE]
If you don't buy used games, you're in the minority on this site. is notorious for sending used games in poor condition and disc only. Ask anyone that buys used games on a regular basis. EB has higher standards online for the condition of their games.

You act as if buying used games over the internet is supposed to be a risky proposition. Its not. I expect more from a major retailer who specializes in videogames, and specifically used videogames. I expect my used games to be in good condition, and EB typically meets my expectations. My last few used orders from Gamestop had to be sent back until I finally got a decent disc. Their quality is lower, their selection is poorer, and their prices are higher, typically.

You also act as if buying used games is somehow wrong. Your "new" game is used as soon as you open the seal. Many, many people on this site save a lot of money by buying used.

If you want to talk about new games, both retailers mainly stick to the MSRP, and its a little difficult to screw up shipping you a brand new game. But EB typically has better sales. I hope the practice of opening new games for "security" reasons at some Gamestops doesn't carry over.
[quote name='spincut']again this is all reliant on even you buy used games, otherwise you havent said much else.

especially in relation to your personal accounts. It is not a fact that GS likes to smear crap on their discs and send them, but again you are ordering a used game over the internet. EB may have better garuntees but it's still used products over the interent, you never KNOW what you're going to get, just as GS's policy isnt to give you crap, as someone else says it's on a personal accountance basis. But as a bulk of the games i buy are indeed new it paints a very different picture on who's better to buy from overall.

personally i would rather not have taxes added on top of shipping so i could do an in store return, since i would simply have gone to the store in that case.[/QUOTE]

If you are constantly buying new games from GS(or EB) you aren't a cheap ass and this merger probably won't have any effect on you. Saving a couple bucks on shipping for a new game that costs you $50 is nothing compared to waiting a week for EB to get a used copy in stock and then paying about $35 shipped. The merger won't effect people who buy games @ full price, but it will likely hurt most of us who buy a lot of pre-owned and "classic" games. There is rarely much difference between the quality of's used games and a new copy. is completely unreliable, you truly never know what you're going to get from them. They shouldn't accept games that look like someone has cleaned the data side with sandpaper, which is the condition most games I have received from them have been in.
Forgot to mention how it is much better to get a used game from GS than EB B&M. GS allows 7 day return for any reason (basiclly a free rental) and 30 exchange while EB would put a sticker over the case and once opened you can't return it.

As for deals, look at the sring sales and the $5-10 topic and it is clear which store has better deals on new games.
[quote name='62t']Forgot to mention how it is much better to get a used game from GS than EB B&M. GS allows 7 day return for any reason (basiclly a free rental) and 30 exchange while EB would put a sticker over the case and once opened you can't return it.

As for deals, look at the sring sales and the $5-10 topic and it is clear which store has better deals on new games.[/QUOTE]

I thought that 7 day return thing stopped. It did here at least. I used to love it and go only to them for that reason. But they stopped it and an EB opened up closer. So I started going there and liked it better.
Ma Bell. EA. Microsoft.


Now, for all those whiny pricks going on about video game policies and laws, why is it the retail aspect of the industry is steadily heading in the direction of governmentally imposed regualtions?
If you are constantly buying new games from GS(or EB) you aren't a cheap ass

BS, you dont have to buy a hand me down just to be a CAG, they are two different products. There are plenty of cag links/posts to new products as well. Some people like getting their products new, and as far classics go, i own pretty much any classic i'd ever want to buy, i bought them back when they were great and i never lost or sold them, fancy that. That doesnt make me a non-cag either, just tactful.

and EB better sales? not really, GS has made better sales, they have made more money.

and i never acted like there was something wrong with buying used games, thats your own attitude getting the best of you. I just made it clear that you ARE buying a used product without checking it out first personally, dont degrade a whole store (wahhhh GS "SUCKS") because you have a bad experience buying a USED product.

whats especially ironic is that you followed up that acting like buying a new game is "wrong", ironic commentary. Something used by someone else for an indeterminate period and then sold off is a bit different than something that is only used because you just personally opened it.
It's a sign of the apocalypse! First the pope, now this! (Runs away from computer with hands in the air!)
[quote name='spincut']BS, you dont have to buy a hand me down just to be a CAG, they are two different products. There are plenty of cag links/posts to new products as well. Some people like getting their products new, and as far classics go, i own pretty much any classic i'd ever want to buy, i bought them back when they were great and i never lost or sold them, fancy that. That doesnt make me a non-cag either, just tactful.

and EB better sales? not really, GS has made better sales, they have made more money.

and i never acted like there was something wrong with buying used games, thats your own attitude getting the best of you. I just made it clear that you ARE buying a used product without checking it out first personally, dont degrade a whole store (wahhhh GS "SUCKS") because you have a bad experience buying a USED product.

whats especially ironic is that you followed up that acting like buying a new game is "wrong", ironic commentary. Something used by someone else for an indeterminate period and then sold off is a bit different than something that is only used because you just personally opened it.[/QUOTE]
By "sales", I was referring to a temporary price drop, not what each chain sells on a yearly basis.

You seem to be the one with the attitude, referring to used games as "hand me downs". And why should I not degrade a business who sends me products in poor condition on a regular basis, when other businesses give me better quality? These two chains specialize in used videogames, their profit margins are much higher than for new games. If one store gives me games without a case or manual, and in poor condition, when another store guarantees a case and manual, and typically sends games in better condition, why should I not prefer one over the other? I have not just had a single, isolated incident with Gamestop, and its not just me. Just about anyone you can ask, that buys used games regularly, would agree.

Being concerned about the price and quality of used games after this purchase is perfectly valid. You seem to brush it off as if it doesn't matter. It does, to a lot of people. You can buy brand new videogames anywhere, mostly for the same price and quality. These are the two biggest chains that specialize in the used market, and anyone who buys used games should be very concerned.
so i have an attitude because i refer to a handed down used title as a handmedown but buying a new title (where do you think used games come from?) is a pointless ripoff where alot of the links on this site lead to deals for those very type of products......sure, it's like that.
In most cases it's cheaper and smarter to buy a pre-owned game over a new copy. With you are guaranteed to receive it complete, so your not missing anything. Shrink-wrap isn't worth an extra $15 on a recently released $50 game. Buying a new game is not wrong, but why pay more than you have to for an identical item?
Wonder if EB Stop is going to adopt EB Games' policy of allowing in-store returns or the bad bad GS policy of forcing the customer to send it back (prevents me from buying pre-played games from

Oh, and on the positive side,
will EB employees get Barnes and Noble discounts?
[quote name='the_deej']in my mall, there is a EBGames on the first story, and a GameStop right above... I can almost smell the sales..[/QUOTE]

I don't know, there are two GameStop owned stores in the mall here. GameStop and Software Etc. They both seem to be doing fine. So I don't really think that it means a sale will be imminent. But we can hope ;)
I think everyone maybe jumping the gun.....i dont think much will change as in the retail aspect of selling and buying games. Its going to effect the corporate side of profits and stocks and stuff. Infact wouldnt it be better to keep the Ebgames tag...gamestop could make even more profit just by keeping the EB name and still keep some of their policies.i dont think gamestop is out there to screw us gamers..there just lookijng to make a in the end i think the EBgames stuff will still be around just under a new corporate division.Thats what i think atleast...
edit: yes i know gamestop sucks to most of you but this is all corporate and not retail. but who really knows how much the corporate side of things will effect the retail side of things.
[quote name='onikage']In most cases it's cheaper and smarter to buy a pre-owned game over a new copy. With you are guaranteed to receive it complete, so your not missing anything. Shrink-wrap isn't worth an extra $15 on a recently released $50 game. Buying a new game is not wrong, but why pay more than you have to for an identical item?[/QUOTE]

because a bulk of the time it aint identical, and seeing as i rent a game that is "soso" i only buy a game i really want. It's always a gamble when you buy someone elses new game, not a brand new game minus, a "15 dollar shrink wrap" as you so qauntly put it.

besides, if it was so much smarter to buy used games not nearly enough people would buy the new ones to begin with.
[quote name='spincut']because a bulk of the time it aint identical, and seeing as i rent a game that is "soso" i only buy a game i really want. It's always a gamble when you buy someone elses new game, not a brand new game minus, a "15 dollar shrink wrap" as you so qauntly put it.

besides, if it was so much smarter to buy used games not nearly enough people would buy the new ones to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Why is it a gamble to buy a used game? If it doesn't work you can take it back/exchange it.
I have assisted companies on 3 major mergers. From my experience I would predict that the following will happen:

1. Any location with multiple stores will experience a closure. If you have and EB and a Game Stop in a single mall, they will close the EB location. There would be significant cost in retro fitting the EB to Gamestop and the Gamestop would pickup no less than 75% of the EB location business.

2. Any stores within 1 mile on the same road, or 0.5 miles away on different roads will have a closure. 90% will be EB just due to the cost of the conversion. Gamestop would pickup no less than 60% of the EB location business.

3. Locations between 1.1 and 5 miles in distance will be closed strictly on sales records, the income level of the community surrounding and the growth rate of the location over the past few years (if sales have been steadly declining, they can be expected to continue to do so).

4. Locations with more than 5 miles of distance should be safe as long as the sales can support the cost of conversion.

Employees at the closed location will get RIF'd (Reduction In Force - nice way to say fired), if EB had any heart they would have required in the merger agreement that there would be a 1 week of pay for every year worked up to 7 years deal for their people who get RIF'd. The corporate people at EB would experience a 95% RIF - I would expected distribution points to be kept, a few buyers, legal staff and a few people from IT to assist in the conversion. This could vary from state to state depending on employment laws.

The major converion cost would include:
1. Outside signage.
2. Remodel of the internal store to give it a GS feel.
3. Replacement of the computer systems to what GS uses, this could easily be $10,000 per location depending on the systems they use.
4. Training of employees.

Game Stop should keep the majority of the used game business EB had, they will loose some of the new game business due to the fact that some people just don't like Game Stop. One company I assisted experinced almost no sales growth after a buyout because most of the customers that shopped at the company that was bought out did so because they hated the buyer. Best Buy, Circuit City and other large B&M will experince a small surge in sales as the closure happen.

Now if they are smart, Block Buster would suck in its gut and go after the closed locations and make stand-alone Game Rush stores.
I see sales coming my way. 2 GS and 2EB stores can't coexist in the same mall that means they'll have to close some of them down or liquidate the merch.
[quote name='kill3r7']I see sales coming my way. 2 GS and 2EB stores can't coexist in the same mall that means they'll have to close some of them down or liquidate the merch.[/QUOTE]

Or just wheel it all down to whichever store stays open.
[quote name='CheapyD']Your numbers are way off...
High end games cost of game development/marketing is closer to $20 million.
Halo 2 cost $40 million to develop/market.

Also, most games do not "break even". Its a very low number percantage of games that make a profit. I believe its around 15%. Publishers make their money on the big franchises, just like record companies.

Learn more here:[/QUOTE]

I believe Shenmue cost $20 million to make.
Looks like the end of EB's deals are soon near.....This is terrible news....just terrible.......why couldn't it have been EB buying Gamestop.....would have make more sense.....
[quote name='cruzincontrol']Looks like the end of EB's deals are soon near.....This is terrible news....just terrible.......why couldn't it have been EB buying Gamestop.....would have make more sense.....[/QUOTE]

If you paid attention EB couldn't afford to buyout Funcoland, Babbage's, and Software Etc. So how did you think they were going to buyout Gamestop.
Heh. You guys are such pessimists. What makes you think the new company won't be the best of both worlds, with each store gleaming with heavenly gaming goodness?
[quote name='cyclonus11']Heh. You guys are such pessimists. What makes you think the new company won't be the best of both worlds, with each store gleaming with heavenly gaming goodness?[/QUOTE]Don't take it personally, the CAGs are like this about most things.

Every time I mention that I have a suprise for them, they think I've either sold the website or am going to start charging membership fees.
[quote name='CheapyD']Don't take it personally, the CAGs are like this about most things.

Every time I mention that I have a suprise for them, they think I've either sold the website or am going to start charging membership fees.[/QUOTE]

I remember that time, lol.

Everyone was all "OMFG!!! Cheapy's gonna sell CAG to Best Buy!!"
[quote name='CheapyD']Don't take it personally, the CAGs are like this about most things.

Every time I mention that I have a suprise for them, they think I've either sold the website or am going to start charging membership fees.[/QUOTE]

"I don't consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin."
about the security issue hopefully they can get display cases like TRU does where it's not the game which has been gutted and the disk is removed but you can pick out the display game available and bring it up to purchase! And I rarely see secuirty devices at most gamestops or ebgames I go to. 1/5 would have a camera installed.
EB tried to buy Funco, but was outbid by gamestop. It wasn't that EB couldn't have afforded to buy them, just that gamestop's offer was the better one for Funco at that time. The reason its Gamestop looking like the lead company is that the companies stock was in very different states. EB stock is high and Gamestop's is low in comparison. Gamestop can use that extra stock support to help fund the merger. It couldnt happen the other way around due to the stock prices. At the time, EB was at about $41 and GS was at about $21. Didn't make financial sense to go the other way.

It all boils down to simply the power of money!!!
[quote name='CheapyD']Don't take it personally, the CAGs are like this about most things.

Every time I mention that I have a suprise for them, they think I've either sold the website or am going to start charging membership fees.[/QUOTE]

Or both.
[quote name='CheapyD']Yes, I have noticed this before. GameSpot News has done it as well. I find it quite annoying.
Would it fucking kill them to throw in a link to CAG?[/QUOTE]
It might kill your bandwidth. ;)

Anyone want to take bets as to how long it'll be before discussion dies down? It's a huge story, but it could be well over a year before we finally see changes beginning to take place...
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']It might kill your bandwidth. ;)

Anyone want to take bets as to how long it'll be before discussion dies down? It's a huge story, but it could be well over a year before we finally see changes beginning to take place...[/QUOTE]

Week's end would be my guess.
[quote name='cyclonus11']Heh. You guys are such pessimists. What makes you think the new company won't be the best of both worlds, with each store gleaming with heavenly gaming goodness?[/QUOTE]

says the guy with the gamestop avatar...:lol:

i think it could be cool, but i'm a little worried that this means they are going tighten up the trading + preowned system since they don't have to compete with EB anymore. on the other hand, they can afford to keep things the way they are in order to compete with wal mart....and after all, that is what this is about.

Wuck Fal-Mart!
:lol: knowing alot of people who work at ebgames, they consider gamestop scum (since it was originally a part of barnes and noble)... but now all they can do is smile while they get their nuts kicked by gamestop... as long as they don't neglect us cags (since most people have saved money over at EB rather than Gamestop), i'm good...
[quote name='punqsux']"I don't consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin."[/QUOTE]

Remember, a pessimist is never disappointed but is sometimes pleasantly surprised.
I don't think with them carrying almost the exact same merchandise that they would do so. Chances are they would just transfer the merchandise to the nearest location that was not closing.

[quote name='kill3r7']I see sales coming my way. 2 GS and 2EB stores can't coexist in the same mall that means they'll have to close some of them down or liquidate the merch.[/QUOTE]
bread's done