Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

I learned about that trick earlier this week. Have a 2nd controller sign in first and you're always Leader after the first game.
I was talking about the medal for capturing the leader. Pretty sure the one for winning as the leader can be done 1 vs 1. But for winning and not being captured has to be 5 vs 5.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I did some capture the leader pretty easy, if you use casual bots and 10 seconds for a capture. Usually you can kill a couple enemies, grab the leader. By the time they throw a smoke its already over with because they take their damn time. Just have to watch out for your bot teammates from grabbing the leader first.[/QUOTE]

Friendly fire solves the team mate issue
[quote name='The 7th Number']I was talking about the medal for capturing the leader. Pretty sure the one for winning as the leader can be done 1 vs 1. But for winning and not being captured has to be 5 vs 5.[/QUOTE]

Oh. I misread what you said.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Looks like people will have to team up again in order to get the new achievements for DLC 3.


Looks like there's going to be another two achievements I never get.. (Re Up)
Nothing about the Horde achievement says it can't be done on Casual with mutators, so that probably won't be so bad. I don't think I'll ever get the second re-up and all ribbons achievements though. Actually makes me feel a little better about not trying for Seriously because at least it won't be the only achievement I don't have. :lol:
I'm no longer sick and my schedule is pretty much back to normal so I'd be interested if doing the new dlc stuff when it comes out. Anytime after 9pm EST.
Those achievements are dumb. Seriously win as all 5 claytons or marauders? Achievements should be something you can achieve yourself, not have to hope and pray 4 other guys on your team use the same MP skin. I know its probably easy to get 5 guys together and get the achievement done, but these are just dumb. Im surprised we didnt have a "play as cole train on thrashball and win with a sudden death!"

No but seriously, i would rather play as a team with 5 different characters like classic marcus, classic dom, classic cole, classic baird, and kim. Or each member of zeta team. Not everyone be the same dude.

In other words, im down if someone wants to get 5 people together to knock this out. Set your MP characters to clayton and muraurder and hope you dont get the "your MP character will be displayed next match" message.
while the achievement may seem lame, it does promote coordinated effort...and some achievements are easy as, open a door.
I'm down for these as soon as the DLC comes out, though I don't know how much of an asset to the team I'll be. :lol: I've been getting a little Versus practice in though and I'm becoming a little better with the Gnasher. I still haven't settled on which rifle to use for multiplayer, since the things that make the Lancer so great in campaign and Horde (huge clip, chainsaw execution) don't seem like assets in Versus.
I've been using Lancer more on MP simply because ppl tend to try and evade and shotgun you, there are times they just get sucked into the chainsaw. Otherwise I prefer the hammerburst.
As for getting at least 1 of each 132 ribbons achievement, i have 89% of that done.


Retribution - killed your nemesis
Ole! - grenade tag a retro charging opponent
Sacrifice - broke the ring alone while DBNO
Special Delivery - killed an opponent with a bag & tag
Survivor - Revive yourself 5 times in a round
Indigestion - killed an enemy with a swallowed grenade (wild ticker)
Monkey-Dog - multiple enemies you stunned were killed
Meatshop - killed 4 enemies without dying (butcher)
Team Savior - revived 3 teammates at once
Reconnaissance - in ghost cam, spotted 3 weapons before they were picked up
High ROI - killed 5 enemies with a weapon you purchased
I Gotcha - revived all 4 teammates in one wave
Quick Killer - kicked 5 small enemies
Dewormer - killed 3 lambent headsnakes

Yeah looks like i wont be getting that achievement. some of these things are damn near impossible without boosting.
Relax about the ribbons.

First, posters have noticed that nothing says the the Recruit Clayton and Marauder achievements cannot be earned in Private matches. That means that people on this site could play 5 against bots.

That also means that while you're working together for those achievements just play together for the ribbons in Versus, Beast and Horde.

Like above, I lack the revive 3 teammates at once. But if you're playing with people you know and can talk to, it should be much easier to coordinate that with Beast Mode on Easy or Normal. This applies to most of the other trophies.

Also, 7th, play the supermarket section of the campaign on (solo?) Insane. Intentionally poorly shoot at the Drudges to get them to mutate. You should get at least 3 headsnakes to spawn before you finish that section.
As for quick kicker, play RAAM's Shadow again, in that school section where the Tickers and Savage Tickers (or Tickers off the Cobb). Just play it on Easy or Normal, and kick away when they come at you.

For I gotcha, if people on this site want to play for the Horde Achievement with this DLC, we should also play one game on Easy, and thrown on Friendly Fire. Just down the other 4, and pick them up. You can only do this twice per round, but it should work.
I have not done a single DLC horde or beast Ach. that has to do with hosting or being a character. so I will have to do some of those. I still need horde on Insane!
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Looks like people will have to team up again in order to get the new achievements for DLC 3.


Retarded. Absolutely retarded. One Re-Up is fine, but two? fuck you, Epic. fuck you.

That's unless of course they're lowering XP requirements by a lot.

Anyways, I now need to get all of the remaining Ribbons.
[quote name='KingBroly']Retarded. Absolutely retarded. One Re-Up is fine, but two? fuck you, Epic. fuck you.[/QUOTE]
Still less of a grind than Seriously 3.0!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Still less of a grind than Seriously 3.0![/QUOTE]Seriously! :D

7th, Special Delivery is doable in horde I think.

I, too, will be looking to team up for some of these achievements.
Here are the Ribbons I need:

Retribution - Kill your nemesis
Trick Shot - 1 Torque Bow headshot leading to a double kill
Grenade Hug - Killed an opponent after being Grenade Tagged
Sapper Star - Killed an opponent with the opponent's own planted frag grenade
Ole! - Grenade tagged a Retro charging opponent
Negotiation Over - Headshot an Opponent with a meatshield
The Super - Killed an evading opponent with a headshot
Death from Above - Killed multiple opponents with a single HOD blast.
Special Delivery - Killed an opponent with a bag & tag
No Smoking - Killed an opponent with a smoke grenade
Survivor - Revived yourself 5 times in a round.
Carmine's Star - Most Headshot deaths in a match.
Indigestion - Killed an enemy with a swallowed grenade (Wild Ticker)
Meatshop - Killed 4 enemies without dying (Butcher)
Team Savior - Revived 3 teammates at once (Kantus)
Test Driver - Played as 5 different Locust in a round
Just in Time - Completed the wave with only 1 second left.
Reconnaissance - In Ghost Cam, spotted 3 weapons before they were picked up.
High ROI - Killed 5 enemies with a weapon you purchased.
I Gotcha - Revived all 4 teammates in one wave.
Quick Kicker - Kicked 5 small enemies
Pruner - Sever 5 Lambent mutant arms

Yeah, that's quite a few. Some I'm unsure of where/what the requirements are wave/round wise.

It also sounds like more Ribbons are coming in this update. I wonder if that means more Medals as well. But it does sound like they're overhauling the XP/leveling system of the game.

At least the Clayton/Marauder achievements can be done in Private, apparently.
I've read that there is glitch with the Retribution ribbon wherein it only pops if you use the curbstomp or arm-rip, the weapon executions invalidate it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I've read that there is glitch with the Retribution ribbon wherein it only pops if you use the curbstomp or arm-rip, the weapon executions invalidate it.[/QUOTE]

Thats odd because it just says kill, not execute.
7 more days until Fenix Rises! Cant wait to Re-up and play on the new maps. Hopefully they have a playlist of only the new maps.

Gears of War 3 Title Update Coming January 11

By | January 09 , 2012 11:13 PM • 209 Views

A new Title Update for Gears of War 3 will be available January 11, 2012 and will be downloaded automatically by starting Gears 3 while connected to Xbox LIVE. The update will include a variety of balance tweaks, bug fixes and more. Here’s a sneak peek at some of what you can expect to see:

1. All unlockable and non-purchasable characters are unlocked for System Link play. Online play still limits players to characters that they have unlocked or have purchased through DLC.
2. “Classic” stalemates are now enabled on the Execution and Warzone playlist. An option exists in private Execution to disable classic stalemates and re-enable the man-up rule.
3. The ghost camera can be raised and lowered using the Xbox controller d-pad.
4. “Must Active Reload” mutator has been made more restrictive. Issues with the Torque Bow and OneShot have been fixed.
5. “Retribution” ribbon is now compatible with dedicated servers.
6. Holding the “Y” button before being in range of a DBNO player and then walking into activation range will start the execution sequence. This is similar to holding “X” to queue up a weapon pickup sequence when walking into range of a dropped weapon.

Exploit Fixes
1. Removed Hammerburst and Longshot exploits with using the iron-sights/scope on Mercy where a player could shoot from a concealed position near the Sanctuary bells. Damage will not register when players are using the scope or iron-sights from that concealed position.
2. Fixed the OneShot exploit on Drydock. Players will be pulled out of the OneShot mounted pose when in certain positions.

General Fixes
1. A second player signing in on the loading screen before entering the pre-game lobby will no longer cause profile issues.
2. The transition from spectator player view to ghost camera view will no longer force the ghost camera view to point upwards.
3. The map cycle in QuickMatch is now randomly ordered.
4. DLC that is not owned by the current player will no longer stop the player from using DLC they do own.
5. Horde will no longer use the Versus weapon swaps. Horde players will have Hammer of Dawn and Mortar spawns on Overpass again.
6. Fixed the lens flare on a scoped Longshot not appearing for a player facing left.
7. Xbox system notifications have been moved out of the way of kill messages in competitive multiplayer. They now show up in the top center of the screen.
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Seems weird that the "campaign" DLC added six new character skins for multiplayer but the "multiplayer" DLC only adds four, including two slight variations on existing skins and yet another masked-COG variant. Oh well, the new maps look cool. We should start planning to roll teams for the new achievements.
Shooting from a concealed posititon was considered an exploit? hahahaha. Since I haven't experienced I imagine the concealed position also makes it near impossible to return fire. I say, glad they're fixing it then.
Have they explained how these new maps will work? For instance, will they come up for a vote in Horde if only the host owns them, or do all five players need to own them? I haven't heard anything about a mandatory compatibility pack so I'm worried that I'll never get a chance to play these in Horde. I guess they could add a DLC Horde playlist like they will probably do in Versus.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Surprised that the level reset glitch isn't part of the fixes.[/QUOTE]
I think it's because they genuinely don't know how to. Every time it's been suggested as a question in Rod's Stream, he doesn't get asked it. Or it's a simple, we're working on it, but it's been around since Rank was added to Gears of War 2.

Worse yet, people are reporting that backups don't always work, and it's just up to the server to potentially correct itself if you immediately log off the game and come back to it.

This will be ugly if people are Re-Up-ing and lose their Ranks.
I have $65,000 left to finish up the sb leveling up! I hope they do another xp event before the 17th when it's time to re-up. I haven't been able to get in gears in. I've heard that some people are pissed about the TU3 for changing the color of the wings already.
Just got on last night to download the update and play a couple of TDM matches, and I had by far my best game ever: 17-8, 1 Triple, 2 Killing Sprees. :lol: My K/D has now climbed all the way to 0.5. :lol:
I completely forgot that you can make bots play this game for you. It's been running for the last three days or so to get all the MP medals cause there's no way I'm playing Rolling Shotguns with the rest of the world...

On the other hand, I fell in with some randoms playing the campaign last night and couldn't believe how poorly we were doing. We were on standard mode and just getting obliterated by the gunker on the bridge after the stadium. I would land from the zipline and not even have a chance to dodge the first goopball. It was just stupid.
[quote name='nasum']On the other hand, I fell in with some randoms playing the campaign last night and couldn't believe how poorly we were doing. We were on standard mode and just getting obliterated by the gunker on the bridge after the stadium. I would land from the zipline and not even have a chance to dodge the first goopball. It was just stupid.[/QUOTE]

On Insane? That part was one of the hardest parts for me and my friend. Mind you, we were doing 4 player co-op with 2 people only (we each had an idle guest logged in) It still was retarded. We had to hope to get lucky and be able to run behind cover if we didn't get instantly owned. Gunkers were a pain on Insane >_
I think I got super lucky and joined an insane Arcade group right after that point so it still counted for completion on 4 player Insane.
really brothers to the end is the most popular playlist? Id rather play boomsnipes or torque bow tag. Then again i dont really have any buddies i team up with on a regular basis.

Horde sounds cool, i might get in on some only because most of my horde medals are far away from onyx. I think i only hit the middle mark for cash.
the numbers that Alpha are getting are crazy low! everyone wanted it then they don't really play it. and yes it might not be just what they wanted but epic is trying. they haven't said anything as of yet about alpha playlist going away.
well no retro-lancer for me! Pissed
email from GameStop!
On behalf of GameStop I’d like to apologize for the delay you’ve experienced with your order for the Gears of War 3 Retro Lancer Replica - GameStop Exclusive by NECA. At GameStop, our goal is to make our customers’ shopping experience easy, and we do not like to disappoint out customers.
Unfortunately, we are unable to fulfill this item. Several shipments of this Lancer were prevented from entering the United States by US Customs. Despite the best efforts by both NECA and GameStop, we have been unable to clear this item through customs. We are cancelling your open order. You have not been charged any monies towards this order and no action is required from you.
I want you to know that we value you as a customer, we tried hard to work with the vendor and Customs, and that we sincerely apologize for not being able to provide this item to you. We look forward to serving you in the future.

Mike Thornton
Director, Customer Service
People are reporting that the Event Ribbon isn't always unlocking in Horde games. Some are even getting it in Brothers to the End. One suggestion is that you have to fail a wave to get it, while an Epic worker has said that you get it for beating a boss wave (though posters have said otherwise). Just check your count before you start this weekend to see if you definitely get one more.

If people want to party up for the Horde Event, I'm working to get my Silverback to level 3 and should be playing this weekend. I'm torn because I'm about to Onyx Loot Courtesan again, but I'm so far off from Big Money and Horde Rounds played that it's a worthy sacrifice, I guess.

I just didn't anticipate the Event Weekend being for Horde.
i played some horde today and i never got the ribbon as far as i can tell. Idk maybe because one person always left? Also i played 35 waves and got about 106,000 dollars added to my money medal. Not sure if thats better than normal or not. One last thing, i picked up a retro during horde and it had 0 kickback. Not sure if this was a glitch, or because its casual, or what. But i tried to use retro in vs and it had kickback.
bread's done