Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

No one was on so I ended up playing through arcade mode with randoms. I still need the horde mode achievement though... the big 75-pointer. It's so hard to get everyone on at the same time though.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']No one was on so I ended up playing through arcade mode with randoms. I still need the horde mode achievement though... the big 75-pointer. It's so hard to get everyone on at the same time though.[/QUOTE]

Im going to try and get a team together and do this tonight :cool:
[quote name='The 7th Number']
Killing 10 locusts with the loader can be done in the regular campaign act 1 chapter 3: homecoming. I just did it, but it cant be arcade and you cant use mutators. I found that out the hard way. Its also a lot faster and easier than trying to do it in RAAMs Shadow. I guess this achievement can be achieved even if you dont have the DLC?

I was wondering what that achievement was. I ended up getting it in my first campaign playthrough but didn't see it in the achievement list. Now I see it under the RAAM DLC.

Kind of ticked off that I missed out on the Socialite glitch. I don't think I was ever planning on going for Seriously 3.0, but now that means there will be at least two achievements I will be missing.
[quote name='The 7th Number']cant be, ive been 100 for a while and only have 2,986,493. Unless it hasnt been adding additional XP to my rank.

Killing 10 locusts with the loader can be done in the regular campaign act 1 chapter 3: homecoming. I just did it, but it cant be arcade and you cant use mutators. I found that out the hard way. Its also a lot faster and easier than trying to do it in RAAMs Shadow. I guess this achievement can be achieved even if you dont have the DLC?

Down to 2 achievements left, Serious 3.0 and 500 silverback rocket kills.[/QUOTE]

I did the 10 locusts kills on arcade with mutators but I noticed I had to clear the checkpoint with the loader and than sit behind the sandbags. The first couple locust will jump over the sandbags and you kill 2-3, reload checkpoint, rinse and repeat. The locust when you first get in the loader didn't seem to count.

If people need the dlc achievements message me, I got them but I can help and I have two others that need the dlc as well.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']I have work until late tonight, but I could be on by midnight EST tonight.

So that's:
1. 100xp
2. GlockGlock
3. Me

A couple more and we should be good.[/QUOTE]

I had a long day, sorry I couldn't login at midnight...i was hammerbursting the sandmen. I also picked up the hammerburst on XBL. The normal colored one seems like it'll go with a lot more avatar outfits vs the gold one which isn't really gold but a burnt orange. If it were chrome I would have gotten it hands down.
[quote name='bigpimpin24']Kind of ticked off that I missed out on the Socialite glitch. I don't think I was ever planning on going for Seriously 3.0, but now that means there will be at least two achievements I will be missing.[/QUOTE]
There's only been 14 "legit" events so far, I'm sure Epic plans to do many more than 30 over the long run so everyone can get the achievement eventually. Are you planning on getting rid of the game when you finish up everything else?

If there's a group that's going to work on Mauler bullet reflect kills in RAAM's Shadow I'd love to get in on that.

I decided to go for the gold avatar Hammerburst. I like the look of the gold one and the animation for the Lancer is pretty lame (he just kind of waves it around).
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yeah, same deal on the animation. the lancer (normal) looks nice but the wavy animation looks meh. i think xbox will see how popular gun props are they'll just make ones that shoot corks, silly string, and marshmallows and see if they can snag some ppl into buying them...because a navy seal is more intimidating when they're brandishing a marshmallow gun. I'd be scared.
Yeah, no worries on those who couldn't make it last night. I'll be on tonight.. but I have to work late again so it won't be until around midnight again --"
[quote name='Ryuukishi']There's only been 14 "legit" events so far, I'm sure Epic plans to do many more than 30 over the long run so everyone can get the achievement eventually. Are you planning on getting rid of the game when you finish up everything else?.[/QUOTE]

Probably not. This might be one of the few games I hang on to just because. Right now I am basically just dedicating all my time to this game since I like to concentrate on one game at a time. I have the season pass so I'm definitely going to keep it until I get the DLC.

Once I finish most of the achievements though, I will probably only play it periodically. I like the multiplayer, but some times I rage way too much >_< lmao. That is basically why I don't play online games too often anymore. I get mad way too easily.
[quote name='KingBroly']Does it make getting Headshots any easier?[/QUOTE]

I doubt it, i already seen a post on epic forums talking about shooting through the snowmans head. I could be wrong though, havent tested it.

Wow lets hope epic doesnt see this thread. #-o If we couldnt get medals via private matches a total of 5 people would earn seriously 3.0
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[quote name='The 7th Number']Wow lets hope epic doesnt see this thread. #-o If we couldnt get medals via private matches a total of 5 people would earn seriously 3.0[/QUOTE]
I pretty much agree with that. I think it's silly that Seriously 3.0 is essentially an achievement for idle boosting in private matches. I think it would have made a lot more sense for Seriously 3.0 to be achievable without requiring idle boosting.
[quote name='The 7th Number']they sell codes for the lancers/hammerburst?

Today i started up Gears and noticed snowman heads! :D[/QUOTE]

I was under the impression that they sold codes for anything on XBLM...thought i hardly shop there so I'm not sure.

Those snowmen heads looks sick!
[quote name='KingBroly']Man...Horde is Boltok Pistols and Longshots today. Terrible.[/QUOTE]

So that's what happened. I thought I had accidentally traded my lancer for the Longshot while either running or founding a base.
CTL is annoying. I was playing it because im low on CTL type medals. This one game on blood drive, we won the first round easy, i was leader and didnt even get captured at all. 2nd round we end up losing because we were camping up at the top near our spawn, and the game decides to switch spawns on us. they rush in with spawn protection, clear us out and capture the leader and get the win. I also hate how once you are free'd, that by the time you get up, you are already down again. No change in hell to get away. This wouldnt be such a bad gametype if they would fix a few things. Its a damn shame they got rid of a superior gametype in Guardian to give us this. -_-
What crazier than the vocal dislike of Capture the Leader is the even stronger vocal stance from Epic that Guardian isn't coming back. Seriously, Rod was adamant in his stream that it isn't coming back, and really seemed to stern when he said to stop asking for it.

It was kind of an awkward moment during it, since he usually is anything but serious in those.
[quote name='GuitarMan']So that's what happened. I thought I had accidentally traded my lancer for the Longshot while either running or founding a base.[/QUOTE]

Well it traded my usual skin for Marcus until I died. What a pain that was. It just wasn't fun. Completely moronic.

Played some Beast, right as the results screen for Wave 5 showed up, the Host Quit, so we had to do Wave 5 AGAIN :mad: Then another guy quit, we beat Wave 5, got enough for a Beserker, and the other guy quit so I couldn't get another Ribbon. WTF.
Why not play with people from this site? Surely there have to be others who need Beast medals. If I'm on and you need one person to get the ribbons to work, I'd gladly help you.
Just got silver for the CTL medal. Now i just need to get bronze then silver in wingman to unlock Prescott. Ill probably use him too because he is one of the few male characters that arent beefy. IDK i just like using smaller/skinnier characters, makes me feel like im running faster, maybe it helps me hide behind barriers.
[quote name='KingBroly']Does it make getting Headshots any easier?[/QUOTE]If it's like the pumpkinheads then it's kind of harder because only the area where the real head is counts as a headshot and and the rest is a total miss. Just look for the red crosshair in the lower middle of the large snow mass.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']What crazier than the vocal dislike of Capture the Leader is the even stronger vocal stance from Epic that Guardian isn't coming back. Seriously, Rod was adamant in his stream that it isn't coming back, and really seemed to stern when he said to stop asking for it.

It was kind of an awkward moment during it, since he usually is anything but serious in those.[/QUOTE]

CTL is so bad. One of the problems is that there is no incentive for me to even try to capture the leader because its just setting me up for a free kill. Meatshields are so weak in this game. There is no way to drop the leader and run/defend yourself. I try to play CTL but its just not that fun. Part of me wants to like it because im a huge guardian fan, but its just not the same, or even as good. It was always good fun in gears 2 killing their leader. I even had a few games where i was the last guy left, killed the leader, and the rest of their team for the win.

Biggest mistakes done in Gears 3

- Changing Guardian to CTL
- Putting in sawed off
- Mantle Kick (nice idea, and its okay when it works, but rarely does it work right.)
- Simultaneous kills, i cant stand when two people kill each other at the same time. Sometimes i gnasher someone to bits and then i get chainsawed. WTF?
Carmine lived, i mean come on, this is gears he should have died.

Other then that i think its great. But no guardian and having sawed off stop this game from being perfect IMO. I might even say they should have made the retro lancer more of a one shot at a time weapon like old rifles in COD. I forget what they are called, Bolt action rifle? Like a snub, single shot at a time. Only it shouldnt be able to shoot as fast. More of a delay between shots but not too much. Since it is an older gun and so powerful up close.

I kind of wonder if Cliff, Rod, and others regret some of the things they did. I kind of feel like this game could have been that much better if they made more wise decisions. I guess ill have to hope there is a new gears of war game in a few years and they fix some of the things that i dont like about Gears 3.
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There is no Annex in this game either, is there?

Or Submission?! lol I'm so noob I haven't even checked what's different from this and Gears 2
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No Annex, either. Having both Annex and KOTH is stupid, but they should've gone with Annex since it was how they spun the game type.

Reminds me: Why do they have Warzone AND Execution Game types since they're the same? SMH
[quote name='The 7th Number']CTL is so bad. One of the problems is that there is no incentive for me to even try to capture the leader because its just setting me up for a free kill. Meatshields are so weak in this game. There is no way to drop the leader and run/defend yourself. I try to play CTL but its just not that fun. Part of me wants to like it because im a huge guardian fan, but its just not the same, or even as good. It was always good fun in gears 2 killing their leader. I even had a few games where i was the last guy left, killed the leader, and the rest of their team for the win.

Biggest mistakes done in Gears 3

- Changing Guardian to CTL
- Putting in sawed off
- Mantle Kick (nice idea, and its okay when it works, but rarely does it work right.)
- Simultaneous kills, i cant stand when two people kill each other at the same time. Sometimes i gnasher someone to bits and then i get chainsawed. WTF?
Carmine lived, i mean come on, this is gears he should have died.

Other then that i think its great. But no guardian and having sawed off stop this game from being perfect IMO. I might even say they should have made the retro lancer more of a one shot at a time weapon like old rifles in COD. I forget what they are called, Bolt action rifle? Like a snub, single shot at a time. Only it shouldnt be able to shoot as fast. More of a delay between shots but not too much. Since it is an older gun and so powerful up close.

I kind of wonder if Cliff, Rod, and others regret some of the things they did. I kind of feel like this game could have been that much better if they made more wise decisions. I guess ill have to hope there is a new gears of war game in a few years and they fix some of the things that i dont like about Gears 3.[/QUOTE]I don't see why they didn't include both as they are different enough. Why not run guardian as a special playlist event to test the waters?

Simultaneous kills isn't a new problem.
And Kill Clayton? How are you gonna kill the uber-Carmine? That dude has Grubkiller written on his armor in blood. I was hoping they would give him truly badass thing to do to show he was a super soldier though. I do like how they threw in some red herrings and that he survived the two things his brothers didn't. Getting sniped by the Stranded was funny.

[quote name='KingBroly']No Annex, either. Having both Annex and KOTH is stupid, but they should've gone with Annex since it was how they spun the game type.

Reminds me: Why do they have Warzone AND Execution Game types since they're the same? SMH[/QUOTE]Agreed on Annex. Also, in Warzone you don't have to get up close and personal as you can down then finish someone off at a distance while execution requires getting up close, gives second chances to people who do not get executed within a certain amount of time, and players must espose themselves for kills while in the execution animation.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
And Kill Clayton? How are you gonna kill the uber-Carmine? That dude has Grubkiller written on his armor in blood. I was hoping they would give him truly badass thing to do to show he was a super soldier though. I do like how they threw in some red herrings and that he survived the two things his brothers didn't. Getting sniped by the Stranded was funny.

its because its tradition, its a running gag, its a gears of war thing you expect. To me it just feels wrong that he lived, like thats not what epic would have done if they left our votes out of it. Very disappointing.

Yeah, TDM, CTL, SOS, .... its like they thought... we didnt have enough people playing our laggy ass Gears 2 game. How can we make more people want to play it? So they add noob shotgun, more familiar gametypes, made rifles more powerful, and ditched a few things that defined gears. So we were left with this watered down version of gears because they wanted to get more people into the series, but it backfired. When all they had to do was put gears 2 on dedicated servers. Dont get me wrong, Gears 3 plays a lot better than Gears 2. Its faster, more fluid, graphics are great, and overall its better. But i miss guardian, i miss the dark and gritty feel to the game/maps, hell i even miss 2 piecing someone. Gears 3 just feels like a desperate move to get more people to buy/play their game, and they kind of gutted some things that loyal fans loved to make it possible.

TDM is not a bad mode, but its annoying that this is pretty much the only gametype that has more than 1,500 people in it at all times. Warzone and Execution could have been one, with execution being the ranked version and warzone being the quick match version. But they are fine on their own. I have tried to play wingman matches lately and im lucky to get a game without bots, or SOS users. KOTH is not bad either, unless you run into a bunch of SOS players. But then again making rifles more powerful kind of takes away from the old KOTH feel from Gears 2.

Now im sure they thought CTL would be a hit, then again im not sure if epic players are good at their own game, or how they think? I mean it took the beta to realize that 2 of the 4 beta maps needed fixing because of spawn trapping. Then they make MP maps with high vantage points when rifles are super buff, and easy access to shoot people as they come out of spawn. I just dont understand how they let things like this happen.

Now i know this is a lot of negativity, but i do like the game. I love gears of war and will continue to play this game. But as a fan, i just feel a little bit let down in the direction they went with the series. I feel like they went towards making casual fans happy at the expense of the loyal fans.
I'm reading that today or tomorrow is actually the last day for the Ghost Protocol skin set. Does anybody still need to get them?
12.30.2011 - Gears of War 3 Content ( Add-ons and Avatar Items) SALE Xbox Live Marketplace!

I read this on epic forums, its not 100% confirmed but it seems like it will happen. Sale on Gears 3 add ons and avatar items.

Wow dude, trying to idle boost wingman takes forever.

Hour 1 - 6 matches
Hour 2 - 9 matches
Hour 3 - 8 matches

I just checked the game on sandbar and the bots would barely get 1 kill a round. 5+ minutes later i just quit the game. I was using 2 controllers, vs 2 bots, 2 min rounds, win with 10 kills. Looks like ill have to actually play this vs bots to get it done. Im only at 46 games. Only 2594 games to go!
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I've heard it's tomorrow, actually. Neogaf got a hold of some German list for the sale, and it's been 100% accurate thus far. Supposedly it includes the Season Pass. No indication of how much of a cut.

And yes, Wingman takes FOREVER. I'm at 313 matches. I usually just have it on when I'm sleeping so it doesn't drive me crazy. I can usually get about 75-90 matches in about 8 hours.

Onyx #14: Loot Courtesan
Silverback Status: 18008 until Level 2 (so an Upgrade + Half of its' initial cost in repairs)
104 Founder Ribbons until Architect Onyx, 3.6 million until Big Money Onyx
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There's speculation that the Season Pass will be on sale...I hope that's not true. I just bought it.

Try setting the weapons to explosives, and bleed out to 30 seconds. The bots have an annoying habit of either downing and moving away from a target if it's under 20 seconds, or picking up weapons, but not firing them, or just grabbing worthless items.

I just use custom weapons slots;
1st five custom weapons slots - Frag Grenades
2nd five custom weapons slots - Boomshot
3rd five custom weapons slots - Digger

Digger helps bots kill in-cover bots, and Boomshot avoids downing, too. Frag Grenades are just because the other types of grenades are fairly useless to bots and idle boosting. You don't have to use these, I do just because these types of weapons will enable the bots kill more efficiently than any other weapon types...or at least suicide themselves to end a round faster, too.

Use 1-2 minute rounds.

In about 4-5 hours you could get 30-50 (this is my experience, so I'd hope it's universal). Not a huge dent, but over a week you should start to see a jump towards that Onyx.
I'm pretty happy the 12 days of Gearsmas happened. I went from about level 57 to 69 in a span of 12 days.

Is anyone willing to help me get I am Rubber, You are Glue sometime in the future? I really need to get it.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm pretty happy the 12 days of Gearsmas happened. I went from about level 57 to 69 in a span of 12 days.

Is anyone willing to help me get I am Rubber, You are Glue sometime in the future? I really need to get it.[/QUOTE]

I can help you out if you see me on. I'll be on tonight between 10 and 11 est, probably closer to 11.

anyone want to try and get the 75 point horde cheevement tonight?
fuck there were 14 events? I only have 12. I found a list and apparently missed the last one that was the rifle only playlist during gearsmas. no idea why I have 12 and not 13
[quote name='Gamer SDP']fuck there were 14 events? I only have 12. I found a list and apparently missed the last one that was the rifle only playlist during gearsmas. no idea why I have 12 and not 13[/QUOTE]

Not all 14 counted towards Socialite. I think they split it up into three only.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']There were only 3 event ribbons during Gearsmas, but there have been 14 total since the game came out.[/QUOTE]

yeah I missed the latest one from Gearsmass (the my rifle one on dec 21/22). I have no idea what the other one I missed was :cry:

played a few games earlier before heading to family. a lot of minor lag (no bouncing but teleports). my connection was showing moderate (haven't had that in gears since gears2).
let's all sing the gears of war multiplayer song!

roll roll shotgun roll, reload with RB
everyone seems to play this way which makes me want to scream

seriously! why couldn't they nerf the damn shotguns? Would an interspecies conflict in the future really devolve into skirmeshes based on rolling into a behind position with a shotgun? Is this supposed to be interesting? It's seriously the worst multiplayer I've ever played. There's little to no tactical play and even less point in playing as a team. Just run and roll until you find someone and hope you're better at rolling than they are.

But then you get that wonderful campaign and the Beast/Horde modes which completely make up for that other 1/3rd of the package.
I suppose if you're good at gnash and roll it's a lot of fun...otherwise, I only play pvp multiplayer when it's to help CAG's get achievements at this point. the competitively multiplayer mechanic just isn't my cup of tea but the cooperative one is very rewarding esp compared to FF.
[quote name='100xp']I suppose if you're good at gnash and roll it's a lot of fun...otherwise, I only play pvp multiplayer when it's to help CAG's get achievements at this point. the competitively multiplayer mechanic just isn't my cup of tea but the cooperative one is very rewarding esp compared to FF.[/QUOTE]
That's my feeling, I don't have any particular complaint about Gears Versus, it's just that versus multiplayer isn't my thing in general (the only one I've really enjoyed and played a lot of is BioShock 2, go figure). But I still feel like Gears 3 is an embarrassment of riches just for its campaign and Horde modes, it kind of blows my mind how much value it offers for people who enjoy versus multiplayer just as much as single and co-op play.
[quote name='Spybreak8']I'll play an occassional Versus match but since I'm past lvl 50 I'm all about Horde 2.0/Beast.[/QUOTE]
Love the avatar Christmas sweater... Tell me that was free. :lol:
My friend likes to play on casual MP, so i was thinking of making a new account and playing with him on that since they give you a free month. But do you eventually get blocked from playing on casual playlists, like once you hit a certain level or anything? Is it always open for those who havent played gears 1 or 2?
There's an event today called Triple Teamed. Supposedly it's for playing all three events during the holidays. and then for playing today, but I'm not sure if is that strict. You might be able to get it without having played tall three holiday events. Be sure to play Brothers to the End before 3-4 AM, or whenever the servers reset. I'm not sure why Epic didn't disclose this earlier, but it is working.

That makes the count 15 events so far.
bread's done