Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='nasum']let's all sing the gears of war multiplayer song!

roll roll shotgun roll, reload with RB
everyone seems to play this way which makes me want to scream

seriously! why couldn't they nerf the damn shotguns? Would an interspecies conflict in the future really devolve into skirmeshes based on rolling into a behind position with a shotgun? Is this supposed to be interesting? It's seriously the worst multiplayer I've ever played. There's little to no tactical play and even less point in playing as a team. Just run and roll until you find someone and hope you're better at rolling than they are.

But then you get that wonderful campaign and the Beast/Horde modes which completely make up for that other 1/3rd of the package.[/QUOTE]

I think it's extremely tactical, when you have a full team of friends playing it and hold down areas and coordinate strategies and flank. Otherwise yeah, I agree with you.

but I'd take this regardless over most other shooters out there, especially ones where everyone just runs into hails of gun fire blindly and holding down a position is considered "camping" (which i still dont get to this day, i dont know any military/armed forces that'd run all over a battlefield like morons, that's how you get killed. eh.
you can find success with automatic weapons. By no means am I am pro but often receive hate messages because of lancer.. I'd rather face a shotgun before any power weapon (except digger)
i think if armed forces had spartan armor, more soldiers would run all over the battlefield...because holding down a position would cause a stalemate. (hee hee) It's really just based on the game mechanic. ppl in halo run around, they do it in TF2 a lot since it's more about pushing the objective. When they introduced stat tracking a lot of ppl I've noticed contribute less towards the goal of the team and more for positive k/d/r.
Act 5, Chapter 6 on Insane is ridiculous. Maybe it's more because me and my friend were doing 4 player Co Op with two guest accounts but damn! 3 hours and we still couldn't get it. Even with Infinite Ammo and Super Reload Mutators. Infinitely spawning Palace Guards is what ruins it :/ Hopefully we can get it today.
ended up with some super high rank clan guys on beast mode last night and they just ran around as wretches for the first three rounds. Apparently you get insane cash from that because the next thing I know they're already Berserkers by the 7th or 8th wave and I've just opened up the 3rd tier.
I just went with the Kantus and earned a pretty decent amount by healing and getting a couple of assists.

Anybody know some good fast cash tips to unlock the heavies and just be more effective overall? I seem to be the guy working on fences while everyone else gets the kills because I'm terrible at Gears.
you can usually play wretches for most of beat mode until the fences become eletricified. that said, wretches have basically everything you need to take down anyone/anything. hop, scream, they're quick, and you can spam their flurry attack.

I usually play wretches til I can't hope fences anymore then switch to kantus for healing, boomer for clean up, and then berserker. if there's a match where a lot of ppl end up playing the berserker at the same time I'll switch to savage grenadier and run around w/the zerkers. Berserkers generally won't kill anyone on the first charge through or smash, perfect oppt to get a quick clean up kill as a savage grenadier or even a wretch.

just remember, gears is about teamwork. if you're working on fences you're still working on medals for yourself. if you happen to get into a good group, fence duty can sometimes be the difference between a win or several reloads. if your random grouping is every man for themselves, just run with the numbers and try and get in a good swipe or two and earn dat money.
[quote name='gbpackers94']how many acts are there? I just got the game for christmas and just now played through act 1.[/quote]

Played some Horde on my brother-in-law's 360 last night. I had brought my gamertag on a memory unit, but not my Gears 3 save file, but the game apparently stores practically everything on the servers. I had all of my medal/achievement progress, multiplayer skin preferences, and practically everything else intact. The only thing I didn't have were DLC skins that I'd purchased. Pretty impressive.

Anyone interested in boosting or helping to boost the 500 silverback rocket kills? I have like 186 at this point, but my silverback is only on level 2, I need to rely on other players upgrading the silverback for me.
yay! i got the season pass for free! now a bunch of annoying ass achievements have opened up for me :D

haha. My jeebus will the grinding silverback for rockets suck :/
Sorry in advance for a stupid question. Does the "Season Pass" include things like the General Ramm DLC and any other single player items they would release?
[quote name='ajh2298']Sorry in advance for a stupid question. Does the "Season Pass" include things like the General Ramm DLC and any other single player items they would release?[/QUOTE]

It includes 4 DLC:

*Horde Command Pack
* RAAMS Shadow
*Fenix Rising (01/17/12)
* Unanounced 4th DLC

Rhis link will explain the cntents of each DLC:

After that, you'll either have to pay full price for all subsequent DLC. Or they'll announce a 2nd season pass. Or there will be no more DLC but I doubt that :)
I won't lie, it stings a little bit that the 'special discount' package that I bought when the game came out is now beaten by an even better discount, before all of the stuff that I pre-paid for has even been released. Ah well though, if it brings a bunch of new players to the game that can only be a good thing!

I probably would have sprang for the skin pack though, if I hadn't already spent $12 on Deadly Cute, Flower, Team Metal, and Team Distress. Rainbow is the only other one I think I might ever be interested in.
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i'm still sore when dungeon defenders on steam when from $14.99 to $3.75 one month after I bought well as the reach map packs going 1/2 price a few weeks after release as well.

bastards...they lowered the price on the hammerburst too. I just bought that 2 days ago.
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i might bite on a gun skin. I havent bought any and have a few extra MS points, but with the re-up you get more skins. Though the first 2 dont sound all that awesome (gold plasma, red omen) but the last one you get, which would take forever, sounds pretty cool. (golden electric shocks) I do like rainbow and thunderstorm.
I just purchased the Weapon Skin Pack DLC for 1800 MSP, noticed there is a weapon skin to unlock called 'impossible' which is for future dlc I guess not sure but am enjoying them. Had so many msp left since I didn't buy anything from the holiday sales. Any word on which pre-order dlc will be included for Season Pass buyers? So far i've only heard of the savage kantus which I already have from the amazon promo.
Impossible skin (aka Ghost Protocol): complete Insane campaign before December 21, or something. If you don't have it now, you never will.

About the savage kantus; you are referring to the third DLC which includes a red savage kantus & a blue thrashball cole.
Picked up the Golden Lancer for my avatar for 160 points. Figured what the hell...they're being permanently taken off the marketplace in a few days and I had just enough points left over.
[quote name='popular penguin']^
Impossible skin (aka Ghost Protocol): complete Insane campaign before December 21, or something. If you don't have it now, you never will.

About the savage kantus; you are referring to the third DLC which includes a red savage kantus & a blue thrashball cole.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that information. Sucks to have that empty slot since I didn't beat the campaign on the hardest difficulty before Xmas and now that empty slot is going to stay ontop of the list taking up space and looking ugly. I bought all the skins and it's fun trying out a different one each map. Maybe we can setup a cag play time for the Raam's Shadow dlc. Was playing it alone and got bored, maybe it'll fun with more people.
I have been sick as hell the past week so please bear with me if this was covered in here before, but is there any truth to the rumor that the pre order bonus skins expire on 12/31?
Just the Triple Teamed Event Ribbon this weekend.

I went ahead and bought the to-be delisted Golden Lancer. I'm still 20 points below a normal points count though. Ugh.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I have been sick as hell the past week so please bear with me if this was covered in here before, but is there any truth to the rumor that the pre order bonus skins expire on 12/31?[/QUOTE]

From what I heard, they expire if they are not on a physical card (like the 48 hour code cards). So if you have the code on a receipt or email, they expire 12/31.
I haven't played this game in months but I hopped on today and it's taking a million years to find me a damn game in Versus. What the fuck! My NAT is open, can anyone offer me assistance?
I thought about buying the lancer avatar prop, but the discount was only on the gold version. Regular lancer and both hammerbursts were still 320 or something points. So i ended up getting nothing out of these sales.

Im probably going to take a break from gears until jan 17th, so my medals xp doesnt go to waste. I have other games to play anyway, just started infamous. If im on gears is probably just boosting AFK.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I thought about buying the lancer avatar prop, but the discount was only on the gold version. Regular lancer and both hammerbursts were still 320 or something points. So i ended up getting nothing out of these sales.[/QUOTE]

I picked up the gold lancer. Didn't see the reasoning in why the gold lancer was on sale and not include the regular lancer or the hammerbursts, especially since they were getting rid of all gun-like avatar items.
If anyone wants to go for Horde starting from level 37 on checkout, or make an insane beast run, I'll be on roughly 6pm CST to do either. If you've got a decent crew on your friend list I would be willing to start from level 1 on horde as well. I'm decent at the co-op stuff, but terrible at VS mode.

I really want to finish either one of those tonight.
[quote name='nasum']If anyone wants to go for Horde starting from level 37 on checkout, or make an insane beast run, I'll be on roughly 6pm CST to do either. If you've got a decent crew on your friend list I would be willing to start from level 1 on horde as well. I'm decent at the co-op stuff, but terrible at VS mode.

I really want to finish either one of those tonight.[/QUOTE]

are you still on?
Any generous soul who has their Silverback leveled up to 3 want to help me grind out the rocket kills achievement? I already have 186/500 so hopefully it wouldn't take super long. I'd be happy to help in return for any achievements you needed that I could assist with.
nope, but I will be tonight, likely around 7pm CST

Anyone ever read Aspho Fields? The timeline is really weird. It's like it happens right after Gears 1, but has a bunch of backstory going to Marcus and Dom meeting in school during the Pendulum Wars. It jumps around so much that you end up with no clue what's going on.

Also down for Insane Arcade
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Any generous soul who has their Silverback leveled up to 3 want to help me grind out the rocket kills achievement? I already have 186/500 so hopefully it wouldn't take super long. I'd be happy to help in return for any achievements you needed that I could assist with.[/QUOTE]

I might be able to help. Grinded it out yesterday for about 6 hours but I unlocked it and got the kills.. lol. Me and a friend need an extra person to help out with the "Host a Private.." and he needs the other Horde DLC achievements. If we happen to be online, it will be around 10 PM CST. Forgot to mention he also needs about 170 more kills with it, so he'll be finishing it up first.
[quote name='bigpimpin24']I might be able to help. Grinded it out yesterday for about 6 hours but I unlocked it and got the kills.. lol. Me and a friend need an extra person to help out with the "Host a Private.." and he needs the other Horde DLC achievements. If we happen to be online, it will be around 10 PM CST. Forgot to mention he also needs about 170 more kills with it, so he'll be finishing it up first.[/QUOTE]
Sounds perfect, I'll try and join up with you around then if you're on.
I'll be on again if you need help with hosting, as I can be a 4th and 5th again.. I still need to host private Horde and Beast, if anyone else needs it, too.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I'll be on again if you need help with hosting, as I can be a 4th and 5th again.. I still need to host private Horde and Beast, if anyone else needs it, too.[/QUOTE]

>_< Completely slipped my mind. I should have invited you to join us since we got those for my friend. Maybe you can catch me tomorrow again.
[quote name='punklivz']Oh I can't wait till Jan. 17th so I can prestige :)[/QUOTE]

Me either, ive been catching up on games in my backlog until jan 17th. Im sure once i go back to gears ill be rusty as hell. I always find it hard to get back into rythem when i take 3+ weeks off.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm still on level 64... long way to go, but I really want those Gold Omen weapons. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I felt that way until I got them. The image of a Gold Omen stamped onto the side of my weapon seemed nice, but then it got dull.

I'm never really satisfied with any of the skins, though. That's the worst part of it; when you've got so many options to pick from with this game, it seems like you're never set with just one skin for a gun.

I guess that's why in Gears of War 2 the Gold Lancer and Hammerburst were so much appealing and exclusive, as you could only get those two variances.

As for the hosting achievements, I'd rather do them well after the 17th so that my XP can actually count towards the next level anyway. Given the track record of the Horde Pack, the Raam's Shadow pack, the Impossible Mission Announcement, and the official Liquid Green Skin release, I'm expecting for the Re-Up and Map Pack release to have a delay and issues almost immediately. If anyone is over level 100, you may want to wait at least a day to actually Re-Up, just to see if it goes smoothly.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I felt that way until I got them. The image of a Gold Omen stamped onto the side of my weapon seemed nice, but then it got dull.[/QUOTE]
Well hopefully the re-up skins suit you better. :)

I like having a lot of skins to choose from. There is a pull to settle on the "best" combo and leave it there, but it's nice to be able to switch things up when you feel like it.

ETA: Yikes, just checked a Gears 3 XP calculator and at 64 I am roughly 35% of the way to level 100. :lol:
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so if you have a pretty great round of beast do you try to invite people to another match and go for insane? I had a group do gridlock in roughly 16 minutes, oddly enough without even talking. We just all seemed to synch up and work together. Then none of them joined for another round, though one did send me an FR. Weird.

I went over to vs mode just to punch myself in the testicles. Good times.
I'm at Level 70, so I'm about...39% or so towards Level 100. I played some Public Horde the other day. Man, only earning 2,000 XP per 10 waves sucks compared to the 8,000 XP per 10 waves during Gearsmas.
The good thing about prestiging is, there is no reason not to. You dont lose anything like you would in a COD game. So ill do it as long as its an option.
My one fear about Prestiging here is that it might screw you over for Seriously 3.0.

2 things:

#1 - Whose stupid idea was it to put the weekend event playlist up early but not have it work correctly? It's supposed to be KOTH w/o Parties, not TDM w/ Parties.

#2 - 15th Onyx Medal: Founder, 300 Founder Ribbons.

I'm going to need help for Leader Caps.
I did some capture the leader pretty easy, if you use casual bots and 10 seconds for a capture. Usually you can kill a couple enemies, grab the leader. By the time they throw a smoke its already over with because they take their damn time. Just have to watch out for your bot teammates from grabbing the leader first.
bread's done