Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Do you guys think the Thrashball Cole and Savage Kantus skins are somehow different from the ones that were beta award/preorder bonus? Or are they making them available to everyone now?[/QUOTE]

They'll probably be slightly different. Maybe the Kantus a different color and Cole without his helmet. Or who know, maybe they'll be exactly the same as the regular versions. This is good news for those who got reset and lost their Beta Cole. It's honestly the one thing I would dread losing most.......because I wouldn't be able to get it back and it's honestly the skin I like using the most. Also for anyone who played last night....did you feel like the 4x XP wasn't there? I played a few matches of Boom Snipes and maybe 20 waves of Horde and didn't really notice a difference.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Do you guys think the Thrashball Cole and Savage Kantus skins are somehow different from the ones that were beta award/preorder bonus? Or are they making them available to everyone now?[/QUOTE]

Cole is more blue and Kantus is more red. I don't know why they list them as "Special Limited Edition". How can DLC be limited?

I'm wondering why Mechanic Baird, Com Dom, and SGE are not included. I saw a video of all these skins months ago.
[quote name='popular penguin']Cole is more blue and Kantus is more red. I don't know why they list them as "Special Limited Edition". How can DLC be limited?

I'm wondering why Mechanic Baird, Com Dom, and SGE are not included. I saw a video of all these skins months ago.[/QUOTE]

when you have people that are willing to pay $5 for a skin it's self. you would just add 1 or 2 pre-order skins to the dlcs to make everyone buy some or all the dlcs. and a map dlc at that!
They are variants from the pre-order codes, a youtube leak from a few months ago revealed them already along with others that have yet to be announced. Cole is slightly darker blue and has no helmet from what I recall, the Savage Kantus is a different color as well.
Is 4xp still going on today?

Glad to see Season Pass is still kicking, how many more DLCS left in our Seasons Pass?

Re-Uping sounds cool, but if they make it a achievement to re-up multiple times that could give people nightmares lol. Also, even with 4x XP the road to 100 seems long not even counting onyxing everything.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Glad to see Season Pass is still kicking, how many more DLCS left in our Seasons Pass?

Re-Uping sounds cool, but if they make it a achievement to re-up multiple times that could give people nightmares lol.[/QUOTE]
Still probably less effort than Seriously 3.0 though.

This will be the third major DLC of four planned; supposedly the game will finish out with 2000 gamerscore.
Sounds a little disappointing.

Those maps look meh, i want security, river, or jacinto back.

I just read on twitter that all the XP ive accumulated since getting to 100 wont count towards re-up. Which IMO is dumb. I will still re-up but its kind of annoying to think of all that xp i got since hitting 100 will go to waste.

quinndelhoyo Quinn DelHoyo
@freakknight: @quinndelhoyo does the extra xp that you have since level 100 Will count towards the next re-up?"- No. Better get your Re-up
As for the character skins, cole train was supposed to be beta exclusive, how do they work around giving him out? How about a different paint job. A big FU to beta players who spent 60 dollars on a game just to play the beta and unlock him. Epic really like to say one thing, then fuck their fans over by going back on their word, just to get more money. Cant trust a word they say anymore when it comes to exclusives, pre order bonus, or unlockables. Its kind of annoying that there really is nothing you can have to prove you are a true gears of war fan, or good at this game because they like to hand everything out to everyone. Sure you can re-up now, but next year they will probably have 40X XP weekends so everyone can get to 4th prestige in 5 minutes.

The other Locust looks okay, carmine ill never use. I will probably use that savage kantus a lot though, i tend to like smaller characters when playing MP. Well i will use him once i get 10 kim executions with RAAM.

Overall kind of disappointed, the re-up system sounds cool and i can earn some guns skins that also sound cool. But the maps/character skins are a little disappointing. -_-
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Is 4xp still going on today?

Glad to see Season Pass is still kicking, how many more DLCS left in our Seasons Pass?

Re-Uping sounds cool, but if they make it a achievement to re-up multiple times that could give people nightmares lol. Also, even with 4x XP the road to 100 seems long not even counting onyxing everything.[/QUOTE]

on 1/17/12 that will be the 3rd DLC out of 4. from the Season Pass. A lot of talk about a Season Pass 2 *bc epic has been referring to the Season Pass as Season Pass 1.* we should have all 4 DLC by March if they keep putting out every 1-2 mos.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Third DLC officially announced: Fenix Rising

Escalation - Marcus' Childhood home before it was invaded by the Locust
Academy - School Marcus was Destined to attend
The Slab - Location where Marcus was imprisoned
Anvil - The ruined Fortress
Depths - Set in Azura[/QUOTE]Does anyone know if the new maps will be in the regular map rotation for Horde Mode?
Anyone interested in working on Foreshadowing tonight? I found what sounds like an easier way described on the Epic forums, and it only requires a minimum of two people, plus a third to set up the initial lobby and then quit out.

Get a lobby of 3 people then find a respawning game type, KOTH or CTL should do. Once in game, have the host of the lobby leave the game. This is his part done now; he can go off and do what he likes, remember to thank him.
Since the host has left, he has broken your lobby so you are no longer in one, meaning it is possible to be on a different team to the other person in one of the subsequent games.
Simply wait untill you get seperated then agree to meet up in a quiet place of the map (such as away from the ring in KOTH) and let RAAM execute Mihn 10 times! Keep playing till you switch teams so that the other player can excecute you 10 times (its only fair after all).
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Anyone interested in working on Foreshadowing tonight? I found what sounds like an easier way described on the Epic forums, and it only requires a minimum of two people, plus a third to set up the initial lobby and then quit out.[/QUOTE]

Im up for it. I cant wait to get this achievement because i dont like playing as RAAM.
I'm up for helping because I need 10 Matches as Zeta Squad people.

Um, I hope Prestige means they're reducing the requirements to get to Level a lot.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm up for helping because I need 10 Matches as Zeta Squad people.

Um, I hope Prestige means they're reducing the requirements to get to Level a lot.[/QUOTE]
nah baby! they are giving you the chance to once you have reached lvl 100 to start all over at lvl 1 and work your way back to 100 three more times. for what we know as of now you get one of 3 new weapon skins at each lvl 100 you complete and you get your numbers in 3 diff colors on this crazy ride
I didnt think it took that long to get to 100. Ive been there for a while now. Its like 10 times faster than gears 2.

If they were going to re-release cole train skin they could have at least made him in an alternate uniform like how NFL teams have home and away colors. Not just make him a different blue and change his facemask to black.

Edit: well after looking at both concept arts, it looks like new cole train has blue pants and black facemask. Not sure if his upper body is a different color. Im color blind so i cant tell really. So it actually looks decent. We know the beta cole trains wear white pants/white face mask.

Still the only real exclusive we have from the beta now is the medal and flaming hammerbursts.
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[quote name='Ryuukishi']Anyone interested in working on Foreshadowing tonight? I found what sounds like an easier way described on the Epic forums, and it only requires a minimum of two people, plus a third to set up the initial lobby and then quit out.[/QUOTE]
I should be on tonight if there's room.

But the lack of XP carrying over is disappointing. I'm almost close to Onyxing and Golding several medals, and missing out on that XP is not something I'd like to. I almost feel like I need to stop playing until that update. And there's already concern on the Gears site about whether or not the maps will become free to non-season pass owners.

The previous 5 maps were on disc (3) and released to all in the Booster Pack (2). These new maps are supposed to be paid content, but Epic has already stated that there is no more room on the menus to have a DLC playlist. It seems like they'd have to release the maps in a map pack in order to have a high volume of people playing them.

Also, Rod Fergusson announced weeks ago during his stream that Gears of War 3 would be the very first 2000 point game for the Xbox 360. If there is another Season Pass (it better come at a discount for initial buyers of the first Season Pass), then I don't think it will have achievement points.
I earned over 4,000,000 EXP since hitting LV 100 and your telling me that it will not count toward my prestige?! WTF, that's at least a whole prestige cycle right there.
Hahah...that's clever. But I don't think you need to go as far as sending a FR to a stranger. You can go to your "last played with" list and just join them from there.

Wonder if there will be any skins besides the "re-up" ones with the Fenix Rising DLC.
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All right, I'm going to start playing KOTH, anyone who wants to boost, try to join the game and we'll see if we can get on different teams.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']All right, I'm going to start playing KOTH, anyone who wants to boost, try to join the game and we'll see if we can get on different teams.[/QUOTE]

Things went well, we got about 5+ guys the achievement. Thanks again to everyone who came through. Glad that is over with!

Just got my 24th onyx, special teams. Those events where you start with power weapons really help to get this.

If you ever wondered Clayton Carmines alternate path would be like, go to this link for a video! Not sure if this is a joke, but if its serious im glad of the outcome in gears 3.
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[quote name='Ryuukishi']Was Dominator able to get into the game as RAAM after I left?[/QUOTE]

Yea I got it, but I had to quit and rejoin the game like 4 times. They didn't want to let me play as RAAM :D Thanks for the help all.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Lack of sleep and getting sick means I played zero Gears 3 today cause I slept when I got home and I guess I'll miss out on finishing Insane in time. Still have to do Acts 4 & 5 plus a few chapters in 2 & 3 and I have to work tomorrow and have a wife and kids to spend time with when I get home. Oh well, heard they weren't that great anyway. BTW, the lambent berserker fight took forever with randoms, maybe 20 minutes of praying one of those idiots would just stay away for her when everyone else was waiting to respawn. Hit a glitch, too. Defended the fort TOO well. When the maulers/grinders kept spawning to smash the first door we kept taking them out until they just stopped spawning. Had to restart.[/QUOTE]

sorry to hear that. I doubt I'll get it either. I only have most of act 1 and part of 2 done on insane.
Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the invite on the Foreshadow boosting. Having barely started the game last week or so this was not that high on my list. Good thing I got it over with though, cause I can imagine it being pretty hard without a group.

Just finished the Campaign today on Solo Normal and I absolutely loved it. I had almost forgotten why I fell in love with the series. I got a bit emotional on some parts and that's pretty great for a video game if you ask me.

Feel free to add me for achievement hunting. I am missing everything pretty much, lol. Don't really have any concrete play times. Just pretty much when ever I feel like getting on. Some times I'll play 1 hour the entire day, or 10. Just depends. Cheers!
So earlier i posted how you could have 2 controllers in CTL and have 1st player+CPU vs 2nd player and get the win every game. But i was testing it out and i got mixed results. One game he would capture the leader within 2 minutes. Then another round he just runs around back and forth. On checkout he went and picked up incendiaries, then went and picked up frags. LOL I even turned all pickups off, and he still ran around. However when i just play 1 vs CPU they capture me within 1 minute every game so far. Sometimes they run up to me, then run away, but come back and capture within 1 min or a little more. Maybe if there was a way to get me to be the leader with the CPU then he would go after the 2nd player and capture within 1 minute. But it doesnt seem to want me to be leader.

Ive been reading on epic forums how the pre order character skin codes are no good after the new year, anyone willing to give some to me, i dont have any. :D
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word up on foreshadowing runs.

would have been much smoother if the randoms weren't so intent on gibbing us. i haven't really don't any of the raam's achievements so I'll be available for other stuff if need be.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I think I'll have to stop playing until the update to save on XP.[/QUOTE]

I'm with ya, dood. I have a huge backlog of games I need to get to anyways.
I may just get some medals close to onyx and then wait till the DLC. But medals that are bronze, or silver are probably almost worthless when it comes to XP. 100, or 1,000 xp maybe?

You do know most onyx medals can be done over, so its not like you would be missing out if you onyx them the first time before the DLC hits. Im almost done with onyx assistant for a 2nd time.
[quote name='100xp']...but fireworks are okay because that's perfectly safe and legal in most states.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the free anniversary prop that Microsoft gave out was basically an IED. :lol:
[quote name='drktrpr1']"A new policy goes into effect for all gun-like avatar items on the Marketplace, so get them while they’re hot."

That's pretty lame. If Xbox is so worried about it, they should restrict gun props from being viewed by those with parental controls enabled.[/QUOTE]

Or, you know, not promote the shit out of MW3, BF3, GoW3, and Halo.
Aw man I missed out on the achievement party again. :/ If anyone else needs to get the new DLC achievements, let me know and I'll start a list.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Aw man I missed out on the achievement party again. :/ If anyone else needs to get the new DLC achievements, let me know and I'll start a list.[/QUOTE]

I need all of them except foreshadowing but I'm down for that as well to help ppl out.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Aw man I missed out on the achievement party again. :/ If anyone else needs to get the new DLC achievements, let me know and I'll start a list.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='100xp']I need all of them except foreshadowing but I'm down for that as well to help ppl out.[/QUOTE]

I would be interested in working on the new DLC achievements later tonight. The friends that I normally play with are rarely available so I might as well knock these out with some CAGs. I'll be on around 9/10pm EST if anyone wants to do foreshadowing/horde/campaign.
I have work until late tonight, but I could be on by midnight EST tonight.

So that's:
1. 100xp
2. GlockGlock
3. Me

A couple more and we should be good.
I can't guarantee I'll be on but I'll try to, so you can add me (GT on the left) or let me know who to add / try joining if I do get on.

also... I can't help but feel epic is pushing these dlcs out fast so they can get us season pass buyers done with and have us paying for more dlc. already new dlc announced for january? I like all the content coming out and am fine with it, but kinda wish they'd spend more time on each dlc and put more into them. on top of that i haven't even played raams dlc yet... slow the hell down, it's overwhelming ._.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Aw man I missed out on the achievement party again. :/ If anyone else needs to get the new DLC achievements, let me know and I'll start a list.[/QUOTE]
I can easily swap to Minh if people are looking to kill him as RAAM.

I still need:
Host With the Most
Places to See, People to Destroy
Kill Locust (Like a Boss)
Zeta Team, Go!
If you need any of those, I'm one more person.

And I was really hoping they'd add an avatar Battle Rifle or Assault Rifle item to go with the Master Chief skin. I guess that will never happen. I wonder if they'll have to get rid of the Energy Sword avatar item, since, you's a deadly weapon.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']I have work until late tonight, but I could be on by midnight EST tonight.

So that's:
1. 100xp
2. GlockGlock
3. Me

A couple more and we should be good.[/QUOTE]

I'm down. I doubt I'll be on at that time but feel free to add me just in case.
cant be, ive been 100 for a while and only have 2,986,493. Unless it hasnt been adding additional XP to my rank.

Killing 10 locusts with the loader can be done in the regular campaign act 1 chapter 3: homecoming. I just did it, but it cant be arcade and you cant use mutators. I found that out the hard way. Its also a lot faster and easier than trying to do it in RAAMs Shadow. I guess this achievement can be achieved even if you dont have the DLC?

Down to 2 achievements left, Serious 3.0 and 500 silverback rocket kills.
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bread's done