Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Thanks to all for the Zeta achievement.

I'll be playing as Kim for the next week or so if anyone needs to execute me 10 times...

If anyone else needs help with any achievements or wants to play just let me know.
I don't think I'll beat insane by next week. Barely almost done with Act 1, I think I need 2 more chapters. Glad the skins suck...I won't really miss them. Had they been at least animated I probably would have tried sooner.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I don't think I'll beat insane by next week. Barely almost done with Act 1, I think I need 2 more chapters. Glad the skins suck...I won't really miss them. Had they been at least animated I probably would have tried sooner.[/QUOTE]

Its easy most of the way if you have mutators, and people to buddy up with.

I finally onyx'd the Gnasher. The reward was kind of meh, ive never really seen onyx skins before. I dont know why they dont cover the whole gun like liquid metal does. It kind of makes them look half cool, half not cool.

So my onyx count is up to 18. Think im gunna play beast until i onyx two gold medals im close to getting. Think its rounds played and teammates healed. I dont mind using the kantus, you can sit there and heal, down people, throw inks and end up in first place of a round with 0 kills. Its just a little tough to heal people when there is more than one kantus or they run too far from you. Also you have to find a good place to stand behind so you dont constantly get shot at because you cant take cover.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I don't think I'll beat insane by next week. Barely almost done with Act 1, I think I need 2 more chapters. Glad the skins suck...I won't really miss them. Had they been at least animated I probably would have tried sooner.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I'll ever beat it because of the last boss, that shit is fucking infuriating. Not only do you have to deal with literally about 10 guards at a time, 5 of those little flying machine gun exploding shits, but if you aren't absolutely lightning-quick on getting the beetle off the tower, you're screwed. Honestly I thought the Insane difficulties for the past Gears games was done well (even though I never finished them), but this one final chapter is waaaaaay too much. It's not even difficult, it's just down right cheap. Honestly it's crap like this that makes me just want to give up on the game altogether. And yes, I did this with mutators on.

EDIT: Uh........I don't know what the hell just happened. I searched for a new group and beat it on the first try with no deaths. The weird thing is, ZERO palace guards spawned and the beetle died pretty quick......felt like I was doing it on casual....

EDIT 2: Cutscene ended and yeap I got credit for the Insane win. I got a score and points at the end so I know it was Arcade and not regular campaign. I checked the people I did it with and they all have 45k+ Gamerscore so I'm almost positive it wasn't hacked... I honestly don't know what the hell just happened, but PRAISE JESUS I can put that chapter behind me. Just have to do Acts 3,4 and the rest of 5 and I'll be done.
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It's a pretty well known glitch, it just happens sometimes, has something to do with people joining a match in progress during a cutscene or something. I think that's how pretty much everyone ends up finally beating Myrrah on Insane. :lol:
Just beat Beast on casual by myself on checkout. Had to retry a couple waves, but its a great way to get a lot of money and break fortifications. I literally played the last 4-5 waves as the Berserker i had so much cash. Use berserker, and run through tons of electric gates, pretty easy. I just hate the first few waves because its boring playing as the first row of beasts.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']It's a pretty well known glitch, it just happens sometimes, has something to do with people joining a match in progress during a cutscene or something. I think that's how pretty much everyone ends up finally beating Myrrah on Insane. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Really? Well damn. When I joined they were at the spot right before the cutscene before the last part of the fight. We got the cutscene then the little flying fuckers came at us. Then one of the players dropped and popped right back into the game maybe 20 seconds later. No one that I noticed joined in the middle of a cs. The weirdest thing is, the beetle died REALLY quick. Whatever, just glad to be past it. Already got past the Lambent Berserker too, so I think the hardest parts of the game are behind me. Now just need to grind out the rest and I'll be done.

One more thing......I checked online for info on the Impossible Mission, and it says you need to beat campaign on Insane AND watch the trailer for the MI movie on the dash. The thing is, I can't find anything for the movie other than some theme and gamerpics. Did they change the rules so you don't need to watch the trailer or something?
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']
One more thing......I checked online for info on the Impossible Mission, and it says you need to beat campaign on Insane AND watch the trailer for the MI movie on the dash. The thing is, I can't find anything for the movie other than some theme and gamerpics. Did they change the rules so you don't need to watch the trailer or something?[/QUOTE]

My event calendar says just to complete the campaign on insane. Maybe you should check your gun skins, if its there then you have nothing to worry about. Unless they fixed that glitch where you werent supposed to get it yet? But i have mine. To be honest they arent really that cool. But its something.
[quote name='KingBroly']I beat RAAM's Shadow today. Um...mediocre at best I'd say. It felt like a quick rehash of Gears 1's Campaign, but not as well thought out. I didn't think the character development or writing was all that good, either. Looked nice, played nice...for the most part. But served its' purpose for 90+ minutes, but after that I don't feel like going back to it even though I know I'll have to if I want the achievements.[/QUOTE]
I felt the exact same way. It played nicely, except for when Tai somehow fell into an emergence hole and I had to restart the entire chapter, but the story sucked.

I really expected them to play with the RAAM and Kim encounter(s), but it was just so passive. I didn't want it to be obnoxious, but I did want it to reference frames from the first game. Valera's death was so passive, and had no drama to it. It was just, "hey, rather than shoot you, I'll use my blades...and that didn't work. Hey, is that your knife in my chest?"

I wanted Kim to watch it like Marcus watched him die. Instead it's just a glance to Kim who sees her die, while he stands out of cover, and doesn't seem to really react. Honestly, it probably would've been much more appropriate had RAAM have come up behind Kim, and she then sacrificed herself, trying to free him. That might have made it more interesting, seeing as how he initially costs someone their life, which could explain why he's such a tight ass to Marcus and Dom.

Also, the end where he moves through a wave of Kryll, practically un-phased, while anyone else would have died within seconds of being attacked by the Kryll, just came across as lame. It was a desperation to make Kim look emotional, and instead further made me roll my eyes. It made less sense, too, as the blacked out sky would've made the Kryll attack even more ferocious and aggressive, but Barrick is able to calmly come to him and usher him off, rather than help him kill RAAM right there.

And if every member of Zeta team is to die, why couldn't they have killed off Jace in Gears of War 3. I know it's now hindsight on the developers part, but I hated his character in the full game. If he had driven himself into a gas station to save the lives of the others, instead of Dom, I'd have been completely fine with that.
I have a bad habit of clicking in the LS and RS. So half the time i set up a private match, the match starts and im in spectator mode without realizing i even pressed RS to trigger it. -_-
damn I really can not wait for my wife get a job so I can relax(GOW3) when I get home and not have to hear that she was board at home all day not working bc she up and quits her job.
Yup, the daily effects are definitely stacking over time. Horde Challenges happen every other wave, Fortificaiton Upgrades for Barriers/Decoys are free for the first time, etc. This will make getting 100 Horde Challenges done very quick.

I got my 13th Onyx today, Ruthless. Too bad I forgot to plug in a 2nd controller so I could get another High Roller Ribbon :\
Don't know if anyones noticed, but the Epic forums are getting swamped with people saying that their ranks got reset to 1 and they lost EVERYTHING (medals, ribbons, skins, etc). I know this glitch has been around for a while, but it looks like its happening more frequently. For such a game-shattering glitch, I would have thought that Epic would have issued a patch by now.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Don't know if anyones noticed, but the Epic forums are getting swamped with people saying that their ranks got reset to 1 and they lost EVERYTHING (medals, ribbons, skins, etc). I know this glitch has been around for a while, but it looks like its happening more frequently. For such a game-shattering glitch, I would have thought that Epic would have issued a patch by now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i posted a few pages back on how to backup your save with cloud. I did that a couple days ago, i should really do it again since i spent a few hours boosting my gnasher to onyx, i dont want to have to do that again.

But yeah, epic should really fix the problem. Unless its due to user error, like turning the console off as its saving.

If you want to backup your gears 3 save to cloud you have to:

- Enable cloud
- Start Gears 3 and select cloud as your save device.
The game should start and save your stats onto cloud automatically.
- Play 1 game of private, you can quit early.

Then you should have a backup file. I guess if you want to update that file, delete it and make a new one this way.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Glock just msg'ed me, he's putting his kids to bed, sounds like he'll be ready in a few minutes.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, ended up being one of those nights where nobody wanted to go to bed at a normal time so I never was able to get into any Gears. :cry:

Glad you guys had a replacement lined up.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Sorry, ended up being one of those nights where nobody wanted to go to bed at a normal time so I never was able to get into any Gears. :cry:

Glad you guys had a replacement lined up.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I know how that works out sometimes. Sorry we couldn't wait longer for you but LinkinPrime was ready to go right then, and I was running out of time before I would need to quit and come back later.
This would be a great weekend to boost Founder medals esp with a group that needs it. Command centers are free and so every one can run up to one at the start of the game and buy it for 0. Once the medal scrolls on the screen, go to the menu and restart the horde from the beginning, Rinse and repeat. You can do the same anytime with two controllers but if a group wanted to boost this would work. You would also have 1000 to spend on foritifications each round. So set it up for insane with hard mutators to boost those as well.
Thanks for the vid 7th, just backed up my game just to be safe. No way would I want to go through that Insane fight with Myrrah again. Funny thing, though....I have the symbol on that chapter for clearing it on Insane, but I don't show up on the leaderboards for it. Not even a 0 for the score, just a dash as if I've never played it.

EDIT: Nevermind, I was looking at the score for the last chapter of Act 6 (which I now assume is Raams Shadow) and got confused. Scrolled over to Chapter V and there I am.
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Just finished the Insane campaign and I got a popup at the end saying I had unlocked the Ghostprotocol skins. So you definitely don't need to watch the trailer like I had thought. Now I just need to do the prologue and the first 2 chapters of Act 1 on 4 player co-op and I'll have an extra 100 gamerscore :D Might ask some CAGs if they're up for it tomorrow.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Just finished the Insane campaign and I got a popup at the end saying I had unlocked the Ghostprotocol skins. So you definitely don't need to watch the trailer like I had thought. Now I just need to do the prologue and the first 2 chapters of Act 1 on 4 player co-op and I'll have an extra 100 gamerscore :D Might ask some CAGs if they're up for it tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you are going to have to ask people to play the prologue with you because thats so short its impossible to find in a search. If you want to add me i will help you out if im online and not in a party. It only takes like 1 minute, so it wont be a problem as long as you have 2 others.
Playing as the Berserker can be a little annoying. A guy could be hugged on a wall, you smash him, he doesnt get hit. Other times you run right at someone and you seem to bounce off them and they dont even go down. I mean its not really a big deal, but it gets annoying when your smashing their face in and they go untouched.

Ill probably finish up and onyx the Dismantler medal tomorrow. Only have to play beast two more times to get it. I should be playing it split screen, i need to get High Roller 34 more times and im done with all beast medals. But i really hate playing in split screen. Last beast game i played solo, it took me about 7 minutes to get to the heavies. Thats not so bad. I dont mind playing online, its fun if you have 2-4 people. But when you have 5 it can be a close call getting the heavies near the end. A few times i played with 5 players total, i ended up getting the heavies on wave 12, only after i died midway in the 12th wave to actually get enough cash to unlock them. If i play with 2-3 people i usually get to them by wave 8 maybe.

I think my short term goal is to get to 30 onyx medals. So i can use the embry star medal. Not sure how well that would go over with the Gears community, i already get shit just for being a 100. Not often, but there are people here and there that like to talk shit just because i am a 100. Whatever gives them their kicks i guess. I mean i personally dont care, but i hate playing with people like that. Id rather have a player who sucks and has a good attitude than a guy who is super good and has a douchebag attitude. Especially when they wont stop talking.

I was playing some horde tonight, got the silverback, did maybe 6-10 rounds with it. Then host leaves, and the silverback goes back to locked and im left with 1,500 dollars. -_-
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah you are going to have to ask people to play the prologue with you because thats so short its impossible to find in a search. If you want to add me i will help you out if im online and not in a party. It only takes like 1 minute, so it wont be a problem as long as you have 2 others.[/QUOTE]

Ok, thanks. I'll add you when I get home. Will send you an invite if I can get 2 others and I see you're not in a party. Is anyone else available to do this? The main thing I'd like to get out of the way is the 4 player prologue, but I'd like to get the first chapter done as well if everyone is up for it. Possibly the second chapter. I'll be one around 8pm EST.
Ill help out, i still need to do 4 player coop too. Have most of them done but have random acts i still need 4 players on.

Does anyone want to try and do the zeta horde cheevo sometime today also?
so it looks like if you've already gotten the ribbons before for the Gearsmas events they don't count for the war supporter medal....fucking lame. Can you dig it didn't increase my count since I got the ribbon for it when it first happened a few weeks ago :/
[quote name='AshesofWake']so it looks like if you've already gotten the ribbons before for the Gearsmas events they don't count for the war supporter medal....fucking lame. Can you dig it didn't increase my count since I got the ribbon for it when it first happened a few weeks ago :/[/QUOTE]
I read on X360A that there are only 3 ribbons for Gearsmas, for days 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. So the issue was not that you already had a Can You Dig It ribbon, it's that you already got the Gearsmas Part 1 ribbon on the first day so you have to wait until day 5 to get the Gearsmas Part 2 ribbon.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I read on X360A that there are only 3 ribbons for Gearsmas, for days 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. So the issue was not that you already had a Can You Dig It ribbon, it's that you already got the Gearsmas Part 1 ribbon on the first day so you have to wait until day 5 to get the Gearsmas Part 2 ribbon.[/QUOTE]

oooooohhhh ok, well then that still sucks haha. but makes sense. oh well.
[quote name='sidewinda']Ill help out, i still need to do 4 player coop too. Have most of them done but have random acts i still need 4 players on.

Does anyone want to try and do the zeta horde cheevo sometime today also?[/QUOTE]

Ok, I'll FR you later today. Anyone else? If 7th is available would just need 1 more.
I dont really want to do the whole campaign, i just thought id help with the prologue because i know how hard it is to find people for that, and it doesnt take long to help out. The rest of the levels were pretty easy to find just searching for games online. Then again that was back when the game first came out. I personally have the whole campaign beat on insane and 4 player so i dont really feel like playing anything more than the prologue. Sorry if im being a dick LOL.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I dont really want to do the whole campaign, i just thought id help with the prologue because i know how hard it is to find people for that, and it doesnt take long to help out. The rest of the levels were pretty easy to find just searching for games online. Then again that was back when the game first came out. I personally have the whole campaign beat on insane and 4 player so i dont really feel like playing anything more than the prologue. Sorry if im being a dick LOL.[/QUOTE]

Nah, it's ok. I really only intended on getting the Prologue done, anything other than that was just a bonus. Chapter 2 is easy enough to find by searching. Chapter If you're up for it :D If not, thats fine. It's just that people usually back out when I'm playing it. They don't like watching me walk around the ship looking for Dom farming or Jace kicking the vending machine.
If you need a 4th for the prologue, and I'm on, I'd gladly help you get that since I know it's rough to get 4 for that.

As for the Zeta Horde achievement, if there are 4 people looking for it, I'm a 5th.

Are there 8 people looking to get into Alpha games for the Kim executions from RAAM?
Id really like to knock out that raam vs kim achievement because i hate being raam in MP. He is awesome but i tend to like smaller guys like the kantus and big rig dizzy. Wish i had savage kantus skin! :(
[quote name='The Ebbtide']If you need a 4th for the prologue, and I'm on, I'd gladly help you get that since I know it's rough to get 4 for that.

As for the Zeta Horde achievement, if there are 4 people looking for it, I'm a 5th.

Are there 8 people looking to get into Alpha games for the Kim executions from RAAM?[/QUOTE]

Ok, thanks. I'll be on around 8 EST, so I'll look for you then. Might bug Ryu too if someone can't make it :D I'd also be up for doing the RAAM vs Kim cheevo, but how can you do it with a group? I thought you could only do it in versus, unless I'm missing something.
I would do kim versus raam as well and have two other people who want to get that one. I also could help with the insane if someone needs it. No big deal to toss on some mutators and run through it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I think my short term goal is to get to 30 onyx medals. So i can use the embry star medal. Not sure how well that would go over with the Gears community, i already get shit just for being a 100. Not often, but there are people here and there that like to talk shit just because i am a 100.[/QUOTE]

I find this odd because I reached LV100 in about 3 weeks after release & I never got hate mail or people harassing me. I also had the Embry Star well over a month ago and no one really cares/notices. Same thing goes for my Onyx Hammy + Gnash combo, people don't care. I don't suck either, I usually have a 3.0 KDR, so I don't know how I avoid the rage of gamers.
[quote name='popular penguin']I find this odd because I reached LV100 in about 3 weeks after release & I never got hate mail or people harassing me. I also had the Embry Star well over a month ago and no one really cares/notices. Same thing goes for my Onyx Hammy + Gnash combo, people don't care. I don't suck either, I usually have a 3.0 KDR, so I don't know how I avoid the rage of gamers.[/QUOTE]

Well my KDR is more like 1.8, i think it has more to do with those players who think they are so damn elite, so when i end up killing them they get mad and start telling me i suck. Just because my KD isnt as good as theirs, or i dont know how to wallbounce like a pro. I play the game smart. I guess they feel offended being killed by someone who isnt on their level. Like i said it doesnt happen often, but i remember two people most recently who talked shit. Saying i must have got my 100 from youtube, LOL. WTF?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Are you working on the Prologue? If so, let me know if there's a spot. I still need that one.[/QUOTE]

Prologue and possibly chapter 1, depending on how everyone is on time (and boredom). Can jump on if you'd like, I think Ebbtide and 7th are doing it just to help out. Would save them a headache. Snipos has someone who needs it too.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']:lol: I can hop on for a little bit if you need a 4th.[/QUOTE]

Jump on. I'll tell Snipos to FR you and invite you. He has a party going.
Hmm... according to this thread, cloud might not even work at backing up your save. Ive had the dreaded black screen before, I used to get them almost daily, but never lost my save. Lately i havent had any problems with gears 3 freezing like i did a week ago. Maybe i should invest in a usb drive.
Been busy with work lately (best buy, ugh), but I should be able to play tonight (I'm guessing I'll be around 9pm EST). If anyone wants to get some of the DLC achievements, please add/message me on XBL. :3
[quote name='The 7th Number']Hmm... according to this thread, cloud might not even work at backing up your save. Ive had the dreaded black screen before, I used to get them almost daily, but never lost my save. Lately i havent had any problems with gears 3 freezing like i did a week ago. Maybe i should invest in a usb drive.[/QUOTE]

I got a Black Screen yesterday, but nothing got lost. Next backup I make will be to a USB drive...probably.

Beast Mode is today's Daily Bonus. It's easier to go up a Tier and everything costs a lot less (Beserkers are $2500).
[quote name='KingBroly']I got a Black Screen yesterday, but nothing got lost. Next backup I make will be to a USB drive...probably.

Beast Mode is today's Daily Bonus. It's easier to go up a Tier and everything costs a lot less (Beserkers are $2500).[/QUOTE]

Awesome, i have 43/75 for high roller. I just did one game and got to the last tier of beasts by wave 6. Then i just quit out. So much better than doing it split screen by yourself.
bread's done