Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

I just read in that thread i linked to above, that if your game freezes and you restart the console, check your save files before going back into the game. If they are fine then its okay to start the game, if they are corrupted then you should delete them and then start gears 3 up while online and it should redownload your stats fine. Hopefully ill never have a file corrupted, i was lucky enough never to be reset in Gears 2.

Also people are saying if it freezes you should eject the disc and it will quit you out to the dash. Instead of powering down the console.
played some of the "hardcore" playlist last night. lol it's dumb. no nades of any kind and maps may have some of the power weapons. one guy (level 5X) kept bitching how my team (he and some others were on the other team for 2-3 matches but apparently they weren't together as some were on my team later) were pussies for staying together or going for the power weapon. one of the other guys (9X) was saying how it was "sad" lol.

the torque bow tag earlier this week was awesome (didn't like the first torque event maybe because I wasn't doing well). I joined a match and team won. then the next 6 matches I was MVP. the 7th match we won but I came in second (would have been MVP had I not died since the last guy killed me OR if another player that wasn't in previously in 2nd got the kill). The next match we lost but I came in 2nd overall. missed out on another mcp by 50ish points.
oh if anyone wants to do 4 player insane arcade (need all those for the several achievements + skin for the event) let me know! I plan to be ready around 11 pm est.

I hope we can use the easy mutators (super reload, infinite ammo, and insta gib) to brezze through in under 3 hours.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']oh if anyone wants to do 4 player insane arcade (need all those for the several achievements + skin for the event) let me know! I plan to be ready around 11 pm est.

I hope we can use the easy mutators (super reload, infinite ammo, and insta gib) to brezze through in under 3 hours.[/QUOTE]

Count me in.
anyone else? my gt is listed in the box. Voltron add me. need 2 more.

I don't have insta gib, super reload, or infinite ammo yet lol. trying to work on them now
I wonder if i can copy my gears 3 save on my old 20gb HD using the transfer cable. I still have both laying around. I remember there being an option to move stuff from the console to the 20gb. But not sure if it would work. Might try it later.
Still can't believe Epic doesn't consider fixing this glitch top priority. Then again, they never fixed the Gears 2 rank reset, so I doubt they'll actually fix this.
Managed to get all but 1 Horde Command Achievement (500 Rocket Kills) as well as Foreshadowing tonight :)

All I need now is the Rubber + Glue Achievement and I'll be home free with RAAM's Shadow.
[quote name='KingBroly']Managed to get all but 1 Horde Command Achievement (500 Rocket Kills) as well as Foreshadowing tonight :)

All I need now is the Rubber + Glue Achievement and I'll be home free with RAAM's Shadow.[/QUOTE]

Did you boost the Kim executions or are more people using the skin online? If you boosted how did u do it?
Awesome, so i wasnt able to create a new save on my old 20gb hard drive, and i cant copy it. But i was able to create a new save on cloud, and then move that save to my old 20gb via transfer cable. So if my save on my main hard drive becomes corrupt, i can just delete it and move the save from my 20gb to my main hard drive. Im glad this works because i really didnt want to buy a USB memory stick just to save 1 file.

Im up to 23 onyx medals thanks to beasts being cheap today (yesterday?). Got Onyx for getting to the last tier of beasts. I should really get back into horde, i still need about 900 waves beaten to onyx that. And im sure on my way to earning those id end up getting the rest of the horde medals i need up to onyx without trying hard.

I started to use the Sawed off now that i onyx'd my gnasher. And last night i had a triple kill in one shot as two people rushed over to pick a teammate up, i ran up and let them all have it. It was pretty sweet. :D
[quote name='kklems']Did you boost the Kim executions or are more people using the skin online? If you boosted how did u do it?[/QUOTE]

Boosted, of course.
Versus - Standard - Alpha Playlist (At the time there were 426 people worldwide playing it)

7th Number, send me a message when you want to do Horde. Especially during these 12 days of Gearsmas since the effects are lasting until it's over it seems.

I have 13 Onyx Medals at the moment, and I'm really close to 4 more.
[quote name='KingBroly']Boosted, of course.
Versus - Standard - Alpha Playlist (At the time there were 426 people worldwide playing it)

7th Number, send me a message when you want to do Horde. Especially during these 12 days of Gearsmas since the effects are lasting until it's over it seems.

I have 13 Onyx Medals at the moment, and I'm really close to 4 more.[/QUOTE]

Jealous :) Guess I will try that and see what happens. Than back to the onyx grind.
Oh man! I forgot about the cheap beasts! :bomb:

I'm still going through the campaign to try to beat it on insane. I'm about half of the way done. Also, just picked up all the COG tags, and the remaining collectibles are on chapter 5 so I'll pick those up along the way.
On the 9th Day of Gearsmas
Berzerkers on every wave and Laugh Track

Are they trying to make people not play horde? LOL.

On the 10th Day of Gearsmas
Squads of Lambent Wretches, Polyps, and Formers on every wave

This will be a good day to play horde, should be easy and fast to kill these guys. If you are wondering this should be active on the 22nd.
anyone want to try and go for Zeta Team, Go today? I work tonight so I cant be on tonight but i will be on soon and will probably be on until this evening.

Been trying to get 4 player coop on raams shadow on the first chapter and some more of the regular 4 player campaign coop.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Oh man! I forgot about the cheap beasts! :bomb:

I'm still going through the campaign to try to beat it on insane. I'm about half of the way done. Also, just picked up all the COG tags, and the remaining collectibles are on chapter 5 so I'll pick those up along the way.[/QUOTE]

Play it today. Trust me, they're there.

Effects thus far are stacking, people!
[quote name='KingBroly']Play it today. Trust me, they're there.

Effects thus far are stacking, people![/QUOTE]

can someone explain what these effects are/do?
[quote name='Gamer SDP']can someone explain what these effects are/do?[/QUOTE]

Here are the 12 days of gearsmas, horde/beast edition. There are 12 days of gearsmas MP too. Some are still going on, like more challenges, but big heads arent on anymore, and i dont think level 1 fortifications are free, but buying bases are still free from what ive seen.

On the 1st Day of Gearsmas
Level 1 Fortifications are free
Lots of Gift Boxes

On the 2nd Day of Gearsmas
Team shares damage

On the 3rd Day of Gearsmas
Big Head Mutator on

On the 4th Day of Gearsmas
4 Shot Cluckshots replace Boomshots

On the 5th Day of Gearsmas
Beasts on the cheap

On the 6th Day of Gearsmas
Tickers and Flame Boomers

On the 7th Day of Gearsmas
Comet Mutator turned on for KOTH

On the 8th Day of Gearsmas
4x XP

On the 9th Day of Gearsmas

Berzerkers on every wave and Laugh Track

On the 10th Day of Gearsmas
Squads of Lambent Wretches, Polyps, and Formers on every wave

On the 11th Day of Gearsmas
Snowman's heads a popping - (it's a secret

On the 12th Day of Gearsmas
Mortars incoming- Single Shot Mortars spread throught the maps

All i need is to beat chapter 2 of raams shadow with 4 ppl in arcade. Maybe i can find one online.
I swear Day 11 must be automatic Headshots. Like...every Kill = Headshot.

I still need 8 Mauler Shield kills. Ugh...I'll worry about it later.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Oh man! I forgot about the cheap beasts! :bomb:

I'm still going through the campaign to try to beat it on insane. I'm about half of the way done. Also, just picked up all the COG tags, and the remaining collectibles are on chapter 5 so I'll pick those up along the way.[/QUOTE]
Can't play tonight since I get off work at midnight and go back at seven am, but if you or any other cags wanna team up for insane lemme know. Im only at 1-3 but I can help out later areas and come back to the beginning later. Hopefully they aren't too strict on the deadline on the 21st cause I doubt i'LL have enough time to get it done by then.

[quote name='The 7th Number']Are they trying to make people not play horde? LOL.

This will be a good day to play horde, should be easy and fast to kill these guys. If you are wondering this should be active on the 22nd.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like a good day to skip horde. I've got basic weapons wave 1 and have to kill berserkers? No thanks. But I'll try anyway.
So.... from the 20th up until it ends, it's 4x XP? Berry nice. Also, Best Buy has a Sandisk 4gb USB drive for 6.99 this week in case you want something cheap to backup your save. I'll probably go out and pick one up later in the week. I'm only level 35, but I would be fucking pissed if I lost my beta unlocks, Insane campaign finish, etc. Can't imagine how people who were working towards Seriously 3.0 and lost their data must feel.

Also, from what I read in the thread that 7th posted yesterday, the reason the Cloud save backup didn't work for the guy was apparently because he just started using the Cloud to save his game normally instead of the HDD. Didn't feel like reading through the whole thing, but the person who made the videos posted near the end and said it was the OP's fault for not following directions on how to backup the save.
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I finished up the raams campaign with 4 ppl and on arcade. Got into the level i needed right at the end. Getting the 10 shield kills was a little annoying because it takes a while to kill someone. Most of the time my teammates would kill them before i could get the shield kill.
Just go for the guys on the turrets when you're trying to get reflected shield kills. The foot soldiers usually get stunned by their own reflected shots, causing them to cease fire, and usually allowing RAAM, the Elite Theron, or the other Mauler to 'take' your kill.
[quote name='KingBroly']Medals earned while Idling: Gold Match Winner, Silver CTL, 2nd Onyx Buttoned Up. Leveled up to 63 as well.[/QUOTE]

Still cant get Kim executions, tried boosting but I can't get on the opposite team. I come in with two consoles and than have one controller leave and try to join via another player on the opposite team but it won't let me join(maybe nat settings?). Only one game so far with a kim and I try to always be kim/ram now. Also how are you getting buttoned up medals while idling? I have gotten maybe 150 through playing but when I idle my player just sits there. Are you using a turbo controller?
My game glitched while fighting the boss on insane. Played for an hour on a public game, we couldn't beat the boss, the host quit. I checked my chapter status, and it says completed on Insane!!!

Thank God...the rest should be a cake walk compared to her. Just need to finish up Act IV and V. Hopefully I can complete one more act today.
Joined a public arcade and finished act 1 then the host quit. Much easier with a group in arcade. Hopefully i can knock out two acts tonight.
oh so the Gearsmas only applies to horde. I was playing in those event playlists and was wondering what effects there were aside from weapon layout.

how is KingBrolly only at 63 with all that onyx medal boosting lol?

I still need to do Insane campaign (also want to get 4 player arcade as well). I have insta gibb but still need to unlock super reload and infinite.
A good way to boost CTL is use 2 controllers, put you on the side with 1 bot, vs 2nd player and no bots. You will get CTL rounds done, and a match winner medal every time because the bot will always get the 2nd player. Im going to do this once i get a new play n charge kit.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']oh so the Gearsmas only applies to horde. I was playing in those event playlists and was wondering what effects there were aside from weapon layout.

how is KingBrolly only at 63 with all that onyx medal boosting lol?

I still need to do Insane campaign (also want to get 4 player arcade as well). I have insta gibb but still need to unlock super reload and infinite.[/QUOTE]

I had to sell the game for Financial Reasons, so I didn't have it for about 2 months, that's why. I'm not going to discuss specifics, either.

And 7th Number, that's a brilliant idea. I just wish the game would default to you being the Leader first instead of last. Or least sooner.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']oh so the Gearsmas only applies to horde. I was playing in those event playlists and was wondering what effects there were aside from weapon layout.

how is KingBrolly only at 63 with all that onyx medal boosting lol?

I still need to do Insane campaign (also want to get 4 player arcade as well). I have insta gibb but still need to unlock super reload and infinite.[/QUOTE]we should team up. I don't have that 1 but I do have super reload. Infinite ammo would be nice tho. I'll be online from about 10 to 1 am eastern each night to knock this out.
[quote name='kklems']Got my Kim executions last night. Pain in the butt but back to the grind for the last chievo.[/QUOTE]

I still only have 1/10, but ive been playing boomsnipes lately, and headshots dont count.

Really wish they would nerf hammerburst. They can be a mile away and still turn me almost full crimson by the time i can move once i notice i am getting shot. Its like 0.3 seconds and im almost dead. Not sure if its due to modded controllers or what but its way too fast to down.
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last day for the ghost skin! going to try getting through insane campaign (would like to do 4 player arcade as well).

I have insta gib and super reload
Looking for some people to play gears with. Add me! F1NGERS 0F FURY

I'm not the best player, but I do enjoy playing so feel free to drop me an invite anytime I'm on.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']last day for the ghost skin! going to try getting through insane campaign (would like to do 4 player arcade as well).

I have insta gib and super reload[/QUOTE]Lack of sleep and getting sick means I played zero Gears 3 today cause I slept when I got home and I guess I'll miss out on finishing Insane in time. Still have to do Acts 4 & 5 plus a few chapters in 2 & 3 and I have to work tomorrow and have a wife and kids to spend time with when I get home. Oh well, heard they weren't that great anyway. BTW, the lambent berserker fight took forever with randoms, maybe 20 minutes of praying one of those idiots would just stay away for her when everyone else was waiting to respawn. Hit a glitch, too. Defended the fort TOO well. When the maulers/grinders kept spawning to smash the first door we kept taking them out until they just stopped spawning. Had to restart.
Still Boosting Wingmans, I think I am at like 1700 played. I should be able to get some quality playing time in on Christmas Eve/Day/26th if anyone else still needs the new achievements then, I will be down.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Lack of sleep and getting sick means I played zero Gears 3 today cause I slept when I got home and I guess I'll miss out on finishing Insane in time. Still have to do Acts 4 & 5 plus a few chapters in 2 & 3 and I have to work tomorrow and have a wife and kids to spend time with when I get home. Oh well, heard they weren't that great anyway. BTW, the lambent berserker fight took forever with randoms, maybe 20 minutes of praying one of those idiots would just stay away for her when everyone else was waiting to respawn. Hit a glitch, too. Defended the fort TOO well. When the maulers/grinders kept spawning to smash the first door we kept taking them out until they just stopped spawning. Had to restart.[/QUOTE]

I found that it worked better with 2 players than 4. She seemed to take forever to go down with 4 even with mutators but with 2 she went done quicker. I had a harder time with her than the final battle.
Third DLC officially announced: Fenix Rising

Escalation - Marcus' Childhood home before it was invaded by the Locust
Academy - School Marcus was Destined to attend
The Slab - Location where Marcus was imprisoned
Anvil - The ruined Fortress
Depths - Set in Azura

Character Skins
Recruit Clayton - Clayton Carmine as a newly enlisted COG
Thrashball Cole - Special Limited Edition

Savage Kantus - Special Limted Edition
Savage Marauder Drone - Brand New

New Systems
Re-Upping - Essentially a "prestige" System. Players can "re-enlist" and being their rank from 1 again after reaching level 100. All unlocks and Custom Items remain. Additionally Re-Upping can grant you access to new Weapon Skins! - You can Re-Up through the Four Tiers of Colors. Bronze>Red>Green>Gold.

Every Re-Up earns players a new weapon skin obtainable only through Re-upping.

Re-Up Plasma - Animated Plasma in GOLD!
Re-Up Omen - Shiny Red Omen!
Re-Up Electric - Animated Golden Electric Shocks!

250 points in Achievements. More details to be announced.
Do you guys think the Thrashball Cole and Savage Kantus skins are somehow different from the ones that were beta award/preorder bonus? Or are they making them available to everyone now?
bread's done