Gears of War - General Discussion 2 - Re-release 6/24 w/Maps and Extras (No PC Stuff)

[quote name='CaseyRyback']Congrats on finally getting it.[/quote]

Thanks. The Leaderboards said I was at ~9300, so I guess there were about 700 kills in limbo from all the matches where so many people quit so that it doesn't count towards the leaderboards.
[quote name='Trakan']Thanks. The Leaderboards said I was at ~9300, so I guess there were about 700 kills in limbo from all the matches where so many people quit so that it doesn't count towards the leaderboards.[/QUOTE]

Damn that is a lot of kills in matches where everyone quit out (it does make some sense though since you do play 19 rounders and with you and zewone's stats I know yall just end up raping the other team). My friend got seriously earlier in the week and had like 9800 total when he got it. He used to glitch a lot so I was kind of suprised that he didn't have a lot of kills that didn't count in the leaderboards.
[quote name='Trakan']Got the 10,000 kill achievement just now.

fuckin' finally.[/QUOTE]

enjoy the gamerpic, you deserve it. IMHO it has more penis size validity than a gamerscore.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Damn that is a lot of kills in matches where everyone quit out (it does make some sense though since you do play 19 rounders and with you and zewone's stats I know yall just end up raping the other team). My friend got seriously earlier in the week and had like 9800 total when he got it. He used to glitch a lot so I was kind of suprised that he didn't have a lot of kills that didn't count in the leaderboards.[/quote]
Yeah, the 19 rounders are a blessing and a curse. When you can get people to stay the full game, you can get a decent amount of kills without having to play lobby for 20 minutes at a time. With 5 rounders, you get a lot more map variety, but with the combined time you spend waiting for the lobby to fill and factor in that people quit if any little thing doesn't go their way, it's just not worth it.

I was really, really surprised when I got it. I thought for sure I was 1000 kills off yet, forgetting to factor in Warzone and Assassination.
I just checked on google maps and I live 6 minutes from their offices. I think I'm going to "annex" their parking lot with marked cones everyday until its released.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']enjoy the gamerpic, you deserve it. IMHO it has more penis size validity than a gamerscore.[/quote]

What gamerpic?
[quote name='derder']What gamerpic?[/QUOTE]

The gamerpic you get when you get the 10,000 kills achievement.
[quote name='derder']I just checked on google maps and I live 6 minutes from their offices. I think I'm going to "annex" their parking lot with marked cones everyday until its released.[/quote]

It's not epic's fault, it's micrsoft's fault.
[quote name='dastly75']It's not epic's fault, it's micrsoft's fault.[/quote]

What if the patch was given to M$ to certify later than we think?
well im gonna get back into this online.
if anybodys playing send me invites/messages.
im into fun games not screaming, cursing, berating matches.
[quote name='help1']What if the patch was given to M$ to certify later than we think?[/quote]

there was also the whole MS wanted to charge money thing too
[quote name='dastly75']there was also the whole MS wanted to charge money thing too[/quote]

That applies to the new maps which 1up is playing (4 new maps). I dont think its fair to blame the certification team and not give Epic some blame, especially since the certification team has no way of fending for themselves.
It takes approximately six weeks from submission to being made available, this goes for any content (except in unusual circumstances).

I bet I have over 10,000 kills in player matches. And maybe 6 kills in ranked. I hope an upcoming patch changes the achievements to work in player matches.
[quote name='thrustbucket']It takes approximately six weeks from submission to being made available, this goes for any content (except in unusual circumstances).

I bet I have over 10,000 kills in player matches. And maybe 6 kills in ranked. I hope an upcoming patch changes the achievements to work in player matches.[/QUOTE]
That'd be nice. Then, I'd be done. I have ~7,500 kills in ranked and like 5,000 in unranked. It'd be kind of weird though.

I log on to update the game.

When the game restarts:

"Achievement Unlocked"
[quote name='help1']That applies to the new maps which 1up is playing (4 new maps). I dont think its fair to blame the certification team and not give Epic some blame, especially since the certification team has no way of fending for themselves.[/quote]

Oh I didn't even realize there were more new maps coming. I wonder when they will arrive.
I'm looking for someone to play co-op insane. Anyone need these achievements and would be willing to give it a shot? Send me a PM or XBL message. Thanks
4 New Maps set to come out soon, will cost money at first, be free later (ala Halo 2)


I think you guys are blowing this up into something bigger than it is. Please listen to the entire podcast before jumping to conclusions.

What we have here is simply a difference of opinion on how to maximize the return on Gears of War - something both Epic and Microsoft want to do. While we create products like Gears because we love games, and we have a passion for making them, at the end of the day this is a business for both companies and how we earn our living.

Epic thinks the way to maximize the return on Gears of War is to give the maps away for free and Microsoft thinks the way to maximize the return on Gears of War is to sell the maps. So what we’ve agreed to do is to put these maps on sale at a reasonable price then make them free a few months later. They did this with the original Halo2 map pack and it was a huge success. Lots of people bought the maps and lots of people downloaded them when they became free. That’s what is going to happen and it seems like a fair compromise for both companies and a win-win for Gears players.

Why does Epic not have control over this even though we created this content on our own time and our own dime? Quite frankly Xbox Live Marketplace isn’t our store. It’s Microsoft’s store. Like any retailer they have the right to figure out what goes on the shelves of their store and what price they sell it at. They spend the money to operate the store and deliver the content. They’ve also spent billions of dollars to create and build Xbox and subsidize it’s the price so you can afford it and we can make games for it. As our publisher, they also invested tens of millions of dollars marketing Gears of War, and have done an awesome job for us, so they have a right to a good return on that investment.

As Tim Sweeney and I said in the podcast, we want the download economy to work – it is something the industry needs, something we hope to use in the future, something that will help bring more variety to end-users and ultimately could help bring prices down for end-users. If we had to put this map pack on a disc and sell it in retail it would be more expensive to end-users and maybe we wouldn't have done it because of all the extra work and cost involved.

In the mean time we are planning to bring out an awesome new Gears of War multi-player gametype called Annex that works will all of the existing multi-player maps and the new pack we're talking about here. The 1UP guys who got to play it a few weeks ago left the office raving about how it could be our best Gears gametype yet and I think a lot of people will enjoy it. Best of all, it is totally FREE and will come in the new Gears update that we expect to see released this week.
[quote name='Weedy649']4 new maps? Awesome! Gears if slowly making its way back into my heart. If the next update fixes the stupid "acceptable" glitches, 4 maps and Annex will once again make it my favorite game.[/quote]
Mark rein has said that the Weapon Slide has been fixed. No quote tho, sorry. (All it was was him posting in a thread about a guy complaining about Weapon Slide, where he says "That shouldn't be a problem in the near future.")
I hate how the throw the word "soon" around like it means nothing to us gamers. I think its great news that 4 new maps are coming but at the same time I'm really starting to fucking hate the word "soon" when it comes to DLC from the marketplace. I don't understand why they can't just narrow it down to atleast a month.
The only glitches I really want to see fixed are the listen to the other team through the TV glitch, roadie run glitch, getting out of the map, and any variation of the running chainsaw glitch. Most of the other ones don't really bother me all that much and I don't care if they come or go (though I would like to see a reduction in the effectiveness of host shotty if we can't weapon slide any more).

And as long as the maps are less than 10 dollars I will be getting them. I still think MS sucks for charging for them and they are being way too greedy.
[quote name='mr ryles']$10 seems about right. Halo charged $20 for theirs, but they had 8 maps total.[/QUOTE]
I hope it isn't that much. It should be 400MSPs, because Epic didn't even want to charge for it.
[quote name='snack']I hope it isn't that much. It should be 400MSPs, because Epic didn't even want to charge for it.[/QUOTE]

epic gets it's half by them being free after a few months. You'd be lucky if 800 points was for the full map pack.
[quote name='mr ryles']epic gets it's half by them being free after a few months. You'd be lucky if 800 points was for the full map pack.[/QUOTE]
Take a man's dreams, and he is left with nothing. :cry:
i am so excited about annex. I hadn't played gears in like 2-3 months because it got stale but with this update, gow might take over gh2 as my top played game. I layed tonight to practice and get re-aquainted with the controls and it only took me like 10 minutes to start owning again
Update also has something else that alot of people may have over looked:

According to the Annex video, the Weapon Taken icon will be color coded now.

If locust picks up the sniper, it will have the sniper picture and the word "Taken" will be in red.

This is purely speculation on my part after seeing the video.
Looks like the update will indeed hit today at 4:00pm PDT:

Following last week's leak, Microsoft and Epic Games officially announced today the release of a new title update for Gears of War and confirmed that the update will include a brand new gametype called Annex. The update will be available tonight at at 4:00 p.m. PDT. Check out the list of fixes below:

  • VGA Cable Support: Monitor resolution widths greater than or equal to 1280 now render as letterbox. In particular VGA users running at 1280x1024 will now see the game in full 720p (1280x720) resolution in letterboxed form.
  • Adjusted Assassination Multiplayer Gametype: Leader no longer has to unlock weapons and now has to be executed to die.
  • Adjusted Boomshot: Splash damage to be more effective rendering targets down-but-not-out
  • Adjusted Hammer of Dawn: Aiming will be more forgiving of moving targets
  • Adjusted Roadie Run: Reduced frequency of accidently grabbing cover while running
  • Kill Message Ticker: Ticker can now be seen while down-but-not-out and spectating
  • General: Addressed a number of possible exploits in multiplayer
What a good day to pick to have this ready, only thing on TV for me tonight is How I Met Your Mother (behind a few seasons on 24, and can't stand to watch it on TV), so looks like I'll be playing some Annex tonight around 8 ET.
bread's done