Gears of War - General Discussion 2 - Re-release 6/24 w/Maps and Extras (No PC Stuff)

[quote name='jimfoley16']Getting a CAG game started right now... hit me up if anyone wants in[/QUOTE]

I may get on within the next hour after I take a shower and stuff.

So if you are still on then we could do some player matches or something.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Getting a CAG game started right now... hit me up if anyone wants in[/quote]
Once I finish up with my paper I can hopefully jump in.
I really hope the new content has something with respawns. The above idea sound really fun, but I agree it would be hard to make work. We will see I guess.
borrowed my friend's 360 and Gears for the weekend. Spent a good 45 minutes taking down RAAM on insane. It kinda is insane doing that solo the way he can rip you up...but for whatever reason he chilled out in the middle of the car long enough for me to take him out before he came to crush me behind my wall. Thoroughly fun game overall. For whatever reason I never get tired of chainsawing guys.
[quote name='veedubkid']You missed my point, I was trying to say I don't mind paying a few dollars if it is going to make my favorite game right now even more playable. If you can't afford a few dollars for DLC then you probably shouldn't even be playing games, let alone playing online games.[/quote]

No, I didn't miss the point, I understood it. But you now bring up a new point.
I want to get a game going tonight, I'm gonna be available around 9PM-Texas time, send me an message if interesteddddd.
man I wanna play so bad right now, Im getting better! Ill be free in like an hour, so if youre still up chacrana, lets get it poppin' :]
[quote name='tiredfornow']man I wanna play so bad right now, Im getting better! Ill be free in like an hour, so if youre still up chacrana, lets get it poppin' :][/QUOTE]

Naw, I'll be getting off a little after 11... 1130 at the absolute latest. Gotta get up early tomorrow since I have to drive to teh college.
[quote name='Chacrana']im on right now... anyone wanna play?[/QUOTE]

Yo Chac, I got your invite. My gamer profile got corrupted so I have to recover it. Hopefully you guys will still be playing when I fix this shit.
Finally decided that I'm through with this game. Roommate and I couldn't abide Insane Co-Op because of its cheapness, and playing online is such a random mess with the teamstackers, the glitching, the nonsensical weapon damage... and people try to play this like it's a "serious" competition level game. I can't stand it.

Someday when it's a $20 title I'll buy it again for single player, but man does that multiplayer piss me off.
[quote name='jer7583']Finally decided that I'm through with this game. Roommate and I couldn't abide Insane Co-Op because of its cheapness, and playing online is such a random mess with the teamstackers, the glitching, the nonsensical weapon damage... and people try to play this like it's a "serious" competition level game. I can't stand it.

Someday when it's a $20 title I'll buy it again for single player, but man does that multiplayer piss me off.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you shouldn't play ranked matches. And the glitching is suppose to be fixed in the patch coming soon.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Sounds like you shouldn't play ranked matches. And the glitching is suppose to be fixed in the patch coming soon.[/quote]

It also sounds like he isn't too good at this kind of game. Trouble on Insane is understandable... when playing single player. I played this game through hardcore and insanewith my brother and we beat insane FASTER than we did hardcore. Easy as crap. Also, you can skip the movies that always show up at checkpoints and such, since watching those after you die is always annoying.
I just wish people would play the game for fun instead of trying to act like military rap stars and take it so damn seriously. It's an unbalanced, random, buggy mess, but it really can be fun with the right people.
[quote name='help1']It also sounds like he isn't too good at this kind of game. Trouble on Insane is understandable... when playing single player. I played this game through hardcore and insanewith my brother and we beat insane FASTER than we did hardcore. Easy as crap. Also, you can skip the movies that always show up at checkpoints and such, since watching those after you die is always annoying.[/quote]

I actually found Insane mode easier on single-player, just not as much fun. In Co-Op if you die and the other person can't get to you you're both done. In single player while there's no-one round to revive you at least you've only got your own life to worry about. Plus by the time you get round to doing it on Insane you've already done it on Hardcore (I think Insane unlocks after you complete Hardcore) so you know whats coming and what bits to look out for.
Yeah, i concur. The most frustrating thing about coop was the times when Marcus and Dom branch off, so if one bites it, it's over. I'm a lot better than my typical coop partners, so it's very irritating when they die again and again at those points. Insane has been pretty quick for me solo, particularly the later acts since the good ole torque bow can still bust up pretty much anything, even boomers.
[quote name='benjamouth']I actually found Insane mode easier on single-player, just not as much fun. In Co-Op if you die and the other person can't get to you you're both done. In single player while there's no-one round to revive you at least you've only got your own life to worry about. Plus by the time you get round to doing it on Insane you've already done it on Hardcore (I think Insane unlocks after you complete Hardcore) so you know whats coming and what bits to look out for.[/quote]

You've only got to beat the game on Casual to unlock Insane. And if you go straight to Insane after Casual, you'll also unlock Hardcore achievements as you unlock the Insane ones. That way you only have to play through the game twice to get all offline (non co-op) achievements.

I've still got to get all the Dom achievements, then focus on the Live ones to get to 1000.


Objective: Capture and hold key locations to collect enough points to win the round.
Description: In Annex, you win by keeping control over key map locations, or objectives, long enough to collect a winning number of points. Every map has two to five identified objectives available for capture, with one objective active at a time. Objectives are based on map weapon-spawn locations and have a potential value of 60 points toward either team’s score. Teams collect those points by maintaining ownership of an objective until all its 60 points have been distributed. Every second that a team controls an objective, the team gets one point. When an objective falls to zero points, the next objective is selected at random.
On the HUD, the current objective appears below the team scores at top left. This indicator contains several pieces of relevant information. The weapon icon inside the circle indicates which weapon-spawn location is being used as the objective. The compass along the outer edge of the circle shows the relative direction to the objective. The number inside the circle indicates how many points remain at that objective and the background icon color indicates which team currently controls it. No color means the objective awaits capture, a red icon means the Locust Horde hold the objective and a blue icon means the COG hold it. When the icon in the indicator circle fills, the corresponding team's score also changes color, the team begins collecting points from the objective, and the point value of the objective drops.
On the map, a projected ring marks the physical location and boundaries of the objective in the world. The ring's color indicates the current captor: White means neutral, blue COG, and red Locust. To capture an objective, players must stand inside the glowing ring uncontested for a short period of time. How long depends on how many teammates stand in the ring at once. One player can capture an objective in eight seconds, two players in four seconds, three players in two seconds, and four players in one second. Once a team takes an objective, they are not required to remain inside the ring to maintain ownership. The captured objective's points drain until an opposing team member enters the ring, or until its points fall to zero.
Round scores can be set as low as 120 points or as high as 480 points. The first team to reach the target score wins the round.
Respawns: Infinite, wave-based every 15 seconds.
  • Selected Map: Which map or series of maps to use.
  • Number of Rounds: Number of rounds required to win the match.
  • Bleed-out Duration: Amount of time before a player dies while DBNO.
  • Round Score: Number of points required to win a round.
  • Friendly Fire: In a player match, whether teammates can damage each other.
  • Private Slots: In a player match, number of player slots reserved for friend invites.
  • Weapons Swapped: In a player match, whether the person who sets up the match can determine whether weapons that appear in the maps are replaced or removed.
  • Annex became available as a Gears of War multiplayer game mode in the April 9 update.
  • Before the update, the Assassination leader had to unlock map-spawned weapons by picking them up and dropping them. Now, all weapons are available to all players from the beginning.
  • Before the update, you could kill a leader in Assassination using the same rules as in Warzone. Now, you kill leaders as in Execution.
[quote name='dastly75']Assassination
  • Before the update, the Assassination leader had to unlock map-spawned weapons by picking them up and dropping them. Now, all weapons are available to all players from the beginning.
  • Before the update, you could kill a leader in Assassination using the same rules as in Warzone. Now, you kill leaders as in Execution.
Wow, it sounds like assassination might be fun to play now.
[quote name='dastly75']Assassination
  • Before the update, the Assassination leader had to unlock map-spawned weapons by picking them up and dropping them. Now, all weapons are available to all players from the beginning.
  • Before the update, you could kill a leader in Assassination using the same rules as in Warzone. Now, you kill leaders as in Execution.
That's cool. I'd wish they'd let us know when it's getting updated.

Where's the guy who said April 4th?
Respawns? I'm sure all the people who are terrible at this game will love it.

I hope the kills in Annex count towards the 10,000 kills, so I can just keep killing all the shitty people.
[quote name='zewone']Respawns? I'm sure all the people who are terrible at this game will love it.

I hope the kills in Annex count towards the 10,000 kills, so I can just keep killing all the shitty people.[/quote]

Your cock must be ginormous.
[quote name='help1']Your cock must be ginormous.[/QUOTE]
It's about the size of a Longshot.

I'd prefer if you kept my cock out of your thoughts though.
[quote name='zewone']It's about the size of a Longshot.

I'd prefer if you kept my cock out of your thoughts though.[/QUOTE]
that was good
[quote name='zewone']It's about the size of a Longshot.

I'd prefer if you kept my cock out of your thoughts though.[/QUOTE]

I don't even want to know what happens when your cock gets active reload. ;)

And I agree with zewone. If respawned kills count towards seriously, I could definately see myself getting to 10K much sooner. My drive to get that achievement has increased now that I watched my friend get it last night. Hopefully I can get it sometime in May.

Edit: Also now that I think about it why isn't this shit coming out tomorrow? I don't understand the logic of releasing it right after a holiday.
Grenade usage will definitely be on the rise with this new mode. 3-4 people from one team in a small space = easy target for sticking (and tossing).
[quote name='help1']Info has been taken down at the site.

*Prays for an earlier release!*[/quote]

If they took it down it usually means its a delay :shock: :wall:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']If they took it down it usually means its a delay :shock: :wall:[/quote]
Ya never know! ;)

Maybe they realized what another CAG had pointed out, why release this after a major holiday?

We know its already out anyway... (1UP played it)
Yeah, I'm sure I'll like this because of the respawns as well. I stopped playing Gears a while ago because I'm just not patient enough to get killed and wait for hours for the match to end. I usually only play with friends anymore.
[quote name='deathweasel']Yeah, I'm sure I'll like this because of the respawns as well. I stopped playing Gears a while ago because I'm just not patient enough to get killed and wait for hours for the match to end. I usually only play with friends anymore.[/quote]

Stick with your teammates and it won't take aslong/ you'll live longer.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']If they took it down it usually means its a delay :shock: :wall:[/QUOTE]
Yeah my friend on LIVE said that it was gonna be delayed a little longer than the 9th. oh well, let the glitchers have their last bit of fun the bastards!
bread's done