Gears of War - General Discussion 2 - Re-release 6/24 w/Maps and Extras (No PC Stuff)

Do yall ever notice that once you stop going for a weapon a lot your skills deteriorate big time? I used to be really good with the torque, but the past few times I have picked it up I have not even been able to hit people who are standing still or running right at me.
i've been away from this thread for awhile but have been playing tons of ranked matches lately.

Things that are getting on my nerves:
1) The running chainsaw glitch where the person getting chainsawed instaly blows up.
2) The crab walk glitch
3) The glitch where you pick the weapon up and can instantly run out of it by pressing A and X at the same time.
4) That fucking hosts shotgun
[quote name='Dingleberry']i've been away from this thread for awhile but have been playing tons of ranked matches lately.

Things that are getting on my nerves:
1) The running chainsaw glitch where the person getting chainsawed instaly blows up.
2) The crab walk glitch
3) The glitch where you pick the weapon up and can instantly run out of it by pressing A and X at the same time.
4) That fucking hosts shotgun[/quote]

I got shot the other day when I was picking up the torque bow, and my character started zooming across the screen everywhere on his feet (but I was still downed), is that the same thing as the crab walk? I was able to be revived though, just took me a while to figure out how to steer to my teammate :bomb:
The slide glitch isn't something to get mad about. It helps to counter host shotgun and most people who play find it acceptable. You can also slide stomp (and fire your gun at the same time while you slide stomp, which looks hot).
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The slide glitch isn't something to get mad about. It helps to counter host shotgun and most people who play find it acceptable. You can also slide stomp (and fire your gun at the same time while you slide stomp, which looks hot). [/quote]

and you do this how?
[quote name='tiredfornow']and you do this how?[/QUOTE]

It is the same as the weapon slide (x and a), when you slide stomp just pull the trigger and you will fire.

The other glitch that is awesome is the troika glitch on war machine. I love listening to people bitch in the lobby after someone does it (even though the only thing that changes is the appearance of what is firing, and not the attributes of the gun)
[quote name='CaseyRyback']It is the same as the weapon slide (x and a), when you slide stomp just pull the trigger and you will fire.

The other glitch that is awesome is the troika glitch on war machine. I love listening to people bitch in the lobby after someone does it (even though the only thing that changes is the appearance of what is firing, and not the attributes of the gun)[/quote]

My favorite glitch the the infinite smoke tag glitch. I did it and now I see that it takes 17 smoke tags to down someone!
Finding a way to use a gun a certain way so that you are unstopppable is one thing. Exploiting a program code in which you can move while grabbing a weapon or sliding along while shooting or anything similar is's not even cheating! Cheating is like looking at someone's controller or unplugging your opponent's controller while in the midst of playing. All this glitching is just low-life. It's like this small privately held 20 team basketball game I went to watch once. This Vietnamese team was losing by just 6 or so points in the quarter finals and they threatened to "do something" if the other team wouldn't lose - and they did lose on purpose. It was only $500 cash prize but people would kill you for $1.00. They didn't cheat, per se, but it's just fucking low. You are fucking low if you glitch.
I got my 360 back today in working order. Of course, I haven't played Gears in quit some time, so if you wanna play with someone who's lost any and all talent, send me a message.
as for the DLC, 1up yours podcast talked about it briefly yesterday. Garnett has been playing it and he said it was great and that msft should get off there asses and release it. Garnett and Luke sorta implied that epic is pissed with msft for holding it up. They used the words of strained relations and that msft better get its shit in gear.
[quote name='ryanbph']as for the DLC, 1up yours podcast talked about it briefly yesterday. Garnett has been playing it and he said it was great and that msft should get off there asses and release it. Garnett and Luke sorta implied that epic is pissed with msft for holding it up. They used the words of strained relations and that msft better get its shit in gear.[/quote]

yeah, there seems to be talk that microsoft is trying to strong arm them into releasing the content for a fee, while the dev's have already said they wanted to release all dlc for free.
[quote name='Shmitty']yeah, there seems to be talk that microsoft is trying to strong arm them into releasing the content for a fee, while the dev's have already said they wanted to release all dlc for free.[/QUOTE]
i think it was in the newest GI that there was mention of that somewhere.
that there are a lot of dev's that want to release the dlc for free and ms is making us pay for it instead.
[quote name='paz9x']i think it was in the newest GI that there was mention of that somewhere.
that there are a lot of dev's that want to release the dlc for free and ms is making us pay for it instead.[/quote]

They might even get pissed enough that they port it to the PS3 (there are rumors of it). The guys who created Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved wanted it to be free but M$ said no way. I listened to the podcast and Garnet said the DLC is fucking Amazing!
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']They might even get pissed enough that they port it to the PS3 (there are rumors of it). The guys who created Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved wanted it to be free but M$ said no way. I listened to the podcast and Garnet said the DLC is fucking Amazing![/quote]

Did they say what it is of? Like maps, modes, or whatever.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']They might even get pissed enough that they port it to the PS3 (there are rumors of it). The guys who created Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved wanted it to be free but M$ said no way. I listened to the podcast and Garnet said the DLC is fucking Amazing![/quote]

There's no way MS will let it happen. I'll bet Gears 2 is already contracted to be a 360 exclusive.
[quote name='Trakan']There's no way MS will let it happen. I'll bet Gears 2 is already contracted to be a 360 exclusive.[/quote]

360 and PC actually....they will release it on PC eventually.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Console exclusive ;)[/QUOTE]

Not to mention a huge pain in the ass to port it to the PS3. Assuming it's even possible with it's memory limitations, most levels would have to be redesigned to stream content differently at different queues.
Ok well I'm fucked, my game has constant disc read errors now. The disc has a few scattered circular scratches but not much and overall looks really clean. I never touch my 360, it's always still and yet it still scratches the disc. Oh well...
[quote name='dastly75']Ok well I'm fucked, my game has constant disc read errors now. The disc has a few scattered circular scratches but not much and overall looks really clean. I never touch my 360, it's always still and yet it still scratches the disc. Oh well...[/quote]

It's the Xbox. Send it in. Same shit happened to me with mine and I even tested it out with new discs, etc. Just call them up and say it won't read any discs (keyword any otherwise they may give you some hardship) and they'll send you a box and then in a couple of weeks (it should be, mine took a month because the box they sent me arrived 4 weeks after my first phone call to them) it should be fixed (I actually got a brand new one though:D)
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']It's the Xbox. Send it in. Same shit happened to me with mine and I even tested it out with new discs, etc. Just call them up and say it won't read any discs (keyword any otherwise they may give you some hardship) and they'll send you a box and then in a couple of weeks (it should be, mine took a month because the box they sent me arrived 4 weeks after my first phone call to them) it should be fixed (I actually got a brand new one though:D)[/quote]

That'd be cool and all but I don't know if I want to spend $130 or however much they want to repair it.
[quote name='help1']NEW GAME MODE ANNOUNCED!


Rein,"will be the most praised mode."

YEAH i saw this too, great find help1!
i cant wait!
[quote name='help1']NEW GAME MODE ANNOUNCED!


Rein,"will be the most praised mode."
Gamefaqs has the exclusive interview?
[quote name='zewone']Gamefaqs has the exclusive interview?[/QUOTE]


My guess is something along the lines of CFT but I hope I'm wrong... or regular respawning would be nice.
to incorporate (territory) into the domain of a city, country, or state.

to take or appropriate, esp. without permission.

It's either Territory or Capture the Flag.
I just borrowed this game from a friend yesterday. I had never played it before. In fact, I have played very few 1st or 3rd person shooters period.

I am absolutely hooked. I have beaten 4 of 5 acts on Casual, and I am ready to play through again on Hardcore after I finish it. This is coming from a guy who rarely finishes games.

I'm going to have to buy Gears now.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol:

My guess is something along the lines of CFT but I hope I'm wrong... or regular respawning would be nice.[/quote]

Im hoping respawns of anything will be awesome.
you know what they should have is a Tower gametype, one team has infinite respawns, the other has respawns but they respawn slower and have to guard the one side, the team with fast respawns have to touch the other side with one guy to win
next round swap roles

perhaps something along those lines
[quote name='dastly75']you know what they should have is a Tower gametype, one team has infinite respawns, the other has respawns but they respawn slower and have to guard the one side, the team with fast respawns have to touch the other side with one guy to win
next round swap roles

perhaps something along those lines[/QUOTE]

That would be really fun, but would require pretty much a whole new mapset (although I could see it working on Escalation & Rooftops)
[quote name='jimfoley16']That would be really fun, but would require pretty much a whole new mapset (although I could see it working on Escalation & Rooftops)[/quote]

True, I could see something like King of the Hill happen in the symmetrical maps like Mausoleum or Old Bones
[quote name='dastly75']True, I could see something like King of the Hill happen in the symmetrical maps like Mausoleum or Old Bones[/quote]

Every map is symmetrical.
[quote name='Trakan']Every map is symmetrical.[/quote]

Well I wouldn't consider Raven Down or Escalation perfectly symmetrical.
[quote name='dastly75']Well I wouldn't consider Raven Down or Escalation perfectly symmetrical.[/QUOTE]

Ya your right, raven down is quadrametrical. :roll:
[quote name='mr ryles']Ya your right, raven down is quadrametrical. :roll:[/quote]

quadrametrical, yeah you really got it there


Raven Down has different obstacles and crap on each side of it and techincally for anything to be truely symmetrical, it has to be the same horizontally and vertically folded
OK so this update is free, I know I am not alone with the rest of you cagger's but I love this game so much I wouldn't mind spending A FEW DOLLARS for new maps,weapons and modes. Now if they try to charge more than that is F'd up but I play this game so much now that it would be worth the few bucks to make it even more enjoyable. Anyone agree?
[quote name='veedubkid']OK so this update is free, I know I am not alone with the rest of you cagger's but I love this game so much I wouldn't mind spending A FEW DOLLARS for new maps,weapons and modes. Now if they try to charge more than that is F'd up but I play this game so much now that it would be worth the few bucks to make it even more enjoyable. Anyone agree?[/quote]

Updates are always free. DLC isnt.
Late to the game and I just finished Act 1 for the first time. Needless to say I shit my pants during the Berserker part. Good times. :lol:
[quote name='veedubkid']You missed my point, I was trying to say I don't mind paying a few dollars if it is going to make my favorite game right now even more playable. If you can't afford a few dollars for DLC then you probably shouldn't even be playing games, let alone playing online games.[/quote]

Is that last part really needed?
bread's done