General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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damn... not surprised as well.

i got this in my inbox today from someone on youtube and it kinda made me lol:

n tekken, is UK version is different from US version? becus browsing thru these videos on youtube, they seem to do so many juggle in the air with just jabs. i really think im a pro tekken, but i could only do most at 7 jabs in air juggling. these youtube videos, they do like 10. lol hit me back with your thoughts. thanks!

looking forward to tekken news today in a few hours.
Why do these have to be comic con exclusive?!
[quote name='asianxcore']Regarding Jwong, I agree with everything that kainzero and HeavyD have posted.

I don't get the hate either. As a competitive FG player, I respect players like Justin to the fullest. The guy manages to play at a high level in a slew of games and keeps consistent.

Regarding people on this forum that don't regularly post in the FGT whining about Jwong, get over it. [/QUOTE]

Why did it require that distinction?

Regardless, I agree with you that there's much much worse than Justin Wong in the tourney scene. And Justin Wong may be a very standup, nice guy. However, you, with your own post even, clarified exactly why Justin Wong should be expected to get a lot of flack for being unsportsmanlike.

Justin Wong and Daigo are well known outside of tourney regulars. They're Youtube famous, and as a result, they get much more criticism and spotlight time than other competitors. It comes with the territory of being some of the best players in the world. He's representing tournament level play and setting an example of behavior to casual fighting game enthusiasts... and in the event that tournament level fighting game play becomes more mainstream to watch (which I hope it does), his celebratory dances look disrespectful when your opponent is sitting right next to you, simply waiting for the next round... it may not be disrespectful, but it's easy to see why people criticize him for it.

The criticism is not stemming from a deep rooted jealousy or hatred of Wong's skill. I don't think anyone could possibly deny Wong's skill. It's the dynamic of Wong and Daigo together that makes it immediately apparent. Their contrasts and differences (which are really more just differences between American and Japanese tournaments) make it look worse than it actually is.

Justin's in the spotlight for a reason. And he should expect to get all the negativity for his actions that comes with it.

[quote name='DarthPuma']Spamming Jin's throw on people not fast enough to break his ice=fucking classic.

I'm getting quite competent with him, for not knowing many combos. It's pretty easy to be decent with him once you get somewhat effective with zoning.[/QUOTE]

Whenever a Jin does that to me, I get pissed (because I can't tech out of throws worth shit). So, I just use Litchi's infinite airthrow and see if they can learn to tech air throws before they die.
My "hate" for JWong only stems from him using the same characters as me after I chose them. Tons of respect for sure, but...damn, don't make me look bad. :lol:
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Not trying to beg, but can someone hook me up with an ECA discount for when I order my new TE??? I would love you forever.[/QUOTE]

Hey, if you still need one, send me a PM.

I watched the direct download Maj Ryu Combo vid last night. Really awesome stuff.
[quote name='GuardianE']Why did it require that distinction?[/quote]
I think it's because a lot of non-FGT players (and pretty much non-scene players) don't know how it works. They don't know the effort and training that you have to make to make a dent in the scene let alone compete. I can't even make waves, everyone is just too good, too fast, too skilled. They play the game way more than I could before I get bored and want to do something.

Justin Wong and Daigo are well known outside of tourney regulars. They're Youtube famous, and as a result, they get much more criticism and spotlight time than other competitors. It comes with the territory of being some of the best players in the world. He's representing tournament level play and setting an example of behavior to casual fighting game enthusiasts... and in the event that tournament level fighting game play becomes more mainstream to watch (which I hope it does), his celebratory dances look disrespectful when your opponent is sitting right next to you, simply waiting for the next round... it may not be disrespectful, but it's easy to see why people criticize him for it.
I still don't get it. Things are way worse in the Starcraft scene in Korea, as far as videogames. Justin never provokes anyone unless he knows them (like in I got next) or to fuel an ongoing rivalry like WC vs EC, crew vs Crew, USA vs Japan. In Korea people freakin dance around you when they win.

And it's not even close to celebrations in soccer or football or even basketball. Can you imagine in soccer if they restarted the game right after a goal?

Justin's in the spotlight for a reason. And he should expect to get all the negativity for his actions that comes with it.
I'm sure he can deal with it. It's not like he's my friend or anything. I just think it's dumb.

Whenever a Jin does that to me, I get pissed (because I can't tech out of throws worth shit). So, I just use Litchi's infinite airthrow and see if they can learn to tech air throws before they die.
If they combo throws, you'll see a purple exclamation mark instead of a green one, and you have what seems like 40 frames to break the throw.

What's annoying is Carl's true infinite airthrow loop. If you tech out or burst you get hit by his sister to continue the loop, and if you don't then you eat throw damage all day. *sigh*
[quote name='kainzero']I think it's because a lot of non-FGT players (and pretty much non-scene players) don't know how it works. They don't know the effort and training that you have to make to make a dent in the scene let alone compete. I can't even make waves, everyone is just too good, too fast, too skilled. They play the game way more than I could before I get bored and want to do something.

I still don't get it. Things are way worse in the Starcraft scene in Korea, as far as videogames. Justin never provokes anyone unless he knows them (like in I got next) or to fuel an ongoing rivalry like WC vs EC, crew vs Crew, USA vs Japan. In Korea people freakin dance around you when they win.

And it's not even close to celebrations in soccer or football or even basketball. Can you imagine in soccer if they restarted the game right after a goal?

I'm sure he can deal with it. It's not like he's my friend or anything. I just think it's dumb.

If they combo throws, you'll see a purple exclamation mark instead of a green one, and you have what seems like 40 frames to break the throw.

What's annoying is Carl's true infinite airthrow loop. If you tech out or burst you get hit by his sister to continue the loop, and if you don't then you eat throw damage all day. *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It's just about how it all looks on the surface. Like I said, people who don't regularly watch matches or go to tourneys don't see the reactions of the crowd or of all the competitors. As such, they derive their expectations based on the two people playing... and when you have someone like Daigo, who sits and waits patiently between rounds, contrasted with someone like J.Wong, who celebrates to hype himself up between rounds, people interpret that badly... He's not reserved... doesn't wait to celebrate after the entire match is over. It's a cultural thing. It's like how some people criticize David Jaffe of being so open and scathing about his opinion versus many revered Japanese game directors.

Maybe this is an underestimation on my part, but I feel like more people in the U.S. know Justin Wong/Daigo than Starcraft players in Korea by name. And as for major sporting events, the downtime between goals is a big factor, after all. Celebration, cheering, and all that. To some, it can come off as cocky and premature if done between rounds.

As for those freezing Jins, I know about the purple !!'s, I'm just so bad at it! Hahah. Get flustered sooo much when I'm frozen. Usually I can break out of the freeze before Jin can run up to me, but it still catches me off guard.

I haven't experienced Carl's true infinite airthrow loop, but I think someone tried doing it on me, but missed. I like doing Litchi's "fake" air throw combo because it's so simple, a lot of people don't know about it, and you can usually get at least three consecutive throws on people before they realize what's happening (which is pretty big damage single there's no scaling).
[quote name='GuardianE']It's just about how it all looks on the surface. Like I said, people who don't regularly watch matches or go to tourneys don't see the reactions of the crowd or of all the competitors. As such, they derive their expectations based on the two people playing... and when you have someone like Daigo, who sits and waits patiently between rounds, contrasted with someone like J.Wong, who celebrates to hype himself up between rounds, people interpret that badly... He's not reserved... doesn't wait to celebrate after the entire match is over. It's a cultural thing. It's like how some people criticize David Jaffe of being so open and scathing about his opinion versus many revered Japanese game directors.[/quote]
I get the justification.
I just think it's stupid. You know what I mean? It's like an American commenting on soccer and saying it's boring because the score is only 1-0... but take them to a good game in Europe and they'd change their tune.

Maybe this is an underestimation on my part, but I feel like more people in the U.S. know Justin Wong/Daigo than Starcraft players in Korea by name. And as for major sporting events, the downtime between goals is a big factor, after all. Celebration, cheering, and all that. To some, it can come off as cocky and premature if done between rounds.
It depends. I think Boxer is more famous than both(dude even got a story in the LA Times!), but in terms of mainstream, JWong/Daigo from Evo 2k3(?) eclipses any of the modern SC players.

I dunno though... vs. is a pretty tough comparison. I think teamliquid has more. Plus, the TL board is WAY better, from GC to Sports and Games to Strategy, you don't get annoying posters that make up the majority of it =)
results from wedsnday nite blaz blue random session!!!


my win ration went from 63% to 59%. >_< damn dood I suck now!!!

anyway, Jwong is cool. I think ppl hate becoz most ppl in general are jus insecure with their life and feel the need to have ill will towards other ppl when they do what they enjoy.

often times when ppl find happiness in unorthodox ways, other ppl always like to come and take it away.
[quote name='kainzero']I get the justification.
I just think it's stupid. You know what I mean? It's like an American commenting on soccer and saying it's boring because the score is only 1-0... but take them to a good game in Europe and they'd change their tune.

It depends. I think Boxer is more famous than both(dude even got a story in the LA Times!), but in terms of mainstream, JWong/Daigo from Evo 2k3(?) eclipses any of the modern SC players.

I dunno though... vs. is a pretty tough comparison. I think teamliquid has more. Plus, the TL board is WAY better, from GC to Sports and Games to Strategy, you don't get annoying posters that make up the majority of it =)[/QUOTE]

Nah, I get ya. You'll always get people disliking attitude about something.

You're obviously more knowledgable about the Starcraft fanbase than I am, so I can't really say anything. I guess it's a tossup, but it seems to me that more non-hardcore players will watch match vids of Street Fighter versus game vids of Starcraft.

[quote name='JEKKI']anyway, Jwong is cool. I think ppl hate becoz most ppl in general are jus insecure with their life and feel the need to have ill will towards other ppl when they do what they enjoy.

often times when ppl find happiness in unorthodox ways, other ppl always like to come and take it away.[/QUOTE]

Then why don't people hate Daigo? ;) But yeah, people will always dislike the demeanor of others, especially when that demeanor is more aggressive or confrontational.
[quote name='JEKKI']u cant hate Daigo... that'd be racist.

if anyone wants to hate Daigo, let the japanese do it for us.[/QUOTE]

I hear they call him Emperor Daigo over there.
[quote name='GuardianE']Then why don't people hate Daigo? ;) [/QUOTE]
because no one knows what he's saying, he speaks a foreign language

he confessed to play 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. "that's the japanese way that's why they're so good"

man if jwong said it, it'd be like "omg get a life"

double standards, woo
That Maj Ryu Video is sick as hell.

And I don't see why people hate either Daigo or Justin. They get paid to do what they love. Neither of them are disrespectful towards the other one or towards their fans. Justin had more to lose than Daigo at EVO. Whether or not Daigo won or lost he would've still been considered the SF Legend. If Justin won he would've been given the Daigo killer title, but since he lost he will always be known as #2. They are both great competitors and gave everyone what they came to see. From the beginning of EVO 2009 everyone was waiting for Justin vs Daigo. Hate if you must hate, they made EVO 09 memorable.
It was 04 Joe. Speaking of that match, I have never seen anyone in NA talk badly about Daigo when he taunted Justin about six times though out those matches. Why because shit is no big deal to players here, all in good fun. I know that is a no no in jpn though.

Are people really starting to do Carl's airloop online? If so that is some bs. It is still pretty hard to set up, but still. Shit is just as bad as Arakunes loop. I don't see how those two set ups made it past testing.
Kof Games are usually 4-5 buttons and pretty pad player friendly, there's almost always macros for multi button stuff too.
Aw man, all this KOF criticism has let the air out of my hype for it. :(

I'll still get it, but after it drops in price...which I suspect it will faster than other titles. :(
[quote name='gunm']Aw man, all this KOF criticism has let the air out of my hype for it. :(

I'll still get it, but after it drops in price...which I suspect it will faster than other titles. :([/QUOTE]

I say the same thing about UFC Undisputed but the price is still holding strong. I also don't see too many used copies at gamestop stores :bomb:

SFIV on the other hand just dropped. Its $40 now at gamestop. There are also plenty of used copies in Gamestop stores. If anyone needs a ps3 copy they can get it for $25 with coupon + edge.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']no complaints here mainly because I've never heard of them. The designs don't suck other than their logo.[/QUOTE]thus begins the road for Rolento becoming phrostbyte jr.

he's gonna start calling everyone bro when he wears his new shirt
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']BB night on the PS3 is in about an hour.[/QUOTE]

Oh, nice. I'll go see about getting in.

I've figured out that Jin's 2d is almost completely useless outside of combos. It works as an AA in very specific circumstances, but if it whiffs you're so fucked.
[quote name='JEKKI']thus begins the road for Rolento becoming phrostbyte jr.

he's gonna start calling everyone bro when he wears his new shirt[/QUOTE]


I'm taking note. I'll go drain some of my infected blood out.


if most of the thread is against this I should reconsider my views in life >_<


but back to being srs:

Played the FF: Dissidia demo... feels more like fanboy blowjobs than an actual semi fighter...

feels like a mix of power stone and the psychic fighters game on dreamcast.
[quote name='JEKKI']thus begins the road for Rolento becoming phrostbyte jr.

he's gonna start calling everyone bro when he wears his new shirt[/QUOTE]

Bro, ujustmad cuz I beat you with EX Ragna... btw, I might be getting two cardboard samurai codes. Are you getting Tekken 6 for Xbox? If so, do you want my other code?

Isn't Tapout an MMA clothing brand?

Giant Bomb just gave BlazBlue a 3 out of 5 review, and yet gave Wii Sports Resort a 5 out of 5. LOL! No wonder GameSpot fired their asses, they don't know what REAL quality is. "Music too loud?" Your face is too loud, bitch! I bet Chuplayer could get a job with them, that way he could afford to buy even more of those creepy, jizz-absorbing dolls.

If it wasn't obvious, read that last paragraph in a sarcastic, uber-nerdy forum-goer voice.
[quote name='MarkMan']the tapout shirts are sick...

*shows shirt*[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but you're more the type that can pull it off. Rero.....not so much.

Had a fun time playing BlazBlue with Smallwind and Suko. Small's and I's matches were actually decently close, but suko just straight beat my ass. His was the first competent Rachel I'd ever played, so I didn't know what the fuck to do. :lol:
[quote name='PhrostByte']Bro, ujustmad cuz I beat you with EX Ragna... btw, I might be getting two cardboard samurai codes. Are you getting Tekken 6 for Xbox? If so, do you want my other code?


If he doesn't want it, I'll take it. :cool:
[quote name='BlueSwim']Hey, what's the recommended button layout for Tekken Tag or Tekken 5 on an 8 button arcade stick?[/QUOTE]

Tekken Tag:




Tekken 5 would be the same without tag.

Yeah Phrost, I could use that Tekken 6 Yoshi code as well if you're giving away.
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