General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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If you guys are looking for a fairly cheap copy of KoF '98 UM, it's $12.98 as the Amazon DOTD. I'd say it's a decent price if you're really into the KoF genre.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']What advantages does the PS2 version have over the XBLA version?[/QUOTE]
None really... PS2 even lacks online... forget what I said.

C'mon Amazon...
Anyone in the southeast that is willing to drill me in some BB matches? Trying to prep for an upcoming regional tourney and input lag is killing me online :( Sadly I'll be tied up with work until Sunday but please let me know if you don't mind the tedium of improving my Nu ^^
JEKKI gets the code if he wants it cuz he hooked me up with the Brawler pack... if he doesn't want it.. maybe I'll make it the prize of the CAG FGT Tekken 6 tournament. :D

Jim you already got an ECA code from me you greedy fuck.
Weird... KOFXII for the 360 shows up as in stock at my local best buy. I've gotten other games their early by looking at their stock online. The only thing is; I want the game for PS3 which isn't even in Best Buy's system. Suggestions?
Your such a nice guy Phrosty :applause:

Jug just go there and check it out for yourself easy way to find out. I would think if they have it in on the 360 why not the PS3.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']What advantages does the PS2 version have over the XBLA version?[/QUOTE]

PS2 version has english translation, a sound test mode that has a huge amount of KoF Themes (Even including things not used in game, such as The Psycho Soldiers band song from KoF 95 on PS1), arranged music, option of 3D or 2D backgrounds, a gallery to look at endings you unlock, and unlockable artwork for 94 through 98. Also includes some combo videos or something that are also unlockable.

The only things XBLA version has that it doesn't, are online, the in-game mode descriptions, and insta-quick loading.

98UM also game with a mini poster, and a bonus disk with low-res XII trailers, and some XII desktop wallpapers on it.
[quote name='DarthPuma']You are large and look like you can whoop someones ass. Both of those are requirements for pulling off Tapout clothing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm pretty much opposite of all those...

KoF98 is something I really want now, but find I don't have time at the moment to get.

I don't want the shitty XBLA version though.
[quote name='jughead']Weird... KOFXII for the 360 shows up as in stock at my local best buy. I've gotten other games their early by looking at their stock online. The only thing is; I want the game for PS3 which isn't even in Best Buy's system. Suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Gamestop has the game today. Well my local ones anyway. And a friend of mine got a call last night to pick up his pre order today.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']What advantages does the PS2 version have over the XBLA version?[/QUOTE]

I thought the PS2 version had a bunch of unlockables and bonus features?

Also, is the netcode any good on the Live version? I thought I heard the game was laggy.
Gamefaqs impressions, stolen from Neogaf:

I played about ten or so online matches. Here are some thoughts.

--Finding a match was relatively easy. There don't seem to be many people online, but I still had an easier time finding a match than I usually do with "Street Fighter IV." That's a good thing.

--Even in Ranked Match, you can see who you are about to play. This is ridiculous. This allows people to drop if they see that they're about to play someone with a good record. "Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD ReMix" is the only 2D fighter I've played so far that got this right. The entire player and character selection process in Ranked Match should be double-blind.

--Character selection is not double-blind. This sucks, but not as much as it did in "Street Fighter IV." The 3-on-3 nature of this game and the fact that players can change the order of their fighters somewhat limits the effectiveness of counter selecting. Still, "Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD ReMix" and "BlazBlue" had double-blind character selection. Why doesn't "The King of Fighters XII"?

--Lag in multi-player is an issue. I've had mixed results online. Sometimes I will get a relatively lag-free game, and sometimes it will be almost unplayable. This could seriously limit the game's lifespan for me. Again, "Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD ReMix" is the champ in this area.

--The option to record matches is nice. I've seen a few on YouTube already.

I also messed around in Practice Mode a bit. Here's what I found:

--Overall, the Practice Mode is adequate. However, the Command List and about a third of the options are hidden (you have to hit the right bumper on the options screen--it's not really marked). I was beginning to think the game didn't even have a Command List.

--This game plays brilliantly offline. If you have friends who live near you, this game would make for great all-night gaming sessions*.

* If you have a job or a spouse, though, an all-night gaming session might not be such a good idea.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']So who picked up KoFXII? I've yet to do so.[/QUOTE]

I got cold feet and will hold off until there's a price drop.

I will get it eventually though!
Got my copy of KOF XII today. I'll be home all day playing so if anyone wants some nice player matches hit me up.

Since I didn't play this in the arcades I went into the game not knowing what to expect. I was shocked that they completly changed Iori's move set. I don't use him but that was a bold move considering he's so damn popular. I will admit I'm a little disapointed in the lack of game modes. And I did get some lag online, but it wasn't too bad.

I love the graphics. The pixels are notible when the camera zooms in, but the animation is so smooth that I'm a little more forgiving torwards it.
i don't think i'm going to SDCC

there's like, no good time to go
if i leave now i'll hit traffic

if i leave when there's no traffic, then there's no SDCC, and no room so i have to drive up and down the same day


also i tried playing SF4 i can't play it all anymore. i can't even ground tech. blazblue messed me up
[quote name='kainzero']i don't think i'm going to SDCC

also i tried playing SF4 i can't play it all anymore. i can't even ground tech. blazblue messed me up[/QUOTE]

Me too lol.

I can't believe Amazon hasn't even shipped my copy yet even when I ordered with release date delivery! Their system says next week! ARGH! I am trying to get my friend over Saturday just to play this game.
Here's my KOFXII review:

It sucks, sike. It's severely lacking.. nothing to do in 1P mode, you'll go through arcade mode in 10 minutes and most likely never play it again. No story, no boss, 5 stages, that's it.. Two more points I want to stress: Iori blows now, his new moveset and outfit are terrible. Instead of purple flames, he has a little gay rainbow nail attack. Also, the game doesn't look as good as I think it should... I tried it with no anti-aliasing, 1xAA, and 3xAA, 1xAA looks the best so far.

Of course, the most important thing is the online, so far it's kind of hit or miss. I had one clean fight and one that was slightly laggy, I'm 2-0 so far. :D

I also found this on Gamefaqs:
I still think KoF XII is just a transition game... basically its settting up for a good KoF eventually... the fact that most of the work has been to remaking the game engine, the next time around it'll be focused on an actual game.

on a side note:

anyone wanna see a very early version of the music video I shot in puerto rico? Not my type of music, but the work is worth it.

most of the effects are missing, the video quality still needs to be adjusted, and the track is not mastered yet, so there's still alot of work to do:

password is: pig

Quick impressions - I hope SNK patches the netcode soon. I had a couple of matches that were playable, some were not.

You can create a clan that houses 256 people. - Interesting.

Lobby holds up to 8 people. - Longer waits for me to face the winner.

[quote name='PhrostByte']

I had one clean fight and one that was slightly laggy, I'm 2-0 so far. :D

Won a couple matches just by jumping in with a kick, and then following up with crouching jabs lol.

[quote name='PhrostByte']
Iori blows now, his new moveset and outfit are terrible. Instead of purple flames, he has a little gay rainbow nail attack.
One of the characters in the game I'm disappointed with is Elisabeth's moveset. Feels like she's lacking something. I like her costume though.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Put it on credit!

So if you use that credit card to check-out at a store, does the credit card machine spontaneously explode in a fountain of bloody circuits after you finish the transaction?
That is Kenshiro from FotNS, right?:lol::lol::lol:
[quote name='BlueSwim']So if you use that credit card to check-out at a store, does the credit card machine spontaneously explode in a fountain of bloody circuits after you finish the transaction?
That is Kenshiro from FotNS, right?:lol::lol::lol:
You damn straight! Hokuto No Chargeback!

And yes, it is Kenshiro :boxing:
[quote name='Inf^Shini']You damn straight! Hokuto No Chargeback!

And yes, it is Kenshiro :boxing:
Best. Credit. Card. EVER!!!:lol::lol::lol:

God, I used to love watching Fist of the North Star when Starz Action was airing it. That show was so fucking epic.

"You call that an attack, Kenshiro? I didn't feel anything"

Two minutes worth of talking later.....

*Head implodes with a stunning display of blood-spray*
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']it came out today from what I hear..[/QUOTE]

i like the video ! especially when the guitarist bobs his head then boom a buncha colors come out!
More Comic-Con love...

Awesome Estate LA fitted I got as a gift from JEKKI!!!! Shit is like hadouken, it's DOWN RIGHT FIERCE!!!



The detail!!!

Ya'll got swag? Ya'll got that vinyl?



It's mahvel baybeee... neva ova til' its ova! We just got a real match!
[quote name='Furashu']i like the video ! especially when the guitarist bobs his head then boom a buncha colors come out![/QUOTE]

Thx Fu :)

Yeah... the video is genna get a bit crazier as it moves along >_<

I've already been picked up to do another music video :bouncy: though it will be alot easier.

I'm contemplating after seeing MAJ's Ryu combo video doing some combo videos... most of what I've seen for combo video editing is decent, but not as good as it could be. MAJ hit a new standard in terms of editing, but I think it can go higher.

@MM: someday I hope I can post pics that would even make you jealous :lol:

saw MTV/Gametrailers interviewed you at comic con, props.
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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm contemplating after seeing MAJ's Ryu combo video doing some combo videos... most of what I've seen for combo video editing is decent, but not as good as it could be. MAJ hit a new standard in terms of editing, but I think it can go higher.[/QUOTE]

First you gotta learn how to do combos. :hot:
got some blazblue at the arcade. and by some i mean one game that i lost against a hakumen. shoulda won, it was a close match, kept getting crossed up by his kick.

goddamn, this is one reason why i like online. ain't gotta wait for people, hahah.

sdcc tomorrow for sure. not as much traffic on saturday

freakin' tetris hates me

I know that I'm probably late to the game asking this, but I've been on a PS3 thing for awhile, and just now delving back into my 360 and noticed that KoF'98 and Mark of the Wolves has finally been released on Live. Any suggestions on which to get?? I have the points for both and then some, if it comes to that. Just wanting to know the bang for my buck
GMotW hands down. It is the best KoF game to date and one of the best fighting games on top of that.

So who is getting MvC2 this week? I was thinking about passing, but now I'm going to pick it up when it comes out.Mainly because my dc stick is crapping out and I really just don't feel like messing with the damn thing right now to replace whatever is wrong or buy a new one. Rod,Bomber,Phrosty you three going to nab it?
KoFXII is my new addiction. I'm getting MvC2... but it and BB will have to fight for the second hand spot behind XII, especially if XII's patch makes it's online BB quality + Team battle Mode.

As a fan of Pixel Art, traditional 2D game techniques, and one being of the belief that "Fighters lost popularity, because they became too convoluted for their own good", XII does exactly what I'd want it to do. It's gameplay is fantastic, if you give it the time to learn the ins and outs. Impact, weight, specific timing, and varying levels of patience and finesse, leading to solid, quick fights, that still feel strategic... it's so full of Win. It's like Garou, but with more friendly, robust combo options.
[quote name='MarkMan']More Comic-Con love...

Awesome Estate LA fitted I got as a gift from JEKKI!!!! Shit is like hadouken, it's DOWN RIGHT FIERCE!!!



The detail!!!

Ya'll got swag? Ya'll got that vinyl?



It's mahvel baybeee... neva ova til' its ova! We just got a real match![/QUOTE]

Oh what the hell, they were giving that stuff away at comic-con? Dude, pick up a Vinyl for me, I'll reimburse yo!

That hat is sick too, I'd wear it nonstop.

I need the hook up too!
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