General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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[quote name='Nelo Ice']anyone up for some BB or SFIV on 360? im a complete scrub on both but i want to test out my new TE :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Add me on live, im going to fire up Blazblue in a few minutes
I am having a blast with Blazblue. Overall im doing pretty well, my noel is not a scrub button mashing anymore, ive got some solid combos and mix ups and can punish pretty well. I even got the 3 ranked wins in a row achievement without even realizing it! The next game tho, i played a noel that outclassed me by about 100 times and did combos you see in youtube videos lol. I am not able to pull off stuff like that on a broken 360 d-pad, buddy! Oh and i got my first ragequit, awesome.

Having a great time so far with the game tho, i highly recommend it.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Preorders for Chulip and Ribbit King, :rofl: that would've made my day if I worked there.

Ribbit King actually looked pretty sweet.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rodimus']Wow, I couldn't think of 2 games more obscure than Chulip and Ribbit King if I tried.

BTW how's Chulip? I always see it on the shelves and it just screams "PLAY ME!!!"[/QUOTE]

Ribbit King actually kicks ass if you can find it. It looks like a kids game but it actually has some crazy humor in there and the gameplay is great, especially with friends.

Chulip is an older gen PS2 title (read, blue disc) so it kinda shows. It's hard as fuck mainly because since the plot makes no sense at all in terms of linear plot, using logic dosn't work. In fact the game manual has a game guide for the entire game since it's so weird. I used it and am still stuck... very strange game that has ome of the best voice acting ever :lol:

... ever since evo though I friggin have an itch to get back into SFIV, but going through Yakuza is the priority for me now before getting back to that.
So guys... I've heard a lot of bad things about KOFXII.

Here's what I heard. Apparently they spent all their money on redrawing the sprites into HD.. which is cool, except the rest of the game is lacking. The single player is very bare bones. No stories, no ending boss, no opening FMV. All you get it is arcade and multiplayer modes it seems. Only 22 characters too....

I'm still getting it just cuz I wanna check it out.

[quote name='Nelo Ice']anyone up for some BB or SFIV on 360? im a complete scrub on both but i want to test out my new TE :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

I'll play whatever.. I prefer SF to BB though.

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[quote name='PhrostByte']So guys... I've heard a lot of bad things about KOFXII.

Here's what I heard. Apparently they spent all their money on redrawing the sprites into HD.. which is cool, except the rest of the game is lacking. The single player is very bare bones. No stories, no ending boss, no opening FMV. All you get it is arcade and multiplayer modes it seems. Only 22 characters too....

I'm still getting it just cuz I wanna check it out.
what is this story and "single player" you speak of

i only know of multiplayer
wait? Blaz Blu is marked off for $29.99 at Best Buy this week? how did I not know?

if my copy of Killzone 2 sells I'll probably pick it up. EIther that or if anyone here wants to buy my gamebridge ;)

EDIT: wait, I might or might not be wrong...?
[quote name='kainzero']what is this story and "single player" you speak of

i only know of multiplayer[/QUOTE]

Yea.. I know I know. I don't really play much single player in fighers.. unless it's to unlock stuff, like characters, costumes, or ending videos. I'm just passing on the news.. apparently the KOF12 console versions will basically be a port of the arcade version + online, and that's it...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']KoFXII is a dream match so there's really no story anyway.[/QUOTE]

Didn't the other dream matches have some stories at least? I don't know much about KOF.. I know there was like.. the Orochi saga.. the NESTS saga.. and like 2 dream matches, 98 and 2002 I think?

I don't know.. all I know is, compared to other fully priced 2D fighters on the market: SF4 and BlazBlue, KOFXII doesn't seem like a very strong competitor.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Didn't the other dream matches have some stories at least? I don't know much about KOF.. I know there was like.. the Orochi saga.. the NESTS saga.. and like 2 dream matches, 98 and 2002 I think?[/QUOTE]
98 and 2002 are the dream matches

they had no story but they did have a boss at least
there's a new arcade in miami

Final Round Arcade [Miami, FL]
Mall of the Americas next to the AMC movie theater
7795 West Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33144

Rolento u should go.
quiz is in the OP beef.

as for hank's, hold off on that and wait till you answer Jim's.

I'll put ur quiz in the OP hank, just hold it off for later once Jim's is done.

[quote name='JEKKI']there's a new arcade in miami

Final Round Arcade [Miami, FL]
Mall of the Americas next to the AMC movie theater
7795 West Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33144

Rolento u should go.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you know my friend Andres, who was at evo doing some commentary at some point on the stream, he use to be part of my fighting crew. Apparently he might have had a hand in it. I already contacted him about the arcade once he announced it at EVO online... i'll be checking it out as I was planning but thanks for the lookout man :)
Anyone know whats up with KOF XII's release date ?
Amazon says July 28, 2009.
Gamestop says July 23, 2009.
Gamefaqs also says July 23,2009.

Thought Playmore/SNK said the 28th?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']quiz is in the OP beef.

as for hank's, hold off on that and wait till you answer Jim's.

I'll put ur quiz in the OP hank, just hold it off for later once Jim's is done.
My quiz isn't even remotely serious, it's all stupid shit. :D

But if you guys want to answer, do Jim's first. Do mine after. Jim's is actually serious. But you can't now, since I held it off.

Oh, and put me in both PS3 and 360 for SFIV now, since I has both, and I don't think you've done that.
i still don't know why people don't like jwong.

i listened to his interviews and watched the finals match and he's so much more emotional than other players, it's fun to watch. people are like "yeah he jumped out of his seat" but he displays the opposite emotion too, like when he buried his face in his hands when missing an ultra for the win.

he's got cockiness but no more than larry bird or michael jordan who were also amazing to watch.

and in an individual game like a tennis or golf or... fighting games, you need personality if you want it to thrive. because otherwise you have no reason to cheer for (or boo) them. like everyone says umehara daigo is good and all, but what it makes more exciting is the fact that the community has built him up to be some sort of legendary japanese robot that can decisively and easily break you. when was chess most popular in the US? when wacky ol' bobby fischer took up the pieces and created the US-Soviet drama. that's what it's all about.


also wtf happened to SRK
it's been invaded by noobs and people who think they're good because they post on SRK
I was thinking about this too, and saw a post that summed it up better than I ever could have. The basic jist was that srk was always a site for the players, and that it has been rapidly turning into a site for the fans.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']SFIV did that.

Everyone wanted help and SRK is the place to go.[/QUOTE]

SFIV sure opened the flood gates, but SRK was going to hell before it came out. The amount of ego some posters have there is insane. Dustloop is kinda going the same way with new players for BB, but that forum has always been antisocal to new people so alot of post just get ignored if they are new posters. Can't say I mind, but how closed off the couminty is has always been why GG tournys are always low.

Eh, I have already said how I feel about Justin in the cag evo thread when two other people started hating. I think alot of people are silly as shit when it comes to him. Same reason I don't understand all the Marn hate, yeah he is a goof, and talks shit back to the crowd but he should, hate the haters.
[quote name='LostRoad']SFIV sure opened the flood gates, but SRK was going to hell before it came out. The amount of ego some posters have there is insane. Dustloop is kinda going the same way with new players for BB, but that forum has always been antisocal to new people so alot of post just get ignored if they are new posters. Can't say I mind, but how closed off the couminty is has always been why GG tournys are always low.

Eh, I have already said how I feel about Justin in the cag evo thread when two other people started hating. I think alot of people are silly as shit when it comes to him. Same reason I don't understand all the Marn hate, yeah he is a goof, and talks shit back to the crowd but he should, hate the haters.[/QUOTE]
I never delved too deep into SRK to notice really, just stayed in the techie section for awhile. Kinda like staying in this thread but never venturing to the OTT :p

Speaking of Marn, what was up with that floaty he was wearing? Was there a pool nearby?
[quote name='LostRoad']Eh, I have already said how I feel about Justin in the cag evo thread when two other people started hating. I think alot of people are silly as shit when it comes to him. Same reason I don't understand all the Marn hate, yeah he is a goof, and talks shit back to the crowd but he should, hate the haters.[/QUOTE]


Their kid is a cool guy too.

[quote name='LostRoad']SFIV sure opened the flood gates, but SRK was going to hell before it came out. The amount of ego some posters have there is insane. Dustloop is kinda going the same way with new players for BB, but that forum has always been antisocal to new people so alot of post just get ignored if they are new posters. Can't say I mind, but how closed off the couminty is has always been why GG tournys are always low.

Eh, I have already said how I feel about Justin in the cag evo thread when two other people started hating. I think alot of people are silly as shit when it comes to him. Same reason I don't understand all the Marn hate, yeah he is a goof, and talks shit back to the crowd but he should, hate the haters.[/QUOTE]
i've been checking dustloop and i just go straight to character strategy and guides and videos. matchfinder isn't too hot there.

i remember TZ turning to crap right after T5 came out. T5 General Chat was just straight up crap and the only things worth checking were matchfinder and stickied character forum threads.

but i mean, SRK EVO forums are crap. SF4 forums are crap. FGC is crap. GD is fun but that's GD =) and matchfinder isn't that hot because most of the people that talk there just see each other in the arcade so there isn't a whole lot of conversation anyway.
Spamming Jin's throw on people not fast enough to break his ice=fucking classic.

I'm getting quite competent with him, for not knowing many combos. It's pretty easy to be decent with him once you get somewhat effective with zoning.
Regarding Jwong, I agree with everything that kainzero and HeavyD have posted.

I don't get the hate either. As a competitive FG player, I respect players like Justin to the fullest. The guy manages to play at a high level in a slew of games and keeps consistent.

Regarding people on this forum that don't regularly post in the FGT whining about Jwong, get over it. Honestly, what did Justin do that isn't new to a tournament setting? Players get hype, players get excited, winning is one thing, but winning in full view of a crowd or a good match brings out excitement. Anyone who has played in a competitive tournament setting with or without your crew around you, knows how hype things can get. Expectations from close friends during your round up, haters shouting things at you, your own high expectations, emotions run high and I wouldn't have it any other way.

When I met my normal group of FG friends/crew, I had entered a tournament they put together at a local arcade. Brought a couple guys from my then (old) crew and there was a lot of hype because we had people in their existing crew wondering who these kids were from a different county taking out all their players. Especially from a county that no one realized had any competitive FG players. I took 3rd in CVS2 that night and as I won my matches (from winners and losers bracket), I was quiet and was able to keep my emotions down as the crowd around us was getting crazy.

Flash to years later when playing a friend of mine at a tourney, big turnout. It was a close match in CVS2 and I scrapped out a win. Not thinking, I climbed up on the CVS2 machine in excitement. Those who knew me laughed and knew it was all in good fun and I had just squeaked out a win. My friend I played against knew I was just letting my emotions out as the match was tense (he was familiar with most of my A-Groove setups) and we shook hands and laughed accordingly.

Emotions run high in ANY tournament setting. I don't fault anyone for letting their emotions get to them as long as it strays away from any (really) personal attacks.

Honestly, I feel the hate comes to Justin because of how good he is and how much of in the spotlight he is. Most randoms on SRK or kids who just randomly play Scrub-level FG know about Wong, about Choi, about Daigo. How many times have random kids who don't really play FG but play games in general talked about the Daigo parry video. These guys are celebrities and are amazing at what they do, so naturally people want to hate (as Markman mentioned).

I've met and seen players do FAR worse in a tournament setting and not get all the hate that many of the "bigger" players get. It's sort of silly.

Anyone from NorCal knows about our very own Cableguy. I've seen this guy at tournaments put his foot in his mouth. His skills are definitely there and he's great at Marvel, but if you think what Jwong did or didn't do at EVO is bad, start going to your local tournies and see what else you hear.
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