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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: i hate saying it but get better...

it's not that hard honestly.[/QUOTE]

I hate that the PSN trophies for MvC2 (Arcade Mode) are different from the XBLA ones. Having to beat Arcade mode without continues is going to be a pain in the ass.

I at least have 4 Trophies right now (100, 200 hit combos, 3-part hyper combo and win in under 15 seconds).

I also have this:
[quote name='seanr1221']You can't use continues in the 360 version for the achievements.[/QUOTE]

My mistake then. It doesn't mention it in the achievement description for them, so I just assumed they didn't. I wonder why they made them that way, though. I imagine I can get through Arcade mode if I change some things around and use like 3 Cables or 3 Magnetos.

Also, the cards may or may not work. What I just put up was an image. If you click my PSN name on the left, nothing's changed from before...yet. It's up to CAG (and other sites) to make the change.
damn... was going to get a PSN card with my free $50 amazon then totally forgot there was shipping and handling for the little thing... I'll wait till I have a larger order...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']forgot about those cards... nice to see they are workin[/QUOTE]

They're still inferior to the EU portable IDs.

[quote name='KingBroly']I hate that the PSN trophies for MvC2 (Arcade Mode) are different from the XBLA ones. Having to beat Arcade mode without continues is going to be a pain in the ass.

The fuck? :whistle2:s
They're exactly the same.
Gonna love that demo.

I don't think I've ever played a fighting game that felt as lag free as MvC2. I really didn't notice it at all, couldn't believe I was playing online.
Played about 30 matches last night. I'm not very good at all, I stopped playing the VS games after the first one. (x-men).

Really enjoying all the crazy characters. I had this game on DC but never really played it because of the controller.
I just wish MvC2 had come out earlier this summer so I would have had more time to enjoy it with friends before college, since I'm not sure if I'm bringing Dat Trip to school.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I just wish MvC2 had come out earlier this summer so I would have had more time to enjoy it with friends before college, since I'm not sure if I'm bringing Dat Trip to school.[/QUOTE]

It did...

ON 360! :whee:

Though, if you got it on 360, like me, you'd be hitting this block where you box is about to e74. :(
[quote name='manthing']Lost Planet 2 online co-op demo for the 360 next week!


Freaking awesome news, I can't wait man. I loved the first one, can't wait to see how the second one plays.
I haven't stopped playing a game early in a long time and never touching it again out of disgust. The last one was Eternal Sonata with its' abysmal storyline and Chapter 2 water maze mess (I'd really like to be able to delete it off my Gamercard FOREVER, but I can't for now). I am at that point right now in Bionic Commando, and I'm not even out of the first area yet (Ascension City, Part Five).

Let me say this. When you get the swinging mechanic down, it feels pretty good. But everything inbetween (shooting enemies, getting collectibles, checkpoints, how quickly you die) is wrong. I cannot fathom how beating the game on Commando gives you 3 Trophies but they couldn't make it so you could go back and get collectibles and challenges done for Trophies at your leisure. I don't really understand the mindset. Also it seems like collectibles do something important. Maybe I'm just crazy mad at this game right now so I can't think straight.

So let me say this in the harshest way possible: If there was ever a group of developers that deserved to be fired for bad game design, I look no further than the people behind Bionic Commando. It's truly an inspiration of how not to do things.
[quote name='mykevermin']Halo Wars LE was $30?


Well it was if you have an ECA membership ($29.59 to be exact)

$37 I think without ECA.

EDIT - It's still there Myke, you have about 10 mins.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Someone reply to this post so my next post goes to top of next page.[/QUOTE]




If it's confirmed, and you ship with tracking to that address (which costs a lot compared to nationally).

Even then, you're pretty good but not 100%.
Best to get a money order, or Western Union.
As Mak might say "Rise from your grave GGT"

Nearly done with Crackdown I think, might do the roof top races then I'll be done with it, fun game.

Not sure what I'll play through next, think I'll play through either Race Pro or NFS Underground.
Wise fwom youw gwave!

The PS3 price cut confirm is nice, but what about BC? Hope that's what Sony plans on announcing in the next month. I will definitely be willing to go broke for a BC, BD playing machine.
[quote name='dallow']Splosion Man SUCKS online.
Only once has it been playable for more than 5 minutes before horrible choppy lag breaks the game.[/QUOTE]
Dude, only play it locally. You are insane otherwise. :lol:

Finally got MVC2! Yay... to bad I have no one to play with hah.
[quote name='manthing']Lost Planet 2 online co-op demo for the 360 next week!


[quote name='gunm']:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:[/QUOTE]


Finished Chrono Trigger DS this week. It hasn't aged a day. Kind of surprised that I had 25 hours to waste on vacation.

HankNotLestYeBeCranked, where's my RE5?
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I'm almost done with Persona 4. I have about 2 dungeons left to go but after the trouble I had with the last boss I fought I'm worried about the last few bosses in the game. I think I'll probably spend the last few months in game grinding to prepare for the last few battles. I kind of regret not playing the game on easy. After this I might replay Persona 3 or finally start a game of Devil Survivor/Devil Summoner 2.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Need some help GGT! How do I find the MAC Address for my 360/PS3? I need them for school.[/QUOTE]

Should be in the advanced network settings somewhere.

Worst case, hook it to a router -- routers usually track MAC addresses of clients and you could take the information from there.
Bionic Commando....GWARGH!!!!!!!

If you know my complaint about this game from before, I'll just add that now Challenges are compounding the problem. I don't want to continue playing this game, but I can't bring myself to play anything other than fighting games, and I can only handle those for a few minutes at a time.

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