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I beat Dead Space around 20 minutes ago. Still processing that ending that
made me jump 15 feet in the air.

I'd give it a 9. It's definitely better than Resident Evil 5, although some of the objectives needed to be a little bit more clear and near the end it got really shooter happy. Also, I had about 30 times the ammo I actually needed when I beat it. That DLC suit (for free) made item management so much easier, too.

Next up? Either Bionic Commando or I'll just torch Uncharted's Crushing Mode with MASSIVE CHEATING since I already beat it on Crushing once.
[quote name='KingBroly']I beat Dead Space around 20 minutes ago. Still processing that ending that
made me jump 15 feet in the air.

Yeah that ending did actually make me jump a bit. I'd be curious about what they would do with a sequel. And those DLC suits really did make the game easier... which is not exactly a bad thing.
I'm curious what carries over to a second playthrough. I know that nothing carries over if I change the difficulty (why'd they do this?), but I doubt I'll play through it on Impossible. I definitely won't get the Platinum since I don't want to get that Asteroids mini-game trophy.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm curious what carries over to a second playthrough. I know that nothing carries over if I change the difficulty (why'd they do this?), but I doubt I'll play through it on Impossible. I definitely won't get the Platinum since I don't want to get that Asteroids mini-game trophy.[/QUOTE]

A One Gun Impossible playthrough is actually a lot more fun than it sounds.

And everything should carry over.
[quote name='dallow']Damnit! Wii Sports Resort does suck!

I was really hoping to fall in love with the the Wii Motion+ add on.
I'm so glad I got this for $26.
The most fun was jumping out of the plane in the intro and seeing my little sis, Morrissey, Mario and Ghandi sky diving with me.

The games is as lifeless as before, and the 1:1 controls (and i'd actually argue this) aren't that much of an improvement.

At least it's better than the original pack in. I'll give the game a little more time but so far I'm pretty disappointed.[/QUOTE]

The basketball 30 point game and the 100-pin bowling are the only things in WSR worth popping the disc in. Otherwise, its a disaster. Believe me that many will argue how its the GOTY or whatever, but other then those 2 events, i never see the need to play my wii, and thats only when people are over.
Can't wait to get home and play more Trials. So friggin awesome. And I love the little indicator thing at the top that tells you where your friends were relative to your time.

[quote name='KingBroly']I beat Dead Space around 20 minutes ago. Still processing that ending that
made me jump 15 feet in the air.

I jumped too but
I was prepared for something to be on the ship with him yet. I just thought it would come sneaking up from behind him. I didn't expect it to be sitting next to him. :lol:
[quote name='KingBroly']I beat Dead Space around 20 minutes ago. Still processing that ending that
made me jump 15 feet in the air.

I'd give it a 9. It's definitely better than Resident Evil 5, although some of the objectives needed to be a little bit more clear and near the end it got really shooter happy. Also, I had about 30 times the ammo I actually needed when I beat it. That DLC suit (for free) made item management so much easier, too.

Next up? Either Bionic Commando or I'll just torch Uncharted's Crushing Mode with MASSIVE CHEATING since I already beat it on Crushing once.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I much prefer Dead Space over RE5... I still haven't completed RE5 and nothing is making me want to.

[quote name='manthing']
I do wonder what the opinions here would be if Prototype was the PS3 exclusive and inFAMOUS was multi.

It wouldn't matter. Just because some people enjoy a PS3 Exclusive game doesn't make them all PS3 fanboys (and just like it because it is on PS3). Yet, the 360 fanboys are always much more prominent in their fanboyism.

Prototype is an ugly piece of glitchy crap, doesn't matter which system you play it on.
[quote name='dallow']Damnit! Wii Sports Resort does suck!

I was really hoping to fall in love with the the Wii Motion+ add on.
I'm so glad I got this for $26.
The most fun was jumping out of the plane in the intro and seeing my little sis, Morrissey, Mario and Ghandi sky diving with me.

The games is as lifeless as before, and the 1:1 controls (and i'd actually argue this) aren't that much of an improvement.

At least it's better than the original pack in. I'll give the game a little more time but so far I'm pretty disappointed.[/QUOTE]

I await Jer's response.
Almost done with PW Justice for All. The cases are by and large pretty lame, and I swear the evidence ties together so loosely in each case. I never had to resort to guesswork in the first game, but I definitely wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't present everything in the court record a few times.
Played a decent amount of Trials last night, it's awesome, does worry me a bit how hard it will get on later levels but it's a lot of fun to play.

I can see Dallow's point about Sports Resort in some ways, but I can't say I'm that disappointed with it as I really wasn't expecting much from it. I thought it would a fun distraction now and again but not much more that that. I do think motion plus is an improvement but it's not a huge leap forward or anything. Probably makes more difference on TW10.
Maybe I'm just blinded the greatness that is Flipnote Studio.
I will play WSR a little more.

Made this one in a few mins just before going to bed. :)

I gotta crack into the advance Flipnote features, I can't make the stuff I want with what was shown in the basic tutorial =/
I'm starting to get into those now. Just gotta wait for the system to charge back up again, second time I've killed the battery with Flipnote. But s'ok, I got the Trials HD demo to keep me busy. So much fun.
Dear Santa, for Christmas this year I'd like Sega or whoever to bring me Snatcher on VC/XBLA/PSN.

Love, Billy

PS I'll make magic brownies if you do.
Yo, if anyone is getting MVC2 on PS3 and wants to trade for my Fat Princess (not the real Fat Princess I have locked in my garage) let me know! It wont take long to do it.

Any Motorola Rival owners have recommendations for me re: screen protectors and cases?

Oh wait, GGT (say something about video games....). Started playing Circle of the Moon again today (phew, made it....)!
[quote name='dallow']That's an MMO?

Hmm..... kinda cool.

And no, Rage is for 2010 sometime.[/QUOTE]

Kinda sorta--there is an "MMO" part where you start in a town/gather area to buy and sell stuff and presumably socialize, then there's the "Battle" part where it's just you and your party clearing dungeons. I don't quite understand the Stress Meter system, though.
[quote name='seanr1221']I await Jer's response.[/QUOTE]

That's like, just your opinion, man.

I think it's a bit silly to say motion plus doesn't add anything, but whatever.
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