General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='dallow']So it's just a little plug with an optical out port and nothing else?


I didn't get the MAG email yet. :(
I want to see how much of a clusterfuck a 256 player game is on a console.[/QUOTE]

Just do the hack, since normally you can't have an AV cable and a HDMI in at the same time since the AV is too big.


Or you can spend $50.

Or you can get a 3rd party AV cable that has optical that is thinner than the first party cable.
I have heard about that hack.

Are you able to just cut off the video cables?
I would think so....
Just don't want those extra cables there for no reason, it's a big mess of wires already that I've "tried" to organize.


Is that the actual image in the email? :vomit:
[quote name='manthing']


[quote name='manthing']You're not interested in playing against 255 other wigger'd out Army of Two rejects?



I was going to ask the same thing, minus the Army of Two diss, lol.

I think Myke was more annoyed by the pompous "invite to an invite" shenanigans than anything else...

Sorry if old, but today is the first time I've seen GS with "Pre-Owned" on their stickers rather than "Used".

Paid for MvC2 and also by chance picked up a "pre-owned" Wii Sports Resort for $26. (pre-owned reg. price is 29.99)
[quote name='gunm']I think Myke was more annoyed by the pompous "invite to an invite" shenanigans than anything else...[/QUOTE]

ayup. that's the ticket.

This is free labor for Sony, not a job interview - so for them to be all like "tell us how cool you are - and maybe we'll consider you" reeks of pomposity. A perfect word choice, gunm.
[quote name='gunm']

I think Myke was more annoyed by the pompous "invite to an invite" shenanigans than anything else...[/QUOTE]


I knew what myke meant.

I just wanted to throw in the pic.
so im getting wolfenstein now.....well at the end of the month so i can keep the reciept/not open it in case it doesnt beat madden

Here's the deal folks: if Wolfenstein outsells Madden 10 in August I will personally pay for your copy (keep your receipt) - SPREAD THE WORD
Rules clarification since I'm getting questions: Any platform, using NPD numbers, need a copy of your receipt, you must follow me on Twitter
MAG looks dumb. Another ambitious project that shows how out of touch Sony is. Before making a 256 player game, try making a good 8 to 16 player one first. One where the guns are responsive plz
[quote name='Nelo Ice']so im getting wolfenstein now.....well at the end of the month so i can keep the reciept/not open it in case it doesnt beat madden[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dallow']Don't waste your money.[/QUOTE]

Agreed w/Dallow. Clearly a ploy to boost sales. There's no way that game is beating Madden, and that guy doesn't have to pony up shit in the Bizzaro-World-Snowballs-Chance-In-Hell that it does.
[quote name='ninja dog']MAG looks dumb. Another ambitious project that shows how out of touch Sony is. Before making a 256 player game, try making a good 8 to 16 player one first. One where the guns are responsive plz[/QUOTE]

Jesus christ you've become a boring fucking prat. I can't even tell when you're pretending to be tragically hip or ironically uncool anymore.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not defending mag by any stretch of the imagination, but you're a fucking grown up. There are some great online MP games from Sony. Warhawk is the cat's pajamas.

I eagerly await your too-cool-for-school response.

EDIT2: WarHAWK. HAWK. not "craft." duh.

Flipnote Studio is "Game of the Year".

Just tried it for 5 mins and am loving it.
Here's my work in progress.


Some of the animations, complete with sound and some color, are unbelievable.
I can't believe this was free, Japan or otherwise.

[quote name='mykevermin']Jesus christ you've become a boring fucking prat. I can't even tell when you're pretending to be tragically hip or ironically uncool anymore.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not defending mag by any stretch of the imagination, but you're a fucking grown up. There are some great online MP games from Sony. Warhawk is the cat's pajamas.

I eagerly await your too-cool-for-school response.

EDIT2: WarHAWK. HAWK. not "craft." duh.[/QUOTE]I agree, save it for NeoGAF possum.

I personally believe MAG will be unsuccessful, but I can respect and actually am happy to see they're trying something a little different on a console. (in this case, trying to create a monster war game)
More of these "ambitious" projects are needed from all developers.
Given the piss poor sales of anything not nintendo published on VC, i don't think DSi VC is in the cards. It'd be awesome, but it's also easy enough to put every Game Boy/Color game on your PSP these days..
I think the DSi Virtual Console is in the cards. Why else would Nintendo have a 'no emulation' policy for DSi Ware? My guess is that they're waiting for the GBA titles to be dead a little while longer so they can charge top dollar for them.

The terms in which Wolfenstein beats Madden is a little vague. What if the 360 sku of Wolfenstein beats the Wii version of Madden? Guess what? It beat Madden. He didn't mention skus, so that could get him in trouble.
Condemned is still pretty on the 360, especially for a launch title. The environment, anyway. The people? Not so much.

Still one of my favorite 360 games.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Condemned on PC > Condemned on 360.

PC SNOBZ rep. :cool:[/QUOTE]

I had no idea the original was out for the PC. Mind = blown.

Condemned 2 was just.. garbage.

But Condemned.. it was my first 360 game. I bought it before I even had a 360 because the premise sounded so awesome, and the game is fantastic. I haven't played it since I bought a HDTV and surround sound (which means I haven't played it since I beat it around the launch date).. just tried it for the first time.. what a difference.
Damnit! Wii Sports Resort does suck!

I was really hoping to fall in love with the the Wii Motion+ add on.
I'm so glad I got this for $26.
The most fun was jumping out of the plane in the intro and seeing my little sis, Morrissey, Mario and Ghandi sky diving with me.

The games is as lifeless as before, and the 1:1 controls (and i'd actually argue this) aren't that much of an improvement.

At least it's better than the original pack in. I'll give the game a little more time but so far I'm pretty disappointed.
[quote name='Scorch']I had no idea the original was out for the PC. Mind = blown.

Condemned 2 was just.. garbage.

But Condemned.. it was my first 360 game. I bought it before I even had a 360 because the premise sounded so awesome, and the game is fantastic. I haven't played it since I bought a HDTV and surround sound (which means I haven't played it since I beat it around the launch date).. just tried it for the first time.. what a difference.[/QUOTE]

I liked Condemned 2 :cry:

It did jump shark at the end, but still...up to that point was great.
[quote name='Scorch']I had no idea the original was out for the PC. Mind = blown.

Condemned 2 was just.. garbage.

But Condemned.. it was my first 360 game. I bought it before I even had a 360 because the premise sounded so awesome, and the game is fantastic. I haven't played it since I bought a HDTV and surround sound (which means I haven't played it since I beat it around the launch date).. just tried it for the first time.. what a difference.[/QUOTE]

Condemned 2 was great. I enjoyed the first more, but the second one was still very good. It improves on the weapons/melees and added some new things. The story kind of took a shitty turn though.
[quote name='gunm']Trials or Monkey Island? Trials or Monkey Island? I can't decide. :p[/QUOTE]

Is there any contest? Monkey Island.

Condemned 2 was okay at best for the beginning portion. It didn't feel like the first to me. There were a couple of minute changes that bothered me, like the combat combos. I liked how the enemies in the first weren't too unrealistic. It's been a while, but I remember the enemies in Condemned 2 being more mutated, I think, compared to the first, which just seemed like a bunch of hobos that went crazy.

As everyone else said, towards the end, it took a turn in the storyline and gameplay for the worse and it soured the whole experience for me. It pretty much turned into an FPS towards the end and I hated that. Also, the black ooze was annoying.

I loved the environments a lot more in the first as well. The mall was one of the best levels I've played in any game, easy. The creepy, out of tune christmas music, the christmas decorations, the mannequins.. it was fantastic. I did like the bowling alley level in the second one, though.

I really wish they'd make a third one.. I'll play through the second one again and see if I feel any different about it.
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