GGT 293 doesn't care about interactive stories unless it has scene girls, Godzilla, or Leda in it

Ain't a thing. Watch me do it again. ;)
oh god fuck that

I just watched another yt video of it after I told casey good luck so annoying. It looks much easier when you're just watching but then you remember the week you spent trying just to do it.

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I was building up a big 'ol multiquote to respond to, but I ran out of care juice by the time I got here.

I'm off until January, wat do.

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Leeloo Dallas multiquote.

Man, I dunno if I should cash in my Club Nintendo coins for this little Luigi statue or not. I always want to save them, but then I barely ever use them for anything.

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Now I'm down to 5 coins.  Still got plenty of unregistered games though.  I want that 3DS XL charging cradle to come back in stock.

You're not a Nintendo Super-Fan.

If only Capcom cared enough about their customers to reward them.

Instead we all get Remember Me.
I would have died inside if they had a mega man statue for 1500 and I currently only have 290 ;(

you getting chapter 7 btw?

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I would buy one and say I never got it and get a refund and then that person would hate Mega Man and not sell Mega Man stuff anymore.


As someone who can play a guitar, I feel offended that that's how she thinks it's played.

As someone who should be mature cuz of how fuckin old she is, she should know better.

You're my Road Dogg Jessie James. Bad Ass Billy Gunn needs his tag team partner. You can't leave me hanging like that, dawg. 

bread's done