GGT 293 doesn't care about interactive stories unless it has scene girls, Godzilla, or Leda in it

Your words are hurtful.
I had in a friend in RL who knew I was trying to get at this chick and he would kind of push us to be together at times but then he would also go over to her house or have her go to his to "study" and not invite me even though we all had the same class cuz he thought he had a shot at banging her.

Emphasis on the word HAD.

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You guys should probably just get Chapter 7

Man, I dunno if I should cash in my Club Nintendo coins for this little Luigi statue or not. I always want to save them, but then I barely ever use them for anything.
I still could get it, not going to though. It's only 5" and the Gold Nunchuck wasn't even that much and it was actually useful :p I'll just use my points on the occasional game/posters, and if anything else pops up that's actually priced decent enough I'll go in for that instead, I already have that Mario figure/statue thing with all the characters from the platinum reward a while back, if it's of equal quality of that (which I'm assuming it is based on dimensions) it's definitely not worth 1,500 coins to me.

My Club Nintendo platinum posters showed up, not bad!

Anyone want a Alpha code for Magicka Wizard Wars? They sent one for me and one for a friend :eek:

You don't like vampire/werewolf hybrids?

There's one in Underworld.

Great movie.
The first and third movies were good. The second and forth were trash, really rat werewolves? Couldn't you know they just unwerewolf and stay human? That made zero sense

The first and third movies were good. The second and forth were trash, really rat werewolves? Couldn't you know they just unwerewolf and stay human? That made zero sense
there were rat werewolves? i thought it was just werewolves who could not morph into human form.

nope I stay away from junk food when the zombie apocalypse hits you'll need to be ready to not have to rely on processed foods. That's why I buy all of my meat frozen.

nope I stay away from junk food when the zombie apocalypse hits you'll need to be ready to not have to rely on processed foods. That's why I buy all of my meat frozen.
but what if there are no frozen food/meat left in the world? are you going turn into a cannibal?

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yes they were rat werewolves
i personally felt the daughter in the movie was unnecessary. half of the time in the movie she is like the strongest character, who can take on a whole army. the other times, they depicted her as weak, soft, and always crying for mommy.

i personally felt the daughter in the movie was unnecessary. half of the time in the movie she is like the strongest character, who can take on a whole army. the other times, they depicted her as weak, soft, and always crying for mommy.
She's a little girl, I mean what do you want from her for fucks sake?

Stop being emotionally disattached.

bread's done