GGT 89 Brought to you by Beast Ice

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[quote name='hankmecrankme']I like that. From now on, Icebeastly = NattyIceBeast.

Yes, stick around. Trolling powers combine. :hot:

Dunno about the real game, but Dragon Age 2 demo was lulz.[/QUOTE]

I prefer iceBestBuddy.
[quote name='gunm']I prefer "icebrat".[/QUOTE]
Where are their noses?
Dude, Bratz got that style swagger goin' on, brah. I'd give my future daughter a Bratz doll only if I wanted her to end up on Teen Mom.

[quote name='distgfx']I am so pissed off at you right now, Hank. I can't believe you made me play that demo. Since this review would consist of many paragraphs, I'll just list the pros and cons.

- I could skip the cutscenes and be done with this fucking demo sooner
- Everything else[/QUOTE]
^___^ Awesome. I knew you'd love it.
Woo, Iceboozey!

Still playing Pokemon, but getting sidetracked by KHBBS. Birth by sleep is probably one of the most fun games I've played on the PSP besides Peace Walker.
My daughter is a tomboy. She likes Transformers and cars. I think it's awesome, but my wife doesn't. Need to enroll her in some martial arts classes and see if she likes basketball. :p
Man, I'm not buying cheap chairs ever again. This new chair is like... ballah. I just wanna rub it all over me. At the very least, it means that my computer chair is going to have to be something special to satisfy in the same way.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']So... I think I'm finally going to pull the trigger on PSN+, it was the price cuts that finally got me hooked.[/QUOTE]

I finally caved and got it about a month ago, and so far I have been very pleased with it.
[quote name='ihadFG']I finally caved and got it about a month ago, and so far I have been very pleased with it.[/QUOTE]

It will never be worth it unless they give me Toy Story 2(PS1) for free.
[quote name='whoknows']It's the 1 year anniversary of FFXIII.

Who's playing it today to celebrate?[/QUOTE]

Maybe I should sell it today.
[quote name='ihadFG']I finally caved and got it about a month ago, and so far I have been very pleased with it.[/QUOTE] I really like all the things that come with it, from the demos, free games, to the discounts. They all seem solid.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']It will never be worth it unless they give me Toy Story 2(PS1) for free.[/QUOTE]
I was actually looking at the release list yesterday and hoping that they'd make all the Disney games half off for PSN+ subscribers. I'd double dip on the ones I've already got.
[quote name='whoknows']It's the 1 year anniversary of FFXIII.

Who's playing it today to celebrate?[/QUOTE]

It's too soon, after a messy breakup like that it could be years before we get back together.
FFXIII-2 hype. Hope Dresspheres return. :bouncy:

FFX-2 was sweet, game had a fun battle system and felt like watching softcore porn at times. I like that combo.
If there was one group of people that shouldn't be able to vote, who should it be?

You can't say me, because that would be stupid.
[quote name='Chacrana']If there was one group of people that shouldn't be able to vote, who should it be?

You can't say me, because that would be stupid.[/QUOTE]

Women. Because bitches have enough trouble making up their minds at restaurants. Letting them vote is like giving a chimp a gun, somebody's gonna get hurt.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Women. Because bitches have enough trouble making up their minds at restaurants. Letting them vote is like giving a chimp a gun, somebody's gonna get hurt.[/QUOTE]

And yet, we not only give them voting rights, we let them live in houses! Modern society is out of control.
[quote name='Chacrana']And yet, we not only give them voting rights, we let them live in houses! Modern society is out of control.[/QUOTE]

Real life is like Planet of the Apes, except the role of the apes is played by black people.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Real life is like Planet of the Apes, except the role of the apes is played by black people.[/QUOTE]

Huh? They were gorillas in the movie, too...
[quote name='Chacrana']Huh? They were gorillas in the movie, too...[/QUOTE]


Also my favorite part of FFXIII is how black dude's son has a fro just like his daddy. Shit cracks me up. So goofy.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Multifaceted.

Also my favorite part of FFXIII is how black dude's son has a fro just like his daddy. Shit cracks me up. So goofy.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I'd like to see an FF just go balls out with violence. Basically, make it like Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne... y'know, people wearing other people's faces as a coat, general anti-social behavior, killing your friends, etc. It'd be sweet. Like SMT: Nocturne.
[quote name='Chacrana']Honestly, I'd like to see an FF just go balls out with violence. Basically, make it like Final Fight Streetwise... y'know, people wearing other people's faces as a coat, general anti-social behavior, killing your friends, etc. It'd be sweet. Like Final Fight Streetwise.[/QUOTE]

And agreed.

I think I'm just a sociopath.

But RPGs seriously need to try that. And not in a Dragon Age 2 bullshit sort of way. Like for serious.

Then again, maybe I'm just retracing my brilliant idea for what that show, Skins, should've been.

Less sex, more wholesale slaughter, eerie lighting, and disturbing sound.
I think shows need more sex and less violence overall. And when they do need violence it should be with guns and should involve elaborate wire-fighting sequences.
Are you just trying to piss me off?

Shows need less realistic violence and more horrifically unrealistic violence. Impossibly large lakes of blood, slashing people's necks to release fountains of arterial spray and then bathing in it. Such is perfection.

Frankly, I think shows like Skins are more likely to fuck up kids even farther than violent shows at this point. And I'm not even joking.
It's not even the fact that sex sells that makes me want to make it, it's more the fact that I haven't seen anything like it and just want to be a pioneer.
Take the sex completely out and just spend the time that would've been wasted on sex showing people laughing to themselves with weird camera angles. If you're going to have wanton violence, you need to also make it clear how fucking insane the characters are.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']It's not even the fact that sex sells that makes me want to make it, it's more the fact that I haven't seen anything like it and just want to be a pioneer.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure if you searched you could find a hentai which has that type of plot, but I'm not looking for you, haha.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']How about they go about killing peeps and having wanton sex in those pools of blood?[/QUOTE]

You've basically described some scenes in the manga Berserk.
[quote name='Chacrana']Take the sex completely out and just spend the time that would've been wasted on sex showing people laughing to themselves with weird camera angles. If you're going to have wanton violence, you need to also make it clear how fucking insane the characters are.[/QUOTE]

That sounds like the best thing ever.
[quote name='icebeast']You've basically described some scenes in the manga Berserk.[/QUOTE]

Coming to theaters this summer. . .BERSERK 3D!!

Sam Worthington is Guts.

Be afraid.
[quote name='icebeast']You've basically described some scenes in the manga Berserk.[/QUOTE]

Well, even the anime... but yeah, the manga is pretty :hot:

Which reminds me that I have vols. 33 and 34 sitting on my coffee table, waiting to be read.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Coming to theaters this fall. . .BERSERK 3D!!

Sam Worthington is Guts.

Be afraid.[/QUOTE]

Shut the front door!
[quote name='Chacrana']Take the sex completely out and just spend the time that would've been wasted on sex showing people laughing to themselves with weird camera angles. If you're going to have wanton violence, you need to also make it clear how fucking insane the characters are.[/QUOTE] You don't need violence to portray insanity, though, you can easily do that through sexual acts, too. THe sex is the part I find most fun about the idea, there's nothing like it on tv and I'm sure Cinemax would be dying to pick it up... Or Showtime, maybe.

[quote name='icebeast']I'm sure if you searched you could find a hentai which has that type of plot, but I'm not looking for you, haha.[/QUOTE]
I want to make it myself, though. And I want it to be American. :(

I mainly just want to make it have a great story. In a film class I took my freshman year in college, we had to watch an episode of Co-Ed Confidential because the Professor wanted to show us that you can find surprisingly deep writing in odd places. I didn't really find the "deep" he was talking about, but I was surprised that the writing was a lot better than most other shows I could find on tv at the time. Oh, and we skipped the sex scenes.
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