GGT 92: Nintendo doesn't care about you!

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[quote name='ninja dog']borrowing vs. ripping to watch...what's the difference? :lol:[/quote]One is legal, one isn't. If he borrows the disc, there can't be simultaneous viewings on one copy, which is a principle behind the idea of fair use. I should be able to make copies of things I own, but not distribute them so that my copying enables more people to watch it at a time than could with the original copy.

It's the same reason that the Windows XP EULA allows an install on a laptop and a desktop, assuming you wouldn't use both at the same time (use the desktop at home, the laptop on the road).
[quote name='zewone']The movie company doesn't make money either way.[/quote]We weren't talking about what makes the companies money, we were talking about what was legal under Fair Use.

New+Shiny+Nintendo+DS= Me wasting my money but oh well...
Yeah, but that's just holier than thou. Who cares? It doesn't affect you at all, since either way the company isn't getting money which would be the only reason where you should possibly care.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']What about God of War 2?[/quote]

that game has a 720p mode and was made sure to look good on the PS3. DMC3 was meant for 640x480, so you're blowing up those jaggies and sometimes smoothing doesn't help. In fact, it gave DMC3 that ugly hazy look, iirc. I'm not sure what the point of this is...DMC3 looks great for a PS2 game when it's played on a SDTV and like a lot of 3D PS2 games (but not all), it gets some improvements, but some shittiness on the PS3.

One is legal, one isn't. If he borrows the disc, there can't be simultaneous viewings on one copy, which is a principle behind the idea of fair use. I should be able to make copies of things I own, but not distribute them so that my copying enables more people to watch it at a time than could with the original copy.
point taken about the hard legality of it...but I think that it's the functional equivalent of "lending." Whether he watches the movie in the room with the people who own it, or in a room full of friends after borrowing it, the movie company "loses" either way.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, but that's just holier than thou. Who cares? It doesn't affect you at all, since either way the company isn't getting money which would be the only reason where you should possibly care.[/quote]Sorry. Didn't mean to hit a nerve. We all know you're so concerned with making sure companies who work hard to produce content get the money for that hard work. I'll try to stop stepping on your conscience.
[quote name='JMEPO']

New+Shiny+Nintendo+DS= Me wasting my money but oh well...[/quote]

I am so glad I haven't gotten a DSLite yet!
The DSi is going to be rough to avoid, especially if the DS Ware is good. I'm very much in favor of having an "ipod of games" on a handheld, and being able to carry around my DS carts + have the best of the GB, GBC, and GBA on the internal memory would be slick, especially if they'd let you redo tha B + A buttons to Y + B for the legacy stuff.
[quote name='daroga']The DSi is going to be rough to avoid, especially if the DS Ware is good. I'm very much in favor of having an "ipod of games" on a handheld, and being able to carry around my DS carts + have the best of the GB, GBC, and GBA on the internal memory would be slick, especially if they'd let you redo tha B + A buttons to Y + B for the legacy stuff.[/quote]

Looks like we'll be able to avoid it for around a year though. Importing won't be much good with DSWare stuff being region locked.

Not too happy that the new Nintendo Points aren't in a shared pool either. You either apply them to your DSi or your Wii. Not a very elegant solution, but then again, this is Nintendo.
[quote name='ninja dog']that game has a 720p mode and was made sure to look good on the PS3. DMC3 was meant for 640x480, so you're blowing up those jaggies and sometimes smoothing doesn't help. In fact, it gave DMC3 that ugly hazy look, iirc. I'm not sure what the point of this is...DMC3 looks great for a PS2 game when it's played on a SDTV and like a lot of 3D PS2 games (but not all), it gets some improvements, but some shittiness on the PS3.[/QUOTE]

True, but I don't think I used the 720p mode for GoW2 -- I think I liked it better with the upscale and smoothing -- probably because it went to 1080p. Eh. I dunno, I just remember thinking "damn, this doesn't look as good as I thought it would have" when I popped it in and played through it.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Looks like we'll be able to avoid it for around a year though. Importing won't be much good with DSWare stuff being region locked.

Not too happy that the new Nintendo Points aren't in a shared pool either. You either apply them to your DSi or your Wii. Not a very elegant solution, but then again, this is Nintendo.[/quote]Yeah, I have a feeling that in the end, I'll stick with the Lite until a real new piece of hardware. I really like the rumble pak for the games that support it, especially Space Invaders Extreme, as well as GBA games.
[quote name='daroga']Yeah, I have a feeling that in the end, I'll stick with the Lite until a real new piece of hardware. I really like the rumble pak for the games that support it, especially Space Invaders Extreme, as well as GBA games.[/quote]

Huh, I have played the hell out of SIE and I didn't even know it had rumble support. I'll have to check that out!
Well I finally finished creating a level on LBP--a simple Donkey Kong homage with Donkey replaced by a, well, actual donkey whom you push over the edge in order to stand on the scoreboard.

Looks rough and shitty, but I'm proud enough to publish. I christen thee, "On Like Donkey Kong".
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Well I finally finished creating a level on LBP--a simple Donkey Kong homage with Donkey replaced by a, well, actual donkey whom you push over the edge in order to stand on the scoreboard.

Looks rough and shitty, but I'm proud enough to publish. I christen thee, "On Like Donkey Kong".[/QUOTE]

nice name.

now youtube it and link us.
[quote name='Chacrana']Three day weekend this weekend (that sounded redundant), so I'z at home, and that means no Witcher.

But that's okay! Because my Dreamcast game got here and wasn't even mangled or nothin'. I would take a picture, but I'm lazy, so I'll just say it: It's Border Down. Hell yeah. It was expensive, but I felt like I got a deal, given what it usually goes for new. So yeah. Gonna play that tonight, tho I gotta schedule around The Office.

Also kinda wanna try out Dino Crisis... or Mars Matrix. But definitely Border Down tonight.[/quote]

Nice! Unfortunately, the actual game doesn't really live up to the collector value IMO.

Hyper Duel for Saturn on the other hand...
Puma isn't replying to my PM. Maybe he doesn't want teh MONNEHZ?
Also, I think I'm going to look into a new router. The one we had before died out, but it was always NAT2/OPEN. Now its NAT3/STRICT. It's brutal, and there is no way to fix it. I've ACTUALLY done everything. Its awful. Its not even funny. Its not even on the Portforward website. Its like OMGWTFBBQ.
I should reup my XBL so we could play Madden sometime, Azu.

Any GGTers want to play Mercs 2 online (360) sometime? It'll be incoming from Goozex here soon.
[quote name='Chacrana']Oh man, Border Down is some good shmuping. Kinda weird at first, but so damn fun.[/quote]

hard as hell...

I have the ikaruga/border down DC double pack ;)

been busy as hell... genna download Linger in Shadows later tonight... take note that if you play it, it's not a game. judge it from that standpoint.

apparently I have to assist a guest speaker tomorrow for making short films... I hope it's fun. I have no idea what I'm going into but at least I get paid.

so what major stuff do I keep missing in GGT since I'm so dman busy?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Puma isn't replying to my PM. Maybe he doesn't want teh MONNEHZ?
Also, I think I'm going to look into a new router. The one we had before died out, but it was always NAT2/OPEN. Now its NAT3/STRICT. It's brutal, and there is no way to fix it. I've ACTUALLY done everything. Its awful. Its not even funny. Its not even on the Portforward website. Its like OMGWTFBBQ.[/quote]

I have a Netgear router and have had no problems. It is around $40 now.

[quote name='daroga']I should reup my XBL so we could play Madden sometime, Azu.

Any GGTers want to play Mercs 2 online (360) sometime? It'll be incoming from Goozex here soon.[/quote]

Dibs on your online cherry! Well online with Mercs 2.
[quote name='daroga']I should reup my XBL so we could play Madden sometime, Azu.

Any GGTers want to play Mercs 2 online (360) sometime? It'll be incoming from Goozex here soon.[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for it sometime, daroga... I have it and haven't done anything other than the first mission.
Though I don't know that I'm a GGTer. :|
Dam, so I'm the only hoopz guy in GGT? I sold off my Madden to some Army dude in Europe. Support the troopz, I say.
so what has everyone so far gotten good news of so far at TGS?

for me:

-No More Heroes 2
-Flower Sun and Rain confirmed for US release (super good news! SUDA51-4-EVAH)
-Tekken 6 finally getting a release timeslot/360 news
-Metal Slug 7 on XBLA!!!
-Space Invaders Extreme on XBLA!!! (almost bought the PSP version last week, but now glad I didnt')
- Monster Hunter Freedom Unite confirmed for US!!!!!!
What the cunt is that? fucking Suda.

Sooo how do I make something deadly in LBP? Fire and explosives don't seem to kill the Sackpeople, and I can't make water?
[quote name='DarthPuma']Sorry got all busy. Didn't see anything on the list.[/quote]
Monehz? Are you selling it? I wants me some GOW2.

Also (this is my last ditch effort to fix my PS3/360 settings):
A fellow CAGer was having difficulties with Madden games, and he disabled his firewall. But, there are like a million firewalls! Which one should you disable to get it to work? Is disabling any firewall a horrible idea?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Monehz? Are you selling it? I wants me some GOW2.

Also (this is my last ditch effort to fix my PS3/360 settings):
A fellow CAGer was having difficulties with Madden games, and he disabled his firewall. But, there are like a million firewalls! Which one should you disable to get it to work? Is disabling any firewall a horrible idea?[/QUOTE]

Need more details to be all IT guy and help.
Oh god, that Valkyria Chronicles demo made me want to kill myself, what a waste of a Qore demo.

The rocket car game... surprisingly very good.

EDIT: Wait, WHAT?! MvC2 on xbox live?!
Just got the megaman 9 DLC, and that Endless attack mode... that's friggin' hard. I saw the top 10 on PSN right now are like 400 - 100 screens and I thought "oh, I can get up above 100." Can't manage to get passed about 40.
[quote name='distgfx']Oh god, that Valkyria Chronicles demo made me want to kill myself, what a waste of a Qore demo.

The rocket car game... surprisingly very good.

EDIT: Wait, WHAT?! MvC2 on xbox live?![/quote]

don't tell me you bought qore :cry:

the demo is entirely free if you go to the Euro PSN Store :cry:
Imagine if it had online....
I wonder if this is true.
I'll sleep with random people if it is.
It could be 1600 points,2400 points, whatever.
NOTHING will stop me from getting it.
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