Giving away lots of things, PSX and PS2 games, next giveaway coming soon!

1. Demon’s Souls
2. Folklore
3. Heavy Rain
4. MLB 07: The Show
5. Star ocean the last hope
6. Bayonetta
7. Final Fantasy XIV
8. World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
9.Resonance of Fate
10. Hellgate London

Dam, this one was hard. I'm not sure on one of them.
1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 08
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Bayonetta
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
1) Demon's Soul
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 09 The Show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Final Fantasy XIII
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
1) Demon's Soul
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 10 The Show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Bayonetta
7) Aion
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
"game list attacked missed" Dang missed, well try this on for size......"GAME LIST ATTACK 2" take that Ahagghagh!

1) Demon's Soul
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MBL 10 the show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) White Knight
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
Well this is my second attempt after midnight. Number four is the annoying bit with all the possibilities, ugh. Well here's my best try.

01) Demon's Souls
02) Folklore
03) Heavy Rain
04) MBL 09 The Show
05) Star Ocean 4
06) White Knight Chronicles
07) Final Fantasy XIV
08) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
09) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
Morning, still not correct huh? I have a question I hoped you might answer, you said 1 person got 8/10, but have all the games been revealed somewhere in this thread? or is there one or two games that everyone has still been stumped on?
I think one of them is #6 that nobody has guessed correctly. It's the one I'm personally stuck on :(
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Well here is my 2nd and final attempt.

1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 07 THe Show
5) Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
6) White Knight Chronicles
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
Guess I'll give it a shot and combine some of these answers, then.

01) Demon's Souls
02) Folklore
03) Heavy Rain
04) MLB 10: The Show
05) Star Ocean: The Last Hope
06) Bayonetta
07) Final Fantasy XIV
08) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
09) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 10 The Show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) White Knight Chronicles
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
[quote name='dodgeme']Well here is my 2nd and final attempt.

1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 07 THe Show
5) Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
6) White Knight Chronicles
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London[/QUOTE]

And we have a winner!
Nice! I think I will be sitting out on the rest of the contests as I don't want to win too much. Thanks for the awesome contest Beatofficer. That was a toughy.
[quote name='dodgeme']Nice! I think I will be sitting out on the rest of the contests as I don't want to win too much. Thanks for the awesome contest Beatofficer. That was a toughy.[/QUOTE]

I'll step out as well. Good luck to the rest of you and I hope the winners get their prizes.
Why wouldn't they get their prizes?

Also, did you guys prefer this type of contest where I show partial screen shots? I might also do either an album cover contest or something, I'm not sure yet.
[quote name='Beatofficer']Why wouldn't they get their prizes?

Also, did you guys prefer this type of contest where I show partial screen shots? I might also do either an album cover contest or something, I'm not sure yet.[/QUOTE]

I liked this one a lot. It was honestly one of the toughest I have done. The full screenshots are too easy like the one for the dreamcast games.
I think if you make em good and tough but doable(like the last set minus MLB 07 lol) then you could probably get away with only like 5 or 6 partial screens
Hey guys, going to put a pause on the giveaway, i'll mail out the stuff asap for the winners, car broke, so need to get it fixed, which hinders my shipping and such. I'll get everything out ASAP
[quote name='Beatofficer']Hey guys, going to put a pause on the giveaway, i'll mail out the stuff asap for the winners, car broke, so need to get it fixed[/QUOTE]

I hope you get your car fixed, what happened with it?
Okay, little update, I should be back to giving away stuff within the week, bought a battery, wasn't that, ended up being started, spent $700 on the car the last couple of weeks on a new transmission line, new battery, and a new starter. >
Yeah, just need to replenish some funds so I can finally ship out stuff and give away the rest of this stuff, to save money, my fiance and I are staying at my parents to save money on gas and food, so that should help. Having terrible car luck lately, fiance's car is pretty much dead, she owes 5k on it, blown head gasket, car isn't even worth as much as she owes so we'll have the fun project of her surrendering the car and taking a blow to her credit, haha.
bread's done