GOG Deals Thread

I have like 170 games on GOG now and I have played only 1 of them for around 15 minutes... To be fair it is more about having alot of the games I enjoyed as a kid around for me to dick around with when I feel like. (Police Quest 1 / Castles 1+2 / Simcity 2000 were some of my favorites)

I do the same :)
If you read my post, you would see I didn't ask what the compatibility issue was nor did I ask what version GOG sells - I figured that out myself. It's pretty obvious that 16-bit Win95 games don't run well on modern OS. What I asked if the DOS version was "inferior" to the Windows version.

I posted a link to reviews saying that GOG's version (DOS version) is worse or inferior - it should be pretty obvious that I know GOG sells the DOS version at that point, and that's not the question I was asking.

My question pertained to why people dislike the DOS version and say the Windows one is better. Gameplay differences? UI differences? Additional content? None of the reviews there really explain why the DOS version isn't preferred, so I was curious.

I don't care whether a game runs in DOSBox or Windows (I have plenty of classics on both), but when people are saying the versions have major differences it seems fair to ask.
I guess I don't see the point in comparing them to other versions you can't play unless you're running an old version of Windows that may get it up and going and you're considering finding a way to play it that way.

The better question is, "is this version playable or does it have problems?" If it's the only version available, it's the only version available. If it runs well is a valid question to me, but if it's missing something another version may have, I don't see the point in even asking it because it's not there to buy anyway.

I never understood why people do that, especially with console wars. A lot of people would compare "oh does the PS2/Gamecube/XBOX version have this? It doesn't? I'm not getting it then!" Don't know why someone would rather miss out on a good game completely over some minor thing not included than just play it and not worry what some extra someone else may have. Never made sense to me.

I guess I don't see the point in comparing them to other versions you can't play unless you're running an old version of Windows that may get it up and going and you're considering finding a way to play it that way.

The better question is, "is this version playable or does it have problems?" If it's the only version available, it's the only version available. If it runs well is a valid question to me, but if it's missing something another version may have, I don't see the point in even asking it because it's not there to buy anyway.

I never understood why people do that, especially with console wars. A lot of people would compare "oh does the PS2/Gamecube/XBOX version have this? It doesn't? I'm not getting it then!" Don't know why someone would rather miss out on a good game completely over some minor thing not included than just play it and not worry what some extra someone else may have. Never made sense to me.
And yet again you deliberately miss the point. What I asked is the same as what I bolded in your post. It's been clarified multiple times. Differences between versions of a game can be cosmetic or functional. That I have to repeatedly clarify this is absurd.

LOL @ bringing "console wars" into this discussion...twice. What does any of that have to do with asking about the differences between two versions of a game, and wondering why so many people have complained about one version in the reviews? You are seemingly hellbent about making this very simple question into something completely different that has apparently been bugging you.

And how do you know what my motivations or reasons are for asking a simple question? Why do you take offense to it? How do you know whether I bought the game or not, and whether my decision depended upon the answer to my question? You don't. You're making illogical assumptions. I could have bought the game long before asking that question. Thread derailment successful, I guess?

This has been amusing. I ask one straightforward question. Two people read it and provide simple, helpful responses. Two others repeatedly troll me with blatant misinterpretations of a very simple question.

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And yet again you deliberately miss the point. What I asked is the same as what I bolded in your post. It's been clarified multiple times. Differences between versions of a game can be cosmetic or functional. That I have to repeatedly clarify this is absurd.

LOL @ bringing "console wars" into this discussion...twice. What does any of that have to do with asking about the differences between two versions of a game, and wondering why so many people have complained about one version in the reviews? You are seemingly hellbent about making this very simple question into something completely different that has apparently been bugging you.

And how do you know what my motivations or reasons are for asking a simple question? Why do you take offense to it? How do you know whether I bought the game or not, and whether my decision depended upon the answer to my question? You don't. You're making illogical assumptions. I could have bought the game long before asking that question. Thread derailment successful, I guess?

This has been amusing. I ask one straightforward question. Two people read it and provide simple, helpful responses. Two others repeatedly troll me with blatant misinterpretations of a very simple question.
I'm not taking offense at anything. It's a reasonable question why someone would ask the difference between a version available to purchase and one not and not even compatible with current OS's. I've never even played the damn game or have any intention of playing it.

You're the one seemingly going off on people for even asking the question. It's just an odd question, that's all. No one is "Trolling" anything. That's why I thought originally you were just asking which version it was. And you went off at that. Chill out.

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People are constantly curious about things they can't have, so it's not really that odd, plus you'd be surprised how many people might have an old PC sitting somewhere running some ancient windows. 

Also, if someone said "This movie is ALMOST complete, but if you have the VHS you get an extra 10 minutes" some people might just rather pass than miss a part of it, even if it isn't necessary to understand the movie.  

Like I said, I was curious. Not curious about something I can't have. Curious about why other people said the DOS version was inferior. That's it. A curiosity. Not a curiousity with strings attached. Nothing odd about asking, "Oh, why don't people like this version?"

I was browsing the gamecard page and saw all those reviews complaining about SC2000 not being the Windows version. Since none of the reviews mentioned why they preferred the Windows version, I was curious. Simple as that. My curiousity had nothing to do with the lack of availability or wanting something that isn't available - I was interested in why others had that position. That I have to justify this is silly.

I see these side discussions happen all the time in threads. I don't get why people keep assuming I'm motivated because I "can't have" it. I was just curious. I elucidated this numerous times, but people insist I was basing my purchase decision off that curiosity or they questioned my motivation for asking it. Oh well, it was a mistake to ask. Didn't realize my simple reason for asking would be psychoanalyzed. ;)

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Like I said, I was curious. Not curious about something I can't have. Curious about why other people said the DOS version was inferior. That's it. A curiosity. Not a curiousity with strings attached. Nothing odd about asking, "Oh, why don't people like this version?"

I was browsing the gamecard page and saw all those reviews complaining about SC2000 not being the Windows version. Since none of the reviews mentioned why they preferred the Windows version, I was curious. Simple as that. My curiousity had nothing to do with the lack of availability or wanting something that isn't available - I was interested in why others had that position.

I see these side discussions happen all the time in threads. I don't get why people keep assuming I'm motivated because I "can't have" it. I was just curious. I elucidated this numerous times, but people insist I was basing my purchase decision off that curiosity or they questioned my motivation for asking it. Oh well, it was a mistake to ask.
I wasn't inferring any motivation behind why you were curious. Unless you have a Windows 95 computer, you are technically curious about something you can't have. Why? I don't know nor do I care. I was actually trying to chime in on your side, but oh well, people are touchy.

Like I said, I was curious. Not curious about something I can't have. Curious about why other people said the DOS version was inferior. That's it. A curiosity. Not a curiousity with strings attached. Nothing odd about asking, "Oh, why don't people like this version?"

I was browsing the gamecard page and saw all those reviews complaining about SC2000 not being the Windows version. Since none of the reviews mentioned why they preferred the Windows version, I was curious. Simple as that. My curiousity had nothing to do with the lack of availability or wanting something that isn't available - I was interested in why others had that position.

I see these side discussions happen all the time in threads. I don't get why people keep assuming I'm motivated because I "can't have" it. I was just curious. I elucidated this numerous times, but people insist I was basing my purchase decision off that curiosity or they questioned my motivation for asking it. Oh well, it was a mistake to ask.
I was trying to answer the question. I guess the way you worded it made me think you were asking if it was the DOS or Windows 95 version, because you said "I don't know if the reviews are to be believed" and I thought you meant with regards if it's the DOS or Windows 95 version they're selling. I thought you were asking if you could believe the reviews saying it was the DOS version. I actually went and looked on GOG forums to find an answer for you, then you respond back with a dickish "if you read my post" type response.

Then another guy pasted a review, you requote yourself bolded and underlined that it isn't the question you asked and then bitch about him trolling. Then for some reason go on a tangent that people are being DOSBox fanboys, and I just responded with a WTF type post not understanding why you're starting a whole "you're a DOSBox fanboy" type tangent when it's all that's there to buy.

I was just trying to help you dude and misunderstood from the way you worded. Then you go straight to "if you read" and calling people trolls for pasting reviews. But whatever. Don't know how why you are so combative for about the most chill videogame type of thread you can find.

I was trying to answer the question. I guess the way you worded it made me think you were asking if it was the DOS or Windows 95 version, because you said "I don't know if the reviews are to be believed" and I thought you meant with regards if it's the DOS or Windows 95 version they're selling. I thought you were asking if you could believe the reviews saying it was the DOS version. I actually went and looked on GOG forums to find an answer for you, then you respond back with a dickish "if you read my post" type response.

Then another guy pasted a review, you requote yourself bolded and underlined that it isn't the question you asked and then bitch about him trolling. Then for some reason go on a tangent that people are being DOSBox fanboys, and I just responded with a WTF type post not understanding why you're starting a whole "you're a DOSBox fanboy" type tangent when it's all that's there to buy.

I was just trying to help you dude and misunderstood from the way you worded. Then you go straight to "if you read" and calling people trolls for pasting reviews. But whatever. Don't know how why you are so combative for about the most chill videogame type of thread you can find.
To the first paragraph: Well, this is what my post said:

Is the DOS version of SimCity 2000 (the version GOG sells) as inferior to the Windows version as the reviews have me to believe?
I actually tried to make it clear that GOG sells the DOS version. My response wasn't intended to be "dickish".

LOL where did I go on a tangent about people "being DOSBox fanboys"? That is a very odd and false accusation. I recall you went on two "console wars" tangents, though.

If you were trying to help me out or misunderstood the question, then that's another matter. Even so I clarified what I was asking a few times, but the responses I received (copying/pasting the review) indicated people still insisted I was asking which version GOG sells or inferred other motivations behind a simple question. That is evident in the way you keep accusing me of "console wars" or "tangents about people being DOSBox fanboys". These things have absolutely nothing to do with anything I said, and you keep throwing these strange statements around.

This has gone on far enough, though. If you misunderstood my initial post, it's fine. I don't see a reason to keep going back and forth on this.

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I've been AWOL from this thread for the past week. But since my beloved Red Sox are busy getting raped by the Tigers in Game 4 of the ALCS, I thought I'd stick my head in here and see what's going on. 

I find that despite my not posting the deals here in this thread over the past week, this thread is actually thriving. Over 80 posts since I last posted. Remarkable considering that outside of big holiday sales, this thread is lucky to see 25 posts in a month.

What am I to make of this? I stop posting the deals and people suddenly feel that this thread is actually worth posting in? Just what are you people trying to tell me here?


*Goes back to watching the Red Sox get raped*

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To the first paragraph: Well, this is what my post said:

I actually tried to make it clear that GOG sells the DOS version. My response wasn't intended to be "dickish".

LOL where did I go on a tangent about people "being DOSBox fanboys"? That is a very odd and false accusation. I recall you went on two "console wars" tangents, though.

If you were trying to help me out or misunderstood the question, then that's another matter. But even so I clarified what I was asking a few times, but the responses I received (copying/pasting the review) indicated people still insisted I was asking which version GOG sells or inferring other motivations behind a simple question.

This has gone on far enough, though. If you misunderstood my initial post, it's fine. I don't see a reason to keep going back and forth on this.
Well you said this:

"I'm not sure they are to be believed, which is why I asked. (Go past page 1)"

Sorry, it's late for me when I post usually, I'm usually out of it from working all day so I'm not totally focused on the transitive properties of which pronouns are connected to what's being said in a previous post.

Then you gave me "if you would read" lecture, then quoted someone who pasted a review that wasn't detailed and posted:

"Are you mad that I'm asking why the DOS version is "inferior"? Do highlight in that review you posted where it explains why this is the case."

It seems to be a strange tangent as to why someone would be mad the DOS version is inferior and accuse someone of trolling? Not like people are purposely avoiding the question to be some weird 2013 DOS fanboy or something. He just pasted a review about what you were talking about then you're asking him if he's trolling and telling him to highlight the explanation?

Just don't get why you're being so combative. Anyway it's late. I'm tired. I'll remember next time you ask something not to attempt to answer because I may have misunderstood your post, or aren't doing enough research as to why something is that way it is and am sounding like I'm trolling or something.

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This has gone on far enough, though. If you misunderstood my initial post, it's fine. I don't see a reason to keep going back and forth on this.

Just don't get why you're being so combative. Anyway it's late. I'm tired. I'll remember next time you ask something not to attempt to answer because I may have misunderstood your post, or aren't doing enough research as to why something is that way it is and am sounding like I'm trolling or something.

or maybe:




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(not quoting to save page space)

I was trying to be direct in my responses to clarify what I had initially asked. Two other people understood what I was asking, after all. So having to repeat something for a second, third, fourth time was a bit annoying. I wasn't trying to be combatitive.

The "mad" thing refers to someone being mad about me asking a side question in a deals thread, not someone being defensive about Dos. That is another misinterpretation alongside the "console wars" comments. I will concede that comment could have been omitted or worded in a better way. Also, I was asking that poster rhetorically to show where that pasted review answered my question, since it didn't. Besides, I asked MIND LINK if he was trolling because it seemed like he hadn't read those clarifications (plus he made a harmless joke post earlier). While that comment was meant partially in jest, he did admit it. ;)

I can see your initial response was a simple misunderstanding and the miscommunication ballooned from there. I just didn't get how my question was so confusing or misunderstood to the point where you assumed I had some motivations other than simple, harmless curiosity. I truly didn't care which version GOG offers, but I was surprised when I saw all those reviews criticizing the DOS version but not explaining why. In fact, I was really trying to ask, "Why are people complaining about a version that isn't available, won't run on modern OS, and seemingly doesn't offer any major advantages over the DOS version?" I was trying to understand their POV rather than use that info for my own purchasing decision (I had bought it anyway).

Anywho, this is now the hottest thread on CAG, so I guess one positive thing came out of all this.

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Free GOG key for Carmageddon Max Pack:


Send a PM to user GOGaway. Keep it simple, since we're not going to be reading the PMs here. Maybe you wanna tell GOGaway what you did last summer, or your secret plans for world domination. Whatever you say there, we won't judge.
Wait. We have 50,000 codes to give away and Reddit's API recommends a 3 second delay between each PM; that means that it will be a minimum of 42 hours until we give all of the keys out. Don't worry, though. We got your PM. I totally checked.
The bot will read the mail and send you a PM with a GOG.com key for the Carmageddon Max Pack.
We'll edit the top of this post to let you know when all of the keys are distributed.
Also, Carmageddon 2 was released on GOG today.
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Oh man I love Carmageddon 2 so much.  That powerup that lets you throw pedestrians through the air is wonderful and you get to listen to fucking Iron Maiden while doing it.  $10 seems steep considering the lack of extras but since I got the first game free from backing the Kickstarter I may just buy the damn thing.

(not quoting to save page space)

I was trying to be direct in my responses to clarify what I had initially asked. Two other people understood what I was asking, after all. So having to repeat something for a second, third, fourth time was a bit annoying. I wasn't trying to be combatitive.

The "mad" thing refers to someone being mad about me asking a side question in a deals thread, not someone being defensive about Dos. That is another misinterpretation alongside the "console wars" comments. I will concede that comment could have been omitted or worded in a better way. Also, I was asking that poster rhetorically to show where that pasted review answered my question, since it didn't. Besides, I asked MIND LINK if he was trolling because it seemed like he hadn't read those clarifications (plus he made a harmless joke post earlier). While that comment was meant partially in jest, he did admit it. ;)

I can see your initial response was a simple misunderstanding and the miscommunication ballooned from there. I just didn't get how my question was so confusing or misunderstood to the point where you assumed I had some motivations other than simple, harmless curiosity. I truly didn't care which version GOG offers, but I was surprised when I saw all those reviews criticizing the DOS version but not explaining why. In fact, I was really trying to ask, "Why are people complaining about a version that isn't available, won't run on modern OS, and seemingly doesn't offer any major advantages over the DOS version?" I was trying to understand their POV rather than use that info for my own purchasing decision (I had bought it anyway).

Anywho, this is now the hottest thread on CAG, so I guess one positive thing came out of all this.
It's no big deal, just a misunderstanding, no hard feelings. Good luck with your game.

Time to bring this topic to screeching halt. Here's the weekend deal.

60% off Point-and-click-a-thon

The Longest Journey - $3.99
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - $5.99
The 7th Guest - $3.99
The 11th Hour - $3.99
To The Moon - $3.99
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition - $3.99
The Book of Unwritten Tales - $7.99
The Book Of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles - $7.99
Jack Keane - $3.99
Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within - $11.99
Machinarium: Collector\'s Edition - $3.99
Dracula 4: Shadow of the Dragon - $7.99
Dracula Trilogy - $3.99
Inherit the Earth - $2.39
Richard & Alice - $2.39
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor - $2.39

If I'm feeling frisky later, I'll add links for each of those games.
There you go ^_^

Likely getting 7th Guest (Owned 11th hour and overall it's really boring....i played for a good while mainly because OMG FMVs!) and Richard & Alice (didn't touch that indie bundle with this one in it). Does anyone recommend the Dracula Trilogy or Inherit the Earth? Love me some adventure games though!

Anyone know of any retro PC reviewing sites that are actually decent?

GOG is a great site, but it's hard to actually compare games that still hold up well versus "OMG I remember playing this game on DOS for my birthday back in 5th grade, 5 stars!" type of stuff. It's impossible to get a gauge of what games are actually decent or not when almost every review on there is like 4 and 3/4ths stars or higher.

It's easier to find games that were also on consoles, to came out 1999 and forward with some old Gamespot reviews and such, but some are about impossible and some of those games just look ... bad!

Anyone know of any retro PC reviewing sites that are actually decent?

GOG is a great site, but it's hard to actually compare games that still hold up well versus "OMG I remember playing this game on DOS for my birthday back in 5th grade, 5 stars!" type of stuff. It's impossible to get a gauge of what games are actually decent or not when almost every review on there is like 4 and 3/4ths stars or higher.

It's easier to find games that were also on consoles, to came out 1999 and forward with some old Gamespot reviews and such, but some are about impossible and some of those games just look ... bad!
i agree I remember buying the Dangerous Dave trilogy. It was a set of older games for sure and everyone was saying how fun it was....it did feel alright but not a great platformer shooter thing....would have given it about 3 stars overall but everyone on the site was 4 and 5 stars. Nostalgic glasses overlook many flaws for sure....and some games just aren't as fun to play anymore.

i agree I remember buying the Dangerous Dave trilogy. It was a set of older games for sure and everyone was saying how fun it was....it did feel alright but not a great platformer shooter thing....would have given it about 3 stars overall but everyone on the site was 4 and 5 stars. Nostalgic glasses overlook many flaws for sure....and some games just aren't as fun to play anymore.
Yup. One of my favorite retro review sites is videogamecritic.net Lots of short old game reviews, just not PC games.

Anyone know of any retro PC reviewing sites that are actually decent?

GOG is a great site, but it's hard to actually compare games that still hold up well versus "OMG I remember playing this game on DOS for my birthday back in 5th grade, 5 stars!" type of stuff. It's impossible to get a gauge of what games are actually decent or not when almost every review on there is like 4 and 3/4ths stars or higher.

It's easier to find games that were also on consoles, to came out 1999 and forward with some old Gamespot reviews and such, but some are about impossible and some of those games just look ... bad!


After checking out some various review sites, I picked up Machinarium, Richard and Alice, Book of Unwritten Tales, To the Moon, and Dreamfall. I know some PC gamers love Steam, but if a game is available on GOG, I prefer to pick it up from there instead.

The absence of DRM is nice, but the real draw for someone like me is how GOG does all the technical footwork to get these games to run on modern systems. I have bought Knights of the Old Republic II and Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines during Steam sales and each of these games have required me to mess around just to get them to run properly.



After checking out some various review sites, I picked up Machinarium, Richard and Alice, Book of Unwritten Tales, To the Moon, and Dreamfall. I know some PC gamers love Steam, but if a game is available on GOG, I prefer to pick it up from there instead.

The absence of DRM is nice, but the real draw for someone like me is how GOG does all the technical footwork to get these games to run on modern systems. I have bought Knights of the Old Republic II and Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines during Steam sales and each of these games have required me to mess around just to get them to run properly.
I see your point for older games, but all of the ones you mentioned buying were made in recent years to work on modern systems already, so GOG likely didn't do anything to them. A handful of older games (Septerra Core comes to mind) also still won't work correctly on newer systems despite GOG's attempted fixes, so it's not as if they are full proof. That said if I was getting a particularly old game, I would certainly feel more confident in it running buying from GOG instead of Steam, but my main draw to GOG is for games that are no longer available anywhere else that can now be bought digitally.

In case anyone doesn't already have these from the last goaround, you can get free copies of Realms of Arkania 1+2 on GOG for taking their download survey: here's the forum post and the actual test.

Sort of wish Idiot hadn't left the title at "Nothing Notable at this Moment" before he left...lol... feel like it is discouraging people from checking it.  

In case anyone doesn't already have these from the last goaround, you can get free copies of Realms of Arkania 1+2 on GOG for taking their download survey: here's the forum post and the actual test.
Cool, got one. Ya know, I'm starting to feel kinda bad. I've gotten so many free games from GOG, that I almost never buy anything.

Its time to let this thread wash away like Idiot's tears from being silenced for posting porn. I nominate The End to start a new thread,
Should we start a letter writing campaign to CheapyD to petition him to end the tyranny and let us start a new thread? Or can The End just start a new one without all the theatrics?

Should we start a letter writing campaign to CheapyD to petition him to end the tyranny and let us start a new thread? Or can The End just start a new one without all the theatrics?
I think a new one can be started, nobody really comes in here anyway

I like how The End has been avoiding thread since he's been nominated.
bread's done