GOG Deals Thread

No, you're still here, reading ever post, shaking your head and missing the joke...
Actually, 1.) I left for about 2 hours to go eat dinner with the wife and kids, and 2.) I do get the joke, but for some reason I find it ridiculous immature inappropriate shocking... ah, fuck it! Who am I kidding?

We all know that *this* is the dominant humour on the Web these days, so I should probably just cozy up with a blanket and a nice warm cup of GIFs, then basically just....


Sorry noob question, can I play Soul Reaver 1 that for 75% off on Mac?
Just a word of warning, mate:

If you're under age, you *may* want to get-off-of-here-as-soon-as-possible before you're scarred for the rest of your adult life.

And to answer your question, no; I don't believe LoK: Soul Reaver is Mac-compatible (I'm fairly certain that none of GOG's Legacy of Kain games are able to be played on Mac... Somebody correct if I'm incorrect, but I'm quite sure that none of the LoK games were ever ported to Mac, just so you know).

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Sorry noob question, can I play Soul Reaver 1 that for 75% off on Mac?
GOG clearly, plainly states, no.

compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8)

Please deposit your body is the nearest biological material recycling bin.

Actually, 1.) I left for about 2 hours to go eat dinner with the wife and kids, and 2.) I do get the joke, but for some reason I find it ridiculous immature inappropriate shocking... ah, fuck it! Who am I kidding?

We all know that *this* is the My social media specialists tell me that this is dominant humour on the Web these days, so I should probably just cozy up with a blanket and a nice warm cup of GIFs, then basically just....

Actually, 1.) I left for about 2 hours to go eat dinner with the wife and kids, and 2.) I do get the joke, but for some reason I find it ridiculous immature inappropriate shocking... ah, fuck it! Who am I kidding?

We all know that *this* is the dominant humour on the Web these days, so I should probably just cozy up with a blanket and a nice warm cup of GIFs, then basically just....

Sucking it up after the fact isn't actually an effective means of contraception, you know.


How do I make spoiler tags say "snip" in this forum? Or anything else, for that matter.

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Back in CAG 2.0 (back when CAG wasn't a broken pile of IndieRoyale) there was no EZ-Mode box, you had to know or quote-examine the BBcode for customspoiler.
I'd be fine if quote-examining worked for most of the BBcode in CAG 3.0. Almost all of it comes pre-formatted now, though.

All this convenience is really inconvenient. :wall:

custom spoiler tag [customspoiler='suck it'] :newbie:[/customspoiler]
I prefer the substantially more *family friendly* variation, [customspoiler=Bugger Off]
[/customspoiler], as non-Brit children

may think of catching butterflies when they hear this... (at least my oldest did when he first heard this, but then again, when we moved back to the Isles, every one of his sentences ended in either "c-nt", "f-ck", "sh-t", or some variation thereof).

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I prefer the substantially more *family friendly* variation, [customspoiler=bugger off]
[/customspoiler], as non-Brit children may think of catching butterflies when they hear this... (at least my oldest did when he first heard this, but then again, when we moved back to the Isles, every one of his sentences ended in either "c-nt", "f-ck", sh*t, or some variation thereof).
But I thought buggering was only half a DP.

Does anyone know why my custom spoiler just got royally fucked up?

I sense nefarious powers at work here...  


EDIT:  Therrrrrrrre we go!

*I guess Johnny Depp has the ability to banish all BBCode-ruining spirits, no?*

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So, on a different note, @asheskitty, how bad is the snowstorm in Maine, right now? I would imagine it's worse than probably any other place in the nation right now, given that it's as "far northeastern" as you can get...

EDIT: You *were* the CAG user who lives in Maine, right?...   I just realized how creepy the initial part of my comment came out (sorry!), but I remember somebody in this thread saying a ways back that they lived in Maine, and I thought it was you.

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I'd be fine if quote-examining worked for most of the BBcode in CAG 3.0. Almost all of it comes pre-formatted now, though.

All this convenience is really inconvenient. :wall:
Are you daft? click the top-left button on the toolbar. CAG 3.0 is broke as all Hell.

I prefer the substantially more *family friendly* variation, [customspoiler=Bugger Off]
[/customspoiler], as non-Brit children

may think of catching butterflies when they hear this... (at least my oldest did when he first heard this, but then again, when we moved back to the Isles, every one of his sentences ended in either "c-nt", "f-ck", "sh-t", or some variation thereof).
Are you taking the piss?

So, on a different note, @asheskitty, how bad is the snowstorm in Maine, right now? I would imagine it's worse than probably any other place in the nation right now, given that it's as "far northeastern" as you can get...

EDIT: You *were* the CAG user who lives in Maine, right?... I just realized how creepy the initial part of my comment came out (sorry!), but I remember somebody in this thread saying a ways back that they lived in Maine, and I thought it was you.
Global warming hasn't cause Maine to float into Amazon's time zone yet, so definitely not.

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Are you taking the piss?
Well somebody is an observable lass, now isn't she?

Global warming hasn't cause Maine to float into Amazon's time zone yet, so definitely not.
Ah, I see... Well, still, how's the weather up there?

(See what I did there? I live in California, and you live in The-Weed-Is-Legal-State-That-Two-Two-Really-Awful-Coffee-Chains-Came-From, so you're north of wher... ya, never mind, I'm not gonna even try to make that joke funny.)

Global warming hasn't cause Maine to float into Amazon's time zone yet, so definitely not.
Also, I see that you're a *fetus-killing, wealth-hating, environmentalist pagan*, because otherwise you would know that global warming is a myth, created by our Arab-born President, Barack Hussein Obama!!


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Forget Chrome, I have a browser called SeaMonkey. Why on earth would I choose not to use it?
Oh wow! I didn't know anybody still actually used SeaMonkey! I use to use that and K-Meleon, but switched when Chrome started getting decent enough for power users.

Sorry for a bit of a nostalgia rant, here, but I remember when Mosaic first came out, and how it was "so revolutionary and everything", and when its was discontinued, I couldn't find a replacement that I truly loved... until SeaMonkey came along (and I was smitten).

Then, Google released Chrome, and like a blue-eyed floozy, I dumped Gecko like the old news that it was, and jumped ship to the hotter, trendier, and prettier browser...



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Just a word of warning, mate:

If you're under age, you *may* want to get-off-of-here-as-soon-as-possible before you're scarred for the rest of your adult life.

And to answer your question, no; I don't believe LoK: Soul Reaver is Mac-compatible (I'm fairly certain that none of GOG's Legacy of Kain games are able to be played on Mac... Somebody correct if I'm incorrect, but I'm quite sure that none of the LoK games were ever ported to Mac, just so you know).
Haha…Naw, I'm an adult. Thanks for your help.

Haha…Naw, I'm an adult. Thanks for your help.
Pfft, yeah, I figured; most kiddies are off playing their consoles, or occasionally MOBA crap on Steam.

I'm willing to bet that GOG has a *single* account registered to a minor, and I can proudly say that that account belongs to my daughter...


Pfft, yeah, I figured; most kiddies are off playing their consoles, or occasionally MOBA crap on Steam.

I'm willing to bet that GOG has a *single* account registered to a minor, and I can proudly say that that account belongs to my daughter...

You still haven't said if she was hot or not!

Pfft, yeah, I figured; most kiddies are off playing their consoles, or occasionally MOBA crap on Steam.

I'm willing to bet that GOG has a *single* account registered to a minor, and I can proudly say that that account belongs to my daughter...

On a scale from 1-10 how hot is she?


Guys, just be glad this is the Internet, and you're not saying this to me in person...

However, for being *slightly* more mature than the Youtube comments section, I'll indulge your perverted trolling:

All that I'm (ever) going to share is that I have three daughters, ages 16, 21, and 26. But more importantly, my oldest, a son (whom used to play university level rugby professionally, might I add) is a million times more overprotective of his younger sisters than this parent, below:

So, as I said before, just be glad this isn't "real life", so to speak...





EDIT: Also, Idiotekque, for that last GIF, I would like to congratulate you for the best usage of ANY allusion EVER, in the history of history. Well done, chap...  well done.

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Hmmm, it seems you entirely (intentionally??) missed the rest of that post:

I'll quote myself correctly, as the man-squirrel seems *utterly incapable* of doing so:

Actually, 1.) I left for about 2 hours to go eat dinner with the wife and kids, and 2.) I do get the joke, but for some reason I find it ridiculous immature inappropriate shocking... ah, fuck it! Who am I kidding?

We all know that *this* is the dominant humour on the Web these days, so I should probably just cozy up with a blanket and a nice warm cup of GIFs, then basically just....


So, to recap: I basically said the same thing that you just said, but in non-pharmaceutical terms...

I'm going to go out on a limb, here, but possibly your memory/attention span is similar to that of your user-namesake?

Anyway, all jokes aside, I prefer to calm down with means "built into one's self" (as in breathing/meditation), rather than popping a Xanax like The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

So, the moral of the story is that your JPEG-disguising-itself-as-a-GIF (yes, I looked at the file extension) need not apply in this situation. Now, go play in the front yard with your Tonkas and Duplos... mkay, mate?

*Please stand by while talkinrock realizes that he may have taken something as simple as a photo a little bit too seriously* :whistle2:

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Good pic, mate, but I don't think what's been going on for the past 30 minutes or so is at all "an argument", or really, any case in which one of us is "right or wrong", so...



Still, the important thing is that you tried, so *good effort* (but just try a tad harder next time, okay?).

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PLEASE go here to decide my fate for the next 12 hours or so...  Thanks!!

"Thank you for flying Air Talkinrock...  Now, please sit back and enjoy a downward spiral into drunken nothingness the flight."

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Daughter pics if that option wins.
Since I'm *slightly more than tipsy*, I'll indulge your perversions, if only just *barely*... All that I'm going to say (ever) is that she's half Irish, and half Korean/Japanese.

If you want to know more, well, then you're SOL, chaps!

So, if you need to "satisfy your urges" (as we used to say), then please just head on over to your favorite website where these make up the entire spectrum of colours.

EDIT: Also, @Idiotekque, where is your profile pic from? NCIS?

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It's just a band. Metal + Japanese Pop (JPop).

CAG has spoken though. Every vote says you're showing us the child.

Well, hopefully this will suffice, as it's the closest you're going to get (that is, without participating in the *wonderful* act we call stalking, of course!):


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Also, while searching for the above *random anime* girl on Google, I unearthed this, ummm, shall we say "nugget" of sheer and utter lunacy:





...I mean, HOW?

...H-h-h-how the HELLLLLL is this even possible? 



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Well, hopefully this will suffice, as it's the closest you're going to get (that is, without participating in the *wonderful* act we call stalking, of course!):

1. Your daughter isn't an anime drawing. 2. Stalking is the next logical step and will undoubtedly happen soon.

Really, you're doing her a favor at this point by simply showing her picture. Who knows, I may even be your future son-in-law!

Also, while searching for the above *random anime* girl on Google, I unearthed this, ummm, shall we say "nugget" of sheer and utter lunacy:

Probably just real dolls.

bread's done