GOG Deals Thread

Really, you're doing her a favor at this point by simply showing her picture. Who knows, I may even be your future son-in-law!
Also, unless you're either 1.) Already married to one of my girls 2.) A woman, or 3.) A pedo; you're SOL, my friend:

1.) My 26 year-old is married (with newborn twins).

2.) My 21 year-old is a lesbian.

3.) Well, that last one is self-explanatory...

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This is the most action the GOG thread has seen since the crazy insomnia sale. And all it took was alcohol and the thought of defiling one's offspring.

(Did I miss the pics?)
Also, unless you're either 1.) Already married to one of my girls 2.) A woman, or 3.) A pedo; you're SOL, my friend:

1.) My 26 year-old is married (with newborn twins).

2.) My 21 year-old is a lesbian.

3.) Well, that last one is self-explanatory...
1. I can work with that.

2. Even lesbians want the D, they just suppress the need.

3. If there's grass on the field, play ball.

EDIT: Also, where did [whomever edited the thread's title] find confirmation of a Square Humble Bundle?

Since this is a GoG Thread and they do only DRM-FREE stuff...

[insert long-winded MysterD discussion about how great DRM-FREE is]


Off-topic? Newbie.
As I said before, I've been lurking in this thread for a couple years now, so "yes AND no".

Also, since it seems that you're not be able to comprehend sarcasm (as evident by your name :p ) all I meant is that it seems like would this thread would be far more fitting in the deep, dark depths of Hell on 4chan, however, I will settle for the "second best"... The off-topic forums on CAG.

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Race, politics, religion.

Those are the three topics which when expanded upon in droves of posts, tend to invoke a thread nuke and subsequent silencing. Those seem to qualify for OT. As long as the report button isn't pressed and the thread can be steered resonably back on track with game/game deal talk, everything else is usually tolerated.
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Race, politics, religion.

Those are the three topics which when expanded upon in droves of posts, tend to invoke a thread nuke and subsequent silencing. Those seem to qualify for OT. As long as the report button isn't pressed and the thread can be steered resonably back on track with game/game deal talk, everything else is usually tolerated.
You do realize I was being facetious (again), right?

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For future reference, yellow comic sans is used to denote sarcasm here.

I bet your daughters are just so attractive.
Duly noted.

Also, they are, in fact, quite attractive, so the sarcasm is completely and utterly welcome, understood? :speaktothehand:

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Race, politics, religion.

Those are the three topics which when expanded upon in droves of posts, tend to invoke a thread nuke and subsequent silencing. Those seem to qualify for OT. As long as the report button isn't pressed and the thread can be steered resonably back on track with game/game deal talk, everything else is usually tolerated.
If I keep it up enough, it'll become FOUR topics.

#4 = Any (long-winded) MysterD Rants. ;)

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Came in here hoping to find some good deals and word of a Squeenix humble bundle. Now I hate eveyone here
Considering this is one GIANT sausagefest (and sadly, asheskitty rarely offers some much needed female contrast; even worse, she tends to joins in on the immaturity typical CAG festivities), this shit was *bound* to happen sooner or later.

So what can I say, mate, other than:


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Considering this is one GIANT sausagefest (and sadly, asheskitty rarely offers some much needed female contrast; even worse, she tends to joins in on the immaturity typical CAG festivities), this shit was *bound* to happen sooner or later.

So what can I say, mate, other than:

Ashes is bi, so who knows.. maybe she'd want to see pics of your daughters too.

Ironically I've been called out as being overly feminine on numerous occasions on CAG, so it's news to me that I'm actually part of the dudebro testosterone fest.
Ironically I've been called out as being overly feminine on numerous occasions on CAG, so it's news to me that I'm actually part of the dudebro testosterone fest.
From what I've noticed, that's *mostly* accurate, so I will give you credit for doing it somewhat less than some of the other males on here...

On a somewhat related topic (and I'm being genuinely serious right now), I came to the CAG boards not knowing what to expect, but the one thing I was almost certainly not expecting were comments similar to that of Youtube, at least in the GOG thread (given that GOG's target audience is ages 20+, whom I expect to *not* act like the preteens that tend to dominate the darker areas of the Web).

However, I'm not the most tactful person myself, and my humour is more often off-colour than not (the same as ANY Irishman, eh?), so I will tolerate a decent level of immaturity. That being said, I was slightly offended yesterday (but only a very minimal amount) about the remarks made regarding my kin... Nevertheless, I do very much appreciate that the comments didn't get *too creepy*, and were strictly limited to her appearance. Also, to be fair, I was egging you guys on a bit, so "all is fair in love in war" as they say. :p

Anyway, my point is that all I'm going to ask of you CAGs is that jokes surrounding my daughter(s) doesn't become a "localized meme" within this thread, so to speak... As in, please don't just bring it up when the time doesn't call for it (However, If I mention anything regarding one of my daughters, then feel free to "troll away" if you must, because this IS, after all, the Internet... But please, let's not let it get out of hand again, like it did yesterday.).

Thanks, mates!

EDIT: Idiotekque, good joke, but please read the above post... :wall:

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Also, WHERE IS THIS confirmation of the Square Humble Bundle of which everyone is speaking?  Am I missing something (an inside joke, perhaps)?   :whistle2:k

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bread's done