GOG Deals Thread

Is anybody else über excited for the *NEW* Tex Murphy game? :D/

Also, not that it even matters to anyone here, but it is 10% off if you pre-order it.

EDIT: Also, it seems that the only way (at the present moment) to obtain the soundtrack for the game is to pre-order it, which to be blunt, makes me want to tell Big Finish Games to "sod off" for committing such an atrocity to game music everywhere...

My only hope is that *at least* they will make it available as a DLC on the GOG site (which, if they do so, I believe will be the first DLC on GOG that just gives you JUST a soundtrack).
Looking forward to it! I backed it on Kickstarter and assume that probably has something to do with the soundtrack pre-order thing. They offered the soundtrack as a perk for backers at a certain level and are probably trying not to ruffle too many feathers. I wouldn't be surprised if after a period of time passes it gets added as standard.

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Looking forward to it! I backed it on Kickstarter and assume that probably has something to do with the soundtrack pre-order thing. They offered the soundtrack as a perk for backers at a certain level and are probably trying not to ruffle too many feathers. I wouldn't be surprised if after a period of time passes it gets added as standard.
Thanks for that info; the "soundtrack thing" makes a bit more sense now, considering what you said about the Kickstarter tiers...

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My hate on bloodnet is legendary.

Thank GODDDDDD that show is finally over!!!

The nice thing is that people (hopefully) won't be quoting a crap show, anymore.


Now, however, we're going have to put up with the horrendous Tumblr quotes...  FROM THE BLOODY SPINOFF!!!


EDIT: Well, between my DP (both of which had GIFs), and my new avatar icon, I believe I *just might* be going a tad bit GIF-mad, no?

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Thank GODDDDDD that show is finally over!!!

The nice thing is that people (hopefully) won't be quoting a crap show, anymore.

Wasn't quoting the show. But now that we're on it (and there are no good sales), I Watched it until maybe the last season, out of curiosity more than it being funny anymore. I somewhat liked the show, except the last 2 or 3 seasons (last episode I saw was when the mother" was introduced), sooooo boring.
Wasn't quoting the show. But now that we're on it (and there are no good sales), I Watched it until maybe the last season, out of curiosity more than it being funny anymore. I somewhat liked the show, except the last 2 or 3 seasons (last episode I saw was when the mother" was introduced), sooooo boring.
Yeah, I got that you weren't quoting the show, but I felt that I wanted to be cliché and use the (horrible) GIF that seemingly everyone on the Net has been using for the past few years.

Also, yeah, I can't stand that show even in the least bit, but the missus insists on having me watch it with with her, so I'm forced to sit through the worst that American broadcasting has to offer... But in case you haven't heard, the Net has been ablaze for the past couple days because of the abominable writing throughout the entire series in the finale:

In short, the "mother" has been dead for a while (due to a fatal illness or something). Essentially, Ted has loved Robin all along, and they were meant to be together from the get-go. In the end, Ted's kids tell him to call Robin and basically ask her if she wants to f*ck.

EDIT: I just realized that summary reads like the recap of a Spanish soap opera, which, to be honest, is pretty much what HIMYM is anyway, so yeah...

I've never seen that gif before. Guess I don't get out that much if everyone's been using it.

Oh and if we count the time spent watching that gif, the amount of time that I've spent watching HIMYM can be measured in seconds.

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Oh and if we count the time spent watching that gif, the amount of time that I've spent watching HIMYM can be measured in seconds.
Good man, you are... You, my friend, have just become my inspiration for me to say "NO!" from now on to my wife's appallingly dreadful taste in cable television shows. :applause:

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Since nobody has bothered to post it yet:

Broken Age Season Pass - $16.74 (33% off)

Even though the discount is only *half* that of Risen, 33% off is fairly significant, considering the fact that it's a recent release (especially for GOG, as they don't seem to often do 15%+ discounts on recent releases).

Also, please, [@The End, @Neuro5i5, @asheskitty, @Idiotekque, and @MrNinjaSquirrel], just save yourself the effort, because I'll bloody do it for you:  


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Sorry for DP'ing, but @The End, since I know that you're going to beat me to the chase with the weekend deals (not that I even have any desire to post the tedious, drawn-out weekend list, to begin with), I just was curious about something:

I'm always fairly astonished at how you can post the lengthy weekend sales list within a few minutes of it being posted, so, my question for you is do you have some sort of shortcut to rapidly link all of the URLs to the game titles?

If not that, then what is it, precisely, that you bribe *NAME_INTENTIONALLY_NOT_INCLUDED* with down at the GOG offices for an early list of the games?   :whistle2:k

EDIT: So, it seems this weekend's special is a "Square Enix" sale...  Probably Square/Eidos trying to make up for the botched release of the recent "Thief" remake. However, as I said, I have no desire to list all of the games (a.k.a I'm feeling quite lazy and exhausted), so I'll leave that up to @The End, or possibly @Idiotekque, if he's willing to do so.

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Weekend Promo

Square Enix Supply

75% Off Anachronox - $1.49

75% Off Conflict: Desert Storm - $1.49

75% Off Daikatana - $1.49

75% Off Deathtrap Dungeon - $1.49

60% Off Deus Ex 2: Invisible War - $3.99

60% Off Deus Ex GOTY Edition - $3.99

75% Off Gangsters: Organized Crime - $1.49

60% Off Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - $3.99

60% Off Hitman: Codename 47 - $2.39

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Defiance - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - $1.49

75% Off Omikron: The Nomad Soul - $2.49

75% Off Pandemonium! - $1.49

75% Off Pandemonium 2 - $1.49

75% Off Project Eden - $1.49

75% Off Startopia - $1.49

65% Off Thief Gold - $3.49

65% Off Thief 2: The Metal Age - $3.49

65% Off Thief 3: Deadly Shadows - $3.49

60% Off Tomb Raider 1+2+3 - $3.99

60% Off Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness - $3.99

60% Off Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles - $3.99

60% Off Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico - $2.39

75% Off Urban Chaos - $1.49

For the benefit of you weirdos out there who place a value on buying things at a good discount, here is that list of games again in descending order of discount.

75% Off Anachronox - $1.49

75% Off Conflict: Desert Storm - $1.49

75% Off Daikatana - $1.49

75% Off Deathtrap Dungeon - $1.49

75% Off Gangsters: Organized Crime - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Defiance - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - $1.49

75% Off Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - $1.49

75% Off Omikron: The Nomad Soul - $2.49

75% Off Pandemonium! - $1.49

75% Off Pandemonium 2 - $1.49

75% Off Project Eden - $1.49

75% Off Startopia - $1.49

75% Off Urban Chaos - $1.49

65% Off Thief Gold - $3.49

65% Off Thief 2: The Metal Age - $3.49

65% Off Thief 3: Deadly Shadows - $3.49

60% Off Deus Ex 2: Invisible War - $3.99

60% Off Deus Ex GOTY Edition - $3.99

60% Off Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - $3.99

60% Off Hitman: Codename 47 - $2.39

60% Off Tomb Raider 1+2+3 - $3.99

60% Off Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness - $3.99

60% Off Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles - $3.99

60% Off Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico - $2.39

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Sorry for DP'ing
Wait, wut?

Well, I had to Google "DP", because I didn't get what the joke was... And I think that image is going to be forever plastered in my mind (thank you, Urban Dictionary!). :shock:

Just for the record, I meant "double posting", so, getyourmindouttathegutter, boyo!

*CAG, corrupting the minds of the old, since 2003*

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Kind of remember playing Total Overdose a while back, anyway play it within a few years? I remember it being average back then, but liking the graphics, probably the colors. Worth it....with my backlog probably not worth it unless it is fondly played by someone here recently.


I'll start:  So, anybody hear about the massive 8.2 earthquake that struck Chile a couple of days ago?

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Don't let her near Bobbytastic if you want it to stay that way.
Yeah, I know, *right*?!! It *is* quite *awful* how that *earthquake* devastated the *lives* of *thousands* of *Chileans*.

And *yes*, MrNinjaSquirrel, *like you*, I, too, feel *extremely sympathetic* for those that *lost members* of their *family* in this *horrible tragedy*!!! :wall:

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*Sigh*...   And you guys wonder why you're still single Asheskitty only occasionally posts in the GOG thread.

EDIT: I tried to find a GIF that conveys something (anything at all!) about being mature or appropriate, and I came up with naught...    

That really says something for the denizens of the Web, doesn't it?

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So, this is *just a question*, but is there any bloody way we can STOP before we go:


...Or have we already hit


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This is why we can't have nice things. Like a Glazed Donut.
Mmmm... A Krispy Kreme glazed, old-fashioned donut DOES sound rather appetizing right now!

EDIT: Please, PLEASE try not to make something as innocent and pleasant as a donut turn into a downwards spiral that goes god-knows-where, mkay?

bread's done