GOG Deals Thread

Also, I can't bloody believe I forgot to mention this, but I got to meet TheEngimaticT, TheFrenchMonk, and some other GOG staffers (who aren't nearly as web-famous) in San Francisco on "Everybody be a Drunken Irishman" Day...

Anyway, they all were pretty fantastic and everybody there had a merry old time getting hammered and all that jazz, but I do have to say that out of all the GOG staff I got to meet, TheEngimaticT by far has the most off-colour, irreverant, and overall twisted sense of humour... I think I just met a clone of myself that's twenty years younger made a new best friend. :whee:
Is that why they're supporting Linux now? They got drunk off their asses so they said "Eh, fuck it, let's do it!"

In 1980, Mark Horton, a graduate student at the University of California in Berkeley, added his site to the Usenet network and started sending some of the ARPANET mailing lists to the Usenet. When the "ucbvax" computer joined the network shortly thereafter, the hierarchy "fa" was established, standing for "from ARPANET". At first the ARPANET lists were distributed read-only on the Usenet, but later the connection was made two-way.
Your quote doesn't actually get into this, but the full article does: This is only (partially) true, in that Horton transferred the first mailing lists from ARPANET over to Usenet, but not the first material in general, as that site basically claims. If my memory serves me correctly, the first "general material" transferred to Usenet was a series of reports put out by one of the branches of the US government (either the FBI or DARPA; I can't remember which one) that was discussing how certain departments of the federal government were going to be implementing newly created, and not-fully developed computational ideas thought up by Berkeley, Stanford, and the like.

This created quite a buzz on Usenet, and then a few more (publicly issued) reports were put on Usenet, until DARPA told those that were putting ARPANET content on Usenet to stop, for some reason. Again, this was odd, because those government reports were publicly available (well, at least to those with the know-how to obtain them), and to this day DARPA has never put out an explanation as why they asked people to stop...

Anyway, THAT is when ARPANET users just started posting mailing lists and other benevolent content on Usenet (starting with Horton)...

Dammit. I just realized I wrote that in my "technical, non-casual" manner, which doesn't exactly suit itself well for forums... especially those about games.

Sorry to all for my jargon, but to be honest, it's the only way I've ever written about such topics, so I guess it's the only way I know how. :???:

EDIT: I'm waiting for somebody to shift the discussion back to gaming, or at least something besides history that most people don't give their left testicle about... So, who's going to be the lucky poster, eh?

EDIT #2: Hmm, it seems I answered my own call to change topics; funny how that works, isn't it?

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Is that why they're supporting Linux now? They got drunk off their asses so they said "Eh, fuck it, let's do it!"
What I was told by one of the GOG staff members is that they don't actually want to support Linux, especially considering most older games aren't even compatible with them (I mean, they only have a handful of Mac games, anyway. So, imagine how few many Linux games they'll have available?).

Apparently, all the work required for them to support Linux will not only not earn them any money in the long run, but they will actually lose money in the process. However, the investors that are backing GOG don't seem too understand this, as they are the ones that urged GOG to support Linux. The GOG guy said that the investors believe (for some reason) that because Steam is now supporting Linux, GOG is somehow losing business because they don't yet support Linux.

The funny thing is that Valve has (quitetly) said several times at game development conferences that them supporting Linux also cost more money to implement then they expect to earn back from their Linux sales in 6-8 years.

Still, as senior Valve members have said regarding Linux support, they strive to please every gamer out there that they can (even if it means losing a bit of money in the process).

However, one could argue that the publicity of supporting Linux is more finanically beneficial than actual sales, because, you know... stocks and all that.

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What I was told by one of the GOG staff members is that they don't actually want to support Linux, especially considering most older games aren't even compatible with them (I mean, they only have a handful of Mac games, anyway. So, imagine how few many Linux games they'll have available?).

Apparently, all the work required for them to support Linux will not only not earn them any money in the long run, but they will actually lose money in the process. However, the investors that are backing GOG don't seem too understand this, as they are the ones that urged GOG to support Linux. The GOG guy said that the investors believe (for some reason) that because Steam is now supporting Linux, GOG is somehow losing business because they don't yet support Linux.

The funny thing is that Valve has (quitetly) said several times at game development conferences that them supporting Linux also cost more money to implement then they expect to earn back from their Linux sales in 6-8 years.

Still, as senior Valve members have said regarding Linux support, they strive to please every gamer out there that they can (even if it means losing a bit of money in the process).

However, one could argue that the publicity of supporting Linux is more finanically beneficial than actual sales, because, you know... stocks and all that.
Actually, this might earn them money anyway - at least for older games that run on DOSBox.

Just package the game with a native DOSBox version in one of those fancy Linux install packages that works over several different distros. This is basically what they did for many Mac OS versions, anyway - OSX Dosbox + game = Mac version.

The problem would be testing everything, I suppose.

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Actually, this might earn them money anyway - at least for older games that run on DOSBox.

Just package the game with a native DOSBox version in one of those fancy Linux install packages that works over several different distros. This is basically what they did for many Mac OS versions, anyway - OSX Dosbox + game = Mac version.

The problem would be testing everything, I suppose.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking; it's quite easy to run DOSBox games on Linux distros, but the problem is that there is no guarantee how well they would actually work on said Linux machines.

To add to the problem, there are an infinite number of Linux distros out there, and even though GOG is starting out only supporting 2 of them, every time they want to support a new distro, that means a whole new round of playtesting.

I half-jokingly suggested to TheFrenchMonk that they could provide copies of say, 5 games each to people that are running whatever Linux distro (currently that would be Ubuntu and Mint), and to make these games ONLY Linux compatible during the playtesting period (so people didn't abuse this hypothetical feature). So, you would give 5 games to User X, then a different set of 5 to User Y, and so on.

Doing this, GOG would have all of their Linux games playtested in a much quicker AND more thorough fashion than just having people buy the game, see that it doesn't run well on their Linux setup, then complain to GOG that it doesn't work.
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(it seems others on the CAG forums were haste to label it as "BS")
I suppose it's worth mentioning that if I respond to a post with a gif it's almost always as a joke, and I wasn't actually calling you a liar.

Considering I'm the OP, is this really how you thought this thread would become so weird?

There's a distinct lack of death metal and lolis and what have you.
No it's not, which I'm rather disappointed about. I'd prefer metal lolis to awkward stream of consciousness posts by a drunken Irish man.
Made my fucking day.
Her response will make it even better:

As some of you married guys probably know, couples occasionally watch *those kinds* of videos to get in "the mood", and considering it's currently 6:30 AM here in Manchester, she asked me "Don't you think it's a bit early? Also, I kind of have to drive *NAME WITHHELD* to school in 15 minutes, so I don't think that's a good idea..."

Did I also mention my wife has brilliant comedic timing?
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Considering I'm the OP, is this really how you thought this thread would become so weird?

There's a distinct lack of death metal and lolis and what have you.
So, did you hear about Arch Enemy? Their hot death metal singer quit and they hired a new hot death metal singer.

What I was told by one of the GOG staff members is that they don't actually want to support Linux, especially considering most older games aren't even compatible with them (I mean, they only have a handful of Mac games, anyway. So, imagine how few many Linux games they'll have available?).

Apparently, all the work required for them to support Linux will not only not earn them any money in the long run, but they will actually lose money in the process. However, the investors that are backing GOG don't seem too understand this, as they are the ones that urged GOG to support Linux. The GOG guy said that the investors believe (for some reason) that because Steam is now supporting Linux, GOG is somehow losing business because they don't yet support Linux.

The funny thing is that Valve has (quitetly) said several times at game development conferences that them supporting Linux also cost more money to implement then they expect to earn back from their Linux sales in 6-8 years.

Still, as senior Valve members have said regarding Linux support, they strive to please every gamer out there that they can (even if it means losing a bit of money in the process).

However, one could argue that the publicity of supporting Linux is more finanically beneficial than actual sales, because, you know... stocks and all that.
I thought Valve was supporting Linux because of the Steambox (maybe a chicken-egg thing) and as a middle finger to Microsoft.
I thought Valve was supporting Linux because of the Steambox (maybe a chicken-egg thing) and as a middle finger to Microsoft.
Yes, that is definitely true, but (from what I've been able to gather), it appears they were planning to support Linux a couple of years before the Steambox was even an idea. So, I guess that maybe that "quote from a dev conference" might have been before the revealing of the Steambox? Huh...

Thanks a lot, mate, now I'm wondering about that, as well... *Off to search this on Google for an hour*
Don't let squirrel see this.


Wow. THIS is my king of sale!!! I just bought all of them, except Normality (which I already own), and Alien Breed (<< sometimes "Bargain Bin" games are called that for a reason...).

Hmmm... On a entirely different note, I just realized something suspicious: The End has a squirrel for his avatar, AND his humour is quite similar to that of NinjaSquirrel. If not doppelgangers, then supervillain twin brothers, maybe? :whistle2:k

*The plot just keeps getting thicker*

EDIT: Wait, is his avatar actually a chipmunk, or is it just an abnormally obese squirrel?

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Hmmm... On a entirely different note, I just realized something suspicious: The End has a squirrel for his avatar, AND his humour is quite similar to that of NinjaSquirrel. If not doppelgangers, then supervillain twin brothers, maybe? :whistle2:k
Am I the only one who's ever seen a prairie dog? (why is everyone so wrong)

And The End is much too polite to be my alt.

Also, shouldn't THIS be where the "anti-aircraft gun" is in that jpeg (well, at least if that pic is intended for rednecks and IRA terrorists)?


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You won't be crying about it when you're trying to feed some *real* squirrel, and instead of gratefully accepting your offering of acorns, he bites the living shit out of you and gives you rabies... Oh, wait, yeah, you would probably be crying then. :twisted:
oh she's crying...i figured with it being anime it was something else dripping down her face

You won't be crying about it when you're trying to feed some *real* squirrel, and instead of gratefully accepting your offering of acorns, he bites the living shit out of you and gives you rabies... Oh, wait, yeah, you would probably be crying then. :twisted:
That's what you get for not knowing a squirrel from a prairie dog, squirrels just want some respect :nottalking:

oh she's crying...i figured with it being anime it was something else dripping down her face
You sick, twisted, sonuvabitch. :shock:

EDIT: I had to Google what "loli" was the other day when Idiotekque said this thread was lacking in them, and before scarring my mind with that search, I thought "loli" meant some (at least partially) innocent meme involving lollipops... Boy was I wrong.

Also, after searching that, I'm probably on some FBI watchlist for pedophilia or something. Which is even worse because I'm around the age that most pedophiles are at (meaning in their fifties).

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EDIT: I had to Google what "loli" was the other day when Idiotekque said this thread was lacking in them, and before scarring my mind with that search, I thought "loli" meant some (at least partially) innocent meme involving lollipops... Boy was I wrong.
Then definitely don't Google (or Bing) 'trap (anime)'.

You sick, twisted, sonuvabitch. :shock:

EDIT: I had to Google what "loli" was the other day when Idiotekque said this thread was lacking in them, and before scarring my mind with that search, I thought "loli" meant some (at least partially) innocent meme involving lollipops... Boy was I wrong.

Also, after searching that, I'm probably on some FBI watchlist for pedophilia or something. Which is even worse because I'm around the age that most pedophiles are at (meaning in their fifties).
....how can you... It's even mentioned The Police - Don't Stand So Close to Me.


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I picked up Ultimate Body Blows since I remembered trying a demo of the first one, many moons prior.

The control scheme is really bizarre for a fighting game; move with WERSDXCV, attack with J.
I'm tempted to buy this but for a weird reason... I bought a weird looking CD that had Chinese writing about a year ago. The characters on the cover were from that game. The CD ended up being filled with copier-formatted SNES games, which was amazing and downright weird (what was that doing in Southern California?!)

... yeah.

Don't let squirrel see this.



Wow. THIS is my king of sale!!! I just bought all of them, except Normality (which I already own), and Alien Breed (<< sometimes "Bargain Bin" games are called that for a reason...).
Well, we already knew you weren't a real CAG, but this confirms it.


oh she's crying...i figured with it being anime it was something else dripping down her face
You know you've had too much male fluids when it starts seeping from your tear ducts.

You sick, twisted, sonuvabitch. :shock:

EDIT: I had to Google what "loli" was the other day when Idiotekque said this thread was lacking in them, and before scarring my mind with that search, I thought "loli" meant some (at least partially) innocent meme involving lollipops... Boy was I wrong.

Also, after searching that, I'm probably on some FBI watchlist for pedophilia or something. Which is even worse because I'm around the age that most pedophiles are at (meaning in their fifties).
No worries broman, it's legal in the US of A.

Then definitely don't Google (or Bing) 'trap (anime)'.

....how can you... It's even mentioned The Police - Don't Stand So Close to Me.
It's funny how "loli" has become such an inherently Japanese thing, when the term comes from a Russian's book.

**Classic Gem Promo**

Theme Parkhttp://www.gog.com/game/theme_park - $2.99 (50% off)

EDIT: Just to prove to Idiotekque that I'm actually a *real* CAG Out of sheer helpfulness to my fellow CAGs, I would like to point out that (if my memory serves me correctly) Theme Park has been known to more than occasionally go on sale for 60%-75% off. So, unless you have a sudden craving for a retro building/tycoon sim fix, I would hold off on this one for now...
Actually this is the first time it's been on sale, you're probably thinking of Theme Hospital.

When are they going to fix the wikis on this site? The op lost it again.

bread's done