GOG Deals Thread

Did some more digging on this. The GOG version is much more stable than the steam version. There's an issue with the steam version where you need to rename .exe files to get the game to run properly.

Now I need to buy the game here... Oh my poor wallet
I feel a bit silly asking this, but it's been nagging at me for a while. And I'm asking here because this seems to be the place to discuss likes. What the etiquette for accidentally liking a post? Leave it be, or take it back?
I think nuking the CAG servers from orbit is the only way to be sure.

I never had any issues running Jade Empire on Steam, if that's what you guys are talking about.. I use Windows 7 64bit

I've never tried to run it... Just read a lot of people having problems with that version
King of Dragon Pass was my first (and looking-like-only) purchase of this sale, even though I've been watching it pretty closely. For whatever that's worth.

I feel a bit silly asking this, but it's been nagging at me for a while. And I'm asking here because this seems to be the place to discuss likes. What the etiquette for accidentally liking a post? Leave it be, or take it back?
If you click "un-like", the only thing that happens is that there is no longer a note on that post of your liking it. The person who's post you liked, and then un-liked, still gets credit for the initial like in their "like" point count. And un-liking that post doesn't take that point away. Also, they don't don't receive a second notification that one of their posts was un-liked.

I think I'm ready to get my PhD in "likes"

EDIT: Guess they changed the fact that you used to retain the like point when a post is un-liked. See below.

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If you click "un-like", the only thing that happens is that there is no longer a note on that post of your liking it. The person who's post you liked, and then un-liked, still gets credit for the initial like in their "like" point count. And un-liking that post doesn't take that point away. Also, they don't don't receive a second notification that one of their posts was un-liked.

I think I'm ready to get my Phd in "likes"
Nah, you're not ready to get your Phd. I just tested it on you and you still have 775 points. Should've been 776 if your theory was correct ;)
Nah, you're not ready to get your Phd. I just tested it on you and you still have 775 points. Should've been 776 if your theory was correct ;)
Oh they've changed it then. You used to retain the "like" point. I actually did a test with this a few days after the like system was introduced and I retained the like point back then.

I am right about not getting the second notification though.

EDIT: I've invested entirely too much energy & time into unlocking the secrets of the "like" system.

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I'm stepping out for a second; if the next game is Jade Empire, can somebody save me a copy please?

EDIT: Back again. No Jade Empire. *sniff*

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So there is a consequence to un-liking a post.  I have been taking back likes that I've accidentally given, but in doing so I feel a twinge of guilt.  It feels... uncharitable.

So there is a consequence to un-liking a post. I have been taking back likes that I've accidentally given, but in doing so I feel a twinge of guilt. It feels... uncharitable.
I've liked a post by accident on several occasions. Usually because the "like" button is just above the "quote" button and I clicked on the wrong one (I'm kind of an idiot).

I always just leave it though. I mean, unless the post is about that person's secret admiration of Adolf Hitler or how N.A.M.B.L.A. is just misunderstood, I figure, what's the harm?

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New game coming in a minute. Lets see somebody new posting it. I think Detruire & I have been posting too many of them. Lets get some new blood in here.

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In the home stretch...

This is the list of games. Included is a section of the games that have had their last appearance.
Psychonauts $2.49
Spellforce Platinum $2.49
Thief 2: Metal Age $1.99
(DONE) Alpha Centauri $1.49
(DONE) Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic $2.49
(DONE) Anodyne $2.49
(DONE) Anvil of Dawn $1.49
(DONE) Aquanox $1.49
(DONE) Aquanox 2: Revelation $1.49
(DONE) Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut $4.99
(DONE) Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga $1.99
(DONE) Baldur's Gate 2 Complete $1.99
(DONE) Beyond Good and Evil $2.49
(DONE) Blackwell Bundle $2.99
(DONE) Blood (One Unit Whole Blood) $1.49
(DONE) Book of Unwritten Tales $4.99
(DONE) Brutal Legend $3.74
(DONE) Chaos Engine $3.29
(DONE) Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena $2.99
(DONE) Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller $10.09
(DONE) Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav $3.99
(DONE) Deus Ex GOTY $1.99
(DONE) Defender's Quest $2.99
(DONE) Divinity: Dragon Commander Imperial Ed. $22.49
(DONE) Don't Starve $4.99
(DONE) Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Ed $1.49
(DONE) Eador. Masters of the Broken World $5.99
(DONE) Evoland $2.49

(DONE) Expeditions: Conquistador $4.99
(DONE) FEZ $2.99
(DONE) Geneforge 1-5 $2.99
(DONE) Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $2.99

(DONE) Heroes of Might & Magic 3: Complete Ed $2.49
(DONE) Heroes of Might & Magic 5 bundle $4.99

(DONE) Hotline Miami $2.49
(DONE) I have No Mouth And I Must Scream $1.93
(DONE) Icewind Dale Complete $1.99
(DONE) Inquisitor $3.74
(DONE) Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within $11.99
(DONE) Jade Empire: Special Ed $2.99
(DONE) King of Dragon Pass $1.49
(DONE) King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY $4.99
(DONE) La Mulana $2.99
(DONE) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver $1.49
(DONE) Leisure Suit Larry $2.49
(DONE) Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded $7.99
(DONE) Lords of Midnight $1.93
(DONE) Lucius $3.99
(DONE) Magrunner: Dark Pulse $9.99
(DONE) Master of Magic $1.19
(DONE) Master of Orion 1+2 $1.49
(DONE) Megabyte Punch $4.99
(DONE) Miasmata $2.99
(DONE) Might & Magic 6-pack: Limited Ed. $2.49
(DONE) Myst: Masterpiece Ed $1.49
(DONE) Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Ed. $1.99
(DONE) Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete $3.99
(DONE) Nexus: The Jupiter Incident $1.99
(DONE) Omerta: City of Gangsters + all DLC $7.99
(DONE) Planescape: Torment $1.99
(DONE) Populous: The Beginning $1.49
(DONE) Postal 2 Complete $2.49
(DONE) Primordia $2.49
(DONE) Puddle $1.99
(DONE) Rayman Origins $4.99
(DONE) The Real Texas $2.99
(DONE) Resonance $2.49
(DONE) Reus $2.49
(DONE) Retro City Rampage $3.74
(DONE) Rogue Legacy $4.99
(DONE) Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum $5.99
(DONE) Rise of the Triad $7.49
(DONE) Sacred Gold $1.99
(DONE) Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator $1.49
(DONE) Shadow Man $2.39
(DONE) Shelter $3.99
(DONE) Sniper Elite: Berlin 1945 $1.99
(DONE) Space Colony HD $2.49
(DONE) Startopia $1.49
(DONE) Strike Suit Zero $4.99

(DONE) Sword of the Stars: The Pit $2.09
(DONE) Syberia $1.99
(DONE) System Shock 2 $1.99
(DONE) Tales of Monkey Island $5.24
(DONE) Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon $2.49
(DONE) Thief Gold $1.99
(DONE) Thief 3: Deadly Shadows $1.99
(DONE) Theme Hospital $1.49
(DONE) Thunderscape $2.39
(DONE) Tomb Raider 1+2+3 $2.49
(DONE) Torchlight $2.99
(DONE) Total Annihilation: Commander Pack $1.49
(DONE) Total Annihilation: Kingdoms $1.49
(DONE) Tropico 3 Gold Ed. $2.99
(DONE) Two Worlds 2: Epic Ed. $3.99
(DONE) Ultima 7 The Complete Ed. $1.49
(DONE) Ultima Underworld 1+2 $1.49
(DONE) Wargame: European Escalation $6.69
(DONE) Wing Commander 4 $1.49
(DONE) Wing Commander: Privateer $1.49
(DONE) The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings $5.99 
Note: The most recent game added to the "Done" list is Expeditions: Conquistador. Anyone reposting this list should start with the games added after that.

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I went ahead and reserved a copy of Jade Empire for gifting. If you want it, PM me your email address (that's how GOG handles gifting). First come first served, tab closes in an hour when I leave.

Curses, something went up for free when I blinked.

Looked like Syberia.

Sword of the Stars The Pit 70% is up now.

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Aaaannnd I got the last game I wanted :) I can sleep tonight. It's been a pleasure surviving this sale with you all :)

My final haul was:

Master of Orion 1+2
Neverwinter Nights Diamond
Neverwinter. nights 2 Complete
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate 2
Icewind Dale
Divine Divinity (yeah, I know it's not technically an Insomnia sale game, but it WAS on sale!)
King of Dragon Pass (Thank you Uzur9!)
Jade Empire
Sword of the Stars: The Pit

Heh, and I didn't plan on buying ANYTHING :)

Only game I missed that I really wanted was Baldur's Gate 2, but maybe I'll get the enhanced edition on Steam.
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omg I'm dying of laughter XDDDD Just need Thief 2 to pop up and I'll finally be done. I've bought waaaaay more games than I thought I would, but that's all right.

Jees! Sword of the Stars has been up for three and a half hours or so, now!

This feels longer than even Keane or Cognition, or am I wrong?

P.S. - Also, I'm (fairly) new here at CAG, in that I've been lurking on this thread since the beginning of time of the GOG Insomnia sale...   I discovered the wonderful CheapassGamer website via a Google search for the deals that already came and went while I was sleeping.

As a final note, I can sadly say that I might have taken the title of the sale a bit too literally:     Over the past four days, I've stayed up all night twice, however thankfully not because of the sale (although it did give me an excuse to watch what games went on sale while everyone else was sleeping).

In other words, life as an architecture intern is awful... :roll:

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Well, I guess I'm glad that GOG decided to save Sword of the Stars for the end of the Insomnia sale. 

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bread's done