Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='JJSP']CAG, you decide - :360: special edition or regular? I've got the store credit for both, and have spent maybe $30 real money to get it.[/quote]Regular, unless you need a new gym bag.

The deposit box and bag don't seem either useful or decorative to me, so I'm getting the regular edition. If I want to listen to the soundtrack, I'll just play the game.
[quote name='mrelusive']Regular, unless you need a new gym bag.

The deposit box and bag don't seem either useful or decorative to me, so I'm getting the regular edition. If I want to listen to the soundtrack, I'll just play the game.[/quote]
Kinda my thoughts as well. If it was the metal case a la Halo 3 or Mass Effect, I'd be all over it.
I was disappointed with the special edition. The duffel bag doesn't seem nearly quality enough to be worthwhile, and the lockbox I can't imagine doing anything but taking up space in a closet.

I've always preferred things that might've taken the place of props in the gameworld, like a coffee mug from Bean Machine, or a baseball bat signed by one of the Swingers. Something with a bit more creativity and personality than just a piece of swag with the logo slapped onto it.

That Vault-Tec lunchbox, for instance, gives me pause about buying the regular edition Fallout 3.

Anyone else got any good ideas of what they'd like to have seen?
[quote name='zengonzo']I've always preferred things that might've taken the place of props in the gameworld, like a coffee mug from Bean Machine, or a baseball bat signed by one of the Swingers. [/quote]

Some of the screenshots suggest that a bank robbery takes place in the game...I presumed that's where the inspiration for the duffle and lockbox came from.
[quote name='zengonzo']And that might be sufficient for me were they to come stuffed with bundles of cash.[/quote]

Rockstar gets the bundles of cash. You just get the gym bag. ;)
Hmmm i'm kinda torn on which to get myself now also. From reading everyone's posts the LE seems to be a meh deal. I doubt I would have a use for any of this besides sitting in my closet taking up space.

I'll probably end up getting the LE since im a sucker :(
Finally used up the last of my Christmas bonus and pre-ordered the regular edition.

I can't wait to be carded by the crazy regional manager that would be suspicious of selling GTA to even a 50-year old man.
[quote name='bmachine']Rockstar gets the bundles of cash. You just get the gym bag. ;)[/quote]

The rats! They double-crossed me!

[quote name='pimpinc333']I'll probably end up getting the LE since im a sucker :([/quote]

Hey, consider it a tip from a proven fan. Ain't no shame in supporting the team. You're going to love the game, and this is how you're showing it. Kudos.
Shacknews has a mirror of the leaked footage that was taken down on Youtube:

Was surprised to see that there's actually gameplay in this game. Based on the "trailers" I thought it was just one big, long cutscene. Seriously, I hate "trailers" for games. Completely worthless. Rockstar is high and mighty and can do whatever they want, but the whole cinematic hype machine for games nowadays really shows you little to nothing about how the game actually plays.

Now that my rant is over let me say that the gameplay looks sweet. Animations are very fluid. They should have shown some gunplay though.
Console fanboy war starting at
Everyone is fighting about what looks better, PS3 or 360. lol.

They both look pretty similar, but the funny part is that people are showing all kinds of videos and getting them all mixed up. OMG LOOK AT PS3! and then you'll see "Press Y button" in the corner.

Man I can't wait till monday night.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']Console fanboy war starting at
Everyone is fighting about what looks better, PS3 or 360. lol.

They both look pretty similar, but the funny part is that people are showing all kinds of videos and getting them all mixed up. OMG LOOK AT PS3! and then you'll see "Press Y button" in the corner.

Man I can't wait till monday night.[/quote]People are comparing the quality of the graphics using crappy YouTube videos as examples?

"These are dark days indeed."
[quote name='mrelusive']People are comparing the quality of the graphics using crappy YouTube videos as examples?

"These are dark days indeed."[/quote]

Well that, and the fact that they pile this retarded article on top of it...

There are just a little over five days left until the release of
GTA IV, and this morning we bring you five news stories.

Firstly, this week IGN is running a
"GTA IV week", where new content is posted everyday. Yesterday we already reported on the interview with the game's Art Director, Aaron Garbut, which can be read here. Last night they published an article detailing four of the game's multiplayer modes - covering Free Mode, Team Mafiya Work, Team Car Jack City and Turf War. Read that over here.

Yesterday we reported on the US edition of OXM giving the game a final score of 9.5/10, as seen here. Today we have news on another Xbox magazine,
Xbox World 360(UK), who gave the game a score of 98%, saying the game has an "oscar-worthy dialogue", "unfeasibly rich gameworld" and "inspiring mission design".

Contrary to what many expected, it seems as though the PlayStation 3 version is selling more than the Xbox 360 version at certain large retailers. UK retailer ASDA is reporting that the PS3 version is selling three times more than its rival - the Xbox 360. Over in Australia,
EB Games is reporting that while their pre-sales figures show both versions selling fairly close, the PS3 version is in the lead. Another retailer in that country,
Gametraders, is saying the PS3 version is selling double than the Xbox 360.

Interesting indeed, I myself - who is a big fan of the Xbox 360 - will be getting the PlayStation 3 version, as I've read and heard personally from people who have played the game already that this version is undoubtedly superior to the Xbox 360. Granted, not as much that I would recommend going out to buy a PS3 console if you have a 360 already. Too bad that episodic content is Xbox exclusive, is Take-Two/Rockstar regretting that decision now?

If you live in the U.S. and have access to
G4TV, then you can tune in this Sunday at noon, as the channel will be showing game play footage of the game. According to them, this will be the first place where such footage will be available to the public.

Lastly, Capcom in Japan
announced that they'll be publishing the game locally later this year. Stay tuned for all the updates!

We all already knew that the color would be brighter and less blur fx. If that's the big deal.
That author is is pretty stupid.

Why would Rockstar be regretting their DLC deal with MS? They're walking away with at least 50 million dollars.
No one should be surprised that the PS3 edition is outselling the 360 edition in Europe. I'm a member of a Premiership football club site, and the 360 is treated only slightly better than it is in Japan.
It's killing me to not watch all these videos and such. I don't want to spoil a single moment for myself. I have to go to Target to buy new underwear this week, because I'll be crapping myself silly all next week!
PS3 version's better than the 360 one? now I don't know which to get. I have the 360 LE taken care of.. maybe I should switch it to the PS3 LE? Argh!
I've actually read from a Rockstar dev that he prefers the 360 version.

I think visually, they'll be on the same level, with the 360 edging out the PS3 version with Achievements, DLC and Live.
I caught one YouTube clip of gameplay; Wow!the game looks incredible. Car models are fantastic.

Don't bother looking for any other YouTube videos- There's at least 50 videos entitled "GTA4 Gameplay" that have footage from 4 year old PC game Gangster to scrolling text. Arg, that's why I hate Youtube sometimes.

It's a shame there's no concise word on which system is better. I preordered the 360 version, for D/L content (Which if the pricing I hear is correct, I'll probably never buy). I wont have time to change my preorder before wednesday. I assume reviews will be out Tuesday night.

I don't care about colors, and bloom, strictly framerate! Any comments?
[quote name='Scorch']PS3 version's better than the 360 one? now I don't know which to get. I have the 360 LE taken care of.. maybe I should switch it to the PS3 LE? Argh![/quote]

PS3 uses less motion blur, and is "brighter".
If you want to go on that. lol.
[quote name='zewone']I've actually read from a Rockstar dev that he prefers the 360 version.

I think visually, they'll be on the same level, with the 360 edging out the PS3 version with Achievements, DLC and Live.[/quote]

Yah. I'm not so concerned about PS3 edging out the 360 version in terms of graphics. The dlc is where it's at, son. Cost is my only concern, since Wombat was talking about how Shivering Isles was $30. Why would an entire new city cost any less? I hope they don't sock it to us, though.
There is no doubt in my mind that the DLC will be $30. And you know what? If it's huge and awesome, I will pay $30 for it.

And yes, the gameplay videos are amazing. The game looks so much better than I ever expected. You know how you see those screenshots and go "oh that must be rendered." To see the game in action for real, it actually does look that good.

I wonder if the PS3 will get the same content in disc form. Makes you wonder how the exclusitivity agreement was worded, what exactly is exclusive about it.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Agreed.

I wonder if the PS3 will get the same content in disc form. Makes you wonder how the exclusitivity agreement was worded, what exactly is exclusive about it.[/QUOTE]

For $50 million dollars, I'm sure MS had some good lawyers put together the contract for them not to be able to weasel out of the deal.
[quote name='zewone']For $50 million dollars, I'm sure MS had some good lawyers put together the contract for them not to be able to weasel out of the deal.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but wasn't everyone POSITIVE that we'd never see III, VC or SA on the Xbox?

We'll see how it all pans out. There might just be several months worth of exclusitivity, or the ability to download. I've heard a couple different people I take seriously hear that the PS3 will get extra content as well, just no word on what, when or how.
I just thought of something. I wonder if Microsoft is planning a "surprise" on launch day. Especially since they have had two planned live "maintenance" days and a dashboard patch very recently. Can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with part of their GTA4 exclusive content.

It also would not surprise me for the DLC, or part of it, to launch on launch day as a surprise. $50m is enough to push a date 6 months so that major DLC could be finished for launch day.

One can dream....
It'll probably be DLC that will be available for both systems.

Unless Sony wants to pay for their own DLC, Rockstar will maximize profits by allowing that DLC on both consoles.

[quote name='thrustbucket']I just thought of something. I wonder if Microsoft is planning a "surprise" on launch day. Especially since they have had two planned live "maintenance" days and a dashboard patch very recently. Can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with part of their GTA4 exclusive content.

It also would not surprise me for the DLC, or part of it, to launch on launch day as a surprise. $50m is enough to push a date 6 months so that major DLC could be finished for launch day.

One can dream....[/QUOTE]
That would actually suck ass, because that means they could have put that data on the disc instead of nickel and dime-ing us the day of release. A very EA sort of move.
[quote name='zewone']That would actually suck ass, because that means they could have put that data on the disc instead of nickel and dime-ing us the day of release. A very EA sort of move.[/quote]

Plus, it will mean less sales for them if there is too much content available on Day 1. If the game really is playable for 60+ hours or whatever in order to finish everything I'll be playing it for the next 4 months or so and I wouldn't even think about buying new DLC before then.
is anyone else suprised at the lack of mainstream ad's for this game and for msft to pimp there system as the one to get it for. Considering the game has been linked with the playstation name since GTA 3, and the $50 mill for the exclusive DLC that msft paid I would have thought we would have had a huge marketing campaign. Yes it is all over the gaming websites/mags but I personally have yet to see a TV ad for the game. You would think that msft would have this all over the TV with a xbox logo at the end of the ad and with exclusive DLC only on xbox 360. PS3 had the TV ads for assasins creed with the playstation brand and cost of a console at the end of the a. It doesn't make sense to me and I hope MSFT has something huge up there sleeves.
In the case of GTA, ryanbph, they don't really need to advertise.

Drawing any more consumer interest right now will just mean lots of people won't be able to get a copy. After a week when all of the psychos have gotten their copy, and the shelves have restocked, advertising will draw in whoever the hell wasn't aware of it, and they'll squeeze out some extra cash.
[quote name='ryanbph']is anyone else suprised at the lack of mainstream ad's for this game and for msft to pimp there system as the one to get it for. Considering the game has been linked with the playstation name since GTA 3, and the $50 mill for the exclusive DLC that msft paid I would have thought we would have had a huge marketing campaign. Yes it is all over the gaming websites/mags but I personally have yet to see a TV ad for the game. You would think that msft would have this all over the TV with a xbox logo at the end of the ad and with exclusive DLC only on xbox 360. PS3 had the TV ads for assasins creed with the playstation brand and cost of a console at the end of the a. It doesn't make sense to me and I hope MSFT has something huge up there sleeves.[/quote]

Im going to side with zengonzo and say GTA really is its own advertising machine. "OH WORD SON, DIS BE DA NEW GTA?!?! ILL IMA COP DAT SHIT" will be heard nationwide soon after release.

Not to mention the news reports will let everyone know what a "revolting" game GTA is.
I understand your point...but IMO that is looking at it from rockstars point of view.

It doesn't help msft if a new customers goes in and buys a ps3 and gta the first week. IMO, if ps3 has a better attach ratio then msft, it will be the turning of the tide.
I have the ps3 version preordered, but I am 90% sure I will be trading that for the 360 version. Unless when the onslaught of reviews come out, and they say the ps3 version is superior. Even if it is better, graphically or whatever, xbl and dlc outweigh a slight framerate issue or sub-ps3 graphics. The gameplay footage, while I jsut fast forwarded through it seemed fine, no framrate issues and it all seemed smooth, but that was the ps3 version right? Lets wait until some 360 footage comes out that is over flash quality.
[quote name='ryanbph']I understand your point...but IMO that is looking at it from rockstars point of view.

It doesn't help msft if a new customers goes in and buys a ps3 and gta the first week. IMO, if ps3 has a better attach ratio then msft, it will be the turning of the tide.[/quote]

I see what you mean. The UK/Ireland ad did notably feature the 360, in fact seemed to be advertising the console rather than the game, using the game as a propellant.

Honestly, it is pretty rare that I ever see any game advertising anyways. Much more so than movies or any other media, apart from books.
I hear ya, but I remeber the onslaught of assasins creed ad's last fall that featured the PS3 at the end of the ad with the new low price. It is true, I haven't seen many games advertised this year besides for turok, burnout and dark sector but IIRC msft plans on this game pushing systems. I don't remeber if it was a msft person or a major video game podcast (1up/ign) that had talked about that a couple months back. How msft was going to be tossing around halo 3 type money on the marketing budget. Maybe they have, but have only done it with the gaming mags and gta consoles that they are giving to communities to give to there listeners.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']I have the ps3 version preordered, but I am 90% sure I will be trading that for the 360 version. Unless when the onslaught of reviews come out, and they say the ps3 version is superior. Even if it is better, graphically or whatever, xbl and dlc outweigh a slight framerate issue or sub-ps3 graphics. The gameplay footage, while I jsut fast forwarded through it seemed fine, no framrate issues and it all seemed smooth, but that was the ps3 version right? Lets wait until some 360 footage comes out that is over flash quality.[/quote]

Saw both.
And I can't say I saw a lot of difference.

It's basically just like they said. The PS3 was cooler colored while the 360 looked darker and had that slight comic book blur feeling that's not really noticed until you turn quickly. Other than that I didn't see many framerate issues in either... ANY actually. The guy with the 360 was pushing the hell out of it too by crossing the "blocked" areas and getting all the stars.

As usual, both videos are now "removed by Take Two". lol.

Seriously though if anything gets the edge it's going to be the download content. Because I didn't see much difference. I also wonder what kind of TV's they were on.
[quote name='help1']Im going to side with zengonzo and say GTA really is its own advertising machine. "OH WORD SON, DIS BE DA NEW GTA?!?! ILL IMA COP DAT SHIT" will be heard nationwide soon after release.

Not to mention the news reports will let everyone know what a "revolting" game GTA is.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, GTA has always been its own advert. When the III one came out, I didn't find out about it until it was all over the news with "hookers... and blackjack". Than of course we all had to get it. After all of the airtime III got I think everyone knew about it. Even my mother, who never played a game, apart from the wii, knew when GTA IV is coming out because its all over the news and news sites. She even understands the impact it will make, she is a comic fan and thinks they should delay the release of The Iron Man because of the release.

Either way, GTA IV will drive sales for both consoles, probably more PS3s, but still a good number of 360s. I can imagine a bunch of people/kids still playing their ps2/xboxs who are saving up the cash to buy a next gen console, and as I did before I bought my first, scouring the internets to find which console is better and such. If you own any console above a PS2, you know about GTA IV and when it comes out. They dont need to add. Like someone pointed out, Microsoft needs to advertise its GTA "superiority" hard. I know alot of people are on the fence about what system to buy it for. And if Microsoft can trick people into getting more of their console by marketing the 360 version as being "better" (they have the means to, with DLC and XBL) they can generate a lot of sales from a third party game not made by themselves.

[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']

Seriously though if anything gets the edge it's going to be the download content. Because I didn't see much difference. I also wonder what kind of TV's they were on.[/QUOTE]

That will make a big difference if what you perceive as the quality of the graphics. I have to admit that most of my friends that own a 360, play it on sdtvs, while I don't know anyone who has a ps3 and no hdtv, maybe because when they bought it they saw it as a more media device (blu-ray). I think a higher percentage of ps3 owners use hdtvs just because you have to to use blu-ray. It wont matter to most gaemr types since I think a lot of "us" use hdtvs or computer monitors. Plus, the settings of the tv can make a big difference. If its not agjusted there will be jaggies and shit that doesn;t exist. That happened to me when I put in GOW for the first time. I was using a new input on my monitor so the settings were the factory ones and it looked like shit.
bread's done